OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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I feel this Dr. has the right idea. If you read where I have been advocating this is a family member and who in PMs this only solidifies my theory of who it was.


Thank you Thank you. Wow I went there and found a lot of videos about this crime. Especially by someone named "Changing Reason"
Whomever did this lacks a tremendous amount of common sense.
You got a problem with someone, stay clear of them, or talk the problem out. No excuses for this.
I aim on living long enough to attend their trial, watch them get the death penalty, then go to the Lucasville penitentiary to watch it carried out. Got it on my bucket list.

Economy is in the basement in southern Ohio. I have heard unemployment Pike County south to Portsmouth easily exceeds 50%. East and West in all the rural areas it's much worse.

Agree, the economy is so bad for people living in that area. Not many opportunities for good paying work unless you travel a long distance of move to a bigger city. It's happening in a lot of rural areas across the US.

That said, it's no wonder many locals have turned to MJ grow ops to supplement their income. It's risky business, but many of them, including CR1, likely saw that growing MJ in Ohio would soon become legal. In fact, many of these growers will likely be able to grow it legally within the next year or less. Final regulations for legal pot growing are due this fall and in some cases, businesses are cropping up to offer classes to growers on how to comply with the law


I hope the locals down in SE Ohio who are experts at this are able to start making a good living at it legally. Sure would save the communities a lot of expense and strife. It might help bring more jobs and tax revenue to these counties and towns.

CR1 and KR were probably looking to the future, getting ready to make the move to go legit with their operation. I wonder if that was threatening to someone? The Ohio General Assembly already had a bill in the works to legalize medical MJ when the Rhodens were killed. It was passed into law a couple of months later. About 1 yr earlier, an MJ legalization referendum had come very close to passing, but was voted down for various reasons.

Interesting that LE still seems to be busting grow ops down there when it's about to become legal for these growers to get permits.
I'm just thinking out loud, but wondering if there is some connection between MJ growing becoming legal and the killings. Anybody have any theories about such a connection?
I would not be surprised if the depressed economic conditions in the area from the decline of coal mining and manufacturing are going to make these types of incidents more common. Depressed economic conditions can make honor that much more valuable as that is all one has. It also means that an offended person is more likely to spend time at home with no distractions other than stewing about something.

Depressed economic conditions can also cause folks to turn to illegal forms of making money. It also causes depressed folks to be more likely to abuse alcohol, and use the harder drugs (as forms of escape) that some of the others turn to selling, and the folks using, turn to illegal activities to get the money to feed the habit. Not everyone goes these routes but some do and it's destructive. In this particular instance, there was a tragedy, and they placed the blame on their sibling.
I don't know about this theory. Sure it's possible, but in these cases, the family killer usually commits suicide afterwards.

It also doesn't justify the extreme secrecy of LE and the great expense and manpower they've incurred to keep any and all details of the case secret. If it were a disgruntled family member, they would have solved the case by now.

Why are LE so worried about the public finding out about even the most minor details?

Actually, there's a comment farther down on that video page that sounds interesting.


We may be seeing the same comment. I'd not rule that out either.
We may be seeing the same comment. I'd not rule that out either.

What's the quickest and easiest way to get someone to open their door and call off the dogs? It's been mentioned here before: dress like a policeman or other LEO. Remember those scenes in The Godfather, where hit men dressed like police? Org crime has used that trick for a long time.
Ok, I see and accept your point.

I did not mean to imply that all were involved in illegal activities. Rather, I meant to state that some members were. Furthermore, the police confirmed commercial marijuana growing and evidence of *advertiser censored* fighting. Thus, these are not rumors. I do apologize about the reference to stolen vehicles if that is not accurate.

I disagree.

There is no precedent in recent times for these types of attacks. There is, however, older precedence in the Appalachians and in say, Texas for these types of honor motivated attacks. I do think you have a point regarding the scale of the attack (extreme even in older times) and the lack of readily identifiable perpetrators.

Even still, baring Cartel invovlement, I just don't see a local group with criminal motivations resorting to that kind of violence over the scale that the level of marijuana growing and *advertiser censored* fighting implied. Even the pot, though commercial, was evidently not major league. Thus, I would go for "mountain justice" motives- even with the unusual scale of violence and lack of identifiable perpetrators.

"Mountain justice" for what? Child custody?

One of my theories has always been that CR1 & KR were being blackmailed. Someone was threatening to turn them in for the grow op unless he gave them money. Maybe CR1 paid that hush money for a while. Maybe he got tired of doing it because he knew his grow op might become legal before long. Maybe he was tired of dealing with the blackmailer.

Maybe the blackmailer decided to kill the family in retaliation, had to kill all of them because they either

1 Knew CR1 was being blackmailed and by whom


2 Would recognize and be able to identify the killer(s). What's a teenaged kid likely to say if he wakes up to see someone in a LE uniform killing his mom? He's certainly going to tell someone.

This person could easily gain access to the homes where family was awake by wearing the uniform of a law officer. As to getting in to homes where family were sleeping, some of those homes may have been unlocked or the perp knew where keys were hidden. LE has never been specific about that.
I don't know about this theory. Sure it's possible, but in these cases, the family killer usually commits suicide afterwards.

It also doesn't justify the extreme secrecy of LE and the great expense and manpower they've incurred to keep any and all details of the case secret. If it were a disgruntled family member, they would have solved the case by now.

Why are LE so worried about the public finding out about even the most minor details?

Actually, there's a comment farther down on that video page that sounds interesting.


True that most famicides end in suicide, but that is mainly if a father, mom, son or daughter commits the murder. Revenge murders are much lower, about 25 percent, compared to familcides, which is about 57 percent. Lifes taken by LE after the crime is about 6 percent for familcides. This was a revenge killing conducted by a family member, a cousin. For what reason. I don't know but can speculate.
What's the quickest and easiest way to get someone to open their door and call off the dogs? It's been mentioned here before: dress like a policeman or other LEO. Remember those scenes in The Godfather, where hit men dressed like police? Org crime has used that trick for a long time.

Or, everyone had a key hidden outside, like at CR1's, and they knew where to find the keys. A corrupt LE mixed up w/them wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility either.
Agree, the economy is so bad for people living in that area. Not many opportunities for good paying work unless you travel a long distance of move to a bigger city. It's happening in a lot of rural areas across the US.

That said, it's no wonder many locals have turned to MJ grow ops to supplement their income. It's risky business, but many of them, including CR1, likely saw that growing MJ in Ohio would soon become legal. In fact, many of these growers will likely be able to grow it legally within the next year or less. Final regulations for legal pot growing are due this fall and in some cases, businesses are cropping up to offer classes to growers on how to comply with the law


I hope the locals down in SE Ohio who are experts at this are able to start making a good living at it legally. Sure would save the communities a lot of expense and strife. It might help bring more jobs and tax revenue to these counties and towns.

CR1 and KR were probably looking to the future, getting ready to make the move to go legit with their operation. I wonder if that was threatening to someone? The Ohio General Assembly already had a bill in the works to legalize medical MJ when the Rhodens were killed. It was passed into law a couple of months later. About 1 yr earlier, an MJ legalization referendum had come very close to passing, but was voted down for various reasons.

Interesting that LE still seems to be busting grow ops down there when it's about to become legal for these growers to get permits.
I'm just thinking out loud, but wondering if there is some connection between MJ growing becoming legal and the killings. Anybody have any theories about such a connection?

The new administration in Washington is going to crack down on recreational pot use.Hard to say what that means in states that made it legal.
Has to be 11PM because Dana didn't get home until after that time.

DR was online at 1 a.m. (I've seen the screen grabs of the post/share and believe it to be her who posted)
KR would have been getting ready to go to work by around 5 a.m.
FR's ex left there around 10:30 p.m.
No one has ever said who the last folks were, to see CR1, and GR, alive that night.
I think all of this went down between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. unless FR, HHG, CR1, and GR, were murdered between 10:30 pm and 1 a.m.
The stomach contents of the deceased kind of made me lean toward 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. at the latest.
The one I would like to know the order of the most is KR. One of my theories puts him last for a particular reason.
OK.... The family wasn't killed because of blackmail. If they quit paying money then all they would have done was get turned in. This was not a professional hit as they were shot to many times. They would not of needed special training as there is Youtube and other programs that discuss close quarter combat. You would not of needed special weapons, equipment or a silencer to conduct these murders, just a the normal guns. This was not about drugs. This was not about who the babies daddy's are. There is plenty of information out there, just like video games, which some mass murderers visualize that the person shooting is them. This murder was about revenge and maybe how they messed up a relationship with this person or feeling they have lost control with the loss of relationship(s), job, in trouble with the law, and committed these murders to gain control. Look at the social media of family members and see who lost control. This was not about a mob boss or a biker gang but just revenge.
I'm just thinking out loud, but wondering if there is some connection between MJ growing becoming legal and the killings. Anybody have any theories about such a connection?

Though I don't think the killings were related to legal, illegal, or quasi legal marijuana, I can imagine that the impending legalization could bring a lot of uncertainty to the market.

Legalized marijuana means that better funded growers could start under cutting existing growers due to economy of scale. Legalization could also bring depressed prices as large scale growers could exceed demand for weed. Though existing growers may have an edge in experience, I doubt that edge lasts long as the knowledge on how to efficiently grow high quality marijuana is no longer underground and is becoming easy to obtain. .

In short, many of the existing growers probably prefer that it remain illegal (with light sentences) and that production of high quality weed is limited to small scale operations selling at the current market price. Times, however, are changing. Facing the impending disruption of their businesses, existing illegal growers may be more likely to use violence to solve business disputes and more likely to escalate once minor disputes.
OK.... The family wasn't killed because of blackmail. If they quit paying money then all they would have done was get turned in. This was not a professional hit as they were shot to many times. They would not of needed special training as there is Youtube and other programs that discuss close quarter combat. You would not of needed special weapons, equipment or a silencer to conduct these murders, just a the normal guns. This was not about drugs. This was not about who the babies daddy's are. There is plenty of information out there, just like video games, which some mass murderers visualize that the person shooting is them. This murder was about revenge and maybe how they messed up a relationship with this person or feeling they have lost control with the loss of relationship(s), job, in trouble with the law, and committed these murders to gain control. Look at the social media of family members and see who lost control. This was not about a mob boss or a biker gang but just revenge.

Although I do have three or four pet theories, I tend to agree. There's a couple of folks that I've watched from the beginning who, I doubt that it's them, but, I'd not really want to live next door to one of them for sure, and they have connections to a particular family member who stumbled across two of the murder scenes.
The new administration in Washington is going to crack down on recreational pot use.Hard to say what that means in states that made it legal.

I think that there's only three states with just recreational use laws so I'd guess they'd amp it up to medical, at the next election, and the folks in the other states would start making visits to their docs, for scrips. It's a **** site better than the opiates that drug mfgs. want folks hooked on for the rest of their lives, until the doctor yanks them off, for fear of losing their license, and then the patients turn to... Heroin. I find it strange that the friends that I've lost over the years have died from pharmaceutical drugs, legal alcohol eating their livers away, and lung cancer from the legal use of cigarettes. Yet pot is seen as equivalent to Heroin. Ridiculous.
"Mountain justice" for what? Child custody?

The Hatfield and McCoy feud started over a hog. In modern times, people hae been shot over sports teams, parking spaces, and spilled drinks.

The emotions behind the reason for the violence (pride, honor, respect / disrespect) are often far more important than the thing being fought over, This is especially so in honor cultures where intangible things like respect / disrespect are valued more than material things. As to whether or not a child custody dispute escalated to that kind of violence, I would say that it is plausible, Even with out honor concepts, child custody cases can get very heated.

Had the dispute been over low level commercial marijuana, my bet is that the head lines would have read:

One Dead After Shots Fired into two Homes.
What's the quickest and easiest way to get someone to open their door and call off the dogs? It's been mentioned here before: dress like a policeman or other LEO. Remember those scenes in The Godfather, where hit men dressed like police? Org crime has used that trick for a long time.


Be a known friend or family member.
"Mountain justice" for what? Child custody?

One of my theories has always been that CR1 & KR were being blackmailed. Someone was threatening to turn them in for the grow op unless he gave them money. Maybe CR1 paid that hush money for a while. Maybe he got tired of doing it because he knew his grow op might become legal before long. Maybe he was tired of dealing with the blackmailer.

Maybe the blackmailer decided to kill the family in retaliation, had to kill all of them because they either

1 Knew CR1 was being blackmailed and by whom


2 Would recognize and be able to identify the killer(s). What's a teenaged kid likely to say if he wakes up to see someone in a LE uniform killing his mom? He's certainly going to tell someone.

This person could easily gain access to the homes where family was awake by wearing the uniform of a law officer. As to getting in to homes where family were sleeping, some of those homes may have been unlocked or the perp knew where keys were hidden. LE has never been specific about that.


If they knew the killer and had business dealings with them why would the killer have to dress up as LE? Why not just knock on the door and ask to be let in?

I can only see the scenario of the killers being dressed as LE or some federal agency like DEA if the Rhodens did not know the killers.

If the killers were known to the Rhodens as a business associate or friend or family all the killers had to do was knock and they would have been invited in.

Good theory though. I have thought about that myself but the other way around. CR1 and KR was blackmailing someone else and the blackmailer got tired of paying them. Starting a few years before the murders CR1 began acquiring those cars and big buildings indicating some extra money coming from somewhere.
Although I do have three or four pet theories, I tend to agree. There's a couple of folks that I've watched from the beginning who, I doubt that it's them, but, I'd not really want to live next door to one of them for sure, and they have connections to a particular family member who stumbled across two of the murder scenes.

According to LM's description of BJM's personality (someone who wanted to be friends with everyone and just wanted to please everyone by helping them and ended up getting used a lot by those she helped) I could see a breakout scenario where revenge played a part. Those kinds of people sometimes attract the "knights in shining armor" types (controllers) who feel sorry for the abused and decide to help them by taking revenge on the abusers.

But that is only going by the general psychology classes I had in college. This is a fairly good description of a people pleaser and the type people they attract by Registered Psychologists Inc.

Click here: Pleasers and Controllers - CHVBV
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