OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #36 *Arrests*

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So thankful for these articles as I now will no longer
have to add “JMO” when I post with an “opinion” about FW. The proof of what she is and what she stands for is all over those articles.

Side note-how can one own a group home for the challenged yet try to take advantage of an illiterate man in land deal? I feel sorry for whomever are residents at FW’s Crystal Springs Group Home.

Yes, no more JMO on this stuff. Their predatory practices were fairly obvious on the Pike County courts web site with so many entries for FW evicting people from their property over the years. This article puts it all together. I can't believe they got by with selling these "land contracts" at vastly inflated prices, charging balloon payments, etc.

A lot of suspicion also remains with the comment from one neighbor saying FW didn't care how tenants earned their money, as long as they made payments. We did a lot of speculating about that. Of course, it's difficult to prove that the W's knew if some of their tenants were involved in illegal activities.

FW was quite the hustler when it came to making a living. Assume that's where her offspring learned the same values. These aren't people who work regular jobs, but hustle any way they can with as little effort as possible.
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IMHO I think they might still believe they will get out of this. What do you think?

Some of them may think they'll get out of these murder charges, but they're being too optimistic, JMO. I do think it's possible that FW will get out of her legal problems or at most will just get a slap on the wrist. It also seems unlikely any of them will be sentenced to death for the murders. They all have pretty good legal help. They also probably know some things about other Boss Hoggs in the area and may get some help by threatening to talk. JMO of course.
Yes, no more JMO on this stuff. Their predatory practices were fairly obvious on the Pike County courts web site with so many entries for FW evicting people from their property over the years. This article puts it all together. I can't believe they got by with selling these "land contracts" at vastly inflated prices, charging balloon payments, etc.

A lot of suspicion also remains with the comment from one neighbor saying FW didn't care how tenants earned their money, as long as they made payments. We did a lot of speculating about that. Of course, it's difficult to prove that the W's knew if some of their tenants were involved in illegal activities.
The balloon payments seem about as illegal as it gets when it comes to rental/land contract schemes. I don’t know much about real estate, but I remember when the housing market crashed and one of the issues was lenders permitting the mortgages loans that weren’t fixed loans. Home owners could afford their homes when they first purchased them, but as the payment increased each month, they began to struggle. It’s not right.

I’d imagine, even after all we’ve put together over the past years, that even more will come to light and we will still be shocked at some of the facts behind this family.

What’s done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. And the Wagner’s, Fredericka included, are about to have the spotlights of truth blinding their warped perception of reality.
If it's a CI, they'd likely have them wear some type of wire, for audio, and it could possibly even capture video.
I have a feeling that they know much more than we ever imagined they knew about the Ws. Just from the little that has come out in the indictments, the only thing the Ws can use is claiming the evidence is false or obtained illegally.
IMHO I believe by the time they reached KR their energy was crashing. All that adrenaline from the earlier murders was dropping so they didn't spend as much time on KR. But, they knew he had to die because to leave him alive would leave one person out there who just might be able to say who did it or one person who might retaliate.

Good point. It was also likely getting late and they were worried about people being up and around (recall it was turkey season when hunters are out before sunrise). They probably didn't want to run into people driving on the roads.
The balloon payments seem about as illegal as it gets when it comes to rental/land contract schemes. I don’t know much about real estate, but I remember when the housing market crashed and one of the issues was lenders permitting the mortgages loans that weren’t fixed loans. Home owners could afford their homes when they first purchased them, but as the payment increased each month, they began to struggle. It’s not right.

I’d imagine, even after all we’ve put together over the past years, that even more will come to light and we will still be shocked at some of the facts behind this family.

What’s done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. And the Wagner’s, Fredericka included, are about to have the spotlights of truth blinding their warped perception of reality.

Unfortunately, most of that stuff, sub-prime lending, variable interest rates, balloon payments, etc. are still legal, in spite of the damage they've caused. It's no different than the financial crimes the Mafia used to engage in. Looks like Fredericka was the queen of sub-prime lending and loan sharking in her area, but she's probably not the only one.

It's no wonder suicide rates are high in rural areas today. With the poor economy and predatory practices like this, it's no wonder people are giving up hope. Explains a lot of drug abuse problems, too.

CDC Press Releases

Suicide Rate Highest in Decades But Worst in Rural America

US life expectancy drops again as opioid deaths and suicide rates rise

Some of them may think they'll get out of these murder charges, but they're being too optimistic, JMO. I do think it's possible that FW will get out of her legal problems or at most will just get a slap on the wrist. It also seems unlikely any of them will be sentenced to death for the murders. They all have pretty good legal help. They also probably know some things about other Boss Hoggs in the area and may get some help by threatening to talk. JMO of course.
They can still be charged as an accessory after the fact if not murder. I doubt any will get out of jail in their lifetime.
Unfortunately, most of that stuff, sub-prime lending, variable interest rates, balloon payments, etc. are still legal, in spite of the damage they've caused. It's no different than the financial crimes the Mafia used to engage in. Looks like Fredericka was the queen of sub-prime lending and loan sharking in her area, but she's probably not the only one.

It's no wonder suicide rates are high in rural areas today. With the poor economy and predatory practices like this, it's no wonder people are giving up hope. Explains a lot of drug abuse problems, too.

CDC Press Releases

Suicide Rate Highest in Decades But Worst in Rural America

US life expectancy drops again as opioid deaths and suicide rates rise

It’s SAD! Preying on the poor to better yourself is one of the lowest of lows.
It’s SAD! Preying on the poor to better yourself is one of the lowest of lows.

Yes it is, but a lot of people don't see it that way. It's one reason why I hope these trials are moved to another county. There may be too many people (potential jurors) in Pike County who are like the Wagners, do business with them or are in debt to them to serve on a jury. Sadly, I think they still enjoy a good reputation with many people in the area. Wealthy, powerful, "good Christians", etc. They've long been admired and respected. Sometimes there's a lot of tradition and community peer pressure to support these Boss Hoggs.
Yes it is, but a lot of people don't see it that way. It's one reason why I hope these trials are moved to another county. There may be too many people (potential jurors) in Pike County who are like the Wagners, do business with them or are in debt to them to serve on a jury. Sadly, I think they still enjoy a good reputation with many people in the area. Wealthy, powerful, "good Christians", etc. They've long been admired and respected. Sometimes there's a lot of tradition and community peer pressure to support these Boss Hoggs.
I can’t imagine the trials would stay in Pike County. There’d be bias either way. With a population of around 30,000, I can personally say I’ve lost count over the past couple years of the number of people who are linked together. There’s not a typical 7 degrees of separation in the area because of the low population.
according to Canepa, the four also allegedly discussed helping the others arrested to escape. She also stated that George IV "was probably the most vocal" during conversations where threats were made.
Whoops here's source article
George Wagner IV pleads not guilty to murder charges, held without bond

I personally do not trust confidential informants. Unless there is video or audio I believe defensive attorneys will chew them up. LE keeps saying confidential source not informant. So Ws had more than one conversation in front of a certain person. Hard to believe.

I think confidential informant is rumor from the words confidential source being used. I may be wrong but I do not think the word informant has been used by anyone. Fw's daughter may have known what they did and helped LE by placing a bug or recording device in FW's home. That would not make her an informant. If you think about it, her helping put away mom and the rest, she has full control of the farms and business....
adjective: confidential
intended to be kept secret.
"confidential information"
synonyms: private, personal, intimate, quiet; More
secret, sensitive, classified, restricted, unofficial, unrevealed, undisclosed, unpublished;
informalhush-hush, mum;
formalsub rosa;
"a confidential chat"
  • (of a person's tone of voice) indicating that what one says is private or secret.
    "he dropped his voice to a confidential whisper"
  • entrusted with private or restricted information.
    "a confidential secretary"
    synonyms: trusted, trustworthy, trusty, faithful, reliable, dependable
I have always thought that Jake does not resemble his father or brother. I have searched his face and body build and have not been able to see one bit of resemblance.
Things that make me go hmmmmmmmm....

My own opinion! Others might see resemblance where I found none.

Actually, now that I've seen JW and GWIV in person, so to speak, I do see a resemblance in the eyes and brow, which for both brothers look like their mother's, to me. JW is just not as beefy as the rest of the family.
Just because the property that you live on is worth a certain amount of money does mean that you have that money in your pocket.

No but FW has many rental properties, land contracts and various other interests that she makes steady income off of. All profits that are due to her large amounts of land. I think its reasonable to assume that she does infact have vast amounts of money, of which there is probably alot of that the government doesn't know she has imo
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I did not give proper credit to ALMOND who provided the first info on photos from Londberg "tweets on twitter." (try saying that fast 3 times in a row, lol.)
Long day for a lot of you...but wanted to mention the "attorney's claim, WIII only having a 7th grade education." That bugs the heck out of me....suddenly, he isn't the rich, "untouchable scion of a notable horse breeding dynasty" being provided a top notch private attorney, huh?? Is the politically correct term for this "SPIN DOCTOR?" I guess what really gets to me, is if he really only completed 7th grade (must have been a rough school) .... how/where did he learn his other life skills?

I personally didn’t learn any life skills in school. I graduated HS in 74. The only thing I learned in school was that there are a lot of mean and cruel ppl in this world.

My father quit school 8th grade, took his brothers place in WW2 because brother had job helping mom. My father was in navy 4 yrs then police officer for 32 years.

My husband quit 10th grade. Left home in Md went to alabama for 2 years (fathers family) came back joined army, 4 years. He’s GM for custom home builder.
I think confidential informant is rumor from the words confidential source being used. I may be wrong but I do not think the word informant has been used by anyone. Fw's daughter may have known what they did and helped LE by placing a bug or recording device in FW's home. That would not make her an informant. If you think about it, her helping put away mom and the rest, she has full control of the farms and business....

The article has been edited I posted. The newspaper? changed a paragraph. It claimed confidential informant instead of confidential source. Also, in paragraph it stated that they suspected state had inside person since FW arraignment. I firmly believe it was electronic eavesdropping that got them.
IMHO I believe by the time they reached KR their energy was crashing. All that adrenaline from the earlier murders was dropping so they didn't spend as much time on KR. But, they knew he had to die because to leave him alive would leave one person out there who just might be able to say who did it or one person who might retaliate.

Also, KR may have been one step removed from the issues the Wags had with the Rs, and therefore, less offensive and threatening to them. But what about the dollars strewn about? Was that true?
The article has been edited I posted. The newspaper? changed a paragraph. It claimed confidential informant instead of confidential source. Also, in paragraph it stated that they suspected state had inside person since FW arraignment. I firmly believe it was electronic eavesdropping that got them.

If it's electronic eavesdropping, LE may not want to tip their hand if bugs are still in place.
I wish they would sell Rhoden/Gilley shirts and bracelets so we could help support them. Maybe even an I Love Leonard shirt? :D

One thing I have thought about is if the trials are moved to a different county then LM and GenR and maybe even HHG's mother might have a hard time raising enough money to go every day. So I thought about a account that would raise money for gas and food for those traveling back and forth and maybe hotel rooms for those able to take time off and stay where the trials are held.

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