GUILTY OH - Steubenville Rape Case, 11 Aug 2012 #2

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I wrote a huge reply about this...and it disappeared.
This is a sick twisted religious town. I have a 'friend' who is an 'esteemed ' educator at the know which college im talking about...he blames the girl. He is a father of 8!!! I was stunned. Ruined our 20+ years of friendship....

Please let there be justice for this girl....

This is so sad. Blaming the girl??? I'll say it again:

The victim made a mistake that hurt no one other than herself.

The rapists made a "mistake" that hurt the girl, her family, their families, their school, their town and all of their friends and family.

To try to rationalize his blaming the victim, one must use the following mathmatical formula:

Underaged girl + drinking alcohol = punishable by rape and public humiliation

Underaged boys + drinking alcohol + stipping underaged girl + taking and sharing naked photographs of said girl + raping said girl + laughing and public humilating said girl + going to the coach to cover it up + doing NOTHING to help said girl = no punishment = boys with be boys = it's the girls fault = if you see a drunk girl, you are free to do with what you like with her as she is just asking for it
Judge grants immunity to the 3 bloody bast***'s.
This morning...
Something is so very wrong...:tears:
Judge grants immunity to the 3 bloody bast***'s.
This morning...
Something is so very wrong...:tears:

I believe the immunity was granted to 3 witnesses. One of which at least took some of the photos/video. He was reluctant to testify for fear he would be charged himself (which he could have been). But the DA or Judge has apparantly decided that his testimony of wht he saw is more important. I would agree with that.
Steely Dan, some statistics show that while an average of 54% of rapes go unreported, only about 2-8% of those reported are considered false (check wikipedia on False Rape Reports for a quick hit).

I think you have a great deal of compassion for survivors of sexual assault, and I hope that you can help others to see that it is basically a myth that "a lot" of false reports are made about rape, especially considering that more than half of all rapes that occur are never reported. To me, that says "a lot" of victims suffer in silence, likely including for reasons related to shame and pain over reporting in our victim-blaming social and legal culture.

I didn't know the false reports were that low. Thanks for schooling me on that. I guess it does prove though that the perception is a lot are false.
Just playing catch up:
  • MC pleads 5th. Defense argues against immunity, but Lipps granted.
  • Testimony from MC is basically what was said during preliminary.
  • Word is that Reno and possibly JD due to testify today...may hold court

WTOV9 has added a special section for periodic updates. The videos done throughout the day by Eric Minor can be viewed here, in addition to written updates based on his reports:

eta: Just a note about the immunity deals. All IMO, btw. Immunity protects these 3 from prosecution by state of OH. It does not prevent civil suits or federal prosecution, both of which are very possible after this trial is over. And, AFAIK (not sure on this), it only protects what they testify to - if 'conspiracy' or manipulation of evidence is not covered, it can be charged at a later date.

...If you have been following the Steubenville rape story, you will know that Jane Hanlin is the mother of Charlie Keenan – an alleged member of the Steubenville Rape Crew. Charlie Keenan has been offered a scholarship at Kent State, and a few days ago Kent State stated on Facebook that would be looking closely at the outcome of this case. Jane Hanlin was also the Prosecuting Attorney in the rape case, until she decided two weeks later that there was a conflict of interest. Ya think???...

This is false information. Hanlin charged both boys as adults (also with kidnapping), Judge Lipps (notfrom Steubenville or affiliated with Big Red football in any way) moved the crime to juvenile in November as he did not feel the crime met the statutes set by Ohio law. Charlie Keenan's crime appears to be limited to being on the same team as these jerks. By this definition the entire Pittsburgh Steeler team should be registered sex offenders on account of Ben Roethlisberger. <modsnip>
I read this somewhere...
Some are saying they were only granted Immunity for Failure to report a Crime. But there could be other charges pressed against them, as well as a civil suit.

Is there other evidence against them?:confused:
MC testified he didn't report anything because he didn't realize digital penetration was rape.

EW says he was embarrassed by what he saw, but didn't realize it was rape because he thought rape was violent.

Sounds to me as if someone has been coaching them about 'failure to report'...this defense will also affect what Reno testifies to, I'm guessing. He'll claim he was told they were just fooling around and didn't realize what had really gone on that night.
This is false information. Hanlin charged both boys as adults (also with kidnapping), Judge Lipps (notfrom Steubenville or affiliated with Big Red football in any way) moved the crime to juvenile in November as he did not feel the crime met the statutes set by Ohio law. Charlie Keenan's crime appears to be limited to being on the same team as these jerks. By this definition the entire Pittsburgh Steeler team should be registered sex offenders on account of Ben Roethlisberger. Is what is happening in the court not ghastly enough to continue to spread lies & smut?
I didn't look at the link, but I do remember Keenan being mentioned as being at the party in preliminary testimony - I think the first one. He was there with some of the same guys whose text messages, pics and video are being submitted in the trial. A bit closer than just being on the team. Docs from the hospital that have surfaced also say that Keenan's name was originally mentioned by JD as being involved...this hospital interview was just before the PD got to the hospital, so I'm guessing Hanlin had a copy of it pretty quickly. Surely knew it before she talked with the parents and (according the JD's mother) tried to scare them away from pressing charges. first party with 3-4 dozen other kids who didn't have any further connection that weekend with JD. Just lies that have been spread by Goddard & her Jefferson County crew of convicted drug felons.
I just got this trial still going on?
Broke for lunch. Resuming @3:30. Prosecution said to be nearly done & next witness is actually an expert for the defense. They expect to wrap it up tomorrow evening. What a breath of fresh air compared to AZ half-day, half- week BS.
Hope you all don't mind me joining you.I got caught up just now.
I really wish these 2 were tried as adults..
What a case!!
I can't seem to get a live feed...:( working on it...
Ok...I now have video with no sound either...sidebar maybe?
I've now got "witness has chosen not to be recorded, please stand by"

that's a new one on me!
I've now got "witness has chosen not to be recorded, please stand by"

that's a new one on me!
Hey lisalei! :seeya:

Yep, because this is a juvenile court, the witnesses can opt to not be recorded. I haven't really seen much of this one at all. I gave up - doesn't do much good if you can't get the testimony. Wish they would just do the audio - I'd be good with that.

I wonder if the victim is going to take the stand. I've heard yes she will and now no she won't. For what I've seen/read so far, this judge doesn't have much of a choice - these two are guilty. Period. Oh, yea, because this is juvenile court - the judge will decide the case - there is no jury.


Hey lisalei! :seeya:

Yep, because this is a juvenile court, the witnesses can opt to not be recorded. I haven't really seen much of this one at all. I gave up - doesn't do much good if you can't get the testimony. Wish they would just do the audio - I'd be good with that.

I wonder if the victim is going to take the stand. I've heard yes she will and now no she won't. For what I've seen/read so far, this judge doesn't have much of a choice - these two are guilty. Period. Oh, yea, because this is juvenile court - the judge will decide the case - there is no jury.



Normally, in a rape case, i would say a victim almost has to take the stand. But this is different. There is plenty of evidence already and probably very little she could add since she claims she was so drunk she doesnt remember anything. But we will see if the defense calls her as a witness.

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