OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #31

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I feel like I have commented about every news piece released over the first year. I was going to list my favorite readings to the benefit of others still searching. I will eventually do that.

Then I found this video I had never seen before. It spoke to me.

"More questions than answers". A family member speaks of dreams and nightmares. https://www.cincinnati.com/videos/news/2017/06/19/pike-county-mass-shooting/83446766/

Thanks, that's a very moving and important interview. It's terrible to think how these family members and friends have been so traumatized by the murders of their innocent loved ones. The suffering they've endured, the PTSD, the whispers, ugly rumors, the horrible accusations made against the victims and survivors. I can't recall a mass murder where the family left behind have received so little support and caring from LE and the public. It's disgraceful. I hope that some day they get the help they need.
A question. I must be over looking the info where each body was found. Can anyone tell me where I would find that?

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LE hasn't shared much information on that other than to say most of them appeared to be asleep in bed when they were killed. Some family members have revealed information.

Crime Scene 1 - CRSr & GR were in the back bedroom of their trailer on the floor, with GR lying on top of CRSr.

Crime Scene 2 - FR and Hannah Gilley were in bed in their trailer with their baby lying between them

Crime Scene 3 - CR Jr was found in bed in his mom's trailer; Hannah Rhoden was in her bed there, too with her 4 day old infant lying beside her. It's assumed their mom DR was also found in her bed. Her brother said he saw part of her body when he first entered her home.

Crime Scene 4- KR was found in his camper, lying on his bed
This is so overwhelming to me that eight people in one family can be systimaticly be taken out and nothing from LE. Since the year that it happened has there been any activity from them at all?

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The last activity by LE was when they won the Ohio Supreme Court ruling allowing them to keep the news media from viewing the unredacted autopsy reports. As a result of that decision, all autopsy reports in Ohio are kept secret, probably the only state in the US to do so.

Prior to that, they staged two separate raids on the properties and storage trailers of the Wagner families. Jake Wagner is the father of Hannah Rhoden's older daughter who is now in the custody of the Wagner family. The raids took place shortly after the Wagner family sold their farm and moved to Alaska.

Around the same time of the raids on the Wagner farms, James Manley was arrested for removing and destroying a GPS device he found on his truck. Charges were dropped pending a grand jury investigation by Pike County prosecutor Junk.
The last activity by LE was when they won the Ohio Supreme Court ruling allowing them to keep the news media from viewing the unredacted autopsy reports. As a result of that decision, all autopsy reports in Ohio are kept secret, probably the only state in the US to do so.

Prior to that, they staged two separate raids on the properties and storage trailers of the Wagner families. Jake Wagner is the father of Hannah Rhoden's older daughter who is now in the custody of the Wagner family. The raids took place shortly after the Wagner family sold their farm and moved to Alaska.
Thank you

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LE hasn't shared much information on that other than to say most of them appeared to be asleep in bed when they were killed. Some family members have revealed information.

Crime Scene 1 - CRSr & GR were in the back bedroom of their trailer on the floor, with GR lying on top of CRSr.

Crime Scene 2 - FR and Hannah Gilley were in bed in their trailer with their baby lying between them

Crime Scene 3 - CR Jr was found in bed in his mom's trailer; Hannah Rhoden was in her bed there, too with her 4 day old infant lying beside her. It's assumed their mom DR was also found in her bed. Her brother said he saw part of her body when he first entered her home.

Crime Scene 4- KR was found in his camper, lying on his bed
All of them but CRsr and GR were found in bed? Someone had to be shot first and it didn't wake up the others in the trailer? It would of had to unless there was more than one shooter. I grew up in trailers you hear everything. You know the sounds. One last question do we know the type of gun or guns used?

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Thank you

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It should also be added that in November, the Pike County Sheriff's office moved the victim's trailers and camper to a new storage facility built by Pike County


They had been paying a monthly rental fee to have them stored at Hadsell Chemical in Waverly. Hadsell Chemical went bankrupt and is being sued by investors. Court documents revealed they had told investors they would be processing cannabis oil products once MJ was legalized in Ohio. Not sure where all the money went or what they were actually making there, but they had ties to the local Ohio state representative and Pike County. They've also been sued by the SEC


Here's a better link


he SEC also alleges that Walton created fake purchase orders and falsified financial statements from Hadsell Chemical, which he gave to investors. And, the SEC alleges that, from January through at least August 2015, Walton told investors that $1.2 million of their money would be used to buy part of a business selling topical ointments containing cannabis. Walton allegedly provided only approximately $300,000 to that business and did not receive any ownership of the business. He allegedly used the rest of the money - $900,000 - for other business expenses.

That's the business that Pike County Sheriff's office was working with and paying to store the trailers.
All of them but CRsr and GR were found in bed? Someone had to be shot first and it didn't wake up the others in the trailer? It would of had to unless there was more than one shooter. I grew up in trailers you hear everything. You know the sounds. One last question do we know the type of gun or guns used?

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Police initially said they thought there was more than 1 shooter, probably for that reason.

The only trailer with more than 2 people in it was DRs, and she was reportedly not in bed.

Following Betty Ps summary, Crime scene 1 and 2 are very close to each other. Attaching a map: locatorsnip_jtlozla-mr_rg7cgvg.jpg
All of them but CRsr and GR were found in bed? Someone had to be shot first and it didn't wake up the others in the trailer? It would of had to unless there was more than one shooter. I grew up in trailers you hear everything. You know the sounds. One last question do we know the type of gun or guns used?

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LE has revealed nothing about the killings, weapons, etc. The coroner released autopsy reports that were heavily redacted by the Ohio AG's office & BCI. The coroner also confirmed they were killed by gunshot wounds. They did provide the summary of how many bullets were shot into each victim. GR's father said in an interview that two different caliber bullets were found in CRSr's trailer.
You know, the SEC article above mentions Hadsell was creating fake purchase orders and falsified financial reports. That's the kind of activity you see with money laundering, especially the fake purchase orders. Wonder where the money went? Wonder what the name is of the company making cannabis products that Hadsell claimed they were buying?
To me, Kenneth Rhoden is the outlier victim.

Has anyone any theories about why he'd be specifically targeted, and not, for example, his other two brothers?
You know, the SEC article above mentions Hadsell was creating fake purchase orders and falsified financial reports. That's the kind of activity you see with money laundering, especially the fake purchase orders. Wonder where the money went? Wonder what the name is of the company making cannabis products that Hadsell claimed they were buying?

I don't see the connection between fake purchase orders and money laundering.

Fake purchase orders are how people steal money from a business and disguise it from auditors. You write a purchase order to claim you're buying $1 million in widgets from XYZ, write XYZ a check, but never actually receive the widgets.

ETA looking more close at the case, it appears this guy created fake purchase orders supposedly from companies wanting to buy their products, in order to mislead investors into investing money in what was actually a bankrupt business.

I can't see how this investment fraud has anything to do with this case.
There was no doubt in my mind that he would win the nomination. Based on how he has handled this case, I wonder what he would do as governor...

One method to get movement in this case is for the people of Ohio to make it one. Get one media outlet to review it and beat it to death everywhere. Call tv stations. Approach the opposing party to hammer the fact that after nearly 2 years. No arrests. If the candidate can’t resolve a multiple murder how can he run thee state of Ohio.
Thanks, that's a very moving and important interview. It's terrible to think how these family members and friends have been so traumatized by the murders of their innocent loved ones. The suffering they've endured, the PTSD, the whispers, ugly rumors, the horrible accusations made against the victims and survivors. I can't recall a mass murder where the family left behind have received so little support and caring from LE and the public. It's disgraceful. I hope that some day they get the help they need.

I agree, it's an important interview. I pay attention to anything she says.

I feel sorry for them if they are not getting the support they are entitled to.
Well, regardless of who said what about dogs, the one thing LE have confirmed is "The Ohio attorney general says whoever killed eight members from the same family in Ohio were familiar with the victims, their homes and the surrounding area." They've also said local people know more than they're telling police. https://www.10tv.com/article/dewine-killers-rhoden-family-familiar-victims-area

If I had the time and energy, I'd look at the question of why certain family members homes were targetted, compared with family members who were not. For eg, why DR's home, but not her father close by. Why KR, but not his ex-wife and kids. Perhaps someone has done this?
You are right about Dewine's statement. But if the killers knew the victims, why the surviving family members cannot identify the killers close by? How close can they be?

Let me give an example of how close they can be from another case:

One night, JD killed his wife AD and disposed her body in the forest. He declared her missing the next day. Her body was found a few days later. The case was left unsolved for several months.

At her funeral, he seemed fragile and was crying a lot. He fooled absolutely everyone and he probably convinced himself too. Nobody could see he was crying from remorse except the investigators who were secretly on him.

He stayed very close to the victim's family. The sister of the victim described him in public as an ideal husband. When he was arrested several months later, the parents of the victim continued to defend him with a public statement until he finally confessed. They were* shocked to discover they were fooled for so long.

The night of the crime, he had moved the body and that left evidence that failed him in the end. Without such evidence, the case would have turned cold and JD would have kept his secret forever until death.
It should also be added that in November, the Pike County Sheriff's office moved the victim's trailers and camper to a new storage facility built by Pike County


They had been paying a monthly rental fee to have them stored at Hadsell Chemical in Waverly. Hadsell Chemical went bankrupt and is being sued by investors. Court documents revealed they had told investors they would be processing cannabis oil products once MJ was legalized in Ohio. Not sure where all the money went or what they were actually making there, but they had ties to the local Ohio state representative and Pike County. They've also been sued by the SEC


Here's a better link


That's the business that Pike County Sheriff's office was working with and paying to store the trailers.

Jeez, Betty P I had no idea that was going on. What were people doing in Pike Co? Trying to make it the "capital" of drugs, crime, and everything you can think of to make a buck? I not naming names but, when jobs left pike co it seems a lot of people became criminals! People buying up foreclosed land and bargain prices, putting cheap trailers on the land, selling it on land contracts knowing the people will lose it because of their poverty. And starting it all over again. Growing MJ, selling pills, heroin, meth and whatever the new drug will be. It's no wonder they can't figure out who did this! Why aren't any of the fine upstanding citizens that live there raising the roof about all that's going on and demanding their officials clean up their community!
You know, the SEC article above mentions Hadsell was creating fake purchase orders and falsified financial reports. That's the kind of activity you see with money laundering, especially the fake purchase orders. Wonder where the money went? Wonder what the name is of the company making cannabis products that Hadsell claimed they were buying?

Kinda reminds you of fake LLC's of medical offices or pill mills to. And didn't Jamie Barr expose something about Sheriff Reader not delivering some kind of supenia to the company in a timely manner? It's kind of wierd that the trailers of a family who were murdered and who had MJ grow ops are being stored at a company who were supposed to be manufacturing oil from pot.
Autopsy results show most Pike Co. massacre victims shot multiple times
One victim shot 9 times, more search warrants

PIKE COUNTY, Ohio — One of the victims in last week’s Pike County family massacre was shot as many as nine times, according to autopsy results from the Hamilton County Coroner’s Office Crime Lab.
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Dudly,I have not followed the case closely for an extended period.

I apologize if subsequent information has disputed what LM stated in my link.

It is never my intention to post information that is not correct.

If it is no too much trouble Dudly do you recall the DS interview you refer to? I obviously need to do some refreshing on this tragedy.

FLY This is me thinking outloud but what are the chances that not one of the dogs would begin barking thus alerting the family that there was a person prowling the perimeter of their homes. If not for their own personal safety but just to alert if someone was tampering with their cash crop? :waitasec:

Whew,it took 4 tries to get the broken link to work.

I was merely trying to let you know that the preliminary info has been updated with more info coming out. I wasn't trying to dispute you or say you were posting incorrect information. I'd guess about 80% of what was said in the first day or two was not very accurate according what came out later.
This is so overwhelming to me that eight people in one family can be systimaticly be taken out and nothing from LE. Since the year that it happened has there been any activity from them at all?

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All evidence is sealed under court order and that court order is sealed. Even the murder scenes are sealed and under lock and key. Redacted autopsy reports are about the only thing released by LE. Other than the autopsy reports, no proof a crime was committed has ever been released...
LE hasn't shared much information on that other than to say most of them appeared to be asleep in bed when they were killed. Some family members have revealed information.

Crime Scene 1 - CRSr & GR were in the back bedroom of their trailer on the floor, with GR lying on top of CRSr.

Crime Scene 2 - FR and Hannah Gilley were in bed in their trailer with their baby lying between them

Crime Scene 3 - CR Jr was found in bed in his mom's trailer; Hannah Rhoden was in her bed there, too with her 4 day old infant lying beside her. It's assumed their mom DR was also found in her bed. Her brother said he saw part of her body when he first entered her home.

Crime Scene 4- KR was found in his camper, lying on his bed

Wasn't it said that CR2 was found behind his bed? LM commented that LE had to go in looking for him several times till they found him.
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