OH - Shane Osborn accused of domestic violence, Omaha, 2008

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Isn't it always the ones" that protest or "state" their character the loudest that use that "front" for their "conduct".

Like that a person who advocates against child *advertiser censored*, who sends under age minor children (pages) sexualy messages.

Or the guy that is anti drug. Well he is caught smoking and taking drugs.

Or the guy that extols "family" values and harms his wife and kids.

They "hide" behind their "values" and stated objectives to hide their "true" character.
Looks like the wife is already living with an ex boyfriend who is one of the children's bio. father.

I'll have to hear both sides on this one.
Oh, I see, the husband takes the high road and has his attorney smear his wife. IMO, shows the kind of integrity this guy has.

I don't like to do this, make a snap judgment without all the facts, but knowing several people that were in abusive relationships, I'm going to believe the wife on this one. Until I learn otherwise, I believe there definitely was abuse in that home. I know this may not be popular, but I hope the oldest child will testify on the mom's behalf as well.

Just because the guy is a decorated veteran, a pillar (if you will) of the community, doesn't mean he doesn't beat his wife. Just because the officers say there was no 'sign' of abuse, doesn't make it so either. Just because a wife called LE and then took it back, doesn't mean there wasn't abuse. Ask any police officer's wife that's claimed abuse how hard it is to get anyone to listen to them.

There's a high-profile case playing out on the pages of Websleuths right now, where the accused is the son of a minister, worked for an extremely poplular televangelist, is a military veteran, and by accounts from many who knew him, an all around nice guy and wonderful family man. He's now standing accused of triple homicide in the deaths of his wife and two young sons. And yes, I believe he did do it. LE has, from what I can tell, all the goods to prove their case.

Nice and, or, prominant men aren't always what they seem. They just know how to get away with their misdeeds undetected. Often times, they get away with it, until it's too late to save the abused. Hopefully, this will continue to play out in public, and IF the guy is really as abusive as this wife says, he will be exposed for what he is behind closed doors. :(

Looks like the wife is already living with an ex boyfriend who is one of the children's bio. father.

I'll have to hear both sides on this one.

Until I hear the REASON the wife is living with the ex, I'll hold judgment on that one. After all, we heard about the wife/ex from the husband's own attorney.

Why would a woman live with her ex? Could it be for protection?

Like I said, I'll wait until I hear the whole story. Until then, I'm not buyin' the prominant husband's claim of innocence in this.


PS......I see there's no shortage of people to smear the wife in the local paper. The poor innocent husband must be working over-time behind the scenes in his damage control dept. :( fran
Until I hear the REASON the wife is living with the ex, I'll hold judgment on that one. After all, we heard about the wife/ex from the husband's own attorney.

Why would a woman live with her ex? Could it be for protection?

Like I said, I'll wait until I hear the whole story. Until then, I'm not buyin' the prominant husband's claim of innocence in this.


PS......I see there's no shortage of people to smear the wife in the local paper. The poor innocent husband must be working over-time behind the scenes in his damage control dept. :( fran

I agree. There could be abuse. Why would she be living with her ex, maybe because she had nowhere else to go. But she could also be doing this for custody reasons. I'm leaning on believing the wife but it is just too early to tell. I found the comments under the article interesting. Often times, those comments are telling. I still would like to hear both sides of the story. I'm not going to jump on someone just because he is prominent. And I'm not going to jump on the wife just because she is living with her ex.
Looks like the wife is already living with an ex boyfriend who is one of the children's bio. father.

I'll have to hear both sides on this one.

I think I will do the same too mysterygirl.

A wise Judge who is a friend of mine once said there is more lying done in divorce and custody cases than any other.

The police are very tough on domestic abuse now and it seems they investigated her allegations. Had they found one tiny mark anywhere on her body he would have gone to jail imo. Her story is not consistent for if he beat her all over there would be plenty of evidence to visually see.

One of my husband's acquaintances was murdered last year by his wife that he was trying to divorce and it would have been final the day after he died. His wife falsely alleged every abuse in the book she could think of when they were going through the divorce and custody and they were all big fat lies. Their daughter testified in the trial and she exposed her mother for what she was which was a woman that would rather lie and murder her husband than letting him divorce her. Her own daughter said among other things "my mother is just a mean woman."

So I am very wary of what is alleged to have happened when it is played out in any divorce preceding. It is possible this woman may be wanting to gain favor of the court. We will just have to wait and see what unfolds.

Oh, please these guys hide behind their past and then say "look at me, I am a minister, I volunteer with charity, I am a boy scout leader, I am married with three wonderful daughters, I am a family man, with family values........

Then it comes out that there is a reason he "liked to be around young boys" to hide his "preference" for boys over women, that his marriage was a "cover up" to ensure no one would question the rumors......

You see on the last camping trip, this "up standing" citizen "harmed" three boys and then blamed them and branded them as "liars" or the boys were "convinced" by others to lie against the minister for some reason.

Of course the "minister" accepts no responsibility for his actions, it is the fault of others..

Then it comes out that there have been many victims over the years.....

The point is that these people are master of manipulation, accomplished liars and "have developed" their "outstanding citizen" facade to hide their "secrets".

I have no doubt that this women is telling the truth. It is just that some things have a "ring" of truth to them and this sound like a Mom protecting her children and taking the "abuse" protect the "girls".
Well CyberLaw, looks like you have already convicted him.........not very "law" like.

I do get your point though.......I just need more details on this one to get a feel.
I just keep remembering the Kathleen Salvio reports of NUMEROUS domestic dispute calls to local LE. A number of times, Kathleen was the one arrested while other times, the officers didn't arrest either.

Kathleen Salvio was the third wife of Drew Peterson who is now arrested on suspicion of MURDER of Kathleen. She was found dead in an empty bathtub, ruled years prior as 'accidental drowning.' .............in an empty bathtub?

Oh, Drew was a local police officer, present when Kathleen's body was found.

During the course of her marriage and divorce from DrewP, Kathleen came to a point she was distraught, as no one would listen to her. She was, after all, married to a man who was a member BEHIND THE THIN BLUE LINE.........that's kind of like hiding behind a 'police badge.' ........don't squeel on fellow officers.....Kathleen finally wrote a letter to a higher up decrying her plight and said, specifically, 'he's going to kill me,' or something close to that..........

Kathleen was right. :(

Now,.............while he's awaiting trial for murder in Kathleen's case, LE is still looking for Drew's subsequent wife, Stacy, who's missing without a trace. DrewP is the prime suspect in Stacy's disappearance.

Yes, an upstanding citizen, just like this guy. Pillar of the community. Hero in many people's eyes............that is,...............until he goes behind those closed doors.......

Well, according to this article, Mrs. Osborn has *picture proof* of her injuries sustained at the hands of her estranged husband. I don't know if she used this evidence in court, but she must have had compelling {evidence} so that a judge ordered a temprorary restraining order protecting both the wife and the children. Believe me, if there was no {proof} of abuse, the judge would not have signed that protective order.

I see that there's a number of the husband's friends posting in the local media blogs on his behalf. The usual *excuse,* the wife has problems, is mental, is trying to take him for all, the former b/f is behind the allegations, the wife is vindictive and trying to ruin the soon to be ex.

All that BS is well and good, except the JUDGE seems to somewhat believe the wife. IMHO, Mr. Osborn should quit the *poor me* attitude while he's ahead. IF he has done, as the wife alleges, and used government employees to spy on her, it's going to come out. He may be his own worst enemy.

I'll watch this case with interest.



PS........Mr. Osborn better hope the NATIONAL media doesn't get hold of this story.....imagine what NG can do with this one! ;)
Lots of interesting comments.
One thing I found interesting is that people who have called local talk radio and commented on this case are then being accused by subsequent callers of bewsmirching a hero,etc. Yes he did serve with honor and performed his duty for his country. That does not give him a free pass to beat his wife years later but you can't seem to convince some folks in Nebraska of that.
Yes I think there are two sides to this story. My inclination now is toward the wife, but I'm open.
He was in court today seeking custody of the kids, more to follow I'm sure.
By the way I have watched this guy's political assent with trepidation- he has always seemed to me to be arrogant and self serving. "Time wounds all heels"?
No conviction as yet in my opinion. But I guess after all of these years, my B.S. meter goes off when I read some things. People who are telling the truth just seem to "have a ring" of truth.

Since the wife received an order of protection, which I under stand is not that easy sometimes, she would have to "have evidence" that her accusations were true.
The judge gave her an order of protection until they have a hearing on it....June 9th, I believe and then he gets to tell his side. My gut is telling me the husband is okay here. She dropped the protection order when he wanted to subpeona her's and the kid's medical records...
I'm thinking she may have some mental issues. I think everyone is always ready to jump on the "husband is in the wrong bandwagon" and lately that seems to be the case, but I think this may be a different story.
Sorry, but I really don't think "government spies" are going to waste their time on a marital dispute. I know that he brought down a spy plane safely in China and all, but I really don't think it would take a gaggle of spies to find out info. on his wife. Did you look at the other side....maybe she is afraid of losing her kids, so she is using anything she can to keep them. Or maybe she really is mentally ill. Let's give them both the benefit of the doubt.
The judge gave her an order of protection until they have a hearing on it....June 9th, I believe and then he gets to tell his side. My gut is telling me the husband is okay here. She dropped the protection order when he wanted to subpeona her's and the kid's medical records...
I'm thinking she may have some mental issues. I think everyone is always ready to jump on the "husband is in the wrong bandwagon" and lately that seems to be the case, but I think this may be a different story.

Even for a *temporary* order of protection, there MUST be {proof} for the judge to sign it. One of the articles stated she had sent photos to friends to protect the *evidence* of abuse. I also see where one of the attacks she had to protect the children from his abuse. As the oldest child accompanied the wife to court, I wouldn't doubt that the child made a statement to the judge as well.

I've known someone who recanted their statement to LE after a 911 call and signing of a complaint. She was slapped with an offense, filing a false police report and had to go before a judge twice. She was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and a monitary fine, not to mention it went on her record.

The judge knew the deal, tried to get her to TELL THE TRUTH, but the husband had talked her into it because he was on probation and he would have had to go to jail...................epilogue to this story is,..........this person I know is now divorced after he tried to kill her and a JUDGE placed a Criminal Restraining Order on the guy (he couldn't even 'utter' his wife's name)

This wife withdrawing previous complaints totally goes in line with abuser's 'honeymoon' after abuse episodes.

Oh, and as for the *mental issues.* Yessssssss, this is a COMMON tactic of abusers. The wife is CraZy.....Sometimes they even have the wife convinced she's 'mental.'

IMHO, many people are ready to jump on the 'abuser' because more times than not, it's true. His government position, his previous military record mean NOTHING................EXCEPT that he MAY feel he's *entitled.* IMHO, it actually goes against him, imho.

Did you all know that many 'abuse shelters' have special sections for police officer's spouse and family? It's widely known that when a spouse of a police officer reports or calls LE, they often times 'can't find evidence' of abuse, no matter HOW visible 'evidence' may be. LE is a 'brotherhood' of sorts. The responding officer says to the wife, "You don't want your husband to loose his job, do you?" thus he's actually an ACCOMPLICE to the abuse. :mad:

Just sayin'

PS.......I don't know about 'spies,' but it MAY be possible he used employees that work for him or with him to follow, tape, film, tap phone, gps, whatever.
As these are GOVERNMENT employees, well............you get my point.

Yeah, gps, cell phones, spy cams at home, .............it wasn't the crime that busted everyone in Watergate,..........it was the cover-up. Hopefully anyone that MAY have assisted this guy in his treatment of his wife and kids will NOT try to cover it up. After all, IF they do and are discovered, they may end up in jail and nothing happen to this guy...............;) fran

PPS......I understand HIS OWN SISTER was called to the scene in one of their disputes. She came to the scene to get her brother to LEAVE...........SOMEONE else knows about this abuse.........fran
Well, well, well, I guess I misunderstood. The protection order was lifted last Friday, at the request of his wife. Interesting the reason given for the request.

It couldn't be that there was some sorta' 'idle threat?' or ahhhhh (bribe?) :eek:

Nahhhhhh...............he denies the allegations. :mad:




The protection order was lifted Friday. Shane Osborn said outside court that Teri decided to ask for it to be lifted so their divorce proceedings could continue amicably.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Typical story, LE doesn't believe her. They believe the husband because he's somebody,...............:mad:

I would imagine he's threatened his own sister into silence as well. :(

Same old story,



She said she e-mailed a picture of her bruise to friends, but Douglas County deputies couldn't verify that the injuries in the photo were hers.
Well, I see there's no new action now that Mr. Osborn got his way,..........he gets to see the children.

Like everyone says, a restraining order is just a piece of paper. Not really worth much.

IMO, this 'application' for a restraining order just may save this woman's life. Now that his alleged abuse is public, he won't dare do anything to harm his wife. Now that everyone in the state knows he's a possible wife abuser, IF anything happens to her, he's the first one they'll look at. (course, it usually is anyway, but at least now her accusations are documented and publicized)

I'm still not buyin' his denial. :rolleyes:

I am resurrecting this thread as Mr Osborn has apparently decided that voters in Nebraska have short term memory issues, he's now running for the US Senate:


What I am finding interesting is the almost total blackout of anything in local news media about his past issues, it's like they never happened. I tried to bring it up on a local TV news board, my post was deleted. I have the feeling that unless something happened that I am unaware of to expose his wife as a liar, this will come out. Right now it's disgusting to see him wrapping himself in the flag...

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