OH - Serial Killings in Stark County *ARREST in 2020*

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Hits on some of these ladies... I know it is a weird idea. But, sometimes people are killed to send a message to another person. I am not saying this is what happened with those women that were murdered though.

I just think some murders that occur sometimes that look like a random psycho did it may be professional hits (these would be ones that are never solved). But, probably to send a message to someone that if they don't fall in line with whatever the organization wants (whatever organization), things may get worse. It is pretty weird how many violent murder scenes there are that yield no forensic evidence. This guy is a pro hitter. These murders might have just been his hobby, but who knows?

The weird behavior of LE makes me wonder if they want to take down more than this one man.

I'm still here too MinLynn... You know I'll do everything I can to help in any way. Best wishes to your family, health and safety as the holidays approach. You are so brave and I have a feeling something is going to break soon.
Im still here as well.
I had to duck off for a while myself, but am back.
I'm sorry to hear that there has been so many brick walls surrounding this case still - and that you have been suffering yourself. I hope you are taking care of yourself as well in amongst all of this.
And I hope you win your court case too and there is no bankruptcy.

I'm not sure if it has been posted or not - the OHIO data base for cold cases and missing persons is now only a cached page - and some of it is not accessible at all any more.
I wondered why the data base has closed :( I was looking up another case.

MinLynn - If its not a bother to ask... could you tell me where FIL was around April 1981 - was he in gaol? Or was he living in Stark at that time or travelling outside of Stark? What was he doing as a job?

I will also go back and review the thread as well. I still have some notes I jotted down.

Keep well MinLynn, and be safe.
Thinking of you!
He was in prison from 1967-68 until 1985. His second incarceration was 1998-2003.
Thank-you QuestionMark and bessie for the date confirmations.
Much appreciated.
Just wanted to pop in and show that I'm still around and okay! I started a full time job for the first time in 10 years and it's working afternoons and evenings so I'm not really socially active on the internet as much anymore. I miss my kids and hubby very much!

There really isn't much to report on unfortunately. I wish there was but it's still frozen solid. Maybe it always will be. Who knows? All that I can hope for now is that the families may garner some kind of comfort in knowing that there are still people who care and never forgot their pain and perhaps someday my loved ones and myself will be able to live our lives knowing we did the best we could.

Much love to you all!
Back at you, Min. It's always good to hear from you. Eyes and ears are always open here. We haven't forgotten, and we won't. :hug:
Can someone put me in touch with MinLynn? I have info that I believe is about her FIL. They are searching his house as we speak...
He has been arrested this morning on weapons charges. House has been raided by County Sheriff's. I don't know any other information beyond that. I know it has been an amazingly long time since I have updated or posted but there really was nothing to update, I'm afraid until tonight. Due to all this, I have changed a lot of my contact information to be on the safe side.
He has been arrested this morning on weapons charges. House has been raided by County Sheriff's. I don't know any other information beyond that. I know it has been an amazingly long time since I have updated or posted but there really was nothing to update, I'm afraid until tonight. Due to all this, I have changed a lot of my contact information to be on the safe side.

I'm glad you changed your details - and great news about the arrest. At least you can breathe a bit easier for a while. Perhaps with the weapons charges, the police might be a bit more inclined to look into his other 'activities'?
So glad to hear he has been arrested! I am praying that through the LE search they will find evidence that they can charge him to all the crimes.
Good Morning Peliman!
I am praying that since they have him in custody they will finally charge him with the murders.

For approximately the last year & a half the former Sheriff (Tim Swanson) & the current Sheriff Maier were involved in a messy political game of lawsuits against each other & other Political posturing. Now that Sheriff Maier is definitely our Sheriff, maybe we will see some results on these unsolved cases. I am a news junkie & never knew about the multiple unsolved murders until I stumbled across MinLynn's posts recently. Since these cases do not appear on the Ohio AG's unsolved murders or any other webpage the general public would not/do not know.

Langley, who was not Craig Smith’s daughter, said recently from her Mississippi home that authorities had determined that her mother was killed on a Wednesday, either in the late afternoon or early evening.

Langley recalled being at church in December 2009, singing as she practiced for a performance, when “around 4:30 p.m., all of a sudden I could just feel her presence. The sun was starting to go down, the rays of sun were coming in through the stained-glass windows. ... It was one of those ‘awe’ moments.” It made her think of her mother, who always had encouraged her most in music.

On the way home from church, she called her mother. No one answered, and Langley thought little of it.

Read more: http://www.cantonrep.com/article/20141206/News/141209477#ixzz3LdShKlQv
If Smith's daughter's instincts are correct, her mother was killed around the same time of day as Kay Gulosh. Just thought that was interesting to note.
He has been arrested this morning on weapons charges. House has been raided by County Sheriff's. I don't know any other information beyond that. I know it has been an amazingly long time since I have updated or posted but there really was nothing to update, I'm afraid until tonight. Due to all this, I have changed a lot of my contact information to be on the safe side.

I am Kay Gulosh's granddaughter. My brother was the baby that was in the playpen at her home when the murder occurred. Thank you Min for trying to help my family in getting my grandma's murder solved.
I am Kay Gulosh's granddaughter. My brother was the baby that was in the playpen at her home when the murder occurred. Thank you Min for trying to help my family in getting my grandma's murder solved.
My heartfelt condolences to you & your family. With this recent Law Enforcement activity I hope they will bring your grandmothers case closer to being solved. Your family has been through quite an ordeal & deserve Jistice.
At long last! Thanks to Rosie Lee for the heads up. One down and too many more to go. May justice come for all of the Stark County victims, regardless of whom is responsible.

Break in cold case: Man charged with 2009 murder of woman in her home
Posted 5:30 pm, May 6, 2016, by Kara Sutyak

STARK COUNTY, Ohio– A man has been charged with the murder of a woman in her home in 2009.

The Stark County sheriff served an aggravated murder warrant on Kenneth Roth. He was indicted by the Stark County Grand Jury for allegedly killing Linda Smith in her Osnaburg Township home on December 9, 2009.


The single count of aggravated murder carries a penalty of life in prison without parole, or life in prison with the possibility of parole after 20, 25 or 30 years, said Assistant Stark County Prosecutor Dennis Barr.

Roth is being held in the Stark County Jail. A court date hasn’t been set.

Maier said Roth had no reaction when he was told about the charge.

“There was absolutely no emotion, no comment, no nothing,” Maier said.


Roth faces an aggravated murder charge in the death of Linda Smith. The 61-year-old Smith worked as a registered nurse at Aultman Hospital in Canton. She was found strangled at her home in Osnaburg (AWZ'-nuh-burg) Township in December 2009.

The murder charge against Roth comes three years after Stark County Sheriff George Maier launched a cold case investigation into the unsolved crime. Maier said Roth had done handyman work for Smith.



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