OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #29

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We don't know who the quotes are from. DM asked questions to the family, interviewed the lawyer and spoke with locals as well. We can't say for sure the 12 hours wait is from the lawyer or from a W.

I would not be surprised if DM paid a local who told DM what the W told them. DM is used to publish photos like these without consent.

I would be surprised if DM paid anyone for anything or even interviewed anyone. They usually just cobble stories together from other on line sources.
I would be surprised if DM paid anyone for anything or even interviewed anyone. They usually just cobble stories together from other on line sources.
No. The photos are for real and they are exclusive. Some comments in there were never heard before.

Very early in the case they had a comment from DS no other paper ever mentioned.

DM will have a few exclusive pictures and a shock revelation. For the rest, I agree they'll complete the article with bits and pieces from other sources.
I've done some digging and I'm not sure that the 322 UHR property was listed w/a realtor. Anyone local remember seeing a sign on the property? That may have been a handshake deal. This is how my mil did a lot of her home trades/purchases. If she saw one she liked, she'd just call them up, or see them in town, and ask them if they'd be interested in parting w/the property.
Thanks. Need to find out the connections
No. The photos are for real and they are exclusive. Some comments in there were never heard before.

Very early in the case they had a comment from DS no other paper ever mentioned.

DM will have a few exclusive pictures and a shock revelation. For the rest, I agree they'll complete the article with bits and pieces from other sources.

The DM would not have taken those pics. They would have bought them from someone who did. They post stuff, offering to buy pics and information.
The DM would not have taken those pics. They would have bought them from someone who did. They post stuff, offering to buy pics and information.
Of course they bought from someone. But they pay for it. And they pay premium for anything exclusive.

ETA: it's an english tabloid, it's their practice. This story is probably far from their readership. So they need some exclusive sensation to make a story out of it.

Have you open the link and seen the pictures and read the article?
Of course they bought from someone. But they pay for it. And they pay premium for anything exclusive.

ETA: it's an english tabloid, it's their practice. This story is probably far from their readership. So they need some exclusive sensation to make a story out of it.

Have you open the link and seen the pictures and read the article?

I am very familiar with all of the UK tabloids.
I am very familiar with all of the UK tabloids.
My point is we need to read between the lines when the article says: "Dailmail.com asked Billy W", "according to locals", or "it can be said" or "it was said".

IMO, a neighbor talked. For free or for money, it doesn't really matter. So all the details about "they said they left because they received threats" or "they were stopped for 12 hours at the border" may not come from Ws themselves or from their lawyer.
The DM would not have taken those pics. They would have bought them from someone who did. They post stuff, offering to buy pics and information.

Does it matter WHO took the pics? As long as they're only in the DM than they're "exclusive".

By the way Jennifer, a bank doesn't loan money on a property's value. It loans money on the equity the borrower has in the property which is related the absolute overall value of the property.

If you own it free and clear than your equity would be 100% of the value of said property. But if you'd only paid $20,000 on a $100,000 property no bank would let you borrow against the whole $100,000. They'd hold the second mortgage and would left holding the bag if you defaulted.
Does it matter WHO took the pics? As long as they're only in the DM than they're "exclusive".

By the way Jennifer, a bank doesn't loan money on a property's value. It loans money on the equity the borrower has in the property which is related the absolute overall value of the property.

If you own it free and clear than your equity would be 100% of the value of said property. But if you'd only paid $20,000 on a $100,000 property no bank would let you borrow agm ainst the whole $100,000. They'd hold the second mortgage and would left holding the bag if you defaulted.

A second mortgage is when the borrower takes out another loan on the same property, it has nothing to do with securing a loan on the value (that the the bank can sell the property for and recoup their investment). You are mixed up with people taking out personal loans on the equity in their property.
No. The photos are for real and they are exclusive. Some comments in there were never heard before.

Very early in the case they had a comment from DS no other paper ever mentioned.

DM will have a few exclusive pictures and a shock revelation. For the rest, I agree they'll complete the article with bits and pieces from other sources.

If you look at the link to the story that has the 2,000 pot plants, it's original headline read;

Ohio family massacre victim had $1k in cash strewn at his feet and...

That's the only place I've heard a dollar amount. They ended up retracting that headline.

The link above likely won't work, if not just copy and paste it into Google and the old headline pops right up.

You can see that the story was PUBLISHED: 10:08 EDT, 27 April 2016 | UPDATED: 15:57 EDT, 27 April 2016, so they "fixed" it pretty quickly. No one in LE would corroborate what DS stated about money being found around KR's body. I wondered if that's why they updated their headline. I'd bet a dime to a donut that DS got some cash for that interview too.

Good story. If the seller outright owned the home it's possible he said he sold it for a dollar otherwise anything over 10k is reported. Buyer still has to pay taxes regardless. So pull up that sale you are referring to and look at the sale price. Also anything won in a casino over 2-3k is reported and accounted for on the spot. So if the IRS or Feds or whatever gov agency that would be looking into your property sale story would see this guy won the cash to buy the house at the Casino, therefore not even close to hand to hand cash.


I respectfully disagree. Anything won in a casino over 1199.00 locks up the machine and requires filling out a W-2G but if the money is won in increments lower than that you just cash out a ticket. For instance people win 1000.00 on one machine and either move on to another or keep playing to win again on that one. I hear a lot of stories and people say they have played machines where they accumulate 10000.00 on that machine without ever winning over 1199.00 at one time and never locking it up. I have also had people come in with as much as 300000.00 in W-2 G's and telling me that is just a fraction of what they actually won. Of course they never have any left, They play it all back.

The house in question belonged to a friend of mine and he had owned it years as a rent house. He finally got tired of fooling with it and sold it to a guy here in town. That is why I said the money probably ended up back in the casino. All the buyer has to pay is property taxes. So there is no way for the county clerk to know if he bought the house or someone gave it to him. No record of the money.
My point is we need to read between the lines when the article says: "Dailmail.com asked Billy W", "according to locals", or "it can be said" or "it was said".

IMO, a neighbor talked. For free or for money, it doesn't really matter. So all the details about "they said they left because they received threats" or "they were stopped for 12 hours at the border" may not come from Ws themselves or from their lawyer.

I will say, that I agree with about 99% of the above. But, and there's always a "but", with the death threats part, I don't doubt that they didn't receive them via SM, Instant Messenger, etc...

I think it's been taken down now, but there was some guy that had gotten so emboldened that he was driving by the properties and videoing. Both UHR and Peterson Rd. That's not illegal to drive down roads and video tape your drive, but it does kind of make folks nervous if it happens enough.

He became so wrapped up, that he took his video camera, and, even videoed the "NO TRESPASSING" sign, while stating that he could probably get in trouble for doing this, and then trespassed. He didn't just step onto the driveway either. He was brazen. He walked right up into the yard, and iirc he went into their barn, while giving a full narrative of his journey for justice.

If I were the new owners I'd have been enraged. I've run folks off of our land before for not heeding our No Trespassing signs. The No Trespassing and Beware of Dog signs are not there as decorations.

What I found most odd, was that in the comments section, under his YouTube video, people were basically cheering him on! Like he was some sort of hero! If there were other folks, within an easy drive, like him, who were willing to spend their weekends and spare time, doing constant drive-bys of, not to mention trespassing on, the properties, combined with the fact that my child's mother, grandparents, and other maternal family, was brutally murdered, just 15 minutes away, I'd move too.
CR acquiring the various properties and the timeline that goes with that shows he indeed was moving on up in the world. Start adding anything to your properties and the taxman does come snooping around PDQ. Thank you for the information. The property where Dana's home was located is gorgeous! And not to say I do not appreciate the other properties' values, they are just not as child friendly or as aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I have to think that some relatives might have been a bit jealous of DR's home and property...?

I'm still reading the first thread of the case and, as usual, WebSleuthers had the victims identified before midnight after the murders, and motives popping up very soon too. :highfive:

Reading jk's link regarding the fight after the derby race, it does serve to remind that a G was murdered too. Thinking back to JM's hearing, LM was wearing a gray t-shirt that had Justice for the Rhodens and the Gilleys. HHG was an attractive young woman too. Her family is mourning her murder still as if it happened yesterday, I am positive. Their side of the story will be very interesting if and when they decide to speak. If this case goes into a second year without arrests, it will be very disheartening! I definitely would be willing to entertain AG and the sheriff's "motives" for letting it drag on and on with no resolution.

So now, I understand why there are questions regarding the 911 calls, especially BJM's. I agree with rsd1200 that she definitely didn't murder these 8 people, but why did she feel the need to give the information regarding how she entered the CR1's home, "I knowed where the key was." ? To me, when witnesses start adding extraneous information, it starts to become questionable. And yeah, the 45 minutes, to enter the home. . . :thinking: And the couple that accompanied her that morning ? Why is that information so hush hush? Sure they owe no one anything other than the detectives, but at trial they will be called as witnesses probably. Why is JW changing his story as to when he picked up S? That is plenty of time for him to be called to come get S from the home and be gone by the time ambulance and LE arrived on the scene. JW is still reporting he picked up S at 10:30 that night, a day early. Taking that with a grain of salt, there are just a lot of things that do make the hinky meter go off the charts. :gaah:

O/T: Oh ladies, you're cracking me up! I'm watching Jaws and seeing Matt Hooper (Dreyfuss) and Quint trying to show each other up with their battle scars is cracking me up too. Poor Roy standing by the side and looking at his appendectomy scar, being embarrassed to show his lone scar.
No no doubt you can make the money and if your saving you can build it up as quick as you sell weed. The problem is still spending it. Bills for example most are paid through an account of some sort. Sure you can buy gas, food, clothes, material to build whatever cars, dogs, chickens etc. what's that a few thousand per month? Bottom line is basically if you spend 10k cash at once in any over the table transaction the money has to be accounted for. So down payment on DRs home was proven as creditable income prior to the close of the sale. Even with the cars eventually if your popping up with 30k cash like I bought some cars at auction and made this cash flipping them the IRS is going to say where is our cut (called taxes). Point 1 or 2 or even 5 cars flipped and sold like I'm sure we have all saw people do is fine, but this scale wouldn't go unnoticed if he was trying to clam the cash that way.


The IRS doesn't work that way. I have been in a few audits.

If you buy and sell cars it is possible to never report those sales on your income taxes. Unless you buy and sell so many you have to have a dealers license you can fly under the radar with the IRS. If you do decide to report the income, then you can only report a small portion of it, under report, or you can report more than you actually make, over report, to account for money you might not want to say where it came from. The IRS does not watch every dollar you make and has no way of knowing how much you make unless you are audited. Even then if you keep a second set of books and are careful not to put more money in the bank than you report, the IRS never finds it. Unless you are Donald Trump they are not going to look too closely even in an audit at where money came from to buy assets. They money could have came from a personal loan from a relative for all they know and a loan is not reported on your taxes.
I will say, that I agree with about 99% of the above. But, and there's always a "but", with the death threats part, I don't doubt that they didn't receive them via SM, Instant Messenger, etc...

I think it's been taken down now, but there was some guy that had gotten so emboldened that he was driving by the properties and videoing. Both UHR and Peterson Rd. That's not illegal to drive down roads and video tape your drive, but it does kind of make folks nervous if it happens enough.

He became so wrapped up, that he took his video camera, and, even videoed the "NO TRESPASSING" sign, while stating that he could probably get in trouble for doing this, and then trespassed. He didn't just step onto the driveway either. He was brazen. He walked right up into the yard, and iirc he went into their barn, while giving a full narrative of his journey for justice.

If I were the new owners I'd have been enraged. I've run folks off of our land before for not heeding our No Trespassing signs. The No Trespassing and Beware of Dog signs are not there as decorations.

What I found most odd, was that in the comments section, under his YouTube video, people were basically cheering him on! Like he was some sort of hero! If there were other folks, within an easy drive, like him, who were willing to spend their weekends and spare time, doing constant drive-bys of, not to mention trespassing on, the properties, combined with the fact that my child's mother, grandparents, and other maternal family, was brutally murdered, just 15 minutes away, I'd move too.

I think it's terrible to harass like this and put comments in their SM posts. It's not coming from my side. Websleuths is enough for me.
If you look at the link to the story that has the 2,000 pot plants, it's original headline read;

Ohio family massacre victim had $1k in cash strewn at his feet and...

That's the only place I've heard a dollar amount. They ended up retracting that headline.

The link above likely won't work, if not just copy and paste it into Google and the old headline pops right up.

You can see that the story was PUBLISHED: 10:08 EDT, 27 April 2016 | UPDATED: 15:57 EDT, 27 April 2016, so they "fixed" it pretty quickly. No one in LE would corroborate what DS stated about money being found around KR's body. I wondered if that's why they updated their headline. I'd bet a dime to a donut that DS got some cash for that interview too.

Donald Stone, 44, found his cousin dead at the camper where he lived after becoming suspicious that he had not been seen.

"If he was supposed to have spent the night and work on cars, why would he be suspicious that KR had not been seen? Where was he supposed to see him?

'I was supposed to meet him the night before and go to work on some cars with him in the morning.
'When I didn't hear from him I went to the camper and it was unlocked and his truck was outside and I felt there must have been something wrong. 'It was the afternoon and he would normally be out working on cars at 5.30 am.'

Was he supposed to meet with him or spend the night? IF KR was expecting him to come to his house, why would he contact DS?

Why would KR make plans to work on cars on a Friday when he had a job to go to. His daughter thought he was at work when she tried to contact him.

So much DS is supposed to have said doesn't line up with known facts....
Donald Stone, 44, found his cousin dead at the camper where he lived after becoming suspicious that he had not been seen.

"If he was supposed to have spent the night and work on cars, why would he be suspicious that KR had not been seen? Where was he supposed to see him?

'I was supposed to meet him the night before and go to work on some cars with him in the morning.
'When I didn't hear from him I went to the camper and it was unlocked and his truck was outside and I felt there must have been something wrong. 'It was the afternoon and he would normally be out working on cars at 5.30 am.'

Was he supposed to meet with him or spend the night? IF KR was expecting him to come to his house, why would he contact DS?

Why would KR make plans to work on cars on a Friday when he had a job to go to. His daughter thought he was at work when she tried to contact him.

So much DS is supposed to have said doesn't line up with known facts....

True. But if he or any other family were responsible, they would have been arrested by now. None of them have the background or experience to pull off a mass murder without leaving evidence or talking to someone. It's such a strange case, mostly because LE has been unable to solve it.
I think it's terrible to harass like this and put comments in their SM posts. It's not coming from my side. Websleuths is enough for me.

I browse YouTube a lot. Quite a few news vids on there. Quite a few wannabe reporters on there too. I think it is terrible what he did as well. Had he come strolling onto my property I'd have put the fear of God into him, called LE to escort him off, and seen him in court.
Donald Stone, 44, found his cousin dead at the camper where he lived after becoming suspicious that he had not been seen.

"If he was supposed to have spent the night and work on cars, why would he be suspicious that KR had not been seen? Where was he supposed to see him?

'I was supposed to meet him the night before and go to work on some cars with him in the morning.
'When I didn't hear from him I went to the camper and it was unlocked and his truck was outside and I felt there must have been something wrong. 'It was the afternoon and he would normally be out working on cars at 5.30 am.'

Was he supposed to meet with him or spend the night? IF KR was expecting him to come to his house, why would he contact DS?

Why would KR make plans to work on cars on a Friday when he had a job to go to. His daughter thought he was at work when she tried to contact him.

So much DS is supposed to have said doesn't line up with known facts....

Why would he normally be out working on cars when he had a job to leave for at 5:00 am-ish every day? A new job? DS had said if he'd not decided to leave that night he'd have been victim number nine so initially he said he was supposed to spend the night and work on cars with a man who was, for all intents and purposes, supposed to be at work on Friday.

[FONT=&quot]“We’re calling him. We’re leaving messages. He was supposed to be at work. Well, then, 12 o’clock came around, he was supposed to be on break. My dad never ignored me,” Kendra recalled. She'd thought her dad was at his job in Columbus.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Then, the family sent a friend and a Rhoden cousin over to check Kenneth’s home. The pair called Kendra’s aunt to tell her the news.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]That aunt broke the news to Kendra as the remaining Rhoden family members stood together, awaiting updates from law enforcement near Union Hill Road that morning.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“She just said Kenneth’s dead. Your dad’s gone.” - KR2[/FONT]

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