OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #8

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BoggLed in Ohio said:
Well, I made in plenty of time for today's hearing. I met a few people, talked a lot, including to Rachel Hill quite extensively. I took some notes, but most of what was discussed cannot be posted here.
I sat in second to front row and it was chilling to see him walking in mere feet of me. Even shackled fully, the sight of him chilled me, then angered and repulsed me. I'm still processing all the info I took in today.

Thanks for being the boots on the ground, as someone above said. I went to a trial here in Auburn for the murder of Kristie Wilson by Mario Garcia. I took notes for WS too - and once when I glanced up, he was staring right at me.... CREEPY and scary!! :eek:

re bold - why can't you discussed what was said in court on here??? Just wondering!! I want to hear it ALL!!!

Yes, the wheels of Justice turn very slowly....

:rose: SIERAH :rose: Justice IS coming!!
Chitin with my neghbor lady...reading every post as soon as posted here on WS. She doesn't know I'm on here...she just mentioned seeing news up here at court yesterday and said she only heard trial year away. She also asked where he'll be til then...and says, "he SHOULD BE IN MAX SECURITY tl then". AMEN!
I live 1/2 block from courthouse. I have two CLOSELY related relatives on LE in this case. I RESPECT my LE blood and I ask not one question pertaining to this case...they are to be respected and say not a word!- I want and pray for beautiful Sierah's JUSTICE! and I want it YESTERDAY! I WANT beautiful Ce back! -Foxfire wish I wish I could visit you in person today. Jashrema, praying for Josh and Sierah's loved ones. So badly wish I could do SOMETHING!

Thanks for being the boots on the ground, as someone above said. I went to a trial here in Auburn for the murder of Kristie Wilson by Mario Garcia. I took notes for WS too - and once when I glanced up, he was staring right at me.... CREEPY and scary!! :eek:

re bold - why can't you discussed what was said in court on here??? Just wondering!! I want to hear it ALL!!!

Yes, the wheels of Justice turn very slowly....

:rose: SIERAH :rose: Justice IS coming!!

Sorry you guys that it's taken me so long to update. Yesterday was a crazy, long, stressful and exhausting day for me and I'm not even family to Ce. I can't imagine.
I have been trying to process and decompress everything from yesterday and I told Foxfire that I'm not really sure my update is worth posting now because basically you guys all already know he plead Not Guilty and the trial won't start for another year now; however FoxFire says I should still share my experience here...but most of the other things I learned yesterday are not things that can be mentioned here because it would be against the Rules here (rumors/conjecture/theories/opinions/info obtained in prohibited fashions etc ). please forgive my poor writing skills today; my brain doesn't feel like it's working right, like my head is still spinning and I feel stuck and entangled in a dark snarly web spun from the same loom as midnight.. the words won't come out of my head right anymore but here goes...
I entered the beautiful, old historic Fulton County Common Pleas Court about an hour early. After taking what seemed like a long time to get cleared through security (had to take off all my rings, necklaces, all items from my pockets, and my hat!) I made it into the main hearing room and immediately met up with Rachel Hill; the sister of murder victim Lori Ann Hill (1985) as JDW is now suspected in killing her as well. We talked for quite a long while, and then I got yelled at for like the 2nd or 3rd time for having my hat back on and was told firmly to" keep it off for good this time, its disrespectful to the judge" . (My Chevy hat is like a part of my DNA, I always wear it and it covers up my stray grays that keep trying to come out lol...what i was thinking in my own head though was "" my hat is disrespectful to the court??? What about the piece of inhuman evil crap that is about to walk through the door shackled??!" ) Anyhow I mention this because I made a joke about it , which inadvertently lead to a local news reporter gal to talk to me, and she went and found me a hair tie to use to make a pony tail and fix it . We talked for awhile also and she is doing a lot of investigative reporting on JDW and other potential victims. She is also working with Rachel Hill putting together more of their stories. As we all waited for 2 pm, I talked to several other people and then also sat quietly just listening to tidbits of the conversations going on around me. Rachel recounted some tense moments that occurred earlier in the day at the courthouse (not sure I can say more about that). She was sitting in the very front row and I was seated behind her in the second. Rachel had turned around to talk to me again but I have no idea what she was saying, and she turned forward again to see why I was no longer listening to her...JDW was being brought in the room from the back corner door, walking towards us. I felt a slight gasp escape me and for a brief moment his eyes met mine. I felt fearful and rage... his eyes looked devoid and empty to me. I guess at least in that moment I may have also been relieved to realize he didn't seem to react with any sort of recognition (one of my fears has been that he saw me on several occasions when I would go out every evening "sunsetting" or storm chasing, taking pictures from many different Fulton Co back roads all around where he lived). As we sat there listening to the judge and attorneys speak, I realized I felt a mask of hate on my own face, and so I turned and glanced around to all the other people there to see their expressions as well and most of them had the same look on theirs too. I noticed that no one on our side of the room including myself took any pictures of him that I am aware of , only the media side did so, who were situated on the opposite side of the courtroom. I felt no need to do so. No one seemed surprised when the plea was entered NOT GUILTY. What really stuck out to me was when I noticed JDW was facing forward towards the judge, and you could see his eyes drinking in the beautiful colored paintings all over the walls in the room...suddenly, a hot angry rage began festering within me at this...I was mad as hell that he was taking enjoyment in laying eyes on such a pretty sight!!! So angry that he even was able to extract one ounce of pleasantness !! I'm sure it did look nice to someone who's been in prison for any length of time, and even though it was just a positive visual stimulation, I wanted to go run and throw a drape up over the paintings so he couldn't enjoy them for one second longer! The fact that he took all of that away from Sierah who was innocent and good and who loved flowers and pretty things...it infuriated me!
!!! Oh the rage and so many other emotions I felt yesterday just being in the same room and in close proximity to him...I just can't explain how profoundly it effected me! I know to some, that may seem overdramatic but that's just how I am..I feel everything in extreme magnitude..

There were several other things that happened afterwards that I cannot discuss here for a multitude of reasons.

Please know that I am still working on my own research, and visual aid time line project etc. The next year is going to be a frustrating one as we likely won't have any updates from LE or Media as the trial gets prepared..but rest assured I for one will continue doing everything I have been and I hope you all here will too. Keep the wheels turning.. and let's hope at least sometime soon we will hear about additional charges for other victims as well, and pray that he is found Guilty for Ce.

Sorry this was long, disjointed and rambling at times...my head is still kind of a mess
Good night, All.
Thanx for sharing your courtroom experience BoggLed in Ohio.. Glad to hear that investigative reporters are looking into other possible victims of JDW..

A little info on the old historic courthouse:

LOCAL FULTON COUNTY PRESERVES PAST, BUILDS OFF IT Courthouse restoration, new building provide homage to regional history
ByJanet Romaker | BLADE STAFF WRITERPublished on Sept. 22, 2014

<courtroom image>

WAUSEON &#8212; Walk into the Fulton County Courthouse and history smacks you to attention like the rap of a gavel.

It&#8217;s a splendid building with one of the grandest courtrooms in Ohio, if not the entire United States.

Attorneys who enter the common pleas courtroom for the first time &#8212; awestruck by stately furnishings and elaborate architecture, the cut-it-with-a-knife aura of justice, dignity, and respect &#8212; have been known to whisper with near reverence, &#8220;This is why I went to law school.&#8221;

PHOTO GALLERY: Click here to view more photos

<snipped - read more>
Thanx for sharing your courtroom experience BoggLed in Ohio.. Glad to hear that investigative reporters are looking into other possible victims of JDW..

A little info on the old historic courthouse:

LOCAL FULTON COUNTY PRESERVES PAST, BUILDS OFF IT Courthouse restoration, new building provide homage to regional history
ByJanet Romaker | BLADE STAFF WRITERPublished on Sept. 22, 2014

<courtroom image>

WAUSEON — Walk into the Fulton County Courthouse and history smacks you to attention like the rap of a gavel.

It’s a splendid building with one of the grandest courtrooms in Ohio, if not the entire United States.

Attorneys who enter the common pleas courtroom for the first time — awestruck by stately furnishings and elaborate architecture, the cut-it-with-a-knife aura of justice, dignity, and respect — have been known to whisper with near reverence, “This is why I went to law school.”

PHOTO GALLERY: Click here to view more photos
<snipped - read more>

And thank you for sharing this , I was trying to figure out how to attach a picture with the post so everyone could see what I was talking about.. now you know what I mean
Thank you BoggLed. Your post was perfect, made me feel as if I were in that courtroom. GOOD Job!! Don't ever apologize for deeply feeling the pain of the victims and their families.
Thank you, Boggled. It was a very good post, and I glad you were able to share your experience. What an amazingly beautiful courthouse. I have been by it several times. but had no idea how fantastic it is on the inside.
Thank you for posting your reactions, etc. they are truly appreciated. Just want to make a comment regarding the trial date in a year - as most of the regulars on here that follow trials can attest to - please do not think that that date is written in stone or that the trial WILL actually take place on that date. It would be great if it worked that way, but honestly there will probably be continuances, delays, motions, possible change of attorney's, etc - a lot of murder trials do not actually begin for 2-3-4 years even though the original date as set within a year or so. Would love if justice was swift (and 1 year would be swift) but that isn't always how it works. Now, if they negoiate some kind of deal it could be a lot sooner that he would be in prison. My heart goes out to the family, friends, and community for having to wait for justice to be served. Prayers.
just a FYI; on Lifetime network today, there are several movies on including the Hannah Anderson Story (2pm EST), The Cleveland Abduction Story (4 pm EST), Taken (6 pm EST) and the premiere movie tonight Girl In the Box (8 pm EST) followed by the real story Colleen Stan: Girl In The Box; part 1 (10 pm EST) currently on air is the Hunt for the I-5 Killer which started at 12 noon EST. Sorry didnt post it sooner for those who may have wanted to watch or record it.

Also at 5 pm EST on ID channel is Bound In a Box: The True Story of Colleen Stan.
I live 1/2 block from courthouse. I have two CLOSELY related relatives on LE in this case. I RESPECT my LE blood and I ask not one question pertaining to this case...they are to be respected and say not a word!- I want and pray for beautiful Sierah's JUSTICE! and I want it YESTERDAY! I WANT beautiful Ce back! -Foxfire wish I wish I could visit you in person today. Jashrema, praying for Josh and Sierah's loved ones. So badly wish I could do SOMETHING!
It seems so small, I know, but that we bear witness is important. Our tears and our outrage matter.

Thank you coastal! ^^^ (not sure how to attach your post to this reply, new here on WS, using small phone to follow). I keep thinking to myself that I need to step back from this horrific happening! Go stick my head in the sand and try not to follow any of this...I do not watch the news, I do not listen to the news nor do I read it, I hate politics (LIES n deception!). I can't see or hear any of it...it's all too upsetting to me. And here I am! Praying my guts out for SWIFT JUSTICE! Heart shattered, Spirit SAD!, emotions angry. <3 THANKFUL for my favorites here on WS!
Thank you coastal! ^^^ (not sure how to attach your post to this reply, new here on WS, using small phone to follow). I keep thinking to myself that I need to step back from this horrific happening! Go stick my head in the sand and try not to follow any of this...I do not watch the news, I do not listen to the news nor do I read it, I hate politics (LIES n deception!). I can't see or hear any of it...it's all too upsetting to me. And here I am! Praying my guts out for SWIFT JUSTICE! Heart shattered, Spirit SAD!, emotions angry. <3 THANKFUL for my favorites here on WS!
Welcome to Websleuths, i4ni!

You might yet turn away from the details of Sierra's murder, and there is no shame in it if you do. But I hope you'll hold on to your anger, because what you feel is right. It's awful, yes, and I'm sorry for the pain, but...if we won't let ourselves feel what we know is true - like our anger - who will? See, I'm not sure I believe in evil. But I know that there is good in the world, and I think caring about Sierra and the fact that she was murdered serves that good...and so here I am, praying for justice and mad as hell.
It's all I've got.

Hugs to you, i4ni. I feel you. That's all I really wanted to say.
And again i thank you coastal. ^^^ Well said! Thanks for the hugs! N mine to you in return.
There are so many unanswered questions in SJ's tragic abduction and murder. Up until July 19/2016, the citizens of Fulton County, NW OH, and others in the tri-state areas were living with a false perception of security. Guess you could say that SJ's abduction and murder in many ways is analogous to Fulton County, Ohio's 9/11..
Without Public Safety for our families, friends, and loved ones, we have nothing...

The FBI Violent Criminal Apprehension Program<VICAP> database went online over three decades ago with the intent of preventing serial sexual predators/killers such as JDW from continuing their deviant behavior and heinous acts for years or decades without identification.
How did JDW manage to fall through the cracks of the VICAP database, or did he? Imo, there are far too many missing and murdered women in the tri-state area with identical and or similar circumstances to have been ignored for years or decades. Was JDW a poi, suspect, or was he interviewed by investigators in any of these prior abductions or murders?
Imo, JDW had been on law enforcement's radar for some time, and if not should have been..

<BBM for Focus>
Fighting Violent Crime for 25 Years <08/2010>

When serial killers or rapists strike in different communities or even across multiple states, it may be hard to identify and capture them&#8212;because information about their crimes is stored separately in the files of various local police agencies.

But for the past 25 years, the FBI&#8217;s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, or ViCAP, has been used by state and local law enforcement across the nation precisely to help find and stop such dangerous villains by drawing links between their seemingly unconnected crimes.


Some have asked, 'why would JDW abduct someone so close to home'?

<BBM for Focus>


Behavioral Analysis Unit-2
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
Critical Incident Response Group
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Myth: Serial killers want to get caught.

Offenders committing a crime for the first time are inexperienced. They gain experience and confidence with each new offense, eventually succeeding with few mistakes or problems.

While most serial killers plan their offenses more thoroughly than other criminals, the learning curve is still very steep. They must select, target, approach, control, and dispose of their victims. The logistics involved in committing a murder and disposing of the body can become very complex, especially when there are multiple sites involved.

As serial killers continue to offend without being captured, they can become empowered, feeling they will never be identified. As the series continues, the killers may begin to take shortcuts when committing their crimes. This often causes the killers to take more chances, leading to identification by law enforcement. It is not that serial killers want to get caught; they feel that they can&#8217;t get caught...

Worley, 57, the warrant states, told a therapist he was mandated to see by a Lucas County Common Pleas Court judge after his previous abduction conviction that he &#8220;learned from each abduction he had done and the next one he was going to bury.&#8221;

<snipped - read more>

I'm a new member because of Sierah, and I'm shocked by the similarities of the Chelsea Bruck case, Sierah's case and Jessica's case. I suspect that you longtime members find these similarities all the time. I saw Jessica's story on the national news, just now and then looked and saw her story here on WS. I am sick to my stomach over this.
I hope there is an extra special place in hell for these serial predators.
IMO the long drawn out system that allows the accused to stall the inevitable trial is just another way that allows the perp to continue to get enjoyment out of their crime. He gets to live in the county jail rather than go to a prison. I have never been in either but from others who have I understand that the county jail has better conditions. The jerk gets to relive his act over and over again by seeing the victim's family pain over and over again. It is so hard on the victim's family as just as they are getting some healing they have the scabs ripped off. They have to live years without any sort of closure and being able to move on.
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