OH OH - Shasta Himelrick, 20, pregnant, Richmond Dale, 26 Dec 2014

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DNA Solves
What is bothering me is that SH was seen entering the gas station at 3:15 am, an ungodly hour. Where was SH prior to that after she suddenly left her grandmother's house? MSM found her debit card and a receipt in the car, but nothing was said about the cash she withdrew. Both doors open sounds like SH was trying to get away from someone who was sitting in the passenger's seat. Out of gas? Maybe the gas gauge wasn't working? Who owns the 1993 burgundy Lexus? LE is silent on who the "friend" is who lent SH the car. That in itself is telling to me, IMHO.
Do we know for sure that she withdrew money? Could the receipt just be from a purchase?

I'm not sure how to correctly say this in order to stay within TOS - I think there was a rumor going around somewhere that MO denied the text was from him and implied it was a family member. My guess is that was intended to deflect any suspicion away from himself. All is MOO.
From an older HuffPo article:

Shasta Himelrick Missing: Young Woman Vanishes After Announcing Pregnancy


Since the discovery of the vehicle, the sheriff's office has been able to determine that Shasta Himelrick had exchanged various text messages with friends up until about 2:30 a.m. on December 26


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RIP poor girl and baby.....
Now I am going to run through some things I am thinking outloud....
What time did she leave grandma's after receiving the text? Said she would be right back, but no further contact and yet seen at three something a.m. at a gas station. So if she left Grandma's much earlier in the evening which I am assuming, then either she knew she would not be right back or....something changed.

Her car was found with both doors open, that tells me there is a good chance the perp was in the vehicle with her. Blood on the back of the seat, could even be a punch to the face and nose bleed. You get fed up, it gets too heated, you stop vehicle and get out to run. I wonder if her shoes were placed together in an orderly fashion, or splayed out like she kicked them off, perhaps to try and run faster. What type shoes was she in, would they inhibit running. (I know I would kick off my shoes if they would slow me down). Where was she heading going in that direction, what is in that direction, a town, someplace that serves food after hours, a friends home, what? There has to be a reason she was out that way, and I don't think it was to park and talk since the car was found in the intersection. If you were desperate to escape, would you jump off a bridge? How far of a drop is it? What are the depths? Could she have landed badly in an attempt to escape and essentially killed herself without trying to. A bad jump??? So many questions, no answers....if anyone has seen anything on any of this and has a link or an idea....would love to hear it. The shoes being off bothers me, unless she kicked them off herself to run faster, cannot think of a reason why a perp would place her shoes off of her prior to drowning her. Especially if panicked so badly not willing to go back and move vehicle or shut the doors. Thoughts? IMHO
RIP poor girl and baby.....
Now I am going to run through some things I am thinking outloud....
What time did she leave grandma's after receiving the text? Said she would be right back, but no further contact and yet seen at three something a.m. at a gas station. So if she left Grandma's much earlier in the evening which I am assuming, then either she knew she would not be right back or....something changed.

Her car was found with both doors open, that tells me there is a good chance the perp was in the vehicle with her. Blood on the back of the seat, could even be a punch to the face and nose bleed. You get fed up, it gets too heated, you stop vehicle and get out to run. I wonder if her shoes were placed together in an orderly fashion, or splayed out like she kicked them off, perhaps to try and run faster. What type shoes was she in, would they inhibit running. (I know I would kick off my shoes if they would slow me down). Where was she heading going in that direction, what is in that direction, a town, someplace that serves food after hours, a friends home, what? There has to be a reason she was out that way, and I don't think it was to park and talk since the car was found in the intersection. If you were desperate to escape, would you jump off a bridge? How far of a drop is it? What are the depths? Could she have landed badly in an attempt to escape and essentially killed herself without trying to. A bad jump??? So many questions, no answers....if anyone has seen anything on any of this and has a link or an idea....would love to hear it. The shoes being off bothers me, unless she kicked them off herself to run faster, cannot think of a reason why a perp would place her shoes off of her prior to drowning her. Especially if panicked so badly not willing to go back and move vehicle or shut the doors. Thoughts? IMHO

I don't know yet how to add an image here but if you google earth for that intersection you will see how isolated it is. There is only one house nearby but even it has lots of trees between it and the road and bridge. There's nothing. You can zoom out in order to take in the bridge as well. There wouldn't be streetlights around, pitch dark. It takes my breath away thinking the terror she must've experienced if she was running from the car and down that bridge. We don't know which direction the car was facing but I suspect she was heading back to Richmondale, she was close. The other thing that is odd is that it's a faster, straight stretch from Chillicothe to Richmondale on 35. No one would travel those roads around here, they would take 35 unless they lived on those roads (which she didn't). The other possibility is she was coming home on 35 and purposely turned just before getting to Richmondale if she was avoiding someone there. In that case the car would be facing the other direction at the intersection.

It may be confusing to some because we saw the gas station pic in Chillicothe but the car was found much closer to Richmondale than Chillicothe. Maybe someone could help with a map so we can get a better perspective? It's hard to explain without it.
It was found in the middle of an out-of-the-way intersection.

Up until now,I have only seen it reported it was near or at the tracks. I took a couple of screenshots of the area using Google maps.
Notice where I have a red rectangle, I think that may be the intersection they are referring to rather then it being the intersection of Higby and Three Locks Roads.

Notice that same intersection using street view. That road has a slope. Could the car have been further down that road and out of sight rather then close to the bridge?

I am wondering if LE found any evidence of another vehicle being there. With the exception of a few of houses, there is really nothing out there but land. How did the person/s responsible get home? Walking doesn't seem likely, unless they live in one of those few houses.
I'm pretty sure that's a driveway on the other side of the tracks but I haven't been out there recently. Someone had to be driving another car.
That's great! Now if you zoom out you can see how close it is to Richmondale. If she took that route then why did she cut off and go away from Richmondale? Did she get a text or call that caused her to detour away?

She may have gone through Chillicothe after the gas station and took 104 instead. That would take her straight to the intersection and toward Richmondale.
Exactly. Yes she went to a gas station before she died, nothing shady about that, we haven't heard about anything happening at the gas station Shasta went to, but in Jessica's case we had A.A. and gas can man, we had her talking to somebody off camera, we had missing footage. We had gang violence running rampant in her community. We are yet to see any of that with Shasta. We Do have shady boyfriends in both cases. Yes they both may have used drugs (different drugs).In Shasta case I have a pretty good idea of who the culprit is. We dont know yet what Shastas COD is yet so whos to say it was gruesome? Tragic and uncalled for yes.They Do have slight similarities but imo they are not related.

It is my hunch that both used the same drug---heroin...moo

Both cars will be used as forensic evidence (albeit JC's requires extensive arson experts). Both doors left open in both situations. Phone texts & convos should narrow down the lists of POI's, IMO.
SH was wearing sweats, but was she known to wear high heel shoes? Those would be the type to kick off & run.
Tennis shoes would help in running IMO
Why perp would leave cell phone etc in car? IMO they were after SH to harm her. Who??? Was she beat up?
Did perp(s) think they would come back for items in the morning before any one found the car?
Why was she on that road?
Did she go there often?
Was she waiting so long that she ran out of gas having heater on?
Let's see who shows up or who doesn't at her vigils and services etc.
LE will be looking also.
Some perps do and some are in jail by then!
The images and map work are great! They really help.

I was on google maps last night, and only "Higby Road Chillicothe" came up. I wasn't able to locate "Higby Bridge Chillicothe" which is the search site location.


Will try google earth app next. Still trying to get used to the new iPhone tapatalk update. If someone has coordinates of the search site (vs. the recovery site, because I know they may be different) please post.

Having visual references make a difference, especially for those of us who aren't locals. :moo:

I am going to venture over to the BringShastaHome Facebook page to see how the family is holding up. :tears: I know her cousin had to be admitted to the hospital upon hearing the horrible news. That post was yesterday morning, but I haven't checked back since. Bless the family, the searchers, and the dive team.! They did all they could. .twocents:

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Who would be so angry at her?
Because she was engaged? (jealousy?)
Because of the new pregnancy?
Because of money? robbery (ring?)
Because of drugs? (though she had some)
could it be jealous girls? BF? an X of hers?
and the Christmas season be a reason?
anger? revenge?
oh why would she be on that road in the middle of the night?
according to relatives suicide ruled out
Up until now,I have only seen it reported it was near or at the tracks.

The train track... Maybe the perp wanted the car to be destroyed by a passing train, hoping it would also remove the evidence in the car?
There are so many possibilities here so I'm waiting to hear COD. I'm curious about the "hustle and bustle" at home before she went to her grandma's. Also after viewing the maps, what could've caused the family's SAR team to zero in on Higby Bridge in such a short time? Not meant in a negative way but maybe this is a road she traveled regularly, friends nearby? Remember they didn't have access to clues on her phone until the car was found. Did any of her friends who texted her contact the family with concerns or knowledge of her possible location? If any friends were involved with drugs they would contact her family with info before they would LE IMO.
The train track... Maybe the perp wanted the car to be destroyed by a passing train, hoping it would also remove the evidence in the car?

The trains don't run very often on those tracks. Chances are the car would be seen long before a train came through.

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