OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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I have always suspected one of the Stone children to be the one abused. I think they were coerced into recanting and writing a letter,told they were not showing appreciation for a family that gave them a home when they had nowhere to turn. MOO
I like how you think. If he did it once he did it to others. It could be that a child did tell and this is retribution. I know how angry I would be if it were my own child. Then if I were to find out others knew? I'm just using myself as an example. I would, of course, go to LE but someone else? That kind of rage builds into something dangerous.

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I still think if this were some intrafamily attack over jealously, child abuse, etc. it would have been solved by now. Someone would have talked or there would have been enough evidence for charges (ballistics, guns, etc.) LE would not have been so secretive about the investigation, either. They would have shared enough info with the locals to get some witnesses to talk.

This is something else. JMO, it won't be solved (if it ever is) until after the 2018 election.
I have another question while we are on the subject of Clarence. How did Clarence wind up with Chris Sr. From the "Hazmat" or "Graves" articles (i can't remember)., when Clarence was released from prison he was in Brady's custody. What happened that this occurred?
I have always suspected one of the Stone children to be the one abused. I think they were coerced into recanting and writing a letter,told they were not showing appreciation for a family that gave them a home when they had nowhere to turn. MOO

I think it may have been a Stone child, but I don't think that they were the one, and, if they were the first, they weren't the last, b/c I don't think that the ages can add up. There is one female, not a Stone, that would have lived there, whose age would possibly add up. If my cypherin' is right, she would have been 13, when he was put away in '91.
I have another question while we are on the subject of Clarence. How did Clarence wind up with Chris Sr. From the "Hazmat" or "Graves" articles (i can't remember)., when Clarence was released from prison he was in Brady's custody. What happened that this occurred?

In 1994, when CRsr was released, CR1 would have been either 19, or fixin to turn 19. Brady, the eldest male, would have been 32. Maybe CRsr just wanted to live at the little yellow house, and CR1 was content to live at the trailer, so that he could. I think there was a definite split in the family and it was a rough one. I can't think of the article right now. I'll try and dig around for it. BR had no daughters so that wouldn't preclude him. CR1 didn't marry DR til 10/1994 so they had no kids at all at the time of CRsr release, maybe that was the reason?
I still think if this were some intrafamily attack over jealously, child abuse, etc. it would have been solved by now. Someone would have talked or there would have been enough evidence for charges (ballistics, guns, etc.) LE would not have been so secretive about the investigation, either. They would have shared enough info with the locals to get some witnesses to talk.

This is something else. JMO, it won't be solved (if it ever is) until after the 2018 election.

That's the way I feel about all the drug arrests. These have been some pretty big busts. News trickles down in these circles. Someone would want to talk to get out of spending that much time in prison. Rats aren't viewed well, at all. However, some folks just panic at the thought of prison.
Exactly. The finger pointing at the Rhoden's as being huge drug deals bothers me somewhat. I, myself, have gone over every angle I can of this crime. I don't see it as being an outside agent however, there is an angle I have been hesitant to voice. Already statements about how unintelligent us backwards types are but what if the stereotypical thinkers are wrong? What if for a minute you start looking at those people around the whole family. Maybe going back as far as the child predator or even further. Who knew the dad was the way he was and said nothing? It took intelligence to pull this off. It's sad people would assume people in Appalachia are too dumb to do this themselves.

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The only posts I have seen on here using words like unintelligent and dumb in connection with the people of Appalachia have occurred recently. Just the last couple of months actually. Before a couple of months ago I think the posters on here were very respectful of the Appalachian people.

No other posts on here has contained any such comments that I have read. Maybe they were removed before I saw them?

A while back we had a discussion in which I said that anyone can get a college degree and thus improve their job prospects. I was roundly scolded for my faith in the intelligence of all humanity no matter where they lived.

But I will be honest with you. I had never heard that the people of Appalachia are considered as backwards types or dumb or unintelligent.

I think that the people claiming to be from the Appalachian area who continue to point out a false stereotype to further that impression are doing more harm to their people than any outsider can ever do. After all if someone from the Appalachian area keeps saying it then the rest of the world is going to start believing it because they will think that if anyone should know, someone from the area would.

It's kind of like the rest of the country thinking all Texans are cowboys. Because the Texans all keep saying they are. And that they Californians are all laid back hippies. Because that is the way they portray themselves.

I do hope you understand what I am saying and that it is not in any way said in a derogatory manner.

I would never describe the people in my state in derogatory terms. But then again I don't know anyone in my state that gives a rat's rear what the rest of the country thinks about them.

I've been over in the Kevin Spacey forum. It's made me think. The motto: Rhoden Strong. Old man Rhoden goes to jail for being a pervert. The victim actually writes a letter, asking that he be set free, to reunite the family. I wonder who that person was. I wonder if she were "shunned" for coming forward? So she then wrote the letter to get back in. I know a young woman, who was shunned by her family. They did not believe her. It had been happening for years. She had to go into foster care. She never recanted though, and it seems that neither did old man Rhoden's accuser. I wonder if something long-rooted, had been festering for years, imagining how it would feel to take them out, b/c to get back in she had to write the letter. Planned it mostly in his/her daydreams, then, saw a way to bring it to fruition.


We touched on the theory that someone may have put out a false rumor that CR1 and KR had a truckload of Oxycontin or a boatload of cash money stashed in their homes. I could maybe see someone who was sexually molested by a family member and not being believed and even shunned by the rest of the family carrying a grudge. I can also see that they may have been dreaming of revenge on those family members who stood by the molester.

Given today's world and the opioid epidemic, spreading a rumor like that to get revenge for past wrongs could bring the desired results. Maybe even better than expected because the family member who stood by the molester's entire family was killed.
I would hope that I could control myself, b/c, I'd hate to go to prison, and not be there for the child that was hurt. I hope I'd take my own advice, but it's the one area that I could see someone going off, and doing a familial cleansing, if they thought the whole family had covered up, and they were left on the sidelines, like a rat.

How about if they were not members of the R family but "best friends" who knew the past history of old man CR and had a granddaughter in the R family. They may have began to believe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Especially if they believed they were better than the R's because they were more affluent.

The only posts I have seen on here using words like unintelligent and dumb in connection with the people of Appalachia have occurred recently. Just the last couple of months actually. Before a couple of months ago I think the posters on here were very respectful of the Appalachian people.

No other posts on here has contained any such comments that I have read. Maybe they were removed before I saw them?

A while back we had a discussion in which I said that anyone can get a college degree and thus improve their job prospects. I was roundly scolded for my faith in the intelligence of all humanity no matter where they lived.

But I will be honest with you. I had never heard that the people of Appalachia are considered as backwards types or dumb or unintelligent.

I think that the people claiming to be from the Appalachian area who continue to point out a false stereotype to further that impression are doing more harm to their people than any outsider can ever do. After all if someone from the Appalachian area keeps saying it then the rest of the world is going to start believing it because they will think that if anyone should know, someone from the area would.

It's kind of like the rest of the country thinking all Texans are cowboys. Because the Texans all keep saying they are. And that they Californians are all laid back hippies. Because that is the way they portray themselves.

I do hope you understand what I am saying and that it is not in any way said in a derogatory manner.

I would never describe the people in my state in derogatory terms. But then again I don't know anyone in my state that gives a rat's rear what the rest of the country thinks about them.

I'm referring to the "it couldn't be backwoods type justice" If you can't find it then it's been removed. I'm quite sure evil can run through any race or group of people. I would never mention any one person nor, do I think you posted it. I could never imagine that you would be dishonest about a post or you would step up and say you posted it.

I will admit to being late in getting to websleuths but I do care about this family. I will continue to care for years to come. I do hope this tragedy ends for the family.

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How about if they were not members of the R family but "best friends" who knew the past history of old man CR and had a granddaughter in the R family. They may have began to believe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Especially if they believed they were better than the R's because they were more affluent.
It's possible. The next question would be what type of pull said person would have with LE.

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The only posts I have seen on here using words like unintelligent and dumb in connection with the people of Appalachia have occurred recently. Just the last couple of months actually. Before a couple of months ago I think the posters on here were very respectful of the Appalachian people.

No other posts on here has contained any such comments that I have read. Maybe they were removed before I saw them?

A while back we had a discussion in which I said that anyone can get a college degree and thus improve their job prospects. I was roundly scolded for my faith in the intelligence of all humanity no matter where they lived.

But I will be honest with you. I had never heard that the people of Appalachia are considered as backwards types or dumb or unintelligent.

I think that the people claiming to be from the Appalachian area who continue to point out a false stereotype to further that impression are doing more harm to their people than any outsider can ever do. After all if someone from the Appalachian area keeps saying it then the rest of the world is going to start believing it because they will think that if anyone should know, someone from the area would.

It's kind of like the rest of the country thinking all Texans are cowboys. Because the Texans all keep saying they are. And that they Californians are all laid back hippies. Because that is the way they portray themselves.

I do hope you understand what I am saying and that it is not in any way said in a derogatory manner.

I would never describe the people in my state in derogatory terms. But then again I don't know anyone in my state that gives a rat's rear what the rest of the country thinks about them.


I didn't take it that samantha meant, on here, per se, but we've all read some of the comments outside of here, and some of the Hazlitt article caused her to show her ignorance, and that article by the writer in the DailyBeast, talked about all of the rednecks, and folks with tobacco stained teeth.

From the Hazlett article: Sometimes people even stalked from bed and shot blind into the dark because they couldn’t sleep. :facepalm:

Either someone fed her a big ole load of b.s. or she made that up out of thin air. Anyone, who knows anything, about firearms (and I'd guess that the region's folks do/did), knows that you don't do s**t like that.

That was just my take on her comment. As for the education part, it would be great if things were better educational wise, but jobs coming into the region would be great too. If they pass the deal about the teacher's retirement in my region, we likely won't have many new folks wanting to teach, and I fear that there will be quite a few good, seasoned, teachers, retiring out. It is just that bad.

We touched on the theory that someone may have put out a false rumor that CR1 and KR had a truckload of Oxycontin or a boatload of cash money stashed in their homes. I could maybe see someone who was sexually molested by a family member and not being believed and even shunned by the rest of the family carrying a grudge. I can also see that they may have been dreaming of revenge on those family members who stood by the molester.

Given today's world and the opioid epidemic, spreading a rumor like that to get revenge for past wrongs could bring the desired results. Maybe even better than expected because the family member who stood by the molester's entire family was killed.

This also takes me back to an old theory that hangs around about #3 spot. It the In Cold Blood theory. Someone gets to talking in the tank about this family in Piketon, who has all these derby cars, wins money all the time, one of the boys has lots of money in his, and they've heard they've got a load of cash stashed in one of those trailers. How about we roll up in there and get it. Maybe they were so sure that it was there, that they went house to house, they'd already killed at least a one or two folks, depending on where they hit first, why not just keep looking and killing, they were all up in it now. But like ICB, there just wasn't any money horded back. If there was, I think they were a month too late, it went for DR's trailer.
How about if they were not members of the R family but "best friends" who knew the past history of old man CR and had a granddaughter in the R family. They may have began to believe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Especially if they believed they were better than the R's because they were more affluent.

I can see this more than the drugs. Especially if, they took something that the child said, the wrong way (or it could have been true, we don't know). This could have been the big blow up the weekend before. We know what's going on, give her to us, or else. But this was planned, for awhile. Maybe someone knew that another child had been messed with in the family. Someone in the family, who helped with giving out info.
I noticed it mentioned they are still focused on the Wagners.

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This is interesting. Why move it closer? There was a lot of stink about it not being watched by s couple of the family members. LE wasn't worried about the trailers before why now? Is it possible they are going to be taking a closer look at crime scenes?

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WHIO blurb about the Rhoden homes getting moved again. It sounds like the warehouse closed down. Why didn't they put them in this new place in the first place?


I don't think that they had a secured place. Under a picture I read,

[FONT=&quot]Pike County commissioners on Aug. 7 approved a motion to spend $95,975 to built the pole barn. Waverly-based RJK Fabrication & Construction LLC received the contract.[/FONT]

I mean, they already had the impound lot, and other folk's impounded stuff, but no video protection for other folk's property? And, these trailers have to be inside? They stayed outside for years, and they even have the doors and windows boarded up now. I swear, I believe there's something significant, in at least one of those trailers, that they do not want out to the public, so they just took them all. That's just too weird. What if they'd been brick and mortar? I also think they knew the plant was leaving, so they requested the building specifically for the trailers, which looks like they may be hanging onto them for a bit longer.
This is interesting. Why move it closer? There was a lot of stink about it not being watched by s couple of the family members. LE wasn't worried about the trailers before why now? Is it possible they are going to be taking a closer look at crime scenes?

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It isn't closer. Unless I've been up too long and gotten the addresses confused at this point. Please correct me if so.

The impound lot is 5.5 miles from the Sheriff's Dept.

The Chemical Plant to the Sheriff's dept, was 3.0 miles.
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