OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #36 *Arrests*

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Welcome! A rollercoaster is a good description! Being close, have you found that others in your location have kept up with the case like ya'll have? I ask, because I thought they would around me, but was surprised that I'm one of a very, very, very few. Well, basically it's me, my better half, who has no other choice b/c of me, and a dozen or so friends and family who I've tossed theories off of relentlessly.

No, most people have not kept up with it. If I mention it, people recognize the case, but definitely aren't attached to it. It really does surprise me because of how similar our areas are! But it's in my nature to follow these things for some reason. I always seem to get drawn in to the mysteries.
A great contributor asked if twitter account info can be attached. This PHOTO eeeerieee...
Max Londberg on Twitter
(the following are my observations only, not meant to imply they were Max L's.)
I am imagining a "Where's Waldo-theme" in regards to one individual...keeps appearing, reappearing, and re-reappearing. Pop quiz: who was wearing khaki pants and with BGWIII when he was arrested in Lexington, Ky? Who was sitting behind FW in same khaki pants during her arraignment? Who was sitting behind JakeW same khaki pants in his arraignment? Now today, yep....my Where's Waldo-meme played out again....and.....who was sitting behind GWIV, in same khaki pants when he was being arraigned today?
You know what? I am beginning to think those pants are bad luck.
Wonder what we'll see tomorrow....I'm thinking a "no show.")
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Interesting article from 2012 about GW IV's defense attorney, Richard M. Nash, Jr.

Judge alters routine to toss out drug case against lawyer

Nash is the bearded attorney who sat next to W IV at the hearing today.

Attorney Profile


Another article from the Pike Co News Watchman about GW IV's hearing today

George Wagner IV pleads not guilty to murder charges, held without bond

The reporter also makes note of the prosecutor's statement that GW IV was the "most vocal" in conversations when the threats were made against DeWine, Reader, et al.

I've worn out my touchpad and can't copy and paste anymore. Darn.
On the Attorney's profile page he notes that he goes the extra mile..."and thoroughly exam the alleged crime scene, if necessary.". I wonder if he'll want a walk through of the trailers.
Authorities: Custody dispute played role in slaying of 8

Snipped from above article:

The last significant piece of evidence was collected on Oct. 30, DeWine said.

Sounds like whatever it was may have proved to be the proverbial nail(s) in the coffin(s).

I'm very interested in where the silencer was found and if a tip by someone close to the Ws led to the discovery. I keep picturing that huge horse trailer overflowing with the W's possessions that they left behind in their haste to get to Alaska, or the search warrant carried out at the Flying W; was it either of those 2 places? One thing that concerns me, however, is how poorly LE secured some of the evidence, such as the R's trailers and vehicles. I'm sure a defense attorney might get a great deal of mileage out of something like that.
I don't see how Pike can handle a case like this, financially, and population wise. There's just not enough people to pull a non-biased jury pool for, four, DP trials, with a case of this magnitude, also Pike is a pretty strapped county. They have only 28k residents county wide. Hamilton is the third largest county with over 800k residents. I understand their desire to prosecute the case, they've worked so hard, but I just don't see how they can do it in Pike.

To seat a jury in Pike County of people who are not intimately familiar with this case seems an impossible task. In addition, many people couldn't afford to be off work a day or two, much less the length of time a DP trial would take. The psychological burden of this crime has been incalculable on Pike County. But it seems that the best option would be to accept help from any outside county that offers, including moving the trials to larger counties. That would also help to reduce the chances of a successful appeal due to the lack of an impartial jury or jury tampering by the W's.
Is it possible that the people who were supposed to stay the night at the various homes that night, particularly FR & DR’s homes, were made aware of a dispute between HMR & JW over S that evening and that’s why they didn’t stay? It’s a long shot but I still cannot understand the coincidental cancellation of several overnight guests at 3 of the locations. JMHO.

Would you be able to refresh my memory. TIA!! Who are the multiple guests and the respective locations where they passed on spending the night? I remember reading about this, but I can't place names with locations. Again, TIA!!
I’ve seen the same comments throughout this case.

The first indicator I have is the hundreds of social media comments clearly identifying a well known group of WAGGIE famiky, friends and employees who have been commenting on their innocence. Many posters have identified authors as friends, family,employees and even the Waggies themselves.

And it’s possible that there is someone here. Posters on WS are smart and see right through 99% of bologna. If Waggies or fakers post here they are identified pretty fast.

And if the prosecution needs one defendant to plea to make the other cases fine. But one way or another all the facts, the kill order, the mastermind, down to every blood spatter pattern will be revealed. The residents of the State of Ohio will demand it. All of us need to understand this crime In order to process the after effects. And to understand how

George III
George IV and

Can all appear so normal, go about normal business, and “own” two grandchildren under ten.

They moved to my community in Kenai, shopped at the regional Walmart and the smaltown grocery. They ate at McDonalds and bought ice cream at the DQ.

THEY were watched, didn’t stay long enough to be truly trusted. And they were involved with some fringe groups. And while most wont understand this, a year in Alaska isn’t a fraction enough to truly succeed. I think they all realized that Alaska is truly a beautiful place.

Nothing is handed to anyone, it takes dedication andvsone very hard work to live well in Kenai. But if you have that work ethic and strong determination the rewards are incredible.

The WAGGIES weren’t enough to create a good life. Their sense of superiority and entitlement got them no where in Kenai. If anything it worked against them.

They ran back to Ohio when things got tough. That says it all.

I'm equally dumbstruck by how 2 great-grandmothers (allegedly) became involved, and I need to know their involvement in order to try to process this hideous crime. Yes, how did generations of a seemingly normal family get to that point of depravity?
Could the door that CRI was shot through be the door to a vehicle or out building? Do reports indicate that it was necessarily a door of the residence?
I've worn out my touchpad and can't copy and paste anymore. Darn.
On the Attorney's profile page he notes that he goes the extra mile..."and thoroughly exam the alleged crime scene, if necessary.". I wonder if he'll want a walk through of the trailers.

Those trailers, how securely they've been kept for going on 3 years, and the chain of custody of all evidence have been concerning to me. I hope they dotted their i-s and crossed their t-s.
To seat a jury in Pike County of people who are not intimately familiar with this case seems an impossible task. In addition, many people couldn't afford to be off work a day or two, much less the length of time a DP trial would take. The psychological burden of this crime has been incalculable on Pike County. But it seems that the best option would be to accept help from any outside county that offers, including moving the trials to larger counties. That would also help to reduce the chances of a successful appeal due to the lack of an impartial jury or jury tampering by the W's.

I hope that Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters's offer to try the cases in Hamilton County will be accepted.

Deters has more death penalty case experience than any prosecutor in the state, and Cincinnati will offer a large pool of potential jurors.
Those trailers, how securely they've been kept for going on 3 years, and the chain of custody of all evidence have been concerning to me. I hope they dotted their i-s and crossed their t-s.
"IF" that was the reasoning in the beginning. I think they towed/stored them for reasons that turned out differently than their initial speculations. IMO
From the linked DDN article:

"But the state’s special prosecutor successfully objected, citing a confidential informant who disclosed to investigators that Wagner IV and his family discussed revenge multiple times, as well as discussing how the incarcerated family member would have escaped from jail."

"Before the arraignment, she sat beside her mother Fredericka’s attorney, who relayed a message to one of Wagner IV’s attorneys: 'She just wants you to pass on to George that she loves him.' "

Anyone else read that and then look for some code or underlying message from FW to GW3?! Hahaha. I hope there was no "exchange" of a note via handshake or something dropped and picked up! Maybe I'm going too far into hollywood with it but my ears perked a little at that! Also...why was there no message to JW from her attorney? That, coupled with no request for bond for JW either, definitely makes you wonder if he is either the ring leader or the mole!
I'd suppose they preplanned what each should say when caught? They surely knew they'd likely be arrested long ago when the laser focus singled them out, so best to rehearse their arrests and know how to handle things. ? Did they have lawyers already lined up? Surely it was no surprise when they were detained, but then their arrogance in committing the crime truly astounds me. Maybe they thought their "righteous" mission to save the (grand)child from her mom's family would give them some sort of divine protection? JMO.
I'll be watching the podcast tomorrow for sure.
Could the door that CRI was shot through be the door to a vehicle or out building? Do reports indicate that it was necessarily a door of the residence?

I believe it was stated somewhere, maybe autopsy report that his bedroom door had a gun shot hole and it matched the angle of the bullet in CR1s arm.
Do not let Jake's baby face and frail appearance fool you. This was Jake's show all the way. This was Jake's ex girlfriend. Jake's ex in-laws. Jake's daughter.

Jake is the baby of that family, smaller and weaker than his brother and father. So you can bet that it was pounded into GW4's head from a young age that he had to protect his baby brother. Mom and Dad too. Even grandparents as evidenced by FW's "Jake had nothing to do with this."

But in reality "baby" Jake is a controlling, manipulative abuser. His own statements bear this out. "Hannah left because I worked too much." shows that even after her death Jake was trying to manipulate the judge and court system. All Hannah's fault even after her death. In reality we have seen no evidence that Jake is a workaholic. In fact we have seen no evidence that Jake works much at all.

Then there is that "I won't try to take her." and "I will want mandatory visitation rights." No, Jake has spent a lifetime manipulating family and friends. A lifetime of getting what he wants because he is the "baby".

IMO Jake found it very easy to manipulate his parents and brother into this crime. By stressing how much HR hurt him when she left. How he was going to have to pay child support and maybe go to jail if he didn't. How "mean" HR was maybe going to marry someone else and he wouldn't get to see SW at all. How she betrayed him by having another man's child. How her big mean dad and brother was not going to let him intimidate her into coming back or signing away her rights to a child he was using to hurt her. How her big mean dad might even beat the daylights out of him if he continued to harass her. How she might have him thrown in jail for molesting her when she was just 13.

And all that "We have to protect Jake, he's the baby. We can't let him go to jail. We can't let those R's beat him up or take his daughter from him." was so easy for him. It was a piece of cake for him to fire them all up into a frenzy of killing.

Make no mistake. Baby Jake was the puppet master in all this, manipulating his family into revenge against the woman who dared walk away from him.


When I read his statements about baby K, remember thinking how arrogant he sounded when he said, “I won’t try to take her” and “I will want mandatory visitation rights.”

Sorry Jake, but what would make you think you could demand “mandatory” visitation rights for a baby that is not yours? You would have had no right for any visitation whatsoever with the child of your former girlfriend and her new boyfriend.
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