Identified! OH - Troy, Miami Co., 'Buckskin Girl' WhtFem 133UFOH, 15-25, Apr'81 - Marcia King

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It’s been comforting to know Marcia had family who loved her and missed her. They just didn’t know where to look for her. People outside of this forum will have to understand that back in those days, it was hard to get law enforcement to take an adult missing persons case seriously - especially someone known to be a free spirit and a hitch hiker. It’s not like today where you can keep track of a free spirited relative on social media. That just didn’t exist back then.

i think the person who did this to her - if they are still alive - must be shaking right about now. Let’s hope justice can be served.
This is so good they Identified her.This is how quickly the The boy in the box can be Identified.I'm begging these people to please help Identify this little boy too.They may be his only hope to Identify him.Please help him.I think if enough people ask them to do this test.He will be Identified.I know it.- Amazing, ground-breaking, history-making discovery by the DNA Doe Project. Marcia King now has her name back. Well done!. Buckskin girl Identified.
Wow, It's so nice to see her pictures in life, that one reconstruction was spot on too! She looks so much like my mom when she was young, same style with the buckskin jacket too, and if Marcia was still alive they'd be the same age. I just hope they find out who did this to Marcia in her mother's lifetime, and that Internet psychos have the good sense to leave her family alone.
Such good news. I'm so happy she has been identified. Finally!
Now get her murderer...

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I went back and read a few articles a few states she could possible be from Kentucky. However reading many of the other releases it would just have the Northeast states listed

Her parents were from Kentucky and I think one of the siblings had said that she may have gone to high school there. Maybe they think she visited friends/family?

I just saw the news. I'm so happy her identity is official and that she can go home; and that picture is beautiful!
Pittsburgh might explain the soot on her clothing, but I wonder why Kentucky? Were those perhaps locations given to investigators from her family?

From the article: "The probe is focusing on the last month of King's life when she was known to be in the Pittsburgh and Louisville, Ky., areas."

Which sounds like they have something more solid than pollen or isotopes to tie her to the area.
So happy to see her alive and happy, but so deeply saddened to recognize her features from the morgue photos. I'm still just in awe this has finally happened. Let the tips start flooding in.

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Rest in peace, Marcia. May justice come swiftly.
What incredible news! And what a beautiful young woman. I hope Marcia is able to get justice too. It feels almost surreal that buckskin girl has her proper name back, but of course in a good way. Rest in peace. <3

Edit: Also they said she was 21. The same age as I am. I don't know why, but that kind of hit me a bit.

From the article: "The probe is focusing on the last month of King's life when she was known to be in the Pittsburgh and Louisville, Ky., areas."

Which sounds like they have something more solid than pollen or isotopes to tie her to the area.

I wonder what they have that places her in those locations? Pittsburg and Louisville are in different ends of the state and about 140 miles apart:!2m2!1d-84.1040984!2d37.1600877!3e0!5i2
I&#8217;m in shock...after all these years. Such a beautiful girl. And do t we look SO much different post mortem. I want to call out CarlK with kudos, because once again his rendering looked so much like the victim.

Now let&#8217;s find the @&#! That took this beauty&#8217;s life.
Only 21. God Bless you Marcia!
While thinking about how much Marcia reminds me of my mom, I'm wondering if there are/were any of those "trucker plaza" type truck stops with showers and shops and stuff near where she was found. The soot and excellent hygiene point that way, and those places were full of creeps.
My dad was a trucker and my mom and I went with him when I was a kid, and when I was a teenager (and very obviously still a child), the clerks for showers would ask if we would like to shower separate or together. We were both so grossed out, my dad said something like "don't talk to any of these creeps" but the clerk just shrugged and said "just doing my job..." and that was a really nice "upscale" truck stop.
He spent the rest of that trip pointing at his fellow truckers and saying any one of them could be murderers or kidnappers, rapists, etc, and how shady goings on were overlooked and occasionally encouraged. I thought he was over exaggerating to keep me out of trouble, but after being on here I'm thinking maybe it wasn't an exaggeration.
And there was this whole kind of subculture, like pioneers or wild west stuff with an emphasis on selling some romanticized notion of Native American culture. I know there was always turquoise jewelry and whatnots for sale, and leather moccasins (which I wonder if that's why Marcia was barefoot, those never stayed on right) and baskets and other knickknacks sold on site at these places or right off site. I would bet that at some point you might even have been able to pick up a buckskin jacket... I can't say that with any certainty, but its probable I guess.
Not sure if my ramblings can contribute anything that hasn't been thought of before, but ya never know I guess. I've got Marcia on my mind today, I really hope they find with a quickness that (curse words) person who killed her.
I wonder what they have that places her in those locations? Pittsburg and Louisville are in different ends of the state and about 140 miles apart:!2m2!1d-84.1040984!2d37.1600877!3e0!5i2

Well, there were certain times in my life when I could have been placed in Pittsburgh and Boston, because I was traveling back and forth to visit my son away at college. Troy OH seems to be between Pittsburgh and Louisville, so maybe she was going between them when she was killed.

Google maps says Pittsburgh and Louisville are more like 400 miles apart, depending on the route.
Amazing news! RIP Marcia. May your killer be found also. Maybe someone already posted this pic.


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I'm so glad to hear she's been identified. This case always hit home with me because we're around the same age...things were so different back then... She probably never even thought somebody would ever harm her. Rest in peace Marcia
Well, there were certain times in my life when I could have been placed in Pittsburgh and Boston, because I was traveling back and forth to visit my son away at college. Troy OH seems to be between Pittsburgh and Louisville, so maybe she was going between them when she was killed.

Google maps says Pittsburgh and Louisville are more like 400 miles apart, depending on the route.

Oh, :facepalm: I thought they were talking about Pittsburg, KY. :thinking:

Pittsburgh, PA would make more sense since Troy OH is midway between them.
I think Louisville, KY was part of her "home" area, it's Pittsburgh that baffles me.
Plus, her isotopes put her in TX for months here and there in the last year of her life, so I'm wondering how it factors into her travels.
Oh, :facepalm: I thought they were talking about Pittsburg, KY. :thinking:

Pittsburgh, PA would make more sense since Troy OH is midway between them.

Maybe they did mean the other Pittsburg. I assumed the big one because that's where youngest Carbuff went to college. Hmm.
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