OH - Shawn Michael GRATE: 3 bodies found, Ashland/Madison, Sept 2016

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I'm trying to stay current with the news on this case, and appreciate all of the efforts to report the latest here. I know LE has said that as of now there is no reason to connect the suspect to Chillocothe. But please also be aware of any connections to East Cleveland and/or Cuyahoga County. Probably a long shot, but not out of the realm of possibility. Thanks!
We are classified as "mid-Ohio" which means we live in the middle of the state. 60 miles north is Cleveland. 60 miles south is Columbus. We're on 71 which is the major interstate. You can pretty much travel east or west on 30 and be in either Indiana or PA in a short time.
Ashland/Richland county butt up against one another. I can be in Richland county, take a left and drive a minute or two, then be in Ashland. Then I can turn right and be in Richland. (lol. hope that makes sense)
The two areas are connected together. It's hard to tell where one area ends and the other begins.

Even though some of the properties being listed seem like rural areas, they are really not. I can be driving on farm land and in the next second....Boom, I'm in town. It does take me about 20 minutes to get to "town" because most things are just so spread out.

We have a HIGH number of sexual offenders in the area because we have a sexual offender halfway house here. Mansfield Volunteers ofAmerica (Halfway House) They serve their prison time, then are released into these houses. There has been a lot of public outcry before over these houses.
Also, we have a major prison in the area. Richland Correctional Institution which oddly enough sits right behind our claim to fame "the ohio reformatory"- or otherwise known as Shawshank State Prison (yes, from the movie)

If I'm not mistaken, we only have one drug treatment place for the low income. (in my previous post about Lisa Ling/Oprah doing a documentary here about drugs, that documentary shows how lacking in resources this area is)

We have a lot of vacant houses in the area. Locals in the area have been trying forever to get the city to tear them down. Drug users are known to squat in them.

It's almost rage inducing to see the police now trying to figure out exactly all the missing women they have around here. It really makes me mad that they write off people just because they're addicts.

I doubt this dude drove to Chillicothe. I think he mostly hung out in these parts. Really wasn't any reason to go there when you have plenty of unreported drug addicts around here- and a police force that didn't seem to think there was problem. JMO.
Ok, I heard it. Sorry but that 911 lady needs sacking. The kidnapped girl is bloody lucky to have got out of there alive.
Guys, need help with sound. I've tried to listen to this 3 times on my laptop, each time the sound cuts out a few seconds in when her name is beeped out. I then have no sound anywhere until I shut down and restart. V frustrating, any ideas?!

I'm trying to find another source of the entire call. Here is one that has 3.5 minutes of the call on youtube: http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2016/09/police_release_911_call_from_w.html
They cut out the part with beeps with her name and personal info, and a part in the middle where she says she thinks she woke him and she puts the phone down for about 8 minutes and all you hear is breathing. The shorter video also left out the part where the 911 operator asks if she is bleeding or needs an ambulance. The abducted woman says she was bleeding but it stopped. The operator asks her where she was bleeding from and there is no answer, it sounds like she is crying. This is just from my memory of listening to the long call. I'm looking for a complete transcript.
I'm trying to find another source of the entire call. Here is one that has 3.5 minutes of the call on youtube: http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2016/09/police_release_911_call_from_w.html
They cut out the part with beeps with her name and personal info, and a part in the middle where she says she thinks she woke him and she puts the phone down for about 8 minutes and all you hear is breathing. The shorter video also left out the part where the 911 operator asks if she is bleeding or needs an ambulance. The abducted woman says she was bleeding but it stopped. The operator asks her where she was bleeding from and there is no answer, it sounds like she is crying. This is just from my memory of listening to the long call. I'm looking for a complete transcript.

I've heard the whole thing now and I just can't believe the operator was firing so many questions at an obviously terrified, whispering woman. Surely all she needed was "I've been abducted, he's asleep nearby, please rescue me, the address is xxxx". Thankful he didn't wake up and murder her, frankly. Anyway, he didn't, and luckily she's safe, but I'd be blaming that woman if she wasn't.

I called my friend last week, her newborn was finally asleep on her after fighting it for hours. We played the yes/no game where I did all the talking and even joked about "tap once for yes and twice for no" so she didn't wake the baby. Not that hard is it!
I've heard the whole thing now and I just can't believe the operator was firing so many questions at an obviously terrified, whispering woman. Surely all she needed was "I've been abducted, he's asleep nearby, please rescue me, the address is xxxx". Thankful he didn't wake up and murder her, frankly. Anyway, he didn't, and luckily she's safe, but I'd be blaming that woman if she wasn't.

I called my friend last week, her newborn was finally asleep on her after fighting it for hours. We played the yes/no game where I did all the talking and even joked about "tap once for yes and twice for no" so she didn't wake the baby. Not that hard is it!

I had the same thoughts. The whole call is very tense. The woman is lucky police got her out and he didn't wake up.
I had the same thoughts. The whole call is very tense. The woman is lucky police got her out and he didn't wake up.

I know, the 911 lady kept telling her to get out of the bedroom, but who wants to be chased round the house getting tasered/killed without knowing the police were waiting with open arms to protect her.

It's riled me big time, but she got out so I'll stop going on about it now. Probably.
This article has a charge from 1994--I don't think it's been mentioned yet:
Grate’s history with the law dates back to 1994, reports WEWS. In November 1994, he went to jail for assault charges and in 1997 was again incarcerated for burglary. He was found guilty of disorderly conduct, unlawful restraint and criminal trespassing in March 1999. Other charges on his record include aggravated menacing, theft, domestic violence, violation of a protection order and abduction.

Tracey Young of Ashland told WEWS Grate lured her to the home two weeks ago after she met him at a party. Young said Grate asked her for sex, offering her alcohol and pills but she quickly had a bad feeling about the situation and minutes later was able to run out of the house.

And is that story from the same woman heard from before or is this yet another woman he tried to lure?
After viewing the abductor/killers Facebook posted earlier(I can't seem to find it this a.m.) it seems pretty much the norm but knowing what I know now his post and employment is a little disturbing.

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18 minutes for police to arrive. The police station was 1.6 miles away! I would like to know how many officers were on patrol, and what else was going on that was more important than an injured girl being held against her will by a man with such a violent history. Surprising that they didn't ring the doorbell with the way they were so concerned about having her figure out how to open the door.
Here is an interview with his ex gf that dated him 5 years ago. Pretty disturbing to hear of her experience of him.


Ashland abduction suspect wouldn’t get angry, ‘more like evil,’ says ex-girlfriend

A woman who said she is the ex-girlfriend of Grate, Christina, told Tiffani Tucker of Cleveland 19that she was once viciously assaulted by Grate. “He had grabbed me, flipped me over backwards on the end of the bed. I put my hands up, he punched me…broke this hand, he blacked this eye. I had bruises on my face. He strangled me.” she said. Christina described fearing for her life, and said Grate often made “odd comments.” “One Christmas he took pictures of me in tears.”

This is a good read on some of the women he tried to lure from the laundromat. There are a couple of video interviews linked to this article.[h=3]Multiple women say Ashland abduction suspect invited them over[/h]http://www.cleveland19.com//story/33096065/woman-turned-down-invitation-to-abduction-suspects-home#.V9m9odcnqo8.twitter

Facebook page "Ashland County Pictures" with video interview of an Ashland County official at the burned house. Also, there is a video of them boarding up the Ashland houses from about an hour ago.

Grate's ex-wife releases statement
Suspect has lengthy history with law enforcement

“I have been estranged from my ex-husband for four years, and he is not a part of our lives," Bowman said in a statement through an attorney. "My prayers are with the families who lost their loved ones to these horrific acts.

"For the sake of my innocent child, I ask that the press respect our privacy at this time.”

In March 2013, his ex-wife, Amber, reported receiving threatening calls from Grate. The police report states Grate made the call because “she hasn’t given him any financial support since their divorce in December.” Amber had custody of the child and did not allow visitation, according to the police report.

This is creepy

He was then charged with criminal mischief in April 2014 when he allegedly wrote “cheese” on a woman's window.

This is a good read on some of the women he tried to lure from the laundromat. There are a couple of video interviews linked to this article.Multiple women say Ashland abduction suspect invited them over


Facebook page "Ashland County Pictures" with video interview of an Ashland County official at the burned house. Also, there is a video of them boarding up the Ashland houses from about an hour ago.


Thanks for the link. There is a video interview with a lady official from Richland County discussing the crime scene in the woods behind the burnt out house. She says they have a suspicion of who the dead person is but the body was very decomposed and so they will have to wait for DNA to confirm. It could take months to ID. Several people have contacted Richland County about their missing loved ones but none of the missing person's reports match up with the timing of the death. Towards the end, the reporter asks about the Patsy Hudson murder case. Can any locals give us a summary of what the Patsy Hudson case entails?

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