OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #24

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DS said he had a padlock for locking the outside of the camper. That's how he knew KR was there (and he likely saw his vehicle). With all of these other precautions, it just doesn't make sense that he'd not repair a broken door lock. How did it get broken? Did someone jimmy it prior to this? Honestly, I think the killer was sitting right in there with him, or he hollered "Come on in" as he was getting ready for bed, because he knew them, and possibly expected them.

I guess I'm not ready to believe the door lock was broken. I still think it is possible the padlock was for added security when he was away.

Does anyone have proof the lock was broken?
I guess I'm not ready to believe the door lock was broken. I still think it is possible the padlock was for added security when he was away.

Does anyone have proof the lock was broken?

Other than 1of's posts. No. But we don't have proof that it wasn't, either. I just find it a little odd that someone w/so many safety nets in place, and a neighbor on high alert for odd cars, and the Rhodens being handymen too, that KR would not repair something as easy to fix as a door lock. I lock my doors to keep honest folk, honest, if for no other reason.
As I said earlier, Kenny might have put a slide lock on the inside of the door. But I also agree the padlock could have just been added security if he kept cash in the house. I think the only person that would verify Donald spent the nite away from home would be his gf. Cops would neither confirm nor deny finding money on the bed. And that could mean its trivial to the case, or could be considered a big clue. But every time we hear from LE, at least one thing has been chgd from a previous report. It seems like Charlie is determined to keep everybody clueless. And I DO NOT believe the babies are in any danger. Never have. I think LE is dangling the babies over the family like a bargaining tool. And if that was being done to my family, I would file the biggest lawsuit the county has ever seen. That is not only cruel and unusual punishment, but I'm pretty sure it is borderline illegal.
As I said earlier, Kenny might have put a slide lock on the inside of the door. But I also agree the padlock could have just been added security if he kept cash in the house. I think the only person that would verify Donald spent the nite away from home would be his gf. Cops would neither confirm nor deny finding money on the bed. And that could mean its trivial to the case, or could be considered a big clue. But every time we hear from LE, at least one thing has been chgd from a previous report. It seems like Charlie is determined to keep everybody clueless. And I DO NOT believe the babies are in any danger. Never have. I think LE is dangling the babies over the family like a bargaining tool. And if that was being done to my family, I would file the biggest lawsuit the county has ever seen. That is not only cruel and unusual punishment, but I'm pretty sure it is borderline illegal.

Okay, let's say he had;

a slide lock on the inside,
a pit bull
a gun under his pillow
and a nosy neighbor on high alert for strange cars

Still, at the end of the day, not one of those things did him any good. The man was still murdered, in his bed, w/only a single gunshot to the head.
Other than 1of's posts. No. But we don't have proof that it wasn't, either. I just find it a little odd that someone w/so many safety nets in place, and a neighbor on high alert for odd cars, and the Rhodens being handymen too, that KR would not repair something as easy to fix as a door lock. I lock my doors to keep honest folk, honest, if for no other reason.

There has never been a time when I did not have working locks on my doors.

With it being common knowledge that KR sold pot, then I would think door locks would be priority number one with KR. He would have to be in a cave with no internet or TV not to know that people break in and steal to buy drugs, they break in and kill people for their drugs and pills. So I think he would be very aware of the possibility that someone would break in to steal his drugs and the cash generated from the sales of them.
Okay, let's say he had;

a slide lock on the inside,
a pit bull
a gun under his pillow
and a nosy neighbor on high alert for strange cars

Still, at the end of the day, not one of those things did him any good. The man was still murdered, in his bed, w/only a single gunshot to the head.

Locks, vicious dogs, guns, cameras, and nosy neighbors who run over to your house every time they see a car parked in your drive only works if it is a stranger. None of those are effective when friends and family come visiting. JS
Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader told WCPO-TV this week that he now believes the killers were local .


Attorney General Mike DeWine, overseeing the investigation along with the sheriff, will say only that the killers had to be familiar with land around the properties, as well as the properties themselves.

Though many residents of the rural county about 80 miles south of Columbus also believe the killers are local, most aren’t worried about their safety. They believe the family members were specifically targeted.
I promise I'm not trying to drag this working lock or broken lock issue out but just saying until something definitive comes out we may not know 100℅.


This article mentions the marijuana, seeing KR's leg.... Looking up and seeing blood in his eyes.....


Here we learn about no lock on the outside used when KR was gone, blood everywhere, the money stem about the legs.....

Both accounts recounted by DS.

Maybe DS got a bit too excited when talking? Maybe someone told him to shut the h*ll up? Maybe.....

It's a crap shoot from this end of the story.

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There has never been a time when I did not have working locks on my doors.

With it being common knowledge that KR sold pot, then I would think door locks would be priority number one with KR. He would have to be in a cave with no internet or TV not to know that people break in and steal to buy drugs, they break in and kill people for their drugs and pills. So I think he would be very aware of the possibility that someone would break in to steal his drugs and the cash generated from the sales of them.

I've lived in an era where folks didn't lock their doors if they were running out to the store and back, but, uhm, no, not now, and especially not at night.
Locks, vicious dogs, guns, cameras, and nosy neighbors who run over to your house every time they see a car parked in your drive only works if it is a stranger. None of those are effective when friends and family come visiting. JS

Exactly. Also, nosy neighbors that far from your driveway would have to be watching someone pretty closely to i.d. which cars are friends, family, or strangers/potential bad guys. Look at the aerials.
Exactly. Also, nosy neighbors that far from your driveway would have to be watching someone pretty closely to i.d. which cars are friends, family, or strangers/potential bad guys. Look at the aerials.


The aerial view of 799 left fork rd, Kenneth's camper location. I don't see any location that would be considered to be close. If the people that were murdered didn't see or hear a vehicle then why would anyone see or hear a vehicle. In reference to LE saying that the suspect/s knew the property, I am thinking that the homes, trailers/camper were approached from the rear. I don't think that the suspects pulled up in the driveways and parked. They probably parked away from the properties.jmo


Below at Dana's they could have parked in the driveway to the left of the barn.jmo


Here at Christopher's they could have pulled over on the side of the road.jmo


As professional as they seem to have been in the killings I am sure they thought ahead of parking and not being seen or leaving tire tracks.jmo

The aerial view of 799 left fork rd, Kenneth's camper location. I don't see any location that would be considered to be close. If the people that were murdered didn't see or hear a vehicle then why would anyone see or hear a vehicle. In reference to LE saying that the suspect/s knew the property, I am thinking that the homes, trailers/camper were approached from the rear. I don't think that the suspects pulled up in the driveways and parked. They probably parked away from the properties.jmo


Below at Dana's they could have parked in the driveway to the left of the barn.jmo


Here at Christopher's they could have pulled over on the side of the road.jmo


As professional as they seem to have been in the killings I am sure they thought ahead of parking and not being seen or leaving tire tracks.jmo

The thing about that is that it was early in the year. No foliage. A full, bright moon. If there were nosy neighbors, and they did drive by, they would possibly notice a car sitting on the side of the road. Also, that terrain is not easy to navigate in the dark w/o some sort of light, even w/a full moon. Not at any type of speed anyway. I'm leaning toward them having a driver, who dropped the assailant(s) off close to the homes, it was late at night, lots of back roads for the driver to cruise up and down until they got the call to be picked up again (or go park in a holler somewhere). They used burner phones to communicate.
The thing about that is that it was early in the year. No foliage. A full, bright moon. If there were nosy neighbors, and they did drive by, they would possibly notice a car sitting on the side of the road. Also, that terrain is not easy to navigate in the dark w/o some sort of light, even w/a full moon. Not at any type of speed anyway. I'm leaning toward them having a driver, who dropped the assailant(s) off close to the homes, it was late at night, lots of back roads for the driver to cruise up and down until they got the call to be picked up again (or go park in a holler somewhere). They used burner phones to communicate.

Let me tell you about walking about in the dark. I have done it, about 15 years ago. In the woods at night in camo, It is not as hard as some would think. I have never feared the dark, especially in the woods. You would be surprised how easy it is to navigate and it is easy enough to be quiet It is easier with a little wind or rain to cover the noise that you make but it's not impossible, especially with wild game in the woods as they as well make noise. After a while dogs that are used to hearing that sound/noise of game, deer, opossum, raccoon, fox they become immune to it. If it is locals then they too know how to walk around in the dark and not bring attention to others.

Did a little beaver hunting for a farmer in Va.
Let me tell you about walking about in the dark. I have done it, about 15 years ago. In the woods at night in camo, It is not as hard as some would think. I have never feared the dark, especially in the woods. You would be surprised how easy it is to navigate and it is easy enough to be quiet It is easier with a little wind or rain to cover the noise that you make but it's not impossible, especially with wild game in the woods as they as well make noise. After a while dogs that are used to hearing that sound/noise of game, deer, opossum, raccoon, fox they become immune to it. If it is locals then they too know how to walk around in the dark and not bring attention to others.

Did a little beaver hunting for a farmer in Va.

I have hunt raccoon, safe to say at least 25 times, and totally agree it is not hard to navigate, granted we carried flashlights, but they were used very sparsely, sometimes never.Trails are easy,as they have been cleared.If I was familiar with the woods I think it would be possible to use a atv carefully though.
Let me tell you about walking about in the dark. I have done it, about 15 years ago. In the woods at night in camo, It is not as hard as some would think. I have never feared the dark, especially in the woods. You would be surprised how easy it is to navigate and it is easy enough to be quiet It is easier with a little wind or rain to cover the noise that you make but it's not impossible, especially with wild game in the woods as they as well make noise. After a while dogs that are used to hearing that sound/noise of game, deer, opossum, raccoon, fox they become immune to it. If it is locals then they too know how to walk around in the dark and not bring attention to others.

Did a little beaver hunting for a farmer in Va.

True. I've done the same. Hiked, swam, camped, whatever, at night. The difference is time factor. I had time on my side, b/c I wasn't rushing, they were. They only had around three and 1/2 hours to kill eight people, collect cameras and recorders, go to lengths to trip up the investigation, and, possibly look for something in particular. OP from Pike County area, on here, said that it would be pretty tough, time-wise, to accomplish this, by going through the wooded hillsides. It is really dense, and steep in places, like it is here in some areas. I just don't see them taking a chance, traipsing through the woods, due to time constraints. I'm not really envisioning these folks as Bear Grylls either. However, I could be wrong.

Another example of how many people are needed in "hired" hits. In this case, it took two hired criminals to kill one person. As usual, in a love triangle, only 1 person was killed.

We've had this discussion before about the logistics, coordination and manpower needed to execute 8 people in 4 locations. At minimum, it would require 3 people - one to drive the getaway car and two at each residence to subdue dogs, fight with any victims who were awakened and shoot them, then do clean up and removal of cameras, etc.
I find this thread astonishing with many different theories but has anyone looked up the characteristics of a mass murderer? I have a good feeling whom the killer (s) are and why he/they did it but will refuse to say. All I can say is look up the characteristics of a mass murder and just visit the FB pages of various family members as it was a family member (s) that committed this crime. I emailed my info last night to the sheriffs office and hopefully it helps. I do have a background in law enforcement and appreciate your views, but the children are not the scope for why the killer (s) did this.
True. I've done the same. Hiked, swam, camped, whatever, at night. The difference is time factor. I had time on my side, b/c I wasn't rushing, they were. They only had around three and 1/2 hours to kill eight people, collect cameras and recorders, go to lengths to trip up the investigation, and, possibly look for something in particular. OP from Pike County area, on here, said that it would be pretty tough, time-wise, to accomplish this, by going through the wooded hillsides. It is really dense, and steep in places, like it is here in some areas. I just don't see them taking a chance, traipsing through the woods, due to time constraints. I'm not really envisioning these folks as Bear Grylls either. However, I could be wrong.

Agree on everything you bring up here. If newer posters here go back several threads, sometime last summer we examined this theory, looking at google map phots, etc. The terrain in the area of the crimes is extremely rugged. It would be pretty much impossible whether on foot or using ATVs.

Besides, why would the killers do that when it'd easier and less risky to drive a car or van up the lonely, dark road at 3 or 4 am to do the job. Traveling on foot is very risky. What do you do if something goes wrong? Escape LE or whomever by running into the woods? There aren't many places close by to park your car so you would be walking and running up and down foothill mountains for hours.

Use a car or van, get in, get out, dump the car a few states away.
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