OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #3

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Wow, there are a lot of crazy things in this case. How crazy would it be if the killer was Donald and he's out there talking to the media and whatnot? Not saying he is, but, there are ways that it would make sense. I've read about killers who have 'helped' join search parties for victims who have gone missing, knowing full well that the person was dead because they're the one who killed them.

I don't necessarily think it is him, but, he didn't call in Kenneth's death until like 5 hours after the others. Five hours would be a lot of time to dispose of murder weapons, bloody clothes, hide money, etc. Plus he was supposed to spend the night there but says he didn't. I'm definitely not accusing him, but his interview has got me wondering. I don't see what his motive could possibly have been though.

So, I'm still leaning towards the idea of it being a drug/money issue with the killer/killers being acquainted but not family. I just have a real hard time thinking that, despite how distant your family might be, some family member would be okay with killing 8 relatives for money or drugs.

I went to school with a guy that killed a girl after we graduated. He was obviously crazy, but he went to the cops and helped them convict him with information he gave them that "God told him".
I understand all that, it just seems everything they say turns out like this.

That 3 am aggressive questioning is what really got me wondering about this. Maybe she didn't tell them and they discovered something indicating she had been there and that promoted the aggressive 3 am questioning visit.

And it could have been she didn't tell because she wanted to play dumb about the grow operations and there could be other drug stuff we don't know about yet.

I'm still inclined to think it was an amateurish attempt at interrogating her. Trying to frighten her into confessing something. It was obviously aggressive, as opposed to, say, calling her and taking her into the station for questioning at 3 am. Experienced detectives know you can get more out of criminals and witnesses if you gain their trust and question them calmly.

The interrogation of Canadian serial killer Col. Russell Williams is a good example of how well this approach works.


In defense of LE, it could be they were panicked and concerned that other attacks were imminent.
Regardless of a hat- a confederate flag- etcccc - no ones deserves to be slaughtered.

I was in no way suggesting that they were. Obviously nobody deserves to be slaughtered. I am just saying that it is harder to have sympathy for victims who raise animals to fight/make money, wear racist hats, run illegal drug operations, fight with others regularly, etc. etc. I am much more likely to dedicate my personal time to solving the murders of an upstanding family than one who skirted the law, harmed animals and exhibited racism. But that doesn't mean they deserved what they got. That's quite a leap.
Agree. I'm pretty liberal, but no one deserves to have their entire family slaughtered. Unless we know otherwise, that these victims killed or harmed other innocent people, they have my sympathy.

Or innocent animals. That hasn't been verified yet. Of course, many people feel that providing drugs does hurt people. People will feel what they feel based on their own values. Sad all around.
I find it perfectly believable that the Manleys would check on the other locations after discovering Chris and Gary. I belive they probably tried to call first to give them the news and became concerned when they didn't answer.
I don't necessarily think it is him, but, he didn't call in Kenneth's death until like 5 hours after the others. Five hours would be a lot of time to dispose of murder weapons, bloody clothes, hide money, etc. Plus he was supposed to spend the night there but says he didn't. I'm definitely not accusing him, but his interview has got me wondering. I don't see what his motive could possibly have been though.

I'm wondering about the 5 hours as well. Word had to have gotten to the family soon after the other 3 sites were discovered. This is a huge family and my guess would be they were all calling each other frantically but no one thought to call Kenneth? Or they did and got no answer and then waited a few hours to ask Donald to run over and have a look? Why wasn't LE notified that Kenneth lived in the area and do a check on him? Lots to that story doesn't add up including the "supposed to spend the night and work on cars the next morning" but he didn't meet up with him? Why not?
I'm still inclined to think it was an amateurish attempt at interrogating her. Trying to frighten her into confessing something. It was obviously aggressive, as opposed to, say, calling her and taking her into the station for questioning at 3 am. Experienced detectives know you can get more out of criminals and witnesses if you gain their trust and question them calmly.

The interrogation of Canadian serial killer Col. Russell Williams is a good example of how well this approach works.


Yes I've seen that case, but also with him, appealing to his ego was a big need because of his ego.

Also if I remember what Leonard said correctly, the BCI questioned her earlier and this 3 am thing was the local cops.
I've been following along but haven't posted until now... I have some questions that I'm hoping some of you "case experts" can answer for me; (1) Are we certain that BJ entered two of the three homes on Union Hill Rd.? (2) Is the 911 recording that has been released to the public complete (i.e., in it's entirety)?

The reason I ask is because, IF BJ entered at least two of the three homes on Union Hill Rd., then we know that she encountered live/living children. If I understand correctly, the first home entered was the home with the two male adults ( Chris Rhoden Sr. and Gary Rhoden - no children) and, we don't know which home exactly was entered next; however, regardless of which one she entered, there would be/were living children in both of those homes (4 day old in one and 6 mos and 3-year old in the other). Why doesn't BJ mention any of the living children on/during the 911 call? If/when she encountered a living child, why wouldn't she have assumed that, with a child covered in blood, they may be seriously injured and need urgent care?

Sorry if I've missed earlier posts that may have clarified any/all of this!
I'm wondering about the 5 hours as well. Word had to have gotten to the family soon after the other 3 sites were discovered. This is a huge family and my guess would be they were all calling each other frantically but no one thought to call Kenneth? Or they did and got no answer and then waited a few hours to ask Donald to run over and have a look? Why wasn't LE notified that Kenneth lived in the area and do a check on him? Lots to that story doesn't add up including the "supposed to spend the night and work on cars the next morning" but he didn't meet up with him? Why not?

There are TONS of Rhoden's in the area, tons.
I know the confederate flag is a hot issue and I can only speak of it from the viewpoint of the deep South, Alabama, near major civil rights issues.. There is a lot of truth to the "Southern Pride" and history aspect of the confederate flag. Yes there are racists that fly it, but I also have a black neighbor that flies one.

I don't know about Ohio though.

Except this isn't the deep south. I grew up in Ohio. Born and raised. Went to college in Southern Ohio (Miami U). I know all about that Appalachian culture and I know darn well what someone means when they wear the confederate flag. Especially when it is coupled with what we know about Brandon. He hurled the N word at that kid that made the FB threat - Isaiah Jones, who is black. (Jones named here: http://www.myfoxboston.com/news/4-possible-motives-in-pike-county-ohio-murders/243501604)
We used to have outside hunting dogs that were fed twice a day. So the AM/PM thing doesn't sound off to me.
Who all had legitimate employment? I might have missed something but I can only recall seeing that Dana and her daughter worked at a nursing home. I was wondering about other family members. I admittedly have not read every article out there.

All I have read on legitimate is working at the nursing home and being a RNA. However, there were plenty of hobbies one could make money from, which included derby racing and selling of cars (which you see a lot of though Dana's FB).
I wonder if the couple that had bruising could have been from a struggle between each other they haven't said I don't think if the ones found with bruising were in the same house or one here and one there. Still I guess they would have found a weapon if a suicide.. unless there was shootout between a couple of them and someone took the gun or guns.. Theory 1000 maybe shooter was still there injured or just there maybe contemplating suicide or next move when bobbi came up and knew and loved them maybe family and they got them out of there.. anyone around town unaccounted for hasn't been seen

It crossed my mind in regards to m/s. There would be no evidence of a suicide if two of the family members fought and shot each other. Technically, one of them could have been the shooter at the other locations, then when arriving at the last location, meeting up with resistance from the last victim. Could be confusing for LE to sort through the evidence if both had their hands on a gun during the altercation. Could look like self defense against an unknown assailant and a beating, when it could technically be two of the known deceased who had a physical fight against each other perhaps? I keep thinking this could be family annihilator situation after all depending on order of victims, etc. I haven't seen TOD for any of the victims yet, or who sustained which injuries, if there were any guns found on the scenes, or even the order of the crime scenes on a timeline, so it's hard to say. For that scenario to make sense, the first house would have had to been the one several miles away, then DR's house, then FR and HG's trailer, and CR Sr's trailer last (I think if I've got all my facts straight). It would have had to have been CR Sr. and GR in the altercation I'm pretty sure based on what we know so far about the location of the victims. MOO
I've been following along but haven't posted until now... I have some questions that I'm hoping some of you "case experts" can answer for me; (1) Are we certain that BJ entered two of the three homes on Union Hill Rd.? (2) Is the 911 recording that has been released to the public complete (i.e., in it's entirety)?

The reason I ask is because, IF BJ entered at least two of the three homes on Union Hill Rd., then we know that she encountered live/living children. If I understand correctly, the first home entered was the home with the two male adults ( Chris Rhoden Sr. and Gary Rhoden - no children) and, we don't know which home exactly was entered next; however, regardless of which one she entered, there would be/were living children in both of those homes (4 day old in one and 6 mos and 3-year old in the other). Why doesn't BJ mention any of the living children on/during the 911 call? If/when she encountered a living child, why wouldn't she have assumed that, with a child covered in blood, they may be seriously injured and need urgent care?

Sorry if I've missed earlier posts that may have clarified any/all of this!

I believe she entered Frankie and Hannah's first, according to statements by her dad and maybe some of her own.

There is obviously more to the 911 call. I wish they would release the entire call and we could hear exactly what she said.
I'm still inclined to think it was an amateurish attempt at interrogating her. Trying to frighten her into confessing something. It was obviously aggressive, as opposed to, say, calling her and taking her into the station for questioning at 3 am. Experienced detectives know you can get more out of criminals and witnesses if you gain their trust and question them calmly.

The interrogation of Canadian serial killer Col. Russell Williams is a good example of how well this approach works.


In defense of LE, it could be they were panicked and concerned that other attacks were imminent.

I agree that it was just an amateurish interrogation. I wondered if some of the deputies were a bit resentful that the BCI was there immediately and really in charge. Especially if the suspect a local resident.
I believe she entered Frankie and Hannah's first, according to statements by her dad and maybe some of her own.

There is obviously more to the 911 call. I wish they would release the entire call and we could hear exactly what she said.

Did they say that this was not the entire 911 call?
My daughter was paralyzed 5 yrs ago (neck down) from Transverse Myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) when we brought her home from the hospital, her Drs ordered Home Health Care, which consisted of nurses, pt, op, etc. She had this for about 15 visits that her ins paid for. Myself and her husband took care of her during this time. Then we hired (ins didn't pay for) home care agency to come in from 9 to 5 to care for her ( this person was a cna and med tec- bathing,cathing,feeding,etc). Frankly I was wore out from having spent a few months night and day caring for her. A lady that worked for the home health agency quit the company and has been taking care of her since. My point is there are different kinds of agencies, one has licensed medical staff that a dr orders and ins pays for, the other is (even though they do have a RN that oversees the care) ins does not pay for. Home Health Care provided supplies -Caths, diapers, pads, etc, home care didn't supply anything.

Also Home Health Care did nothing but care for Sheries medical care and only did visits, home care was there 8 hrs providing care and did some light duty like fixing her meals, dishes maybe a load of laundry.

I don't know what kind of business the Rhodens tried or were trying to set up but the 2 are definitely different.

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Yes. if there were plants out there anywhere there's a good chance of booby traps as well.

I think booby traps are one of the methods the killers are "hindering the investigation" as I believe the sheriff stated. Also, I suppose they would not know for sure if someone were waiting for them.
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