OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #36 *Arrests*

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It seems that JW is the only one so far besides his maternal grandmother that have public defenders. That's interesting to me. I can see FW letting AW out to dry, but JW? I can't imagine who else would have the money to pay for DP lawyers besides FW.
That IS interesting. He doesn't look like the other W fellows either, heavy set with jowls.
Those trailers, how securely they've been kept for going on 3 years, and the chain of custody of all evidence have been concerning to me. I hope they dotted their i-s and crossed their t-s.

I think all the evidence might have been removed from the trailers while the first forensic teams were out there right after the murders. They had the bodies, most likely all the photos they wanted and they had the bullet casings. Maybe there was nothing else to collect and the trailers were brought elsewhere to prevent vandalism, break-ins, possible fires and all sort of trouble along those lines. It seems to me the bulk of the physical evidence collected may have been located with and around the Wagners. I just think the Rhoden trailers had yielded all they were going to yield. I seem to remember LE spent a lot of time going through them. (After all, with other murders, homes are sold, apartments rented, convenience store re-opened after murders... saving entire homes is not really necessary... LE relinquishes crime scenes all the time once they are finished with them.) Those places would have been trashed, hunted through, wall opened looking for guns, drugs, people gawking at the blood, taking "souvenirs", filming and putting the videos on Youtube, seances held, etc... even family members would want to gather personal belongings and other family members might object, of course... (I know I'd want photos of my loved ones, etc, if it was my family who'd been killed.) LE moved them to avoid trouble, imo, and because they were trailers, they could be moved.
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according to Canepa, the four also allegedly discussed helping the others arrested to escape. She also stated that George IV "was probably the most vocal" during conversations where threats were made.
Whoops here's source article
George Wagner IV pleads not guilty to murder charges, held without bond

I personally do not trust confidential informants. Unless there is video or audio I believe defensive attorneys will chew them up. LE keeps saying confidential source not informant. So Ws had more than one conversation in front of a certain person. Hard to believe.
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Has anyone seen the photos posted by Max Londberg on his twitter account? Londberg is a breaking news reporter at the Cincinnati Enquirer. I'm not sure if I can post photos or any of the photos. Photos from yesterday at JW's arraignment hearing.
I did not give proper credit to ALMOND who provided the first info on photos from Londberg "tweets on twitter." (try saying that fast 3 times in a row, lol.)
Long day for a lot of you...but wanted to mention the "attorney's claim, WIII only having a 7th grade education." That bugs the heck out of me....suddenly, he isn't the rich, "untouchable scion of a notable horse breeding dynasty" being provided a top notch private attorney, huh?? Is the politically correct term for this "SPIN DOCTOR?" I guess what really gets to me, is if he really only completed 7th grade (must have been a rough school) .... how/where did he learn his other life skills?
That IS interesting. He doesn't look like the other W fellows either, heavy set with jowls.

I have always thought that Jake does not resemble his father or brother. I have searched his face and body build and have not been able to see one bit of resemblance.
Things that make me go hmmmmmmmm....

My own opinion! Others might see resemblance where I found none.
I think all the evidence might have been removed from the trailers while the first forensic teams were out there right after them murders. They had the bodies, most likely all the photos they wanted and they had the bullet casings. Maybe there was nothing else to collect and the trailers were brought elsewhere to prevent vandalism, break-ins, possible fires and all sort of trouble along those lines. It seems to me the bulk of the physical evidence collected may have been located with and around the Wagners. I just think the Rhoden trailers had yielded all they were going to yield. I seem to remember LE spent a lot of time going through them. (After other murders, homes are sold, apartments rented... saving entire homes is not really necessary... LE relinquishes crime scenes all the time once they are finished with them.)

Sheriff Reader has been quoted in the news media that all the evidence was taken from the trailers and securely stored in evidence lockers. There have been questions though, about the value of trailers themselves

Pike Co. Massacre: Prosecutor says evidence ‘virtually useless’
according to Canepa, the four also allegedly discussed helping the others arrested to escape. She also stated that George IV "was probably the most vocal" during conversations where threats were made.
Whoops here's source article
George Wagner IV pleads not guilty to murder charges, held without bond

I personally do not trust confidential informants. Unless there is video or audio I believe defensive attorneys will chew them up. LE keeps saying confidential source not informant. So Ws had more than one conversation in front of a certain person. Hard to believe.

We don't know enough yet about their source, so will have to wait. As long as they waited to prosecute the case, they must feel confident about this evidence.
I wonder if the CI who was working with LE and may have told Lwould be accepted as probable cause?

I think all the evidence might have been removed from the trailers while the first forensic teams were out there right after them murders. They had the bodies, most likely all the photos they wanted and they had the bullet casings. Maybe there was nothing else to collect and the trailers were brought elsewhere to prevent vandalism, break-ins, possible fires and all sort of trouble along those lines. It seems to me the bulk of the physical evidence collected may have been located with and around the Wagners. I just think the Rhoden trailers had yielded all they were going to yield. I seem to remember LE spent a lot of time going through them. (After other murders, homes are sold, apartments rented... saving entire homes is not really necessary... LE relinquishes crime scenes all the time once they are finished with them.)

They most likely documented everything properly with or without everyone watching. Documentation should show the steps they took, what it was & when before the big "break in" by the reporter from Cincinnati who exposed the vulnerability of the storage area. I say the State will win on evidence from the crime scenes.

JW's defense will cost the most, imo. Let the state pick up that tab, and if the state doesn't have enough death penalty lawyers then he'll be able to get a paid one from the outside. I am pretty sure that's how it works. Correct me if I'm wrong anytime!

IMO. That maybe how the family looks at his defense.
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according to Canepa, the four also allegedly discussed helping the others arrested to escape. She also stated that George IV "was probably the most vocal" during conversations where threats were made.
Whoops here's source article
George Wagner IV pleads not guilty to murder charges, held without bond

I personally do not trust confidential informants. Unless there is video or audio I believe defensive attorneys will chew them up. LE keeps saying confidential source not informant. So Ws had more than one conversation in front of a certain person. Hard to believe.
Eyewitness testimony is often "unreliable" easy to challenge...VIDEO and RECORDINGS are much more difficult. C'mon, don't we love the forensic shows in which the Video and Recordings ie (reliable sources) shock us with the blatant lies of the perps? They feign shock, sadness, disbelief, throw aspersions on other people, blame the victim etc, etc, etc. Think of every sting law enforcement has ever conducted...Ms Dippolito? Heck, at this point, everybody who called in a tip is some kind of informant....but I don't think that is the case here. I'd hate to think the only reliable source in America is owned by the Walmart Corporation.
I don't know, HR's social media seemed to be full of sadness and references to partner abuse(emotional or physical, I don't know). I've often wondered why CR and FR allowed that to happen, or even DR for that matter. But they allowed her to date JW and go on vacations with the W's at a very young age.

Maybe Hanna kept the abuse a secret from her father and brother and it only came out after she and JW had broken up. Kids and even adults will keep secrets like that sometimes.
I did not give proper credit to ALMOND who provided the first info on photos from Londberg "tweets on twitter." (try saying that fast 3 times in a row, lol.)
Long day for a lot of you...but wanted to mention the "attorney's claim, WIII only having a 7th grade education." That bugs the heck out of me....suddenly, he isn't the rich, "untouchable scion of a notable horse breeding dynasty" being provided a top notch private attorney, huh?? Is the politically correct term for this "SPIN DOCTOR?" I guess what really gets to me, is if he really only completed 7th grade (must have been a rough school) .... how/where did he learn his other life skills?

Yes excellent post. I thought what kind of family lets a child quit in 7th grade. He didn't need to quit to help feed family. Tells me he does or did what he wants.
Why is FW's other son allowed to sit inside the railings, at trial, and not with other spectators?
Are you sure that is not a sheriff, or deputy who also escorted him into the building and then also stood at the base of the stairs? I think he was wearing a green plaid shirt with "leather holster straps" sitting slightly behind and the right of the defendant (If you are looking at the judge). Maybe he is there to add extra security for the investigators who were threatened in "those" conversations of revenge and escape?
I don't know the correct wording for the "holster straps" that detectives some times wear under their jackets....but they always impress me.
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From the linked DDN article:

"But the state’s special prosecutor successfully objected, citing a confidential informant who disclosed to investigators that Wagner IV and his family discussed revenge multiple times, as well as discussing how the incarcerated family member would have escaped from jail."

"Before the arraignment, she sat beside her mother Fredericka’s attorney, who relayed a message to one of Wagner IV’s attorneys: 'She just wants you to pass on to George that she loves him.' "

Anyone else read that and then look for some code or underlying message from FW to GW3?! Hahaha. I hope there was no "exchange" of a note via handshake or something dropped and picked up! Maybe I'm going too far into hollywood with it but my ears perked a little at that! Also...why was there no message to JW from her attorney? That, coupled with no request for bond for JW either, definitely makes you wonder if he is either the ring leader or the mole!

Same. As the mole, if they wanted to keep him confidential, they'd have to arrest him too, and go through the motions, especially if he was ratting out his family in exchange for a deal. I keep thinking back to the picture of him locking eyes with his aunt, yesterday, and maybe it was just the lighting, or the angle, but it was a strange shot. I doubt that he is the mole, but it would be crazy if it was him.
Sheriff Reader has been quoted in the news media that all the evidence was taken from the trailers and securely stored in evidence lockers. There have been questions though, about the value of trailers themselves

Pike Co. Massacre: Prosecutor says evidence ‘virtually useless’

BBM... not sure what sort of value you mean. Value for evidence at trial? Monetary value? How much family values the trailers? (Not sure what you mean.) I think professionally made diagrams drawn "true to size" is what is usually used during murder trials... along with photographs. When you think of it, it wouldn't be a great idea to walk the jury through those trailers or even think of using them ever again... they're chock full of bio-hazardous materials, for one thing, with the blood and other body fluids that must still be there... and bacteria, molds, etc. would still be multiplying. It's not a good idea, I don't think. I'm not sure what could safely be done with them or, unfortunately, anything inside them by now.
I'm not sure what Sheriff Reader meant when he said he wanted to "preserve the crime scenes." For what purpose, I wonder. I really just think he moved them so they wouldn't be trashed completely by kids and nosy types.
ETA: I had a little rental house once, empty all summer and the AC had quit. I had not idea the AC was out. When I arrived to clean and rent it... the entire inside surfaces of everything... everything in side that house and the house itself... was green. Bright green and took days to wash the whole inside of the house out. Places just can't be left empty... they go bad.
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I have always thought that Jake does not resemble his father or brother. I have searched his face and body build and have not been able to see one bit of resemblance.
Things that make me go hmmmmmmmm....

My own opinion! Others might see resemblance where I found none.
He could take after his mother's side of the family.
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