OH OH - Tyler Davis, 29, Columbus, 24 February 2019 #2

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On several occasions I’ve had friends drop me to my car in a parking lot around 3am, and had security pull up to ask if everything was okay.
I'm curious. Was there one security person or two at that occasion? Just thinking out loud. Wouldn't being a security guard and being out there at night by yourself and in an authority position be an ideal job if you wanted to abduct someone? NOT saying that's what happened, just thinking hypothetically.
As for Abbot’s parking lot specifically, I honestly don’t know those details since I’ve never tried entering there myself. I do know it’s very well lit and visible from the street, however whether they have security or you are just able to drive in I wouldn’t be able to offer solid info. At the very least I’m almost positive they have surveillance cameras which LE would likely have been able to access. Easton Town Center itself has over 600 security cameras.
It's actually very interesting you mention that parking lot being well lit. Maybe Tyler realised he was lost and the light drew him to that parking lot. Maybe he figured that the building was opened at that hour and he could go in and ask someone where he was.
That might actually be the most plausible reason he was in that parking lot (if he was actually there). Do you think it's possible he didn't see anyone around in that Easton Oval he could ask where he was? Is there any building that would have been opened at that hour?
If there are just appartments and (closed) office buildings, the Abbott Labs building could have been his best bet.
I think it would be really interesting to walk that route with a small group at the same day/time Tyler did, even if it's 3 months later. Just to see what's on that route and what would you do, where would you go and why. Also where are the cameras along that route and where are people, buildings that are opened at that time. Where would you be drawn to if you had to pee etc.
This case is like the Twilight Zone. Grown man wanders off & within a short time and distance he just disappears. Then, 6 or 7 bodies are found near(ish) that area within a couple months and none are him.

It's so sad for these 6-7 deceased people. And their families. Not to mention Tyler's family.

Just sad. And weird.
The thing is we really don’t know that he wondered off...we supposedly know he was in the Uber from the dollhouse and dropped off at the Hilton and last seen on a camera walking toward the condos....that is the last time he is seen on a camera according to what I have read...or at least what has been published. Everything about this case is off...starting with the friends actions and the wife’s actions.
I hope for his parents sake he is found and they can get at least some closure.
It's actually very interesting you mention that parking lot being well lit. Maybe Tyler realised he was lost and the light drew him to that parking lot. Maybe he figured that the building was opened at that hour and he could go in and ask someone where he was.
That might actually be the most plausible reason he was in that parking lot (if he was actually there). Do you think it's possible he didn't see anyone around in that Easton Oval he could ask where he was? Is there any building that would have been opened at that hour?
If there are just appartments and (closed) office buildings, the Abbott Labs building could have been his best bet.

Okay, to clarify, EVERYTHING in the area is well-lit at night, including all the streets around Easton loop at night, street lamps on Easton oval, steltzer, Morse Rd... I don’t know why Abbott would be of any more of a draw than any other building in the area, and everything in that area (except the Hilton) is closed.
I'm curious. Was there one security person or two at that occasion? Just thinking out loud. Wouldn't being a security guard and being out there at night by yourself and in an authority position be an ideal job if you wanted to abduct someone? NOT saying that's what happened, just thinking hypothetically.

I’m pretty sure it’s always just been one pulling up in a vehicle, but there may be several that patrol at night. However, I find it highly unlikely they’d be able to do anything nefarious as they are driving in Easton Town Center security vehicles which, I don’t know if they have cameras, but would at the very least have tracking and are signed in/out. There’s a parking garage in the mall where they keep all security transport (cars, Segway’s, bikes) and have a manned booth. Plus the security office inside the main mall structure where they also monitor the cameras. I have to say, from a security standpoint the mall areas are pretty well-manned. It’s just outside of the mall that’s less so, in the area of the Hilton and the condos.
Okay, to clarify, EVERYTHING in the area is well-lit at night, including all the streets around Easton loop at night, street lamps on Easton oval, steltzer, Morse Rd... I don’t know why Abbott would be of any more of a draw than any other building in the area, and everything in that area (except the Hilton) is closed.
Ok, there goes my theory. Do you have any thoughts on this case?
I’m pretty sure it’s always just been one pulling up in a vehicle, but there may be several that patrol at night. However, I find it highly unlikely they’d be able to do anything nefarious as they are driving in Easton Town Center security vehicles which, I don’t know if they have cameras, but would at the very least have tracking and are signed in/out. There’s a parking garage in the mall where they keep all security transport (cars, Segway’s, bikes) and have a manned booth. Plus the security office inside the main mall structure where they also monitor the cameras. I have to say, from a security standpoint the mall areas are pretty well-manned. It’s just outside of the mall that’s less so, in the area of the Hilton and the condos.

If they have camera's or tracking, it would have been interesting to compare their data with the route Tylers phone went. Would be interesting to know if Tyler should have been observed by them while they were patrolling. Or if anything happened in that area that night. Yelling, drunks, a fight, speeding, strange stuff, anything really.
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Do you guys know if there's any kind of 911 or emergency log of the Easton area that you can check to see what went on in that area, the night Tyler disappeared?
ok I was re-reading some old posts from the previous thread on this case and I think there is an event that happened that evening that many of us have pointed out, and I still can't understand. WHY was it so much more important for BD to charge her phone upstairs in the hotel than STAY and help the obviously-inebriated, confused *(her words), freezing cold, love-of-her-life best friend? thoughts? just about this event in particular...does it strike anyone else as strange? I know hindsight is 20/20 and she could not have known he would never return but I mean the reason she left him that night was to charge her phone? When its 25 degrees out and he seems confused? hmmmmm
Easton is well patrolled by security 24/7. Easton is home to an Apple store, Tiffany's, Michael Kors, several boutique jewelry stores. Some fairly high-end retail. The tenants expect and demand consistent security presence. The security tends to drive around in Ford Explorers or Escapes and I see them every time I shop there.

Thanks to the member who shared the link to what is being presented as the path of Tyler's cell phone. I had not seen that before. Some people have asked about that path. First, the V-shaped building in front of the Abbott Labs parking lot is a large Huntington Bank corporate office building. I'm not sure if security guards would be on-site at that hour but I have been in that building many times and do know security cameras are mounted on the building. You can even see them if you stroll down Easton Oval on Google street view.

As for the Abbott Labs parking lot, I drove by there last week and tried to pull in the parking lot. The parking lot is gated with a security hut restricting access to employee vehicles only. Visitors park out front closer to Stelzer Road and then check in with security. I sort of doubt security guards would be working the parking lot at that hour on a weekend but worth noting. I imagine (but can't say for certain) the building has security cameras.

For the longest time, I did not see foul play as a viable theory. But what the Columbus PD is saying (or I guess not saying) is very telling to me. Keeping things close to the vest like this suggests to me they are working on a theory that goes beyond a drunken guy wandering off. And that's as far as I will speculate.
ok I was re-reading some old posts from the previous thread on this case and I think there is an event that happened that evening that many of us have pointed out, and I still can't understand. WHY was it so much more important for BD to charge her phone upstairs in the hotel than STAY and help the obviously-inebriated, confused *(her words), freezing cold, love-of-her-life best friend? thoughts? just about this event in particular...does it strike anyone else as strange? I know hindsight is 20/20 and she could not have known he would never return but I mean the reason she left him that night was to charge her phone? When its 25 degrees out and he seems confused? hmmmmm

I think this is a great thing to point out. I agree with you that it is a bit strange in hindsight. I can only guess that she felt okay going to charge her phone because TD was upset? Perhaps she felt if she gave him space it would calm him down plus the friend was there supposedly going after TD to help him and keep him safe. After all that drinking she may have really had to pee too. My opinion and speculation. Who knows.
Am I the only wife who would of gone upstairs and gotten ready for bed if my husband had walked off with his friend following?
If I was that worried about my husband I would of stopped him before he left.
Am I the only wife who would of gone upstairs and gotten ready for bed if my husband had walked off with his friend following?
If I was that worried about my husband I would of stopped him before he left.

Nope. I totally would have left him and his friend and gone to bed. If there were any concerns on my part that he wasn't okay, I'd have either gone with the two of them or stopped them. Then again, I'd probably have been loaded as well and would have just assumed he was okay if he said he was.

Am I the only wife who would of gone upstairs and gotten ready for bed if my husband had walked off with his friend following?
If I was that worried about my husband I would of stopped him before he left.

i don't think you're the only one! but I do think that if my husband was confused upset and drunk i would have probably been worried more about his state of mind and safety in a strange place than charging my cell phone. of course strictly moo
i don't think you're the only one! but I do think that if my husband was confused upset and drunk i would have probably been worried more about his state of mind and safety in a strange place than charging my cell phone. of course strictly moo

I wonder if it’s possible that she was angry at him. This was supposed to be her birthday celebration, after all, and her husband is being a jerk—drunk and bad-tempered. (Purely my speculation as to her possible thoughts.) So, she went up to the room because she didn’t feel like dealing with a drunken jerk—and these are thoughts and emotions that she wouldn’t want to express now, after things went so terribly wrong. (All this is totally speculation on my part—an attempt to explain what ‘going up to her room to charge her phone’ may have been about.)
I wonder if it’s possible that she was angry at him. This was supposed to be her birthday celebration, after all, and her husband is being a jerk—drunk and bad-tempered. (Purely my speculation as to her possible thoughts.) So, she went up to the room because she didn’t feel like dealing with a drunken jerk—and these are thoughts and emotions that she wouldn’t want to express now, after things went so terribly wrong. (All this is totally speculation on my part—an attempt to explain what ‘going up to her room to charge her phone’ may have been about.)
You're reading my mind! I was just going to say that BD herself may have been angry and certainly not thinking about how TD was dressed or the fact that he was in an unfamiliar area. My opinion only.
I think the whole problem is that we don't know why Tyler was so upset. Why BD was freaking out like she said she was and why the friend left before Tyler would be back.

To me it sounds like they are holding back info and that's why the story is weird. My guess is it could have been something like Tyler was thinking B and the friend could have been flirting in his mind or maybe he thought something was going on between them.

In such a scenario it would all make perfect sense. Tyler being really pissed off and wanting to get out and calm down. B being worried about Tyler being out there in that frame of mind. The friend probably not going after Tyler to avoid a fight. And the friend leaving just before Tyler would be back. Probably to avoid a scene or a fight.
I think the whole problem is that we don't know why Tyler was so upset. Why BD was freaking out like she said she was and why the friend left before Tyler would be back.

To me it sounds like they are holding back info and that's why the story is weird. My guess is it could have been something like Tyler was thinking B and the friend could have been flirting in his mind or maybe he thought something was going on between them.

In such a scenario it would all make perfect sense. Tyler being really pissed off and wanting to get out and calm down. B being worried about Tyler being out there in that frame of mind. The friend probably not going after Tyler to avoid a fight. And the friend leaving just before Tyler would be back. Probably to avoid a scene or a fight.
Not trying to bash a potential ‘victim’ , but in all honesty she’s the one who wanted to go to a strip club, she (surprisingly) stated this herself in the TCG interview.

With that in mind, this brings into question the possibility, could she have been being flirtatious with the friend? And or vice versa.

I for one think it’s rather strange that a married woman with a baby and a DH whose an awesome father (her words) would want to go to a strip club with another guy along.... for me, that is a huge red flag. JMO.

This could all also explain the argument between Tyler and the friend. IIRC, I believe I read about that here in some of the posts. All JMO
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