Identified! OH - Troy, Miami Co., 'Buckskin Girl' WhtFem 133UFOH, 15-25, Apr'81 - Marcia King

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Hi all, I received some emails related to this case.

The first was from NAMUS and there have been (unspecified) changes made to the 'exclusions' list for this UID.

NamUs Case # 4790 has had changes made. You can view the case by clicking the url below


I also received a response from NAMUS about the MP name (Wendy S. Byron) and images I sent for consideration. The email says the coroners will take a close look at it.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

More information soon, I hope.
I just received this e-mail from NAMUS.

I know it would be a pain, but I wish that NAMUS could provide a hyperlink to an image and or the MP file for the names on the "exclusions" list.

It would be interesting to see how those MP's details actually compare to the UID's information.

I really wish they would do that, too, because sometimes while a missing person might be excluded as being a particular UID they may not have been excluded (or even considered) as being a similar UID from they same time period. I hope that made sense. :blushing:
I really wish they would do that, too, because sometimes while a missing person might be excluded as being a particular UID they may not have been excluded (or even considered) as being a similar UID from they same time period. I hope that made sense. :blushing:

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying but if hyper linking the names to the files would solve the problem, I'm all for doing that!.
:bump: Bumping these recons forward. I did some much needed fine-tuning on the frontal view reconstruction.

Carl, thanks for your awesome work on the reconstructed images.

I wonder if I can get your input on the possible match I've made to Wendy S Byron.

I've added another side by side image to my album and I would like to know what your thoughts are.

I know the height is off but the Charley Project just added 2 new pics of this girl:

and I think she looks like buckskin. The 1st new photo her nose is rounded like the 1st morgue photo and the 2nd new photo shows her nose to be elongated; more like the 2nd morgue photo of buckskin. I looked on Namus and she is not on the rule out list. I also think her hairline matches buckskin; the extra hair under the natural hairline. Her front teeth also look to be the same. I look forward to your feedback.
I know it's a long shot but could the Buckskin girl be Judy Martins. Judy went missing May 24, 1978 from Kent State Ohio. She was 22 years old, 5'4" and 120 lbs. She wore contacts or glasses but her glasses were left behind. Black hair and hazel eyes. Her pictures aren't clear enough to see if she has freckles.

Her disappearance was thought to be an abduction. The campus police didn't report her missing to her parents for two days. The investigation was slow to start since the students had gone home for the Memorial Day Holiday.

She is not listed in the Doe Network or in Namus.

Judy does have a WS thread.

Comparison from a previous post.
That's what I meant by my previous post...the 2 new photos on Charley....look just like CarlK's recons.
I think Buckskin Girl had unpierced ears. Judith Martin is shown in one photo wearing earrings. I suppose they could be clip-ons, but I kind of doubt it.


I know it's a long shot but could the Buckskin girl be Judy Martins. Judy went missing May 24, 1978 from Kent State Ohio. She was 22 years old, 5'4" and 120 lbs. She wore contacts or glasses but her glasses were left behind. Black hair and hazel eyes. Her pictures aren't clear enough to see if she has freckles.

Her disappearance was thought to be an abduction. The campus police didn't report her missing to her parents for two days. The investigation was slow to start since the students had gone home for the Memorial Day Holiday.

She is not listed in the Doe Network or in Namus.


Judy does have a WS thread.
IMO the most interisting possibility. considering overall head structure and facial features (in newer photos).

I do see the likeness, Baxter.

However, I believe we can exclude Judy Martins for a few reasons.

Her hair was black and the UID's is 'reddish brown.' Her teeth look perfect and the UID's were not and also, Judy's ears were pierced and (according to Namus) the BG's ears were not.

Also, though it is very tough to compare without enlarging the images, BG's lower ears are kind of "S" shaped and from what I can see of the MP (Judy) - hers were flat and pierced.
Superficial facial features can be deceiving. I do not think Judy is the UP but I do find her the most interesting because as previously stated, she has like bone structure and facial features whereas Wendy has a different shaped face - more short and rounded, lower forehead, browbone and her forehead is not of the same shape. I also think the bridge of her nose is far too short. This is just my opinion based on training and experience. But the most important feature is definately bone structure.

It's good that NamUS has the original postmortem photos. The side view tells a lot.

note: as to the ears, when a person is deceased, there is a noticable downward shift of the tissue. If the deceased is older, there will be more overlap rfolds than what we see in the postmortem. However, the "s" appearance is the weight of her facial side tissueon the lobe causeing the folded effect. Viewed from the front it would take on the "s" shape apperance. This sagging can also cause earlobes to appear to be torn as in a torn piercings. All the little creases, folds, pre-decomp spots, etc., are very good reasons to hone in on overall facial structure and hair line before trying to match the superficial such as mouth, smiles, marks and the like.

I so enjoy your enthusiasm! Never give up!

I do see the likeness, Baxter.

However, I believe we can exclude Judy Martins for a few reasons.

Her hair was black and the UID's is 'reddish brown.' Her teeth look perfect and the UID's were not and also, Judy's ears were pierced and (according to Namus) the BG's ears were not.

Also, though it is very tough to compare without enlarging the images, BG's lower ears are kind of "S" shaped and from what I can see of the MP (Judy) - hers were flat and pierced.
Superficial facial features can be deceiving. I do not think Judy is the UP but I do find her the most interesting because as previously stated, she has like bone structure and facial features whereas Wendy has a different shaped face - more short and rounded, lower forehead, browbone and her forehead is not of the same shape.

That's interesting because - to me - those things look very similar between all three images.

I also think the bridge of her nose is far too short. This is just my opinion based on training and experience. But the most important feature is definately bone structure.

Again, I won't challenge your opinions nor your education. They just don't look that different to me at all.

It's good that NamUS has the original postmortem photos. The side view tells a lot.

I agree.

If only we had an equally detailed side view of both MP's.

note: as to the ears, when a person is deceased, there is a noticable downward shift of the tissue. If the deceased is older, there will be more overlap rfolds than what we see in the postmortem. However, the "s" appearance is the weight of her facial side tissueon the lobe causeing the folded effect. Viewed from the front it would take on the "s" shape apperance. This sagging can also cause earlobes to appear to be torn as in a torn piercings. All the little creases, folds, pre-decomp spots, etc., are very good reasons to hone in on overall facial structure and hair line before trying to match the superficial such as mouth, smiles, marks and the like.

I so enjoy your enthusiasm! Never give up!

Thanks for your critique and analysis.

As for any final conclusions, I submitted these images and the circumstantial data for NAMUS consideration several weeks ago. At that time, they told me not to get too excited but that it was worth a closer look before ruling her out.

That was the last word on it that I received and as of the date of this post, Wendy has still not been added to the list of exclusions.
It's good that NamUS has the original postmortem photos. The side view tells a lot.

It certainly does. The side profile shows her nose to be quite fine and her overall features look slimmer than the full facial picture. I'm glad they included that photo - the perspective is very helpful.

Thank-you also for the information regarding the ear shape.

Also comparing the UID pictures - do you think that her nose might have been damaged (broken/fractured/set) from her injuries? To me, it seems out of line (in the full frontal photo) - possibly its the angle that the photo was taken on?

It certainly does. The side profile shows her nose to be quite fine and her overall features look slimmer than the full facial picture. I'm glad they included that photo - the perspective is very helpful.

Thank-you also for the information regarding the ear shape.

Also comparing the UID pictures - do you think that her nose might have been damaged (broken/fractured/set) from her injuries? To me, it seems out of line (in the full frontal photo) - possibly its the angle that the photo was taken on?



That is a great question Fig Tree!. It would only be speculation to say her nose suffered some trauma but then reasonable speculation is what investigation is about in most cases. It is possible, but I do not see signs of bruising or apparent swelling. That means little since this photo was photoshopped.

Something to consider on nose angles without obvious bruising or swelling with seemingly "distorted".or angled nostrils. Sometimes the best or only postmortem photo for identification is one where the fluid draining tube is still in the nose. The tube is erased, so to speak from the photo but the image will still show an exagerated nostril, slanted nostril or one of slightly different size and shape. For this reason I focus on the actual bridge, the bone structure more than the fleshy end - initially.

The detail, (nose distortion you mentioned) is very important and not to be dismissed simply because it could be superficial or trauma related.
I contacted the investigator on Buckskin's case and he left me a message this morning; they have Judy's DNA so NAMUS is going to run it w/ Buckskin's. The investigator was very nice and appreciative. Very cool!
I'm going to share this image here because it doesn't look like many are coming to my photo albums to see the comparison. Since we have an increase in activity on this case, I thought I would try to see what you think.

Wendy Byron on the left and Carl's image of 'Buckskin Girl' is on the right.

I did some cut and paste so the eyes and the moth is half and half.

I also contacted the Miami Twp. Sheriff Dept. and emailed a link to this thread and the NAMUS files.

If nothing else, we may have some more exclusions on the list and eventually (via process of elimination) we just might crack this thing yet.


That is a great question Fig Tree!. It would only be speculation to say her nose suffered some trauma but then reasonable speculation is what investigation is about in most cases. It is possible, but I do not see signs of bruising or apparent swelling. That means little since this photo was photoshopped.

Something to consider on nose angles without obvious bruising or swelling with seemingly "distorted".or angled nostrils. Sometimes the best or only postmortem photo for identification is one where the fluid draining tube is still in the nose. The tube is erased, so to speak from the photo but the image will still show an exagerated nostril, slanted nostril or one of slightly different size and shape. For this reason I focus on the actual bridge, the bone structure more than the fleshy end - initially.

The detail, (nose distortion you mentioned) is very important and not to be dismissed simply because it could be superficial or trauma related.

Wow, I didn't even think about the photo being altered to take out tubes and other devices. I didn't know they did that. I have learnt much from the posters in this thread and from the Buckskin Girl.
Thankyou for your reply.

March 26, 2012
Source: -
Over three decades ago, on April 24, 1981, her body was located in a ditch on Greenlee Road, between Fenner and Horshoe Bend Roads, in rural Miami County, Ohio. These long country roads are near State Route 55 in Miami County. She was fully clothed, but bare-footed and police estimated she was killed, murdered, the day before. She had been beaten severely about the face and head and strangled to death.The area in which this young woman was located is considered Newton Township.

Map of South Greenlee Road (Centre line) between Fenner (top horizontal road) and Horseshoe Bend (Bottom horizontal road)
Note: The A is not a location marker of where Buckskin Girl was found - it is a Google reference point of Greenlee Road.

Does anyone know the exact location of where she was found on this road?


Google Map LINK

I find it interesting that there are wooded areas close to the location where BSG was found - but she wasn't placed in the woods, but in the open.
I do not know if the area has changed much since 1981 - the houses along the road look new and well maintained.

I dont know that the location where she was found is useful for her identification, but I thought I would place it here, in case.

I am new to this forum and have taken an interest because I do live in Ohio but not sure if this forum is still active.
I just had a thought because it seems so sad that she has never been reported missing. I wonder if that may be because she is not from the United States. Perhaps she came here for college or any other type of experience and went missing. I wonder if databases outside of our country were accessed back in the 80's or even now. Perhaps this is a thought that has been explored but just an idea.
I am new to this forum and have taken an interest because I do live in Ohio but not sure if this forum is still active.
I just had a thought because it seems so sad that she has never been reported missing. I wonder if that may be because she is not from the United States. Perhaps she came here for college or any other type of experience and went missing. I wonder if databases outside of our country were accessed back in the 80's or even now. Perhaps this is a thought that has been explored but just an idea.

Funny you mention that - I was inspired for some reason to look under the Ireland/UK database for Missing persons yesterday to see if she was possibly in there. I still have some more websites to visit and try and work my way around their system (Im not from the UK) - but I thought what you have thought - that with so many possible rule-outs and no hit yet, it could be possible ..

She is from overseas
She looks nothing like people remember her looking
There is something about her profile that is incorrect and searchers maybe dismissing that detail in Missing Persons
She is not listed as missing in any data base
Someone is using her identity
Missing Persons database have something included in matching profile which is incorrect (eg - they think she had a tattoo or piercings) or is not added (like her scars)

What other details have searchers come across when trying to match a UID that was out of the ballpark (and it was lucky that the UID was matched with a Missing Person)?
What other reasons regarding detail are we missing about Buckskin Girl to help identify her?

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