GUILTY OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #10

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DNA Solves
Thanks and sorry.... I need to practice posting links. I don’t think I have ever done it right lol

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Was no trouble. It may be something to do with using Tapatalk, not you, I see people often say they can’t post a link from there. Just had to take out the part before https and after the title/number. Some people may not have known that, so I tried to help. I wasn’t sure it worked until I tried it myself . Sometimes it just takes two of us working together :smile: :smile:
Thank you so much MittenScarpetta! This really has helped put my ducks back in the right order. :)

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Welcome. Both videos of Day 2 are very insightful as to how the events played out surrounding the discovery of Sierah’s body.
Question: On the person who discovered the burial site. Is it protocol to put a LE name to this discovery? I thought I remember a young fella stating in court or an interview that he got up early & started searching by himself along the county road. Met up with someone else he recognized & together they planned a road grid to search. He later found the suspicious area & called LE. I am just curious as to why this fella isn’t mentioned as being the key locator both in court, papers, & now on the podcast? Just pondering over thoughts sipping hot tea.

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If I’m remembering correctly.

During the second day of the trial, testimony was given by a member of the community(Mr. H). He decided to drive up and down the county roads around where SJ went missing, he did meet up with another member of the community (not sure name was given). He/they found an area that looked suspicious and called LE. LE (Mr. P) actually discovered the burial site on the opposite side of the road to which the suspicious area was reported. Testimony was also given by LE (Mr.P) regarding the discovery.

I do not believe Mr. H searched the “crime scene”.... as to not disturb the area.

Mr. P (LE) is part of the MAN unit and is “undercover” so I do not think the court wanted to draw attention to him and Mr. H didn’t want to be shown on camera while testifying so he probably wanted to stay somewhat anonymous. I am sure he had good reason.

I would have to rewatch the testimony for exact details.

I hope this helps.

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If I’m remembering correctly.

During the second day of the trial, testimony was given by a member of the community(Mr. H). He decided to drive up and down the county roads around where SJ went missing, he did meet up with another member of the community (not sure name was given). He/they found an area that looked suspicious and called LE. LE (Mr. P) actually discovered the burial site on the opposite side of the road to which the suspicious area was reported. Testimony was also given by LE (Mr.P) regarding the discovery.

I do not believe Mr. H searched the “crime scene”.... as to not disturb the area.

Mr. P (LE) is part of the MAN unit and is “undercover” so I do not think the court wanted to draw attention to him and Mr. H didn’t want to be shown on camera while testifying so he probably wanted to stay somewhat anonymous. I am sure he had good reason.

I would have to rewatch the testimony for exact details.

I hope this helps.

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Correction, Mr. H did enter the suspicious area but was careful not to disturb the area.

I’m rewatching videos now.

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Correction, Mr. H did enter the suspicious area but was careful not to disturb the area.

I’m rewatching videos now.

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He entered the 1st attempted burial site. The videos go on to testimony of the female BCI agent explaining that site and how they discovered the 2nd and actual burial site.
Whenever the feces at the attempted burial site comes up, I think of the fact that JW was driving around with a roll of toilet paper in his truck.
Whenever the feces at the attempted burial site comes up, I think of the fact that JW was driving around with a roll of toilet paper in his truck.

My thoughts exactly. He truly is just a disgusting individual in every aspect possible, both physically, mannerisms, and soul.
Whenever the feces at the attempted burial site comes up, I think of the fact that JW was driving around with a roll of toilet paper in his truck.

And not to mention the fact he basically gave an explanation as to why it was there to begin with. I wasn’t sure the reason, still not, but he explained it away as if he knew from personal experience. He even said the person was digging the first grave, got tired and pooped. What??! I’ve never heard of such a reaction to fatigue.
Just wanted to punch my screen watching and listening to him carry on about such rubbish!

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He entered the 1st attempted burial site. The videos go on to testimony of the female BCI agent explaining that site and how they discovered the 2nd and actual burial site.

Whoa, did I miss something?!?! Burial site of what and who confirmed this information?

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Whoa, did I miss something?!?! Burial site of what and who confirmed this information?

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Attempted burial site-the spot where Worley first dug and stopped. Also where he defected. Unless I listened to the testimony wrong. It was confirmed on the stand by the BCI forensic lady.
It's my time to come out of the darkness. Having been on this site since Sierah's disappearance, I have been glued to the information shared here. This has been a challenging time for me. I too was approached by JW many years ago. In Fulton County. Near his home. I once made a statement here that he works in his own back yard. I believe that. JW was an unknown to me prior to the day I had the chance encounter with him. He applied several of tactics just as he did with Sierah and RG. Certainly his trademarks. However, to his surprise I was not alone that day or the story would be different. I knew beyond a doubt I was in eminent danger. Gut wretching danger that I had never felt before or since. He asked for directions, said he was lost. He wanted to know how to get to a location about 5 miles away. In truth, he wanted to know if I knew where I was. I knew where I was. I told him how to get where he wanted to go. He asked again then asked me to "lead" him there. No. Again, he asked me to "lead" him there. No. He further explained his untrue story. No, I was not leaving the site where I was at. To this day, I believe had I not had my seat belt on he would have grabbed me out of my car. JW started mumbling something and thank God, he walked away! But not before I noticed the shiny silver rings attached to his left sided belt loop. He backed his vehicle away from me. I was immediately gone. Myself and my passager each filed a report with LE. I know it is there as I have verified it. There have been many years of sleepless nights, wonderings of what ifs, struggles of survivor guilt, and sheer thoughts of terror. To the young lady from CircleK in Liberty Center...I believe your story. To the ones at Country Corral I believe your story. And I believe the others too. I am just here to tell you there are many unnamed victims of JW out there. Someone needs to keep looking!
It's my time to come out of the darkness. Having been on this site since Sierah's disappearance, I have been glued to the information shared here. This has been a challenging time for me. I too was approached by JW many years ago ... I am just here to tell you there are many unnamed victims of JW out there. Someone needs to keep looking!

Thank you for sharing your story. It is frightening to me how many women I know have similar stories of attempted abductions, by JW and by other men in other places. It terrifies me for ourselves and our children. People have previously said 'how many women are buried in the cornfields around Worley's property?' During his rambling and ridiculous 'statement' JW mentioned a few local properties and areas where he hypothesized Sierah could have been taken. Those are some places to start looking for evidence of the other victims we all know exist.

Sierah's mother was so clear and courageous in her statement, and she is right: Sierah caught a murderer. She may have even saved her own sister from the same fate.
It's my time to come out of the darkness. Having been on this site since Sierah's disappearance, I have been glued to the information shared here.

woundwarrior, I am glad you are here to tell your story but saddened that you have had to live with this.
Woundwarrior , Welcome to this corner where so many have shared their encounters. I am so glad to know you were able to escape and that you filed a police report. How this man got away with so much in all those years has yet to be uncovered, but the similarities in stories leads me to believe there were many, many more near tragedies and likely other deaths we may never know about.

asking directions ... I can imagine Sierah would have tried to accommodate such a request. No clue if that is how he was able to subdue her, but it would not surprise me.

The man of nightmars is no longer going to be able to continue his trail of terror.
It's my time to come out of the darkness. Having been on this site since Sierah's disappearance, I have been glued to the information shared here. This has been a challenging time for me. I too was approached by JW many years ago. In Fulton County. Near his home. I once made a statement here that he works in his own back yard. I believe that. JW was an unknown to me prior to the day I had the chance encounter with him. He applied several of tactics just as he did with Sierah and RG. Certainly his trademarks. However, to his surprise I was not alone that day or the story would be different. I knew beyond a doubt I was in eminent danger. Gut wretching danger that I had never felt before or since. He asked for directions, said he was lost. He wanted to know how to get to a location about 5 miles away. In truth, he wanted to know if I knew where I was. I knew where I was. I told him how to get where he wanted to go. He asked again then asked me to "lead" him there. No. Again, he asked me to "lead" him there. No. He further explained his untrue story. No, I was not leaving the site where I was at. To this day, I believe had I not had my seat belt on he would have grabbed me out of my car. JW started mumbling something and thank God, he walked away! But not before I noticed the shiny silver rings attached to his left sided belt loop. He backed his vehicle away from me. I was immediately gone. Myself and my passager each filed a report with LE. I know it is there as I have verified it. There have been many years of sleepless nights, wonderings of what ifs, struggles of survivor guilt, and sheer thoughts of terror. To the young lady from CircleK in Liberty Center...I believe your story. To the ones at Country Corral I believe your story. And I believe the others too. I am just here to tell you there are many unnamed victims of JW out there. Someone needs to keep looking!

WW..Thank God you are here to share the story. Would you mind telling me/us where you were at, what he was driving, when this was, and how did he stop your car (or how circumstances came about) that you were stopped and he was talking to you.
I still have angst thinking about exactly how this happened. Was it a blitz attack? Was he walking up 6 and she was biking towards her house?
Where they found impressions/broken corn/fuse box was on the EAST side of the road NORTH of where he took her. Those items were found approx. 1000 feet NORTH of the crime scene (which was 750 ft from the intersection of 6 & T.
He had to be walking, right?

Anyway, WW...I would just like to know how he got you to stop and where you were, more of the circumstance on how you crossed paths, if you could tell me. If you can't, I understand that too. I'm sure, like Robin, it is beyond surreal and frightening to know that you were one of the ones that "got away". I'm so thankful you were tho!

Everyone else..her story shows that he was willing to try to abduct MULTIPLE people at the same time if I'm understanding correctly. This is beyond frightening.
WW..Thank God you are here to share the story. Would you mind telling me/us where you were at, what he was driving, when this was, and how did he stop your car (or how circumstances came about) that you were stopped and he was talking to you.
I still have angst thinking about exactly how this happened. Was it a blitz attack? Was he walking up 6 and she was biking towards her house?
Where they found impressions/broken corn/fuse box was on the EAST side of the road NORTH of where he took her. Those items were found approx. 1000 feet NORTH of the crime scene (which was 750 ft from the intersection of 6 & T.
He had to be walking, right?

Anyway, WW...I would just like to know how he got you to stop and where you were, more of the circumstance on how you crossed paths, if you could tell me. If you can't, I understand that too. I'm sure, like Robin, it is beyond surreal and frightening to know that you were one of the ones that "got away". I'm so thankful you were tho!

Everyone else..her story shows that he was willing to try to abduct MULTIPLE people at the same time if I'm understanding correctly. This is beyond frightening.
I hope you don't mind me adding another question to your list..... what month or season was it?

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I hope you don't mind me adding another question to your list..... what month or season was it?

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GREAT question MP...was the corn high? Were you in an isolated location, surrounded by corn? I do so hope the poster returns.
Me too Jashrema was the corn high? He is clearly a sexual sadist. I do wonder if he sought out prostitutes/addicts etc. to engage in his fantasy in his very early years. Then when that was not enough to have somebody compliant he sought out those who were not. Rare to start this late in life.
It was Sunday of Memorial weekend, 2009. 10:30 AM. How could I forget?

Thank You for sharing your experience here. I hope u are doing well. There is a support system here but if it's troubling please reach out thru Professionals.

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