OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #27

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Where has anything been said about selfishness and greed about the Ws?

This is just my theory. I think I stated that in an earlier post but if I did not I am sorry for the confusion.
This is just my theory. I think I stated that in an earlier post but if I did not I am sorry for the confusion.

That was a good post. Summarized things pretty well. W's may have been accustomed to having their way until the custody issue arose. They weren't anticipating the problems they would face when it came to the family loyalty of the Rhodens.
Agree! My youngest son was born in Texas. Lived there for his first year. He doesn't remember it and considers himself an Ohioan. Northern Ohioan, no offense to those in the south part of the state, but it's different.

That is laugh out loud funny. Need a little humor right now. I think I am going to have to start ducking for the storm cellar here in a little bit.
That is laugh out loud funny. Need a little humor right now. I think I am going to have to start ducking for the storm cellar here in a little bit.

Be safe! I was just at the Weather.com site, it looks scary down there.
So why did DeWine & Reader wait so long? Wagners put their house up for sale in August 2016, that should have been enough of a clue. They knew JW was preparing to move, that he had parked the trailers full of possessions at the Brown property.

Wagners knew well in advance what was coming and LE was somehow unable to stop them from leaving. They also don't seem to be concerned about Hanna's daughter, S Rhoden. Do they consider her a missing person? At risk?

If you've got money and influence, the rules are different in southern Ohio.

Wagners have the right to move anywhere they desire. Maybe they put their farm up for sale last summer because they didn't want S to grow up in that area, having to deal with all the craziness surrounding the murders.

S's dad has full custody of his daughter. He can take her anywhere and as long as he is with her she isn't a missing person.
Be safe! I was just at the Weather.com site, it looks scary down there.

Starting to sound that way too. A lot of loud thunder and lightening. Guess it's time to shut down my computer and batten down the hatches.
Wagners have the right to move anywhere they desire. Maybe they put their farm up for sale last summer because they didn't want S to grow up in that area, having to deal with all the craziness surrounding the murders.

S's dad has full custody of his daughter. He can take her anywhere and as long as he is with her she isn't a missing person.

Her grandparent, siblings and aunts and uncles should file for visitation rights, imo. Screw CPS and their illogical kidnappings implemented by 22-year-old childless caseworkers.
I'm hopeful this can be officially discussed since it was in an article?

The Wagners have not returned several messages seeking comment. Jake Wagner's Facebook page claimed he was on vacation in Alaska and Canada Monday morning but by early evening the photos had been removed.


The Wagner's know many people snoop on their Facebook pages, so why did they announce they were going on an Canada Alaska road trip and then remove the posts? Is the murder investigation of 8 people a game to them?
Her grandparent, siblings and aunts and uncles should file for visitation rights, imo. Screw CPS and their illogical kidnappings implemented by 22-year-old childless caseworkers.

Unfortunately, grandparents have a difficult time obtaining visitation rights. In some states they have no rights, in other states they have to fight often lengthy court battles for the slim chance of minimal visitation.

I've seen this firsthand with friends: grandparents who literally raised two grandsons because their daughter abandoned them as a newborn and one year old. Six years later she came back to claim the kids. The grandparents were unable to obtain any type of visitation with the boys, and their mother was a total stranger to them. She moved out of state with her boyfriend and the boys.
The Wagner's know many people snoop on their Facebook pages, so why did they announce they were going on an Canada Alaska road trip and then remove the posts? Is the murder investigation of 8 people a game to them?
If any of them are here tonight I hope they reply. So so many questions we could ask.
From the very beginning of this horrendous case I never felt it had anything to do with a drug cartel hit or because they were all murdered due to growing pot. I am still of the same opinion today and have always believed this was personal. IMO it is someone/s very familiar with all of the family on a personal level who wanted to eliminate as many of them as they could during this murderous crime spree. They were eliminating those who they saw as a threat if they had been allowed to live. The victims were seen as collateral damage to the murderer/s in order to obtain their goal (motive). They were seen as mere removal obstacles standing in the way and their murderous goal was to eliminate those perceived obstacles.

When it involves the drug trade by cartels they either come into the home/s shoot everyone in the head at close range one time execution style and move on methodically to the next and next. Rarely if ever do they spare children. They like to leave the victims with one shot to the head only for it shows how they are experts when it comes to be executioners. Multiple shots show a degree of sloppiness and disorganization and the cartels are very organized when they go in to do any execution. Even the way they carry them out also sends a message that they are very experienced in that they do. Look at the thousands of people they were/are able to murder in Mexico and usually LE only stumbles among the remains when a mass grave is finally discovered.

An example of how they operate: A few years back in a county around 40 miles from us a family of 5 were found murdered in their home execution style. Three of the victims were small children. It was later learned that before the family moved to Georgia they had lived in Texas and the father of the family had testified against a man in Texas who was in a drug gang and helped send him to prison. They thought they were safe since they relocated on the east coast thousands of miles away. By killing them including small innocent children the drug gangs wanted to send a strong message. Murdering defenseless children made the message of 'you snitch you will all die including your children" even stronger.

And when they don't use firearms the drug gangs will set the home on fire from the outside so that every one burns up inside of it.

So, imo, this never seemed to be murders done because of any pot they may have grown.

But hopefully, soon we will know much more than we do now if an arrest/s are made.

I do believe there will be an arrest/s. While some of us here may think if LE is not holding PCs often then the case must be becoming cold and is going to remain unsolved. Yet we have seen several cases recently that has proved that is not the case at all and the investigations behind the scene were going strong the entire time.... with great strides being made that finally led to an arrest/s.
If any of them are here tonight I hope they reply. So so many questions we could ask.

I agree. There has been such a flurry of activity all at once but as I think about what sticks out most to me, they all involve JW.
-text involved him
-3 associated MASSIVE property searches
-seizure of a trailer of belongings
-other smaller scale things (home sale, vacation or jobs up North?)

''B said, adding that W, 24, and his older brother, GW IV, 25, indicated that they had gotten "good-paying jobs up north."

Heck yah buddy. Ya'll a bunch of dagum Nahthaners ta me. Yeeha.

Reminds me of what they say around here. If you move down here from the North you are not a Southerner no matter how long you live here. If your kids are born down here they are not Southerners. After all if the cat has kittens in the oven we don't call them biscuits.

In Maine, if your family didn't settle there in the
1800's, you are "from away".
I agree. There has been such a flurry of activity all at once but as I think about what sticks out most to me, they all involve JW.
-text involved him
-3 associated MASSIVE property searches
-seizure of a trailer of belongings
-other smaller scale things (home sale, vacation or jobs up North?)

''B said, adding that W, 24, and his older brother, GW IV, 25, indicated that they had gotten "good-paying jobs up north."

Driving trucks I guess.

eta: How did all of this start? Oh yeah, HR died and JW as the father received full custody which HR had refused to relinquish per LM.
This is pretty irrelevant for the most part but I keep seeing in mentioned so I figure I'll give my 2 cents.. in my opinion.. the Rhodens/Manleys are in no way, shape or form wealthy. I even read someone refer to them as a prominent family in Pike county? No way. You couldn't pay me enough to believe that. Not sure how everyone thinks they were/are living but I'm pretty sure they were/are the opposite of wealthy.
And I guess one could argue they didn't want to flash their money around but I don't buy that either. They lived in trailers.. not even new ones.. they drove old cars... Buying a nice house and newer car would not be flashy or make anyone suspicious so why live like that if they had so much money? I probably sound harsh but let's not make them into something they aren't.

I've lived here my whole life and people usually don't choose to live poor if they have other options.

It's just a choice of what is most important to them. For the some folks like the Rhodens, just for example, they might sink $3k into a Derby car, without thinking a second thought, but possibly scoff at spending that kind of money on a new couch and recliner, for the den. There's folks around here that you'd think were poor as Job's turkey but they aren't. Some are loaded. I don't think that the Rhodens were loaded. I do think that they made enough money to be comfortable, and enjoy their hobbies. Demo Derby is not a cheap hobby.
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