OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #35 *Arrests*

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Apologies if this is a duplicate post, but GWIII was booked into Butler County jail yesterday

Wagner patriarch booked into Butler County jail for Rhoden family massacre

Also a very good article about David Dickerson, the victim's advocate who has been helping the Rhoden/Gilley/Manley families since the day of the massacre. He discusses how the surviving family has grown and become stronger.

Rhoden family massacre becomes personal for victim advocate

I am so happy for the families and to know what the Ws did to their families didn't destroy them but instead made them bond even more so and has made them stronger.

It really is true.....love is the only thing that can ever overcome hate and evil in this world.

God bless them all as they stand tall and strong together as one as they go forward to seek justice for all of their loved ones who were brutally and senselessly taken from them.

I dont want to even think about how many times these evil people gloated over what they had done to 8 innocent people.

Just thinking of the Ws makes me ill.

Oh yeah they fully believed they had gotten away with it all. I am sure they high fived..and celebrated when they successfully murdered 8 in cold blood.

I can see them all gathered around the kitchen table laughing their wicked heads off.

But many times it's their own arrogance and over confidence that's gets them in the end.

They thought the coast was clear. Thank God it wasnt.

They were fully convinced LE wasnt going to ever solve this case. I'm so glad they were totally wrong.


I can see them all gathered around the kitchen table laughing their wicked heads off.

I don't know about the Wagners but I sincerely hope the Manleys. Rhodens and Gilleys are laughing their heads off right now. Sweet justice.

It’s possible that’s why they came back to Ohio. What he did, moving 4000 miles away, was parental alienation. I’m just speculating, but perhaps both needing to file estates for both of the deceased grandfathers ( Carter & Wagner) along with a non custodial parent fighting for their visitation left the W’s with no other choice but to return to Ohio.

Also, I've a feeling they were living hand-to-mouth. The home they were in was tiny for five adults, and two children. Betty posted a link, and iirc, it was under 900 sq ft, total, and 2BR. That probably didn't help matters either. AW may have been in line for something from her father b
ut GW3s probably set up to go to FW by survivorship.
The indictments contain charges for moving the bodies of Chris and/or Gary.

I’m very curious. It almost had to be CRSR because apparently he was murderedvfirst. My question is where might he have been? How long was he dead before the others and why. It had to be longer than minutes but less than a day because I think he would have been missed. Was he gone on a trip the day before. Was he killed the afternoon before by someone with him. Was he shot in one of the cars?

Lots of questions.
Also, I've a feeling they were living hand-to-mouth. The home they were in was tiny for five adults, and two children. Betty posted a link, and iirc, it was under 900 sq ft, total, and 2BR. That probably didn't help matters either. AW may have been in line for something from her father b
ut GW3s probably set up to go to FW by survivorship.

Someone posted there was a 300 k life insurance on George II to be paid to George III.
In the next few years the hows who’s and whys will most likely reveal themselves in court proceedings and alike .

Most times when I see a murder on the news its mundane , common place . Within seconds you can make some kind of determination on motive and perceive some kind of scenario in your head as to who did it and why , whithin reason you’ll be correct in some form or other for the most part .
trying to broach this subject with some form of decorum as to not offend some individual - is going to be nearly impossible , as they are extremely thin skinned and sensitive. So I expect to have some kind of lash back from my statements . if such individual happens on to it . It will go something like this - “ you clearly dont know what your talking about “ .

Jordan Peterson is a extremely smart dude , he is a professor and psychologist from canada and has become very popular amongst the younger generation on YouTube . When that guy talks , I listen .
He has tried to answer a students question on the the subject I’m about to bring up . ill try to attach a link .

A few weeks ago I had asked about profiling the people responsible , as ive done before on this forum and others hoping someone was seeing what I was seeing as far as profiling . Ive brought this subject up several years ago on another forum in reference to this case , but because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of it ,, I think it went over most people heads or they couldn’t see the complexities in it in reference to the case .

For some reason I thought I could explain this disorder . I can not . Although I have lived exsperience with it and have studied it for about 10 years - I can not explain it adequately for someone to understand . Even reading it in the dsm is not going even get you close to understanding it .
So I’m just going to leave the link .

My opinion is this entire case is linked and littered with many people with this disorder and other disorders as well.

All just my opinion .


Ive a feeling that Gw3 was the poster child for ASPD. Just from what little I've seen of him on the arrest and court videos, and comments I've read. They are very good at making their case to get others to join them on their off the wall journeys too. I'd not be surprised if one or both boys are ASPD. AW graduated college which would require self-discipline so I'm not sure about her. She may just love GW3, that much, to commit murder, or she likes that kind of on the edge lifestyle. Now its gone too far.
I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?

I'll offer up a scenario. Is it possible that JW went to DR's and took sw because only HR and CR2 were there? And HR called her dad who went to JW's to get SW? And was shot through the door?

Also they may have dragged CR1 to the bedroom to keep GR from seeing it if he was not home at the time they killed CR.

I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?

It's possible he was shot throuh an interior door coming out of the bedroom into the hall, and they drug him back into the bedroom, after they killed him. Probably just a few feet but they still moved him.
But BJM, while noting that the door was locked, the dogs were on the porch, and she knew where the spare key was, never mentioned if the front door was shot through. I guess I just feel like with all of the details she recalled in the 911 call, if the front door was shot through, she’d have said so.

And yes, GR’s father shared in an interview that Gary was laying across Chris’s legs, when discovered.

Mitten, if you will recall in those first days when we were all scanning and enlarging the photos of CR1's trailer that there appeared to be a bullet hole through a front window.
In the next few years the hows who’s and whys will most likely reveal themselves in court proceedings and alike .

Most times when I see a murder on the news its mundane , common place . Within seconds you can make some kind of determination on motive and perceive some kind of scenario in your head as to who did it and why , whithin reason you’ll be correct in some form or other for the most part .
trying to broach this subject with some form of decorum as to not offend some individual - is going to be nearly impossible , as they are extremely thin skinned and sensitive. So I expect to have some kind of lash back from my statements . if such individual happens on to it . It will go something like this - “ you clearly dont know what your talking about “ .

Jordan Peterson is a extremely smart dude , he is a professor and psychologist from canada and has become very popular amongst the younger generation on YouTube . When that guy talks , I listen .
He has tried to answer a students question on the the subject I’m about to bring up . ill try to attach a link .

A few weeks ago I had asked about profiling the people responsible , as ive done before on this forum and others hoping someone was seeing what I was seeing as far as profiling . Ive brought this subject up several years ago on another forum in reference to this case , but because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of it ,, I think it went over most people heads or they couldn’t see the complexities in it in reference to the case .

For some reason I thought I could explain this disorder . I can not . Although I have lived exsperience with it and have studied it for about 10 years - I can not explain it adequately for someone to understand . Even reading it in the dsm is not going even get you close to understanding it .
So I’m just going to leave the link .

My opinion is this entire case is linked and littered with many people with this disorder and other disorders as well.

All just my opinion .

I've always been interested in your theories and look forward to your posts.

The video you linked makes sense Sojourn. Seems like adults throwing temper tantrums because the can't get what they want. Like Giant 2 year olds, they go to EXTREME measures to get it.

It also ties people who can plan meticulously, yet cant successfully implement those plans.

I wonder about the 3 generations of W's involved (FW, G3, JW/G4). Are these things are hereditary or learned. Probably both and hard to distinguish.

I've always been interested in your theories and look forward to your posts.

The video you linked makes sense Sojourn. Seems like adults throwing temper tantrums because the can't get what they want. Like Giant 2 year olds, they go to EXTREME measures to get it.

It also ties people who can plan meticulously, yet cant successfully implement those plans.

I wonder about the 3 generations of W's involved (FW, G3, JW/G4). Are these things are hereditary or learned. Probably both and hard to distinguish.
I can see them all gathered around the kitchen table laughing their wicked heads off.

I don't know about the Wagners but I sincerely hope the Manleys. Rhodens and Gilleys are laughing their heads off right now. Sweet justice.

Excepting the months of planning they're alleged to have been doing, I might think ChSr was killed when an argument with W(s) broke out.

Maybe Sophie was picked up against HR's wishes, easy if she's home alone, and she called her dad to report what had happened.

Or Sophie was with her grandpa at the trailer when the Ws took her. Maybe HR knew Ws were coming and sent Sophie with Papaw. ChSr could've locked the door, barred it with his body, and they shot through it as he tried to keep them from kicking their way inside.

They then decided they'd better protect themselves by killing anyone who'd know what happened.

But this wouldn't have been planned ahead, unless the action plan was launched prematurely. Plus I don't think they'd risk hitting Sophie.

I think the plan had been in place for a good long time. And I thought the same thing you write above. And to take it a step further perhaps it was part of the original plan. Who knows with these people.

Sometimes just after reading this thread I feel so contaminated and filthy I have to take a hot bubble bath. Then guilt sets in as HANNA, Her mother DANA, and HANNAH GILLEY will never have that choice again.
I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?
IMO, I believe CR/GR will killed first. DR working the unexpected double screwed up their plans. Hence, dragging them to the back room in case she stopped by afterwards.
Why are we making women responsible?
I don't think she meant anything against men. My uncle had the cleanest house I've ever been in. Looked like something in a magazine every single day. I have many hunters in my family. The only house that looks like that has no woman living in it. The pictures seemed to show a cave setting more than a family home setting to me, but to each his or her own.
There is a good possibility that CR1 was more decomposed than the others due to the higher number of wounds that he sustained and the fact that he may have been dragged across a floor that probably wasn’t the cleanest. That would have given various bacteria more places to enter the body.

I agree but again that requires time. And your thoughts are possible.

I’m just thinking a prosecutor wouldn’t file a charge for it unless it was moved a significant distance.

And for the life of me I do not know why the Waggies were not charged with about 100,000 different counts of endangering the lives of 3 children.

It was a good thing to not harm those babies. By I can also think of several things that could have gone terribly wrong in the hours they were alone between the murders and the discovery of bodies.
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