OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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This is my main theory too. I think someone is going around the area robbing and executing drug dealers. I'll bet they'll strike again too.

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Yeah I mean I'm leaning more towards a user than a justice thing. Dope heads (pills are the same thing) need their fix so it's not uncommon to have different networks or avenues to obtain drugs. So all these different dead people didn't even have to know each other or have any connections if the common denominator is a user. 2 users (suspects) could have 2 different networks, so one knows this location this one knows that location and they work together. Likely targeting larger opportunities. So looking from the outside it may not appear they are connected other than style. Unless LE was watching each location for activity or everyone was logging names of who they are selling drugs to, I feel like it be hard to connect someone to all 3 positively without DNA prints or something. Which I'm assuming they don't have. I'd also assume murder weapons don't match though, and I'm pretty sure the FBI would certainly take lead if it went to multiple states.

I guess there could be a kind of copycat deal too but doubt it.
Do any of you remember when Mr. Pate was posting in here? The retired detective from the Atlanta area? If I recall correctly, didn't he state that it was his opinion that the killer was someone who felt like he was cleaning up the area or something to that theory?

I think they are all connected newsome too. Probably at least one ex military possibly a user or dealer. To uncommon of a style killing for regular crime, all congested in a small area. Rhodens is still odd because they went to 4 locations. Either there was stuff everywhere or not where it was supposed to be and/or they could implicate the killers. 2 of 3 are confirmed pill involvement. Rhodens Gary was confirmed to be involved previously. I think it's all over pills.


It could very well be. Oxycontin is the most lethal product to ever be unleashed in the USA. It was forced on an unsuspecting public by the US government through doctors and pill mills and readily available to any one willing to wait in line for a couple of hours to get a prescription. Often only one bottle of the stuff is all it takes to get addicted to it. And since a doctor is the one who gave it to them people trust that it will not harm them and take it as prescribed. Once they are addicted if they don't overdose on it and kill themselves, they will kill other people for it. It ruins people's lives on a daily basis. Addiction is a hard thing to break. Ask any smoker or coffee drinker.
Do any of you remember when Mr. Pate was posting in here? The retired detective from the Atlanta area? If I recall correctly, didn't he state that it was his opinion that the killer was someone who felt like he was cleaning up the area or something to that theory?

He's still lurking. I think his theory was a SK.
I've decided to re-read MSM news articles starting from last April. I'm hoping to see something I missed. Maybe I will see the events from a new perspective, a new clue or connection, etc.

I wanted to re-post this article from 4/25/16. There were 7 questions about 7 mysteries from the Pike County massacre. (My first time posting a link so I hope it works. You may need to copy/paste into browser.)


I found it amazing that almost a year later, we're STILL trying to answer these SAME 7 things. If my link works and you have time, check it out. Please let me know if I'm missing something.
That's what I have been trying to do when time permits. Busy week here. So far the one thing I can say, when LE hammered on major marijuana grows in the homes they done this family major injustice. Really ticks me off too.

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Another of Ray's big theories was LE involvement. From the first day.
From the get-go, law enforcement knew something. Had they by then, already known what was going on in Pike Co concerning drugs and murders? Is that why all the secrecy about this crime started? IMO, it was. They had already started connecting some dots "before" the Rhodens were murdered. In the "drug world" a lot of talk goes around between dealers, that the "public" never hears about including who's got what kinds of drugs and where to get them. They warn each other when the "cops" have been around and what they said, who their looking for and for what reason.
Channel 12's Debra Dixon was implying that the Eapman murders and the Rhoden murders were connected in some way. Both scenes people died in their sleep and children left alive. It only takes a little over an hour to get to Elsmere Ky from Adams Co Ohio. Not really that far.
They could have all been getting their supplies from the same source. Usually dealers can pretty much put you "in touch" with just about anything your little heart desires. If it turns out that the Eapman's and Rhoden's are connected, then I would assume that the Newsome's are to.
Could the drug "source" have some kind of "hit squad" out there? They have put together a "Task Force" who are checking out cold murder cases. Could this be the "something bigger" that Sheriff Reader is talking about?
My bestie here on WS makes some interesting comments above. I think her theories on the three separate cases could very well be connected. Also since we know the grow ops were greatly exaggerated, it could very well be that unsolved murders, besides the N's and E's, could be related to drug suppliers, maybe not just pushers, as we have discussed here in the past. At this point, just about anything seems plausable.
I thought his theory was that LE was involved?
I could be wrong, though!
I could be wrong too. I think RP mentioned mountain justice at one point (good ole boys who had an ax to grind), I thought he also mentioned that it was a SK that tied in w/the Chillicothe females who'd been murdered (I didn't find this likely and it may not have been RP who mentioned it), and like all of us, he could have had another theory, and it was LE involvement. I've got at least five or so w/three that kinda stay in the top spots but shift places with my mood...
If it is someone who is taking out dealers, who are dealing harder stuff than pot, then they've double crossed them somehow. It could also be someone who has taken it upon themselves to wipe out the hard drug dealers who've lost loved ones to Heroin, or other hard drugs. Some may be connected, some may not be connected. Some of them may be deals gone bad. Any way you look at it, if you're dealing in illegal drugs, you have sketchy people coming around. Even if it's just pot. Like the OP said on here, the local pot dealer can direct you to, or get you, anything else b/c they have customers who dabble in other illegal substances. Then, to some, the money gets to looking a lot better than money for pot and they get in over their heads.
From the get-go, law enforcement knew something. Had they by then, already known what was going on in Pike Co concerning drugs and murders? Is that why all the secrecy about this crime started? IMO, it was. They had already started connecting some dots "before" the Rhodens were murdered. In the "drug world" a lot of talk goes around between dealers, that the "public" never hears about including who's got what kinds of drugs and where to get them. They warn each other when the "cops" have been around and what they said, who their looking for and for what reason.
Channel 12's Debra Dixon was implying that the Eapman murders and the Rhoden murders were connected in some way. Both scenes people died in their sleep and children left alive. It only takes a little over an hour to get to Elsmere Ky from Adams Co Ohio. Not really that far.
They could have all been getting their supplies from the same source. Usually dealers can pretty much put you "in touch" with just about anything your little heart desires. If it turns out that the Eapman's and Rhoden's are connected, then I would assume that the Newsome's are to.
Could the drug "source" have some kind of "hit squad" out there? They have put together a "Task Force" who are checking out cold murder cases. Could this be the "something bigger" that Sheriff Reader is talking about?

I'd really bet money it's not an organized drug ring that's responsible or ordered hits JMO. I'm not saying they weren't possibly involved in some sort of ring
Junk needs to just go. To give those characters a free pass....ugh.
But someone's daddy is "somebody" in town, he pulled in the favor to save his kid and Junk wiped the slate clean . That should be grounds for Junks dismissal. That's just not justice!
Favoritism bought and paid for at its finest!
I believe I will try to find out who Junk answers to OUT of the country and rattle a cage.

I have a thought, just my thought here.
Young DeWine had to remove himself from autopsy case, another Judge who was close to DeWine did the same.
It goes without saying, this is stall tactics.
IF they are not close to making arrests...WHY would they stall?

I am sure there are 'thing's in those autopsy reports that only the killers would know about. Perhaps the reason for not wanting to release the reports is, some "things" have been mentioned by someone being questioned, hence LE knows that person is for real? I can't think of another reason to keep autopsy reports sealed.
I'm discouraged by the seeming lack of progress in this case. I joined WebSleuths because of this case. I have always been interested in true crime stories and never dreamed one would hit this close to home to me. The Rhoden murders, being that they are distant relatives, has made me much more sensitive to the ideas that family members, friends, and others close to the case can come across information on a place like this. I appreciate the gentle way in which WebSleuths treats those folks by keeping a close rein on discussions. It has also made me more sensitive to the amount of work that goes into solving cases, the burden law enforcement carry (the non-corrupt ones), and the kind nature of those whom meet in this technological space to share concern and hopefully solutions to horrible crimes.

My mother grew up with Genova and has so many memories of them that she has shared that it's unbelievable to me that I sit here nearly a year later and know no more than I did when this started as to what happened that night/morning.

I am rambling but the point of my post is that I am discouraged that we still yet do not have any type of justice and honestly, I am not sure there ever will come a time when we do. I really appreciate the folks here whom have not given up and check in periodically with ideas and thoughts.
More details were released this week in the french family annilation case. I share it just in case it resonates to other people. Motive is jealousy.


Mr HC and his wife Mrs LTC have been in dispute for about ten years with Mr PT, LTC's brother. The dispute was over the inheritance of a "family treasure" in gold coins Mr PT was said to have and never shared with her sister LTC.

Many french families have such legend. It is not yet confirmed if the treasure existed. But the important point was both LTC and HC believed it did.

One night, HC entered PT family home to search evidence of the stolen inheritance. PT woke up and confronted HC. This is in France and neither Mr PT or HC own a gun. PT defends his home with a crowbar.

In the struggle, HC wins over PT and kills him with the crowbar. Then kills all witnesses, Mr PT's wife BT, son 21 and daughter 18. All with crowbar.

He comes back in the home the next day to clean up the mess and take the bodies. He dismembered the bodies, burned some parts and buried them on his farm. His wife LTC helped with that.

He took PT son's car and parked it into another town just to fool the investigation. They were caught 3 weeks later. Their mistake was to leave prints inside while claiming they had not seen them in years. They finally confessed while detained 24hrs for interrogation, the local practice.

It could very well be. Oxycontin is the most lethal product to ever be unleashed in the USA. It was forced on an unsuspecting public by the US government through doctors and pill mills and readily available to any one willing to wait in line for a couple of hours to get a prescription. Often only one bottle of the stuff is all it takes to get addicted to it. And since a doctor is the one who gave it to them people trust that it will not harm them and take it as prescribed. Once they are addicted if they don't overdose on it and kill themselves, they will kill other people for it. It ruins people's lives on a daily basis. Addiction is a hard thing to break. Ask any smoker or coffee drinker.


Just based on JR being arrested and the report says he was caught because of information brought to light by the investigation. This also could be reader making one of these arrests for lying. But still think it will be oxy in the end.
Been pondering again. I could be proven wrong on this in the end, but one theory I have pretty much ruled out, is murder for hire, especially in the hills of a tiny Appalachian town. Someone would have let it slip by now that, So and so had said that they wished that whole Rhoden clan would drop dead, or needed killing. If you look up folks who've tried to hire hitmen to kill someone, or have actually accomplished the hiring of a hitman, and someone has actually been murdered, it is usually either out of jealousy or greed (maybe both), and most of the time it ends in one of these two ways:



Even the wealthy have trouble finding a "real" hitman.
I'm discouraged by the seeming lack of progress in this case. I joined WebSleuths because of this case. I have always been interested in true crime stories and never dreamed one would hit this close to home to me. The Rhoden murders, being that they are distant relatives, has made me much more sensitive to the ideas that family members, friends, and others close to the case can come across information on a place like this. I appreciate the gentle way in which WebSleuths treats those folks by keeping a close rein on discussions. It has also made me more sensitive to the amount of work that goes into solving cases, the burden law enforcement carry (the non-corrupt ones), and the kind nature of those whom meet in this technological space to share concern and hopefully solutions to horrible crimes.

My mother grew up with Genova and has so many memories of them that she has shared that it's unbelievable to me that I sit here nearly a year later and know no more than I did when this started as to what happened that night/morning.

I am rambling but the point of my post is that I am discouraged that we still yet do not have any type of justice and honestly, I am not sure there ever will come a time when we do. I really appreciate the folks here whom have not given up and check in periodically with ideas and thoughts.
I also joined because of this case. However, I do not know the Rhodens. I just found this crime to be incomprehensible. Young mothersbeing murdered in bed beside their babies is something that should never happen! My son is the same age as Frankie. I had him as a teen. Dana was my age. I just feel so horrible about this senseless loss.

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I don't think we will see any resolution to this horrific crime.
Not unless there are some changes made within the LE department.
I feel that the LE are covering something up.

:gasp::cuckoo:I agree the hitman theory doesn't seem to fit this crime. And, as a nurse, I guarentee there are things in the autopsy reports known only by the killers. But not nearly as much as has been blacked out. I agree there has been a great deal of stalling by LE and the court system in Pike County. Whether it has to do with sensitive autopsy info, or somebody(s) just not wanting this solved, I don't know.
And yes, Junk needs to be put out of office. If he was receiving threats, then he should have contacted state officials for help, and removed himself from that case. He appears totally spineless, in my opinion. Obviously he needs a job other than one court related. He seems to be in way over his head! And, I am wondering what became of the pot. Did he let them have that back, too?! That entire situation is absolutely bizarre.
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