I wonder if when they say home invasion, they mean when someone or a few people storm a house, tie people up and raid it for goods/money/drugs, as opposed to gaining access to a house to harm people or kidnap someone.
This case is really reminding me of the Groene family case. I can see this MH stalking the family and then swooping in quickly, incapacitating one in order to bring the rest under his control. I wonder if he killed Stephanie first and then tied the mom and son up in another room while waiting for the daughter to come home. Then, when she came in and saw what was happening, a few threats to kill her family would be all it would take to get her bound and gagged and separated from her family. He then could have killed the mom and son after placing Sarah in the car, and/or transported them separately. She may not have even known her brother and mother were killed. She may never have seen Stephanie lying there dead or injured, if MH was quick enough and I bet he was. He probably either lured the dog first or killed the dog in front of them, I don't know. It's horrible and it's psychotic. To think that someone would incapacitate 4 people and a dog and then kill three of the people, probably also the dog, and transport them all somewhere else, is astounding. Is it a suburb where they were? What time could this have happened with, was it Tina's work schedule? He must have done at least some of this in broad daylight, right? He was not afraid of getting caught at all. Psycho.