Identified! OH - Troy, Miami Co., 'Buckskin Girl' WhtFem 133UFOH, 15-25, Apr'81 - Marcia King

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I spoke with Detective Lord several months ago, and he told me that BG was found on the east side of the street, about halfway up the block between Horseshoe Bend Road (37) and Fenner Road (38).

Thankyou so much CarlK!
Thats great information.
I just have to adjust my thinking now to driving on the wrong side of the road (for me).
If I were actively researching this case, I would compare the geographical location at the time of death to the current demographics. What, if any clubs, bars, social events were happening in that area at that time? I do know that OH an PA have civil war recreations about that time each year. However, I don't hold by the notion her jacket was part of a costume. I thnk this was just a "normal" piece of clothing for her. All this speculation of course.

Yes, Im just now working on (thinking about) the 'no shoes' aspect.
I am compiling a list of why someone would be in that area with no shoes on - even the obvious that her shoes were taken from her (maybe they had evidence of some sort on them) - but it was bitterly cold even during the days - it would be interesting to know what condition her feet were in when she was found - had she been walking with no shoes, were her feet damaged? Was there anything like mud or grass on them (to show she may have been walking or where she had been walking).
I'll post the list later for consideration.

I find it interesting the general area is off I75.

Someone suggested a trucker possibly dumped her. But consider if a trucker left his route why would he go this distance and not seclude her body? Why not just along the Interstate? The area seems somewhat sparce now. I can only imagine it was even more so then.

Agreed. Im not even sure there were fields there then - it could have been more wooded along that road. I will try to find a map or pictures of the area.

Kat has emailed the Nature Centre - possibly they know what the area around there looked like then in 1981.
Kat - have you heard back from the Nature Centre or from anyone that you contacted?

I was wondering if there has been any mention that convicted murderer Edward Edwards lived in Troy for a time - he was there in 1996.

I will need to research further as I don't know when the family home was purchased and if it was in his wife's name or her home, or her families home - his home (if he lived there when he wasn't in prison or on the run - but I don't think he was in prison in 1981.
I actually don't even know if that information is available or relevant. I will follow it up.

From the link:
September 1980: Left Wisconsin after being questioned about the Hack/Drew murders.
December 1982: Incarcerated in Pennsylvania prison for arson.
He murdered 5 people in Wisconsin and Ohio. Two in 1977, two in 1980, and one in 1996 (*foster son in Troy)
Tracing his life, Edward Edwards has been placed (within days) in US cities where unsolved murders have occurred. These cities include the following: Portland, OR (1960 double homicide), Great Falls, MT (1956 double homicide), and San Francisco, CA (1968-1970). It is thought by some investigators that Edwards is responsible for some of the most notorious unsolved murders in the US, such as the Zodiac killings, West Memphis Three, and the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Regarding the murder of his Foster Son:
A three-judge panel in Geauga County sentenced Edwards on March 8 to be executed for the 1996 murder of his last victim, Dannie Boy Edwards, 25, the foster child who regarded Edwards as family. As proof of his love, the boy legally changed his name from Dannie Law Gloeckner to the nickname "Dannie Boy" and adopted Edwards' last name as his own.

Edwards persuaded the boy to go AWOL from the Army in May 1996 and to return home to Troy Township. Under the ruse of arranging a way to elude the Army, Edwards took Dannie Boy to the woods near the house, where he fired two gunshots to the boy's face. His motive was to collect Dannie Boy's $250,000 insurance.

Skeletal remains, later identified as Dannie Boy, were found by a hunter in a shallow grave just behind Troy Cemetery, less than a mile from Edwards' Troy Township home. At the time, Edwards was questioned about Dannie Boy's murder, but no charges were filed.


Seems strange that of all the places he lived, he knew the Troy OH area.
I wonder where he was in 1981? At the family home?

Just my thoughts.
Yes it does seem strange that he knew the Troy area. I had been wondering why someone would choose that road of all roads. After looking for a bit, it is a triangular loop from Fenner to Greenlee to Horseshoe Bend Roads (which means you can go "around the big block" in the very rural countryside.) So, anyone familiar with that stretch of road could do a round trip in 14 minutes! Actually anyone could come off I-75 and do the same thing in that amount of time, if you watch your signs. I was wondering why that corner was picked for her and all that seems different from other intersecting roads in the "triangle" is the amount of isolation on all 4 corners. It looks isolated now, must have been even more isolated in 1981.
Originally I thought it must be a truck driver because there is alot of isolated spots anywhere along the way. So I thought a truck might need a place to stop that would not draw attention and also one that would get him back on the road again (which is why the triangle may appeal to them).
But Edwards may have been lazy, in a rush or in such darkness that he knew he could get away with it!
Either way it's sad she is still not identified after all these years! Is there any way Cheryl Wyant could be excluded?
And one other thought...Edwards liked to shoot and stab his victims (and most seemed to be couples, I think). Buckskin was strangled and blunt force on head/neck. So, I'm still thinking truck driver because 1)the inability to pick any other isolated area (can't stop in middle of road); 2)needed a direct route that brought driver back to Interstate (hence the triangle); 3) it makes sense that as a truck makes the left onto Greenlee from Fenner, she would be on the passenger easy rollout in the midst of a "turn" which would also not draw attention (interior cab lights can be off); and 4) she didn't have any shoes on..there was one truck driver (have to get his name again) who had a large collection of women's shoes when police inspected his home.
So, that's where I am at with this sad and very cold case.
Yes it does seem strange that he knew the Troy area. I had been wondering why someone would choose that road of all roads. After looking for a bit, it is a triangular loop from Fenner to Greenlee to Horseshoe Bend Roads (which means you can go "around the big block" in the very rural countryside.) So, anyone familiar with that stretch of road could do a round trip in 14 minutes! Actually anyone could come off I-75 and do the same thing in that amount of time, if you watch your signs. I was wondering why that corner was picked for her and all that seems different from other intersecting roads in the "triangle" is the amount of isolation on all 4 corners. It looks isolated now, must have been even more isolated in 1981.
Originally I thought it must be a truck driver because there is alot of isolated spots anywhere along the way. So I thought a truck might need a place to stop that would not draw attention and also one that would get him back on the road again (which is why the triangle may appeal to them).
But Edwards may have been lazy, in a rush or in such darkness that he knew he could get away with it!
Either way it's sad she is still not identified after all these years! Is there any way Cheryl Wyant could be excluded?

Yes, I noticed that the roads were interconnected but also that there is no straight through exit - you have to go around the angular block (so to speak) if you wanted to get back onto the highway.
I also wondered then which way was the person was headed on the Highway.

To get off a road easily I would think you would turn into a road from the side you were driving on - as opposed to crossing over the road lane.

In regard to Cheryl Wyant and submitting her for consideration - I only know what I have done to submit to NAMUS, so I hope this helps.

Go to Buckskin girls page on NAMUS - at contacts:
The contact Page for Buckskin Girl -
There are telephone numbers and email addresses there.
Because you live in the States it might be easier for you to ring and make inquiries that way - or email them with Buckskin Girls case number and all the details of the Missing person you are submitting for considering a match.

I noticed that some of the links to Buckskin Girls main stream media articles are now no longer available on line. Some were on Geosite which is no longer operational.

Was thinking it might be an idea to copy and paste any article you come across into a document - as I have noticed that many papers now need a subscription to get any archived articles.
Just a thought :)

There is one here - but I have to ring them for a subscription which I cant get online :(
Troy Daily News Archive search
4/27/2008 7:21 AM
Murder still unsolved
An ancient line of rusty cattle fencing cuts a 300-yard swath down the west side of Greenlee Road just off of Horseshoe Bend Road, its top accentuated with a lone strand of barbed wire that protects nothing but a muddy field in April....

And one other thought...Edwards liked to shoot and stab his victims (and most seemed to be couples, I think). Buckskin was strangled and blunt force on head/neck. So, I'm still thinking truck driver because 1)the inability to pick any other isolated area (can't stop in middle of road); 2)needed a direct route that brought driver back to Interstate (hence the triangle); 3) it makes sense that as a truck makes the left onto Greenlee from Fenner, she would be on the passenger easy rollout in the midst of a "turn" which would also not draw attention (interior cab lights can be off); and 4) she didn't have any shoes on..there was one truck driver (have to get his name again) who had a large collection of women's shoes when police inspected his home.
So, that's where I am at with this sad and very cold case.

kat - I did come across a portion of an article that talked about a task force set up in the 90's regarding truck drivers ... it might be something to help your looking for information, though I think there is a thread here on Websleuths about that task force too.

This is from a Main Stream Media LINK article on Buckskin Girl -
In the 1990s a task force to investigate the possibility of one or more serial killers in these areas was formed consisting of officials from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Illinois and New York, but had involved agencies in other states as well. This particular task force was eventually disbanded, but in 2009 the FBI formed a program that it called the Highway Serial Killing Initiative that recorded information on truck drivers that had been arrested for violent crimes. It also compiled data on victims of crime who were dumped along the interstates across the nation. This information was compiled so that Officers of the Law could compare case information in their jurisdictions to other police department information across the United States.

It is very difficult to track highway killers, due to their prolific amounts of travel and their almost transient-like lifestyles. Highway killers often prey upon those victims who are often not noticed to be missing, such as truckstop prostitutes. Often these women are even more transient-like than the truck drivers, living off the sex trade and moving from state to state, wherever the road takes them. Could this have been the Buckskin girl's fate?

This is the FBI page LINK


Speaking of Edwards... I found this interesting - and if even only slightly true, it may mean Edwards had many ways of killing is victims. :( It would be interesting to read when released.

Great Falls, Montana police sergeant John Cameron, most famous for his work on the Nathaniel Bar-Jonah case, has raised questions about Edwards' possible involvement in the deaths of Patricia Kalitzke and Lloyd Duane Bogle in Great Falls January 2, 1956. Cameron worked in Deer Lodge Prison in 2010 and befriended Edwards after tying him to the 1956 murder. Cameron has publicly stated that he believes Edwards was the real Zodiac Killer Cameron spent 2010-13 investigating Edwards' life and has tied him to the 1979-80 Atlanta Child Killings, 1986-89 Colonial Parkway Murders, Christmas 1996 Killing of Jon-Benet Ramsey, May 1,2001 killing of Chandra Levy, November 1, 2001 killing of Editor Kent Heitholt and the sender of the Anthrax letters 7 days after 911. Cameron will be releasing a book titled, It's ME!, Edward Wayne Edwards, The Serial Killer You NEVER Heard Of in June 2014. The book will detail the investigation Cameron completed and the evidence against Edwards.


You peeked my interest about the trucker with the shoe collection too.

Just a question...
If Buckskin Girl died by strangulation, are there marks on her neck from that - Im not sure that I'm seeing them in the photo?
Or are her strangulation marks not apparent?

Just a question...
If Buckskin Girl died by strangulation, are there marks on her neck from that - Im not sure that I'm seeing them in the photo?
Or are her strangulation marks not apparent?


Pictures can be edited and "scary stuff" is often removed.
Thanks FigTree. I submitted via email. If they've already cross-referenced it in the system, then I can rest but if will make me feel better (because it is nagging at that the sleuth bug?) So, we shall see. Thanks for your support and direction. Yes there is a long list of truck drivers to look at. Must be a hard job because they are so elusive. Wonder why there wasn't any "evidence" on her clothing and not to be sexually abused is different. Did they just get aroused with killing (perhaps impotent) or did someone just get mad with her, beat her around and then dump her. It's pretty scary seeing just how many victims there have been in this world. Plus how many sick individuals have taken someone's life and dumped them like trash. Richard Marc Evonitz, is one sick, scary guy yet his picture doesn't scream DANGER, DANGER...uh oh I better watch my taste in men!
Pictures can be edited and "scary stuff" is often removed.

Thanks elliha :)
I think that's where my inquiry was going - was or has the photos been doctored in some way regarding the strangulation? The side profile photo would be the best to look at for this type of method because the other photo seems to have her head sitting into her neck.

Reason I ask is because there was an article I read regarding the conviction of the Atlanta Child Murderer - and a there was a legal team putting together an appeal (a long time later) for the man convicted. Some of the teams defense related to another POI at the time that the Police didn't follow up - The teams argument was based on the POI's method of strangulation that left very little evidence on the body. The AC murders were within the same time as Buckskin Girl's. The Judge didn't allow the defense team to present the appeal, so I don't know who the POI was. I was interested if it may have been Edwards, or to know who else it was.
Thats why I was asking about the pictures.


kat913 said:
I submitted via email. If they've already cross-referenced it in the system, then I can rest but if will make me feel better (because it is nagging at that the sleuth bug?) So, we shall see. Thanks for your support and direction. Yes there is a long list of truck drivers to look at. Must be a hard job because they are so elusive. Wonder why there wasn't any "evidence" on her clothing and not to be sexually abused is different. Did they just get aroused with killing (perhaps impotent) or did someone just get mad with her, beat her around and then dump her. It's pretty scary seeing just how many victims there have been in this world. Plus how many sick individuals have taken someone's life and dumped them like trash. Richard Marc Evonitz, is one sick, scary guy yet his picture doesn't scream DANGER, DANGER...uh oh I better watch my taste in men!

kat - great that you submitted your finding!
I think the thread is waiting to see the results on a few possible submissions now.

I suppose there is also the possibility Buckskin Girl could have been killed by a woman?
Hit on the head and strangled.
Maybe it was someone she knew or was related to?

A woman..what an interesting idea...duh! Of course why keep looking at a man to do this! Yes, I believe you are talking about Edwards..wasn't it his own book or his prison mate that wrote it on his behalf, I believe.
A woman..what an interesting idea...duh! Of course why keep looking at a man to do this! Yes, I believe you are talking about Edwards..wasn't it his own book or his prison mate that wrote it on his behalf, I believe.

Edwards wrote a book in prison and got it published - became a speaker on the curcuit and was back to his life of crime.
The new book coming out about him in 2014 is from a detective with a few ideas on other murders that can be attributed to him.

Buckskin was 5'8 and had brown eyes along w/ several other differences....
Namus has 94 names on the ruleouts list (

First Name Last Name Year of Birth State LKA
Ellen Akers 1966 Florida
Tammy Akers 1962 Virginia
Katherine Anderson 1954 Maryland
Maria Anjiras 1961 Connecticut
Lynn Bandringa 1945 California
Donna Barnhill 1967 North Carolina
Ingrid Bauer 1958 Ohio
Kristy Booth 1960 Texas
Joyce Brewer 1955 Texas
Darcy Brown 1943 Ohio
Sandra Butler 1962 Nevada
Peggy Byars-Baisden 1941 Florida
Diane Chorba 1949 Michigan
ANNA CIACCIO 1949 Nebraska
Darlene Conklin 1959 New York
Mary Cook Spencer 1954 Maryland
Carla Corley 1965 Alabama
Barbara Cotton 1965 North Dakota
Joanne Coughlin 1953 Ohio
Donella Coultas 1950 California
Melinda Creech 1965 Indiana
Susan DeQuina 1957 Massachusetts
Carol Donn 1963 Florida
Rebecca Dunn 1958 Nevada
Diane Dye 1965 California
Christine Eastin 1952 California
Carol Edwards 1955 Washington
Beverly England 1947 Colorado
Rachael Garden 1964 New Hampshire
Cherry Greenman 1956 Washington
Jamie Grissim 1955 Washington
Corinne Groenenberg 1957 California
Gina Hall 1962 Virginia
Susan Hallowell Florida
Evelyn Hartley 1937 Wisconsin
Kathleen Henson 1948 Oklahoma
Lorraine Herbster 1962 New Jersey
Margaret Holst 1958 Nebraska
Paulette Jaster 1954 Michigan
Rita Jolly 1955 Oregon
Tina Kemp 1964 Delaware
Kimberly King 1966 Michigan
Vicke Lamberton 1949 Massachusetts
Lori Lloyd 1961 Ohio
Carol Lubahn 1954 California
Tammy Mahoney 1961 New York
Anne Manchester 1954 Delaware
Aleca Manning 1952 Arizona
Deborah McCall 1963 Illinois
Angela Meeker 1965 Washington
Deborah Meyer 1958 Wyoming
Barbara Monaco 1960 Virginia
Audrey Nerenberg 1958 New York
Linda Nickell 1955 Michigan
Nancy O'Sullivan 1959 Illinois
Judith ODonnell 1961 New York
Mary Opitz 1963 Florida
Patricia Otto 1952 Idaho
Sheila Pierce 1954 West Virginia
Linda Pleva 1949 Oregon
Sharon Pretorius 1960 Ohio
Dean Pyle Peters 1966 Michigan
Laureen Rahn 1966 New Hampshire
Theresa Rains 1949 California
Angela Ramsey 1961 Florida
Elaine Robertson 1955 Washington
Lonene Rogers 1951 Pennsylvania
Alma Root 1965 California
Alma Root 1965 California
Nancy Rose 1950 Idaho
Janis Sanders 1950 Michigan
Lucinda Schaefer 1962 California
Gayla Schaper 1951 Idaho
Cheryl Scherer 1959 Missouri
Diane Schulte 1954 Idaho
Suzanne Schultz 1961 Wisconsin
Beverly Sharpman 1930 Pennsylvania
Mary Shinn 1953 Arkansas
Catherine Sjoberg 1957 Wisconsin
Mary Cook Spencer 1954 Maryland
Debra Spickler 1955 Connecticut
Mary Sprague 1960 Florida
Kimberly Stewart 1956 California
Mary Trlica 1957 Texas
Virginia Uden 1947 Wyoming
Belinda VanLith 1957 Minnesota
Floradean Walker 1925 Texas
Christina White 1967 Washington
Christina White 1967 Washington
Kathy Wilcox 1956 Michigan
Debra Wilhite 1955 Indiana
Cynthia Woolard 1957 Florida
April Zane 1960 Illinois
Karen Zendrosky 1963 New Jersey
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