Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #4 *Arrest*

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Please people here keep up her vigil by posting all night-even if you just 'bump'
Unable to sleep. Sierah and other victims are on my mind.
I know we are all angry and sad for her. It is a terrible hurt. It feels so wrong according to our beliefs in God's protection. And His Mercy.
Why take the innocents and the good from us?

I have hardly slept in a week. I have daughters-one who very much resembles Sierah. Her zest for life photo says it all why we are so knocked down.

I do realize that Beliefs are different
I can't sleep either. I feel torn: sad for Sierah's family, but (almost) hopeful that another family will get closer to having answers. How weird is that?! I just keep thinking that something positive will come from this. I cannot believe that the Lord would let this happen without having something else come from the pain that her loved ones are feeling.
What a beautiful post, thank you for being so eloquent.

Don't second guess yourself. If you have been happy in your community and don't mind commuting, keep on! Don't let these monsters scare you into corners. I don't know what else to say though, we all have these fears.

Same. You took the words that I have been unable to compose since the heartbreaking update this weekend. I read the "breaking news" today while at work & I cried! I cried when they "found" her, I cried when I read the "details" I cried at work when I had to force quit the window, I cried as I sat under the overpass on my commute home due to Oklahoma storms, I cry as I sit in my lawn chair catching up on what I missed while dealing with everyday life. I've been lurking threads since last summer (Teresa Sievers case [emoji22]) but finally joined Jan of this year. I've shed many tears while reading, but have NEVER followed a MP case from the beginning until now (Sierah & Kaylee) & my perspective of raising my children (all 6 of them) in a small town has FOREVER CHANGED! I commute roughly 900 miles per week to raise them in a small community that everyone knows everyone & everyone looks out for each other & their children. My sister and amazing BIL & perfect nephews (1&2[emoji4]) live less than 3 blocks from me. My kiddos always ask "Can we walk to TT's & watch movies with her & Uncle Monkey?" (I've trained my nephews from the day they were born say "Auntie" & they decided I'm "TT" [emoji849][emoji7] and now my kiddos refer to my sister as such [emoji12]) Unfortunately now, I've gone from relaxed to overprotective in a heartbeat! I'm all "Be careful. Text me when you get there." Then to my sis "Kids are headed your way. Please be looking for them & let me know when they make it!"

Its RIDICULOUS THAT I/WE have to live like this!!! It seriously has me reevaluating the pros & cons of raising my kids in a small community where they are known by name (ON PURPOSE) & sacrificing 22hrs\ wk behind a steering wheel to provide OR moving them closer to my paycheck & going to a LARGE school & being only a "Number on the roster" [emoji22]

All I'm CERTAIN of at this point is, that Sierah IS mourned by those who did not even know her IRL. She is mourned by parents just like me who are desperate for positive female role models exactly like her for our daughters. Her light has taken over my entire being & has affected me from now on. To her family & her fiancé Josh's family, My apologies & condolences can't even come close to provide comfort to you all. BUT, This beautiful princess has impacted my life directly! Thank YOU ALL for raising such anAMAZING HUMAN BEING!!! ❤️[emoji22][emoji22][emoji22]❤️❤️

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I have not seen that... His journals said that????

How bone chilling omg.

Finding it hard to try to fall asleep tonight, I can't seem to unplug thoughts just keep coming back in my head. I also keep getting reminded recently about my time spent on back roads in Fulton County many different ones over the years when I was doing a little storm chasing and storm spotting for the Skywarn weather Watchers group as I am a trained storm spotter. I also would go almost every night for a long period of time to take pictures at sunset ..several times I encountered strange people including one very creepy one that parked a little ways down the road from me and stopped in the middle of the road just watched me take pictures of the sky. I was actually talking to a friend on the phone a few moments later and he recalled the conversation we had that day and how scared I felt at that time and I'm seriously wondering if that could have been JDW that night. I'm trying to find time to go through all those old pictures and videos I took then to see if I got a picture of that vehicle to see if it's was a known vehicle of his at the time. It just chills me to the Bones to think I was that close to possibly encountering him and someone told me that they won't be surprised if I was mentioned in one of his journals, if he really was keeping disgusting timeline track of certain women he was taking note of their routines of when and where they were because I was very predictable being there during Sunset hours .but anyways I just once again want to extend my heartfelt sympathies to the family and friends and loved ones of the Sierah Joughin's Family and to the law enforcement who had to see things they wish they never had . I can't even begin to imagine and my heart just breaks for all of you and there's just no words left to try to convey all the feelings and emotions I have about this. Sorry I am rambling and tor the long run on sentences. I'm exhausted .
This is incredibly sad & confusing. It's always challenging when someone thinks that far outside the norms of society. I do hope that if there are other victims, they are identified. IMO, every identified victim, that takes away some of JW's power. (and I hope he gets assaulted in prison and rots in hell).

well let's take a poll

how many of you are
1 sad
2 confused
3 not affected
4 want to kill perp
5 let God take over
6 head spinning
7 want to become LE
I have nothing to say but (hugs)

This is the thing..of course everything will come out because that's what happens. Where my problem lies is where Foxfire is always pointing out..the LE and Media secrecy DURING the investigation has got to end! Yes, they can keep a couple things back to check so they can weed out false confessions but let the public know everything else!
She was gone 3 days. In that 3 days they should have told people she was ABDUCTED for God's sake. They didn't even use the word! If someone is casually reading a story and it says a bike was found , 20 year old female, but it doesnt' say she was ABDUCTED..or we are treating this as an ABDUCTION/KIDNAPPING whatever..many people will just thing..oh had a fight with the BF, she just ran off...etc. People in that area were still thinking it was safe when it was NOT. He was out for 3 more days..3 days he could have taken someone else. The word "abduct" creates a sense of urgency that being "missing" does not. She could be "missing " of her own volition. She did not "abduct" herself. I HATE that...I hate that they use minimizing words to describe what happened to her. This caginess when they do a press conference...they had searched the barn, arrested him, and then state "there is no reason to believe she's not alive". Are you kidding me? and less than 2 hours later they find her. They knew when they searched that barn and found all that horror that there was absolutely a reason to believe that she was NOT alive. Do they think people would stop looking? That interest would wan? It's even more urgent that she be found! I'm just venting. NOTHING prospers in the dark, in secrets, yes..hold a couple things back but tell the public the rest. Fox is right...the population is their best resource.
I feel helpless. I am a mama of only boys and I can't imagine how I would feel if I had baby girls.

well let's take a poll

how many of you are
1 sad
2 confused
3 not affected
4 want to kill perp
5 let God take over
6 head spinning
7 want to become LE
I agree Knox. Although most well trained Law Enforcement officers have the ability to compartmentalize tragedies. But the darkness that they have encountered over the past nine days would be beyond my comprehension.

Roger L. Depue, Ph.D. Pioneer of the FBI BSU can explain it much better than I ever could...

Founder of The Academy Group, Inc. Retired FBI (21 years). Former Chief of the FBI Behavioral Sciences Unit. Became the first administrator of the FBI's National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime.

'When I was a young man, a friend taught me the ancient art of dowsing, and after a time, I became something of a practitioner myself, finding water underground as a kind of parlor trick for friends. It might seem odd that a man so rooted in grim reality would take an interest in something so ethereal. In fact, I’m fascinated by the unseen forces at play in the lives of human beings.

My job has been to try to stop human predators before they kill again, and after studying them so closely over so many years, to me their traits seem clearly recognizable.
Evil is more than a vague notion. It is an entity, and it is manifest on the earth. It has reflexes and intuition, senses vulnerability, and changes its form to adapt to its surroundings. Those who do not believe the Devil walks this earth have not seen the things that I have seen.

Evil is not a discrete entity that springs forth fully formed. It is born in the mind, takes root there as fantasy, and prospers when normal human restraint can no longer contain it. I have seen it devour the personalities of men like Richard Speck, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy, turning them into blank-faced sociopaths who clearly know right from wrong, but choose, time and again, to follow their own base urges, with complete disregard for the terrible human suffering they cause.

I believe that every act of homicide causes a slight unbalancing in the world, and that it diminishes life’s universal equation. In the interest of justice, it is imperative that someone try to right that imbalance. But the task of fighting evil can take a terrible toll on the people who are charged with it. It can cost them their families, their equilibrium, their capacity for joy'...

Thank you for posting this, Foxfire.

Sad & scary times.....
Well said, val. If anything, we need to make our children more aware. We are their resources. We need to instill awareness in them without completely robbing them of their innocence. They need to be prepared, armed, if you will, of what types of behaviors and circumstances that are dangerous. We need to teach them what they need to do if they are approached or if some other unsafe situation arises. But I also will not live my life in constant fear of what "could" happen and I don't want my son living his life that way either.

It's awareness. It's preparation. It's being mindful of what is going on around you. Of course, anything can still happen; this is a heartbreaking fact that we read and take part of in here daily at websleuths. And if, God forbid, something was to happen, my son knows what to do in order to increase his chance of survival.

Some might argue it's over the top. I can easily reconcile it; this is our world today. Knowledge is power.

Sending continued strength, prayers and comfort to all Sierah's loved ones. I know it does little to ease the deep despair you are feeling but please know this beautiful young woman has touched many with her shining light. And that will continue to shine even without her presence on this earth. [emoji182]

What a beautiful post, thank you for being so eloquent.

Don't second guess yourself. If you have been happy in your community and don't mind commuting, keep on! Don't let these monsters scare you into corners. I don't know what else to say though, we all have these fears.

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I wonder how many people today watched 'Taxi Driver' trying to understand John Hinckley,

To me- a trying-to-be-a killer is a killer forever.
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