OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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My understanding reading the post 577,above, it states something to the
effect that the "newborn and six month old" is a year older now.
Does that mean there are two babies with unknown fathers or the baby of
HR'S only?
When I asserted that HR's baby is in care somewhere, and the mystery
father knows the location where the baby is raised, I meant to explain that
the mystery father makes unannounced visits to that baby. I hope I have
helped you understand my point.
HR had the newborn and a two year old. FR and HG had one and FR had another from prior relationship. HGs baby was 6 months old at the time. I think this is where the confusion come in as both mothers have the same name.
HR had the newborn and a two year old. FR and HG had one and FR had another from prior relationship. HGs baby was 6 months old at the time. I think this is where the confusion come in as both mothers have the same name.

When considering the "Baby Daddy" theory, I always have the same problem: why would the crazed, unacknowledged baby daddy go to all the trouble to kill Kenneth Rhoden? Doesn't fit.

Can anyone think of a previous case when a jilted baby daddy killed multiple members of an extended family at 4 different locations? I can't think of any. Most conflicts with JBDs seem to focus on the mother of the child only. Of all the theories out there about the Rhoden Family Massacre, this theory seems the most unlikely and the most cruel and insulting to the children and the murdered parents. JMO :tears:

I feel badly that these young children will have to grow up emotionally scarred from reading about people making unfair accusations against their deceased parents.

In considering this theory, how do you think this murder scenario would have played out? Just curious
When considering the "Baby Daddy" theory, I always have the same problem: why would the crazed, unacknowledged baby daddy go to all the trouble to kill Kenneth Rhoden? Doesn't fit.

Can anyone think of a previous case when a jilted baby daddy killed multiple members of an extended family at 4 different locations? I can't think of any. Most conflicts with JBDs seem to focus on the mother of the child only. Of all the theories out there about the Rhoden Family Massacre, this theory seems the most unlikely and the most cruel and insulting to the children and the murdered parents. JMO :tears:

I feel badly that these young children will have to grow up emotionally scarred from reading about people making unfair accusations against their deceased parents.

In considering this theory, how do you think this murder scenario would have played out? Just curious

I honestly don't see that this is only about one or all of the children. The only way that I can theorize that eight people were murdered by one of the children's father, is if it is the unknown father, and there are some very serious repercussions that he could have faced b/c of being the child's father, and all who knew, had to die. If that makes sense. This scenario is way down on my list of theories though.
All avenues are open really, not that I am stuck in this particular theory.
It does make me stop and think however. Because, HR had only given birth 4 days prior.
Killer knew this, and either liked kids and waited until after birth OR if she was the primary victim....there has to be a why.
But whomever killed these folks don't think like we do. They think it's ok to go kill 8 people on their own no trial, jury, or anything else. This much I do believe, this was major overkill AND I also believe it was done with a primary target, and everyone else had go because of what they knew (in the killers mind). They also knew the family to KNOW to remove cameras and know their way around so well.
Bearing all this in mind, someone not too smart might have thought HR had to go and went way overboard.
When considering the "Baby Daddy" theory, I always have the same problem: why would the crazed, unacknowledged baby daddy go to all the trouble to kill Kenneth Rhoden? Doesn't fit.

Can anyone think of a previous case when a jilted baby daddy killed multiple members of an extended family at 4 different locations? I can't think of any. Most conflicts with JBDs seem to focus on the mother of the child only. Of all the theories out there about the Rhoden Family Massacre, this theory seems the most unlikely and the most cruel and insulting to the children and the murdered parents. JMO :tears:

I feel badly that these young children will have to grow up emotionally scarred from reading about people making unfair accusations against their deceased parents.

In considering this theory, how do you think this murder scenario would have played out? Just curious

Do you know the relationship between that "alledge person" and KR? No you don't, so please do not say that it doesn't make sense.

I hear what you are saying about sparing family from accusations. I am in quandary about this forum.

But I also think blaming LE & AG and dragging the case into directions that are far away from the victims isn't useful and play in favour of the perp.

May be we should just let the LE do their job and wait for the arrests like everybody else
Information released from LE & AG:

1) killers were familiar with the victims, their homes and their routines. They were at least 2.

2) according to Sheriff, with accurate and truthful informations from the people closest to the victims, this case would have been solved

3) They were not killed for the pot they were growing or stolen cars they may have had on their property. It was much bigger than that.

4) the sheriff feared that if information was disclosed, it could put the children and their custodians in danger.

5) Commercial grow operation found

Need links? We discussed many times.
So many theories have been presented that are quite plausible. From the limited legitimate info we have, I have not as yet decided on which theory I believe. The only thing that has stuck in my mind since the beginning is that, IMO, KR's murder was one of opportunity in that his killer knew the others were dead and used that to kill KR for profit. That is the only way I can theorize about his death. I don't know why the babies and toddler were spared but thank God that they were.
Information released from LE & AG:

1) killers were familiar with the victims, their homes and their routines. They were at least 2.

2) according to Sheriff, with accurate and truthful informations from the people closest to the victims, this case would have been solved

3) They were not killed for the pot they were growing or stolen cars they may have had on their property. It was much bigger than that.

4) the sheriff feared that if information was disclosed, it could put the children and their custodians in danger.

5) Commercial grow operation found

Need links? We discussed many times.

I don't think it has even been determined as fact that there were two or more killers... It would be difficult to have less factual information and know a crime happened...
When considering the "Baby Daddy" theory, I always have the same problem: why would the crazed, unacknowledged baby daddy go to all the trouble to kill Kenneth Rhoden? Doesn't fit.

Can anyone think of a previous case when a jilted baby daddy killed multiple members of an extended family at 4 different locations? I can't think of any. Most conflicts with JBDs seem to focus on the mother of the child only. Of all the theories out there about the Rhoden Family Massacre, this theory seems the most unlikely and the most cruel and insulting to the children and the murdered parents. JMO :tears:

I feel badly that these young children will have to grow up emotionally scarred from reading about people making unfair accusations against their deceased parents.

In considering this theory, how do you think this murder scenario would have played out? Just curious

My theory involving a "baby daddy" goes back to the video interview with LM. He kind of rambles off possible reasons for the murders and one was child custody. Then I learned about CRs father being a RSO. The two of those have had me leaning toward the possibility of a baby daddy and/or relatives who MIGHT have felt that the only way to remove the children IF there was some kind of abuse was by annihilating everyone. IF this were the case, the only reason I can come up with KR being killed and IF he was shot in the eye, would be if he knew of something taking place within the family and the shot was symbolic as in "he turned a blind eye" to what happened.

Just my theory, based on very little.
Information released from LE & AG:

1) killers were familiar with the victims, their homes and their routines. They were at least 2.

2) according to Sheriff, with accurate and truthful informations from the people closest to the victims, this case would have been solved

3) They were not killed for the pot they were growing or stolen cars they may have had on their property. It was much bigger than that.

4) the sheriff feared that if information was disclosed, it could put the children and their custodians in danger.

5) Commercial grow operation found

Need links? We discussed many times.
Thanks jk for keeping this in perspective. It's sometimes nice to just be reminded of the actual facts. I still don't have a clue who did this, just oodles of theories with no basis. Looking at it based on facts it does look as though it would be 2 or more people very close to them.

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Information released from LE & AG:

1) killers were familiar with the victims, their homes and their routines. They were at least 2.

2) according to Sheriff, with accurate and truthful informations from the people closest to the victims, this case would have been solved

3) They were not killed for the pot they were growing or stolen cars they may have had on their property. It was much bigger than that.

4) the sheriff feared that if information was disclosed, it could put the children and their custodians in danger.

5) Commercial grow operation found

Need links? We discussed many times.

I'm under the weather so forgive if this sounds stupid, as my head is foggy, but if the people closest to the victims have info that would solve this case, then would they not have at least SOME, (if not more) of the same info that the sheriff's dept doesn't want to disclose, for fear of putting the children in danger? As of this date, none of that info has leaked out. No one has gotten drunk in a local bar and spilled secrets, confessed info to a friend to relieve the burden of knowing said info, no jailhouse confessions to a bunk-mate, etc... It's almost as if the whole town has bound together as one to "let sleeping dogs lie" so to speak.
I don't think that LE picking up folks on penny ante drug charges, to get them to talk, or for lying, is going to get them anywhere either. I'd rather serve a little time in county than to be victim #9.
I am going to take a beating any time I throw out a theory that is barely
based on facts. ..If only I could discuss the poi with an open declaration
of facts, your lack of faith in my posts would be diminished. Every since
April, 2016 when I was attracted to this slaughter and began a personal
reacherch in the lives of people associated with this crime, by print media
and social media,, I soon came to the conclusion that I maintain to this
day..that information I can not share with you...I tried to lay out a lawful
concept that a suspect had to pass three phases of evidence to be
convicted of a crime.By referring to those standards to my poi,, he passed
all standards but one.That one is motive for killing. That is the motive we
are in debate about now. I stated that for my part,,,if we fail to prove this
type of motive,i.e..mystery father, We can go on to the last two motives
that fit our discussion..Let me hold back on revealing those two motives..
I am aware that a bunch of my friends here are agrivated that I am
discussing a child and mother, thinking that it is unfair to drag them out
into the limelight because of scars the child might endure later in life...
That is not my motive and you know it..To locate the killer, I have to mention
the evidence. It is hard for me to explain but believe it or not HR left
compelling evidence for us to evaluate..Now, the reason the killer struck
all houses and moved on to KR'S fifth wheel was because he knew too much..
All my thoughts are arranged around the ability of the killer to be so
efficient in his selection of victims. Suspose that the killer, back in August,2015,
Started visiting that Rual area every day talking,laughing, etc with members
of the Rhoden family and it became obvious he worked his way up to be
able to come and go with hardly a glance from the family.Their dogs knew him...
Obviously, according to my theory,he and HR may have conceived in that time..
She explained the event to him and he did not panic because of the news, but
his blood pressure spiked realizing what would happen to his marriage
and his career If HR spilled the beans..JMO
I am going to take a beating any time I throw out a theory that is barely
based on facts. ..If only I could discuss the poi with an open declaration
of facts, your lack of faith in my posts would be diminished. Every since
April, 2016 when I was attracted to this slaughter and began a personal
reacherch in the lives of people associated with this crime, by print media
and social media,, I soon came to the conclusion that I maintain to this
day..that information I can not share with you...I tried to lay out a lawful
concept that a suspect had to pass three phases of evidence to be
convicted of a crime.By referring to those standards to my poi,, he passed
all standards but one.That one is motive for killing. That is the motive we
are in debate about now. I stated that for my part,,,if we fail to prove this
type of motive,i.e..mystery father, We can go on to the last two motives
that fit our discussion..Let me hold back on revealing those two motives..
I am aware that a bunch of my friends here are agrivated that I am
discussing a child and mother, thinking that it is unfair to drag them out
into the limelight because of scars the child might endure later in life...
That is not my motive and you know it..To locate the killer, I have to mention
the evidence. It is hard for me to explain but believe it or not HR left
compelling evidence for us to evaluate..Now, the reason the killer struck
all houses and moved on to KR'S fifth wheel was because he knew too much..
All my thoughts are arranged around the ability of the killer to be so
efficient in his selection of victims. Suspose that the killer, back in August,2015,
Started visiting that Rual area every day talking,laughing, etc with members
of the Rhoden family and it became obvious he worked his way up to be
able to come and go with hardly a glance from the family.Their dogs knew him...
Obviously, according to my theory,he and HR may have conceived in that time..
She explained the event to him and he did not panic because of the news, but
his blood pressure spiked realizing what would happen to his marriage
and his career If HR spilled the beans..JMO

Ray, I really like hearing your thoughts. I am scratching my head trying to figure who the married man is. I got to tell you alot of what you say I believe is spot on!
Question for you Ray, do you think LE has this information?
If one goes to DRs flipogram , the baby shower... the pictures of HR, she doesn't look real happy. I feel she looks on edge, or worried. A girl expecting the birth of her second child one would think she would be happy at her shower, the clips go by fast, you have to pause them. Between that and her timeline cover saying "Its gonna be ok" "yeah because it's not happening to you".
Ominous really.
This in one of the very few ways we can get any communication at all directly from any victims.
LMs smile! It's nice to see him smile! And some of the victims as well, happier times.
I'm under the weather so forgive if this sounds stupid, as my head is foggy, but if the people closest to the victims have info that would solve this case, then would they not have at least SOME, (if not more) of the same info that the sheriff's dept doesn't want to disclose, for fear of putting the children in danger? As of this date, none of that info has leaked out. No one has gotten drunk in a local bar and spilled secrets, confessed info to a friend to relieve the burden of knowing said info, no jailhouse confessions to a bunk-mate, etc... It's almost as if the whole town has bound together as one to "let sleeping dogs lie" so to speak.

I have great weather here, not foggy at all.

What if someone is drunk and tells something at the bar. What is it worth with a lawyer?

What is LE looking for?* imo, breaking false alibis, if not having a confession.

IMO, not many people have first hand info to break the case. They are not talking because they are scared or because they protect a loved one?

If fear was keeping mouth shuts, family members would not be out there with posters. Also a few of them spoke with media on several occasions.

I tend to believe, the knowledgeables are not talking because they protect a lover, a child, a parent, a brother or a sister. One more reason to believe the truth isn't far from the victims.
If I might insert a bit of my thoughts here,.I am happy to read where our
group has rattled the cage and sent some suspicions on to the public as
our combined effort to stir the pot and generate in the minds of authorities
that follow us ..Our expertise on the facts as we have generated questions
that the public needs answered makes for a healthy relationship..I promise
you that there is a likelihood that the mystery father is reading these comments.
He knows how close we get to narrowing the argument down to him and
this little pressure we exert will dictate a surprise response....I said this
before, the mystery father is visiting where ever that baby is being housed
and it is up to the organization keeping her/him to leak those visits.
However, there is another mystery father mentioned in our posts here
I did not realize existed.. The only unknown father I have heard posted
has been HR'S ..Who is the other baby that is involved? If and when
we rub the boil and force LE to respond, That is when pieces will fall into
place..After LE is able to find the answers to guestions we are talking about
and the print media follows up in their type of investigation, we will
see organizations routed from their sleep. So, let's keep hitting the pages
with our arguments and we can get the killer closer and closer to the
electric Chair..

The "Man of the CLOTH", Ray!
Ray, I really like hearing your thoughts. I am scratching my head trying to figure who the married man is. I got to tell you alot of what you say I believe is spot on!
Question for you Ray, do you think LE has this information?
If one goes to DRs flipogram , the baby shower... the pictures of HR, she doesn't look real happy. I feel she looks on edge, or worried. A girl expecting the birth of her second child one would think she would be happy at her shower, the clips go by fast, you have to pause them. Between that and her timeline cover saying "Its gonna be ok" "yeah because it's not happening to you".
Ominous really.
This in one of the very few ways we can get any communication at all directly from any victims.
LMs smile! It's nice to see him smile! And some of the victims as well, happier times.
Noticeably absent from baby shower is father of baby? Whoever that is.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Ray, I really like hearing your thoughts. I am scratching my head trying to figure who the married man is. I got to tell you alot of what you say I believe is spot on!
Question for you Ray, do you think LE has this information?
If one goes to DRs flipogram , the baby shower... the pictures of HR, she doesn't look real happy. I feel she looks on edge, or worried. A girl expecting the birth of her second child one would think she would be happy at her shower, the clips go by fast, you have to pause them. Between that and her timeline cover saying "Its gonna be ok" "yeah because it's not happening to you".
Ominous really.
This in one of the very few ways we can get any communication at all directly from any victims.
LMs smile! It's nice to see him smile! And some of the victims as well, happier times.

I've noticed the same on her FB. Her eyes don't reflect happiness (to me anyway). If you go back, to earlier pictures, prior to her finding out she was pregnant, her eyes seem to reflect her smile. Her posts/memes were not ones that I'd call "joyful" either. It could just be that she's worried about being 19 and and a mother of two, or that it's something more, that she'll have to face, once the baby arrives.
I have great weather here, not foggy at all.

What if someone is drunk and tells something at the bar. What is it worth with a lawyer?

What is LE looking for?* imo, breaking false alibis, if not having a confession.

IMO, not many people have first hand info to break the case. They are not talking because they are scared or because they protect a loved one?

If fear was keeping mouth shuts, family members would not be out there with posters. Also a few of them spoke with media on several occasions.

I tend to believe, the knowledgeables are not talking because they protect a lover, a child, a parent, a brother or a sister. One more reason to believe the truth isn't far from the victims.

Ha ha. :drumroll:

If, as you pointed out, according to the Sheriff, with accurate and truthful information from the people closest to the victims, this case would have been solved, then these are the same people who may know information, some of the same info as LE, that if spoken aloud, could put the children in danger.

Going around putting posters up isn't going to put those particular family members in any danger b/c it makes it look as if they know absolutely nothing about exactly what happened, why, and who killed them. It's like me putting up a poster for my lost dog. If I had any idea where my hypothetical lost dog was at, I'd not be putting up posters asking for info for the dog's return. I might know the vicinity where the dog was last seen, and by whom, but that doesn't tell me much. Also, they are family. Family will push out, talk, put out posters, and such, fear, or no fear. Wanting justice supersedes fear.

Side Note: Just b/c one is a family member does not mean that they are the closest person to the victim(s).
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