Identified! OH - Troy, Miami Co., 'Buckskin Girl' WhtFem 133UFOH, 15-25, Apr'81 - Marcia King

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I was surprised when they said they weren't accepting new kit #'s to compare. How can they find out her identity if they don't have DNA kits to compare it with ? They said they have some of her "close matches"already, and they did not upload her results to GEDMatch for anyone to compare(if I am understanding it correctly)...

.Are they going to be able to contact these "close matches" (for family trees, questions, etc..) to help find her identity? I thought they couldn't just reach out to anyone(for confidential reasons), and that's why they were asking for people to download their kit #'s (in the beginning)..I don't know, I am confused about how this process works...Hopefully we'll get more explanation about this. Or, perhaps someone here can explain it more..Thanks!
So basically she's from the same Anglo-Irish-German gene pool that half the white population of the US comes from :p
I was surprised when they said they weren't accepting new kit #'s to compare. How can they find out her identity if they don't have DNA kits to compare it with ? They said they have some of her "close matches"already, and they did not upload her results to GEDMatch for anyone to compare(if I am understanding it correctly)...

.Are they going to be able to contact these "close matches" (for family trees, questions, etc..) to help find her identity? I thought they couldn't just reach out to anyone(for confidential reasons), and that's why they were asking for people to download their kit #'s (in the beginning)..I don't know, I am confused about how this process works...Hopefully we'll get more explanation about this. Or, perhaps someone here can explain it more..Thanks!

Buckskin' DNA will automatically compare with the vast amount of people in the GEDMatch match system (which means everyone in GEDMatch and all of them have a kit number) since DNA Doe Project submitted it... asking for the kit numbers of people following Lyle and their work was mainly a fun way for supporters to themselves hear if they were related to Lyle individually. Additionally, if someone shared their kit number and ended up being a match they could also potentially provide an extra detailed family tree to DNA Doe Project if they had one, which could aid DDP in their efforts. No one who has uploaded to GEDMatch (besides DNA Doe Project) can see Lyle or Buckskin or any Doe in their matches because the Does are marked outwardly as research, not as people in the system.

People could still show up as a match if they are related to Buckskin since they're also in the general GEDMatch system, THEY just won't know about it, only DNA Doe Project can see the Does' matches. It's more work for DDP to run people's kit numbers individually & I think they mainly did it for Lyle because he is from a minority population and it might be hard to construct his family tree in the first place and also just a cool bonus for supporters of the project.
So basically she's from the same Anglo-Irish-German gene pool that half the white population of the US comes from :p

lol exactly. DDP even said she's a 'general run-of-the-mill European' in her ancestry
Clear as mud, Carbuff!!! (insert smiley here)

On the plus side, that's the group that's most heavily involved in tracing geneaology and having their DNA done, so there's going to be a lot more information to compare.
Additionally, if someone shared their kit number and ended up being a match they could also potentially provide an extra detailed family tree to DNA Doe Project if they had one, which could aid DDP in their efforts.

People could still show up as a match if they are related to Buckskin since they're also in the general GEDMatch system, THEY just won't know about it, only DNA Doe Project can see the Does' matches .

Would DNA Doe Project be able to contact those people that match, but did NOT share kit #, and ask them for detailed family tree, etc..?
Would DNA Doe Project be able to contact those people that match, but did NOT share kit #, and ask them for detailed family tree, etc..?

Sorry, I tried to put the original quote in, and it didn't work.

I believe they really try to avoid contacting family... because wouldn't it be weird if Lyle's second cousins found out about Lyle's death before his mom and dad did? They are leaving contacting family to LE once they've discovered the identity and thats it I think. They would also have no way of knowing how a random person would respond to this kind of research.
I'm glad they have her ethnicity down and that her DNA is good - this is GREAT news! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for new info about the DNA matches!
I cannot wait till there is finally some closure or at least more movement...this is truly exciting. you all have worked so hard for this to keep in the spotlight. thank you!!
DNA Doe Project update. Matches are coming in! Exciting!!!:

"We’re still hours away from when her DNA results will be fully processed on GEDMatch (they will produce a full list of her matches tomorrow morning.)However, our talented and dedicated team of volunteers have figured out how to tease out some of her matches already. ***We are seeing quite a few that look promising so far – 3rd cousins, some 2nd cousin-once-removed etc. We’re excited! And keeping our fingers crossed there’s not much intermarriage wherever she came from.***"
Agh, the new format drives me crazy and I think it just ate my post. If not, sorry for double posting more or less the same stuff.

I do genetic genealogy as a hobby, and I've found birth families for adoptees with exactly these types of matches - it's very doable. Hopefully a few of her closer matches have Gedcoms (family trees tied to Gedmatch) or have identifiable names/e-mail addresses on the big testing sites with hosted trees there. I think we're very close to a resolution now.

The admixture tools are fun and all but I don't find them helpful for this type of search (though others might I guess, whatever works.) Just went to Gedmatch and ran my son's Eurogenes. It's freaky how close his results are to BG's.

BG vs. Irish Jr.

North Atlantic: 47.73 vs 47.32
Baltic: 21.95 vs 22.63
West Med: 15.18 vs 14.43
West Asian: 7.0 vs. 5.45
East Med: 3.25 vs 5.23
Red Sea: 1.23 vs 1.85
South Asian 0.42 vs 0.98
East Asian: 0.40 vs 0
Siberian: 0.61 vs 0.64
Amerindian: 0 vs 0
Oceanian: 0.12 vs 0.91
Northeast African: 0.82 vs 0
Sub Saharan: 1.29 vs 0.56

Here's how that breaks down for Irish Jr. on Ancestry (not to say BG must break out the same way on Ancestry, only to show one possibility, and how differently the two tools depict heritage):

Europe West: 46% . (for him this includes German, Czech, Polish ancestors)
Ireland/Scotland/Wales: 40% (for him this is mostly Irish ancestors)
Iberian Peninsula 4%
Scandinavia: 3%
Great Britain: 3%
Europe South: 2% . (Italy/Greece)

1% or less from Caucasus, Africa North, and European Jewish.

With a profile like this she could be from literally anywhere. But again, I think the 2C/3C matches will break this open soon.
I'm glad they have her ethnicity down and that her DNA is good - this is GREAT news! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for new info about the DNA matches!

I'm guessing that red hair + so much Irish = not much of a surprise.
Editing my post because leilarose68 already posted the update. Either way, I'm super excited about the progress and I hope that our girl can have her name back real soon!
What would really stink is if they are able to identify her but don't release her name to the public (after the family is notified, etc), after all the work everyone's done. That happened recently with the unidentified marine found in NY. There was a lot people here and other groups who were working on that case. We're happy he was ID'd, but it's disappointing not to know who he is (for me, anyway).
What would really stink is if they are able to identify her but don't release her name to the public (after the family is notified, etc), after all the work everyone's done. That happened recently with the unidentified marine found in NY. There was a lot people here and other groups who were working on that case. We're happy he was ID'd, but it's disappointing not to know who he is (for me, anyway).


However the marine was not a murder victim whereas in BG's case identifying her is only part of a murder enquiry. If we're right in thinking her murder was probably a domestic incident her identification will turn the spotlight on the men in her life. We may yet see charges laid and a trial, in which case names will have to come out.
I have way more hope that we will know Buckskin Girl's rather than Lyle's... suicide can be very shameful for families, especially if they are religious. Honestly I have more hope for her case in general!
I'm guessing that red hair + so much Irish = not much of a surprise.

I mean, it's not really, but her ethnicity has been the topic of a lot of discussion here. Plus it's another step closer to finding out the bigger picture about Buckskin Girl.
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