OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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I wonder why they only included certain siblings names in the article. They left out Dana's brother, who found her, and the sisters to Chris SR and Kenny. It also looks like they confused Chris Jr with Chris SR when referring to being found together.

I let them know they had that wrong. Don't know if they will change it.
Long time Lurker, I post very rarely. I've been watching this case since it happened, I live in Ohio myself. I've read most of the articles linked in this thread, read through the Topix threads, and watched every YouTube. Here are my thoughts:

I think this is much, much bigger than child custody, inheritance, revenge or "hillbilly justice". The killer(s) knew how to execute these murders in a way that made it nearly impossible for them to solve by evidence collected at the scenes alone. Someone in that family upset about inheritance or child custody would have highly unlikely ability to execute these murders "methodically" and unsolved for this amount of time.

I believe someone powerful and local to Pike County is involved. Most likely related to LE/Justice/Prosecution. I believe THIS is why there is so much secrecy around this case and why Reader seems to be completely out of the loop and not actively involved in this investigation. In the presser Reader even mentioned that if he thinks of something or has questions he jots them down and sends them to DeWine's office and usually hears back within a few days. DeWine said in the presser that this case has brought to his attention a history of crime spanning back a decade or more. People have made points about this person has to be well known to the family, but I don't necessarily think that's true. Pike county has ~13 deputy's working at the Sheriff's office, in the past few years there have been 4 instances where deputy's have been investigated for major crimes (Not to mention Rob Junk's shadiness), some of those being murder related (as has been mentioned here many times). That's a pretty significant number of issues for such a small department so it's pretty safe to conclude that there are certainly issues there, at least before Reader came on board and that's part of what leads me to my theory. I believe the past 10+ years there has been a growing amount of corruption in Pike county related to drug crimes (just look at the stats for that area).

I believe that a local person(s) of power or LE is involved in the trafficking. This person either got wind of the grow ops at the Rhoden's and either blackmailed them to grow FOR their drug business, OR warned them to stop selling their supply to the locals as it was cutting in on their business. This person(s) have visited the Rhoden's before, maybe not even more than a few times, but enough to know about their surveillance and the layout of the homes. It wouldn't take much to watch them to learn when they were asleep. I don't necessarily think the killers had an "inside" person providing them info, if they did, it was most likely ONE of the Rhoden's killed and they never thought this would/could happen. Someone with the ability to commit these murders the way they were done are going to have as FEW people involved as possible. The night the Rhoden's were murdered this killer(s) showed up at the properties, CR or his brother answered the door and the killer(s) told them to put the dogs away. The killer(s) entered and, well you know the rest. Think about it, if this local person of power showed up at your house, knew you were growing pot, wouldn't you put the dogs away and hope they leave without issue like they did the last time?

I believe this is the only explanation as to why there's been so much secrecy in this case and Reader has said in interviews on YouTube where local media was asking why the warehouse where the trailers are stored wasn't being locked up that this case "is bigger than that" referring to this not being about stolen cars and other things. http://www.wcpo.com/longform/pike-c...lers-in-rhoden-family-homicides-may-be-locals

I'm leaning towards this being related to the old Sheriff Henderson and/or deputy's that worked for him. When reader got elected someone in the Rhoden family may have made threats along the lines of "We'll just destroy all our plants and tell the new Sheriff everything you've been doing!". This person(s) of power off'd the family to keep a lid on this decade+ long history of drug trafficking and corruption local to the area.

Mike DeWine said in the presser that the FBI and DEA have been assisting in this investigation since day 1, atleast to some level. Was the evidence left enough to give them the impression this wasn't just some small town hick murder and to keep a lid on things? Is it that DeWine and Reader are covering something up or being secretive or is it that they themselves were essentially booted off the case by the Fed early on and DeWine's office is essentially just assisting the Feds in the investigation. IMO It's either that or DeWine is concerned that if too much info gets leaked even to Reader, then Reader might slip up and tell his wife one night during an emotional breakdown and she might gossip it to others which would alert the murderers and they'd risk jeopardizing the case.

I genuinely believe that IF this ever gets solved that it's going to be huge. It's not going to be about some guy worried what would happen if people found out he was the father of Hannah's child. If that were the case, and forgive me for this, but he could have just killed her while she was pregnant OR just killed the child, why kill the whole family but LEAVE the child? Again, Hillbilly Justice? I'm sorry but I don't think a Hillbilly is capable of committing this crime in the way it was done. FWIW, I like Reader and think he is genuine, I hope he is able to clean that area up and build a solid force behind him.

My concern though is that it might NOT get solved because it would result in uncovering one of the largest cases of state/county corruption ever.

Just my thoughts, poorly organized maybe. :)

Good post.

Its so sad that this has not been solved and I think for some of the reasons you mentioned it probably will never be totally solved. We will never hear the whole truth.

The early theories I still cling onto have a couple things that could fit in with some of the points you brought up too. Some of the things I still cling onto.

*I think the making of the hash oil or shatter is tied to this. I had never even heard of shatter till this case and I think the making of it is right in the center of this case.

*Its highly profitable.

*It takes lots of mj to make shatter and I think the PO bust was tied to the shatter business. When you cannot grow enough to make the shatter then you have to get another supply and that is tied to this case somehow. Some things really stood out about that bust. It was a very large amount of mj and nobody was originally arrested as the article alluded to going after the bigger fish is why no arrests in the beginning.
When there is a bust like that then someone doesnt get paid for that shipment of mj. There are a lot of people mad when a bust like that happens. Whoever funded the mj is mad they didnt get their money. The person who got busted is mad because they are being asked to cooperate with LE to help get the big fish. Others are mad because they are worried about the person that did get busted has information on others. Lots of people get mad and worried.

*I agree there is an inside angle to this case and someone working at the PO and/or LE could have been tied to why things happened the way they did. Somebody was not where they were supposed to be that day the shipment came in at the PO. It was likely a simple mistake and it was the beginning of what ended up happening. It was not the only reason but it was connected and began a series of actions that ended up what happened.

*The drug dealing alone and even though it was a major operation was not enough to cause all those deaths. Something else had to have been important and it makes sense if there was a higher up connection somewhere.

*Someone wanted to silence everyone that could incriminate them.
I wonder why they only included certain siblings names in the article. They left out Dana's brother, who found her, and the sisters to Chris SR and Kenny. It also looks like they confused Chris Jr with Chris SR when referring to being found together.

I've always thought it odd too Tiff that the individuals present at scene with BJM that morning when bodies were found are barely mentioned.
I'm beginning to wonder if DeWine is keeping the reward low in this case for some reason. In Cleveland they already have a $50,000 reward for Steve Stephens
for one murder. They said the reward money was from the FBI, ATF, and Crimestoppers. So why is it only $10,000 for one of the biggest crimes in Ohio history?
Why is there no reward money from the FBI or ATF in this case? It seems to look more and more they don't want this solved...
Good post.

Its so sad that this has not been solved and I think for some of the reasons you mentioned it probably will never be totally solved. We will never hear the whole truth.

The early theories I still cling onto have a couple things that could fit in with some of the points you brought up too. Some of the things I still cling onto.

*I think the making of the hash oil or shatter is tied to this. I had never even heard of shatter till this case and I think the making of it is right in the center of this case.

*Its highly profitable.

*It takes lots of mj to make shatter and I think the PO bust was tied to the shatter business. When you cannot grow enough to make the shatter then you have to get another supply and that is tied to this case somehow. Some things really stood out about that bust. It was a very large amount of mj and nobody was originally arrested as the article alluded to going after the bigger fish is why no arrests in the beginning.
When there is a bust like that then someone doesnt get paid for that shipment of mj. There are a lot of people mad when a bust like that happens. Whoever funded the mj is mad they didnt get their money. The person who got busted is mad because they are being asked to cooperate with LE to help get the big fish. Others are mad because they are worried about the person that did get busted has information on others. Lots of people get mad and worried.

*I agree there is an inside angle to this case and someone working at the PO and/or LE could have been tied to why things happened the way they did. Somebody was not where they were supposed to be that day the shipment came in at the PO. It was likely a simple mistake and it was the beginning of what ended up happening. It was not the only reason but it was connected and began a series of actions that ended up what happened.

*The drug dealing alone and even though it was a major operation was not enough to cause all those deaths. Something else had to have been important and it makes sense if there was a higher up connection somewhere.

*Someone wanted to silence everyone that could incriminate them.

There have been lawyers and doctors get caught financing a big drug buy for a quick, large, profit. So it is very possible that there could be could be people not wanting their names put out there besides LE....
I'm beginning to wonder if DeWine is keeping the reward low in this case for some reason. In Cleveland they already have a $50,000 reward for Steve Stephens
for one murder. They said the reward money was from the FBI, ATF, and Crimestoppers. So why is it only $10,000 for one of the biggest crimes in Ohio history?
Why is there no reward money from the FBI or ATF in this case? It seems to look more and more they don't want this solved...

Also noticed the Cleveland mayor announced early in the PC that the FBI and others were helping with the search. He even allowed FBI to talk at the presser. This is the way Cleveland & Cuy Co always handle these kinds of cases. FBI puts boots on the ground, they don't just run lab reports and do internet searches when someone asks them, especially when children/teens are concerned. Cleveland PD learned some hard lessons with cases like serial killer Anthony Sowell. The more LE, the better in their investigations.

It's a very stark contrast to the way the Rhoden-Gilley case is being handled. The paltry reward with no contribution from FBI or ATF is telling. Most likely, they would contribute funds if someone asked them. It would be interesting to know if anyone has asked.

JMO, Central & southern Ohio is just so different from the major urban metro-plexes in the northern part of the state. Like a different state altogether.

So why not this case?
Does anyone have the info available with each victims GSW? All I can recall is GR-3, KR-1, CR1-9. I thought somewhere there was a tally of how many GSWs each victim had, without saying who had what. I'm just curious.
I think there were a total of 32 GSWs. If DR was shot 5 times and CR 9 times and the article mentions CRjr being shot multiple times, it makes me wonder if those 3 were the focus of the murder. The rest just knew who would do it. Maybe they were all involved in the same altercation, or the same business, or something.

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Does anyone have the info available with each victims GSW? All I can recall is GR-3, KR-1, CR1-9. I thought somewhere there was a tally of how many GSWs each victim had, without saying who had what. I'm just curious.
I don't believe it was ever told how many shots each had, we get lucky and find one now and again. (I really hate saying it like that.)
We know KR had 1, CRSr had 9. Now DR 5 in the face.
In the face.... What kind of a person shoots a woman in the face 5 times?! Someone cold hearted for sure. I feel so bad for her parents knowing this. Am sure they have been told this long ago. I have read in crime articles, the person does this to destroy their looks. Horrible! Tip of the iceberg. I think we will see more leaking out over time.
A link for what was available on shots.
Per Cincinnati Enquirer 1 had 1...1 had 2.., .2 had 3 each. 1 had 4, 2 had 5, and one with 9. I read somewhere GR had 3 shots, been looking but can't find link. Will look when I am awake.
I don't believe it was ever told how many shots each had, we get lucky and find one now and again. (I really hate saying it like that.)
We know KR had 1, CRSr had 9. Now DR 5 in the face.
In the face.... What kind of a person shoots a woman in the face 5 times?! Someone cold hearted for sure. I feel so bad for her parents knowing this. Am sure they have been told this long ago. I have read in crime articles, the person does this to destroy their looks. Horrible! Tip of the iceberg. I think we will see more leaking out over time.
A link for what was available on shots.
Per Cincinnati Enquirer 1 had 1...1 had 2.., .2 had 3 each. 1 had 4, 2 had 5, and one with 9. I read somewhere GR had 3 shots, been looking but can't find link. Will look when I am awake.

Aw, you're a genius! Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! GR's father had said, in a lengthy interview, he was shot 3 times. He was outside the funeral home, I believe. I also think I recall HG's mother mentioning hers too, but can't remember.

What we've heard so far:
1 - KR
2 - unknown
3 - GR
3 - unknown
4 - unknown
5 - DR
5 - unknown
9 - CR1

I find it very odd that a woman would've been shot 5 times in the face, per LM. Flatbush, you're right, seems someone wanted her disfigured, but why? Seems very personal to me.
Aw, you're a genius! Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! GR's father had said, in a lengthy interview, he was shot 3 times. He was outside the funeral home, I believe. I also think I recall HG's mother mentioning hers too, but can't remember.

What we've heard so far:
1 - KR
2 - unknown
3 - GR
3 - unknown
4 - unknown
5 - DR
5 - unknown
9 - CR1

I find it very odd that a woman would've been shot 5 times in the face, per LM. Flatbush, you're right, seems someone wanted her disfigured, but why? Seems very personal to me.

We probably should assume the killers had automatic weapons, firing at victims in rapid bursts. JMO, my assumption is that those who were shot multiple times (both male and female) were those who may have been awake and moving. Killers fired longer bursts to ensure they were not able to escape or defend themselves. There have been rumors online about the location of Dana's body. Not sure, but it could be she had awakened and was trying to escape, warn her kids and/or defend herself.

With Chris, Sr. the assumed multiple wounds, bruises, etc in more than one part of his body indicate he fought back against the killers. MOO, these were cold-blooded killers doing a job. They didn't care if victims were male or female, they just wanted to make sure they were dead, unable to fight, unable to make a 911 call. They had a lot of homes to go to, a lot of people to kill that night and a lot of crime scenes to clean up. They were trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. Very cold blooded and likely had some previous experience.
hannah gilley was shot 5 times in the head
So we have:

CRsr = 9
GR = 3
KR = 1
DR = 5
HHG = 5
HR = 2 (Rumors I heard)
FR = ?
CRjr = ? (from the article in Cincinnati Enq. LM says he was shot repeadly, that gives me the impression it was a lot)

If rumor of HR is true, that leaves 7 shots between FR and CRjr. If you go by most investigations, it seems CRsr, DR, and HHG were the main targets. What did these 3 people (that we know of) know or do that would lead to their death? CRsr was "covered up", who had remorse? There are so many more rumors floating around out there. But I will tell you this, I had "heard" about Dana and how many shots she had, I had " heard" about CRsr being covered up, so some of these "rumors" are true. Wish I knew which ones! To me, with just the things we do know, it screams "personal". JMO.
Also from reading that last article with Leonard. IMO, these people know how to work the "system" of low income people. They know a "deal" and how and where to get it in everything. They've been poor all their lives and have worked hard when they could. But now use their "wits" in survival in other area's. I don't personally know them and don't know if this is true, but from what I've read and "heard" about them; this is the conclusion I walk away with. No judging, just observance.
And I have a very strong "feeling" that they know what happened, why it happened and who did it. Apparently LE thinks this to, with constant questioning and polygraphs. Cars and vehicles have been released since late last year. That tells me that their having trouble identifying who they belong to. Titles should be easy to find, what's going on with that? Even if they don't have the "paper titles" shouldn't they (exceutors) be able to go to DMV with papers of proof, and have them "look up" car ownership by vin numbers?
Seems Tony R is getting the land ready to sell, who gets the profits of that? I remember in some article back, that Tony mentioned he was making the payments on Dana's land. I also have gotten the impression that probate is almost done. When my relative passed away, it only took about 8 months-1 year to be done with it. Hospital bills, other bills and any other property had to be paid off first (anything to do with the estate) then things were free and clear. Why is this probate taking so long?
My biggest point is, correct info (what little we the public get) comes out when things have already been done. That's what is very frustrating to me. Guess I'll just listen to the rumors and go from there. I also think that Reader wants to say more, but AG , etc is holding him back. I truly believe that the Task forces are involved (murder and drug), FBI, BCI and every crime agency in Ohio and surrounding states are involved in this investigation. All the "busts" tell me that. I think they have more busts coming in the future. Wouldn't any of us use all the "tips" they've been getting from this? For all we know, they have the suspects in jail already and are waiting for someone to talk and confirm what they already know, JMO's.
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