OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #4

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I find it a bit strange that Bobby didn't know the address of the house when she called 911, she first had to go to the mailbox and read it off. These are relatives, she goes there every day and she doesn't even know the name of the street?? Or was she just so in shock that she couldn't remember?

The 1 o clock male caller had no idea where he was also !!
By now, they will have run them through FinCEN and the ISO clearinghouse.
Saw this earlier and am not sure what to make of it. Perhaps he did this at the request of LE? Perhaps it is because they know who did it and are building a case they can prosecute and don't want to tie up any additional resources into soliciting tips from the general public?

Wish they would come forward with more information and when they are ready, they likely will. But I do get this "feeling" that LE knows who did it and they are getting their ducks in a row before they can serve a warrant for arrest. At least, I hope that is the case.

Edited to add that I came to Websleuths originally because of the Melinda Lindsey murder case in Porter Co., Indiana. Even though it looked like the husband was responsible, there was total silence from LE on the case for close to a month after her murder - not one press conference, no statements, etc. The husband, Steven Lindsey, was finally arrested nearly a month later after he made a call to a life insurance company to inquire as to the status of a life claim for his deceased wife. That gave LE the motive. There no physical evidence to connect him to the crime, but his story of events did not match evidence at the scene. This case was successfully prosecuted and a verdict for murder was delivered about a month ago.
I cannot decide if officials are thinking oh carp,we actually may have to solve this crime, what to do, what to do or playing up sophistication in details as a way to stall for time before giving out any real facts. I can only hope that the zillion of relatives ride LE hard to give up details such as Cariis mentioned.

I can't understand why anyone would think they don't want to solve this crime, or are somehow incapable of handling an investigation. I get the frustration with the limited amount of information released, but I would also really, really like someone to explain to me how releasing it will help the investigation. You could argue it won't hurt the investigation, but I don't see how it would help. I'm perfectly comfortable with them focusing on the investigation and letting us speculate at this point.
Thank you! Why did I think it was locked? This clearly says it wasn't.

I hadn't realized it, but DS is right,had he been there het would have been victim #9. That's an eye opener!

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But does that not mean he was given a vague warning - cancel you plans and dont go over there tonight?


I can understand the time gap, I can understand her calling her dad first especially if it was obvious they were dead.

He stated that is what happened - he and his son took off over there - its obviously an enmeshed family system. It makes , to me, sense she would call daddy before LE - their dead

regarding this
Originally Posted by cady
LE calls it sophisticated so that they don't get chastised for not solving it. If it is sophisticated, it takes a great deal of sophistication to solve it,

I so agree-- to solve it means, a couple of LE officers, a judge or two, a mayor or one(!), a post office worker , a typist at the sheriffs office, a garbage man in the area, are being charged with knowing what has been going on for ever .

Silence is purchased, has been going on for years IMO. The AG is supposed to be the big boss - and all this has been going on under his nose, for years, he has some liability.

this, IMO is a big boys club ---- again you scratch mine,----- we have gotten away with it for years , ---------and all could use some extra bucks moo

.........................something had happened that was gonna break up the colony and all he*l broke loose specuation on my end ............

What are half of em gonna do if this racket ends for money??? None of em are gainfully employed.....this will obviouly cause quite a bit of distress for many...the only answer is to get rid of folks who might mess our little racket (AND our ability to survive - need money to remain alive ) all moo
I am guessing Bobby may have went to the second location first, then went to the other location to confirm her fears/suspicion, and then called 911. This would explain the discrepancies in what was reported as well as why LE has been so "concerned" with her. In fact, it would explain a lot of other unexplained questions. She didn't do it, but has a damn good idea who did.
Holly Zachariah ‏@hollyzachariah 2m2 minutes ago
Other Pike County news: Rumors rampant that double-homicide in Scioto County in Jan. is connected. Sheriff Donini there says ABSOLUTELY NOT



Holly Zachariah ‏@hollyzachariah 3h3 hours ago
Lots of Police from Ohio & Ky rolled in at Gary Rhoden's funeral. His dad spoke to media, says he's buried in camo.

Family honors first of 8 Pike County victims at service

Nowadays it is not necessary to be gainfully employed. There are numerous benefits available especially if one has children. I imagine this family is fully aware of how to play the game.
Doesnt have to be a professional, someone known to the family would have had an idea of their routines and properties, i dont think it was a single person either.

If the shots were heard just before sunrise i wonder if B was supposed to have been a victim also?.

The operation would need several people - teams to go to different locations, others to look out for cars, witnesses, listening to police scanners.

The time frame was between around 11:30 pm (when Dana got home from work) to just before sunrise around 5:30 - 6 am.

It was a Friday night, so, unlike a weeknight, people in the Piketon area and in the Union Hill neighborhood were probably out and about til late. Cars driving around as people visited with each other, went to bars or to party, going to the store to pick up beer, smokes, diapers and snacks; turkey hunters coming in, setting up to hunt in early morning.

IMO, the killers would wait until well after the bars had closed to avoid being seen by those heading home after a few beers. That would give them from around 2:30 or 3:00 am until around 5:00 am - when turkey hunters set up.

That's only about 2 hours, not a lot of time to break into 4 different homes (located 8 miles apart) disable or distract a dozen or more guard dogs, remove/disable many surveillance cameras, kill 8 people, clean up the scene and leave.

Just wondering, how long would it take to do all of this at just one home:

Hide car and approach on foot

Search outside premises to make sure no one else is around

disable or quiet a few dangerous dogs

enter residence undetected (forced or keyed entry)

locate up to 3 or 4 victims and disarm and kill them, before any can make a cell phone call or text

clean up scene - fingerprints, shell casings, etc.

locate and remove multiple security cameras

locate and take money or valuables (unknown at this time)

check for any witnesses outside and to see if any traffic is moving along the road, check police scanners

drive to next location and repeat 3 more times.

I've been reading a lot of posts, and there have been a lot of really good ones with valuable information. Some people have taken their time to understand what's going on, discuss it, add to it. Those contributions have a lot of value. Even the speculation as to motive, suspects etc has had value, despite the limited information we have to work with. What I have found incredibly lacking in value are the posts calling for the FBI to take over (which isn't really a thing) from the locals (who aren't the lead investigators).
My goal was to try to point that fact out. <modsnip>
Kenneth Rhoden said his son was shot three times in the head, but he wasn&#8217;t aware how many times the other victims were shot. Rhoden believes more than one person was involved, saying &#8220;it was laid out.&#8221;
&#8220;I&#8217;d like to take them and torture them, for killing the whole family like this,&#8221; Rhoden said.

Lots of police at Gary s funeral. Must be thinking perps are there and there might be trouble.
Nowadays it is not necessary to be gainfully employed. There are numerous benefits available especially if one has children. I imagine this family is fully aware of how to play the game.

This seems to becoming more and more prevalent. What I've really noticed are the number of single mothers who are "engaged". There must be lucrative benefits available to those who have children but who do not marry.
Donald : 'If I had, I would have been victim number nine. I feel lucky about that and to be alive today.'

No explaination about why not? i had a cold, my car did not start, my alarm did not go off - no explaination why he did not do what he promised him he would do., twice the night before and be their early in the morning ??......................IMO warned to stay clear and did not question it moo
Kenneth Rhoden said his son was shot three times in the head, but he wasn&#8217;t aware how many times the other victims were shot. Rhoden believes more than one person was involved, saying &#8220;it was laid out.&#8221;
&#8220;I&#8217;d like to take them and torture them, for killing the whole family like this,&#8221; Rhoden said.


Shot 3 times in the head. That is shocking.

Kenneth Rhoden also said:

&#8220;Somebody had to know something because there were no doors busted down,&#8221;

No Doors Busted Down.
I've been reading a lot of posts, and there have been a lot of really good ones with valuable information. Some people have taken their time to understand what's going on, discuss it, add to it. Those contributions have a lot of value. Even the speculation as to motive, suspects etc has had value, despite the limited information we have to work with. What I have found incredibly lacking in value are the posts calling for the FBI to take over (which isn't really a thing) from the locals (who aren't the lead investigators).
My goal was to try to point that fact out.<modsnip>

While the FBI claims it doesn't take over cases, there are in fact cases where they have done exactly that. I.e. San Bernardino. Therefore, I don't think it's fair to criticize someone for saying that. I agree it's not useful to just complain rather than contribute valuable insight. I wasn't saying it was mean, rather not quite polite. I don't think the structure of investigative authority is as rigid as you are stating.
Kenneth Rhoden said his son was shot three times in the head, but he wasn’t aware how many times the other victims were shot. Rhoden believes more than one person was involved, saying “it was laid out.”
“I’d like to take them and torture them, for killing the whole family like this,” Rhoden said.

I wonder how much they told the families..

He doesn't say if Gary was beaten also.

When his obit came out, they had his date of death as that Friday, but his obit came out first. When Hannah Gilley's obit came out, they had her day of death as Friday. I would assume by her obit they would better have a time of death laid out.. Right?

If Dana got in her car at 11, drove straight home, no stops at all, what time would that put her home at?
Right, not giving all the information can make it harder for them to solve. It could make them spend time focusing on something they don't need to or not focus early on something they should.

I just can't help but feel she tried to minimize her part in the grow operations.

I agree, especially in the area where houses are all close to one another. Maybe Manny did not know- but IMO the close houses had to know and use the money for what they wanted CASH only pls!!!
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