OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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Ok guys, I didn't want to bring this up, but I had to given the statement Bill apparently said to the teacher consisted of the words ".........how to make yourself pass out.." (allegedly, and according to the media article).

I remember this being a big fad in Primary school when I was in Grade 6. I never participated, but some of my friends did. It didn't last long because the teachers discovered what they were up to and put a stop to it immediately, and I think we all got a very stern lecture on the dangers of it. There are numerous links to it on the internet. Here are just two:

Choking game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Granted, youtube wasn't around in 1980, but it wasn't around when I was in primary school and kids still knew about it. I think we need to be able to rule this out as well.

* I don't think this is what happened to Bill given where his body was found. I do think it needs to be ruled out though.
I noticed a few things that need to be corrected, too. Just send me what you have, and I can go in and make the changes. It's no problem at all. Believe me, I want the information to be accurate as much as the rest of you.

ETA: I wanted to make sure everyone knows about the tags at the bottom of the threads. If you click on the tag that reads, "william comeans", you'll be linked to the media thread. When we move to thread #2 once this one reaches 1,000 posts, I'll add the tag to that thread also. It's a great way to navigate between threads.

I've labelled some tags with the posts numbers where information is compiled in this thread. For instance, one tags reads, "#154 timeline". The tag won't link you to post #154, but it's a quick reference to find a specific post. I've only listed a few so far, but I'll add more. And you guys can add tags, too.

BBM1: Cool! It's showing up in my subscribed threads now too.

BBM2: Always wondered what these were for. Thanks! Very useful. I no longer have to memorize pages :)
Ok guys, I didn't want to bring this up, but I had to given the statement Bill apparently said to the teacher consisted of the words ".........how to make yourself pass out.." (allegedly, and according to the media article).

I remember this being a big fad in Primary school when I was in Grade 6. I never participated, but some of my friends did. It didn't last long because the teachers discovered what they were up to and put a stop to it immediately, and I think we all got a very stern lecture on the dangers of it. There are numerous links to it on the internet. Here are just two:

Choking game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Granted, youtube wasn't around in 1980, but it wasn't around when I was in primary school and kids still knew about it. I think we need to be able to rule this out as well.

* I don't think this is what happened to Bill given where his body was found. I do think it needs to be ruled out though.

I read this a while back, Sister, and it horrified me. I have been working around schools for many decades in different capacities (no, I'm not a teacher by occupation) and I have seen many suicides, accidental and intentional, so I knew it existed, but somehow, reading it rubbed my face in it. Not pretty. Def. worth the read. I am not saying that's what happened here, I'm just astonished at what kids will do.
BBM2: It's true that the way Bill's question to the teacher was quoted in MSM the words used were "how to make yourself pass out," but to be accurate, those are not Bill's words and so don't think we can read too much into the language used. We don't know, for example, if Bill asked the question, if the teacher correctly perceived the intent behind Bill's question, if the teacher twisted the question to push a personal agenda, if LE re-spun the statement to serve their new agenda (i.e., discrediting both Bill and the teacher to serve their return to a theory of suicide), or if the media even correctly quoted LE :)

The thing that bothers me is there is no evidence of any warm relationship in the way the question comes to us. Going with the things I point out above, we probably can't read too much into that either. But I think we are all united in getting a creepy, disloyal feeling from what came down to us in that article.

Bbm 1: Really glad you pointed this out. They are not Bill's words.

It doesn't take much for me to get a creepy feeling about the press and spinning a story, and I have to wonder why the press even included that quote. Bbm2: I think what you have outlined here could likely be the nugget of truth, and the press sure does love a sensationalist story. And it takes the heat off of LE for not solving a crime a year and a half later.

- I have a hunch it may have been the music teacher and the convo may have occurred after the "glare down" in choir, or some similar event. Ironically, Bill's question could have come out of an honest confusion about being strangled by someone else, vs. "how to make yourself pass out," especially if that was the talk going around the school. And if that is the case, I can only imagine how the teacher must have felt after that article was published.

So yes, the press could have taken the most useful paraphrase from the teacher, (or LE quoting what the "teacher said"), which then could have obscured the truth, and discredited both the teacher and Bill in one fell swoop. ...imo...
Ok guys, I didn't want to bring this up, but I had to given the statement Bill apparently said to the teacher consisted of the words ".........how to make yourself pass out.." (allegedly, and according to the media article).

I remember this being a big fad in Primary school when I was in Grade 6. I never participated, but some of my friends did. It didn't last long because the teachers discovered what they were up to and put a stop to it immediately, and I think we all got a very stern lecture on the dangers of it. There are numerous links to it on the internet. Here are just two:

Choking game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Granted, youtube wasn't around in 1980, but it wasn't around when I was in primary school and kids still knew about it. I think we need to be able to rule this out as well.

* I don't think this is what happened to Bill given where his body was found. I do think it needs to be ruled out though.

Outstanding that you bring this up, SW.
Yes, I've witnessed cases of this. Often mistaken for suicide the majority of the time, unless you do a very thorough investigation.
This is exactly the reason why I asked Bob very early in my posts if there were any pieces of tree bark or debris in the loose ends of Bill's scarf, or if there was any broken branch near his body. My thinking was... had he tied the scarf's end to a branch, which is likely to break only under his full weight.
I do not recall having that answer addressed yet (re: limbs, tree bark, debris).
Bob or Kat,

Do you know if the scarf had a single knot, or if it was double knotted?
Ok guys, I didn't want to bring this up, but I had to given the statement Bill apparently said to the teacher consisted of the words ".........how to make yourself pass out.." (allegedly, and according to the media article).

I remember this being a big fad in Primary school when I was in Grade 6. I never participated, but some of my friends did. It didn't last long because the teachers discovered what they were up to and put a stop to it immediately, and I think we all got a very stern lecture on the dangers of it. There are numerous links to it on the internet. Here are just two:

Choking game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Granted, youtube wasn't around in 1980, but it wasn't around when I was in primary school and kids still knew about it. I think we need to be able to rule this out as well.

* I don't think this is what happened to Bill given where his body was found. I do think it needs to be ruled out though.

Yuk... I am equally horrified. Tried not to read it too much.
I can imagine that if you hear about this, you check with a teacher (biology, health) if this is even possible. I do not see that as suspicious, but hey, that's me.

The Wiki mentions some statistics and in these statistics, death due to choking game is separated from suicide. And IMHO it should be ruled an accident. The statistics are recent, and there is no indication of how this was described earlier e.g. in 1980.

I wonder how LE reached the conclusion at a certain stage that this was indeed a suicide. What were the indicators, the data that led to that conclusion?
Okay, guys. You've got a "media" thread. Rarely do we have enough information to require a media thread for a cold case, so we don't have a designated sub-forum like you'll find in the Missing forum, for instance. Instead, I made it a sticky thread so it will stay on top. All of the case-related news links, maps, photos, and GBMG's timeline are there. I also copied most of Bob's and Kat's posts so we'll have their information isolated in one location for easy reference. Check it out.

William Comeans: Media, Facts, Timeline and Maps **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Bessie, you're the best! It's amazing!
Methodical, I am wondering about the time of death... It was such a short window of time between missing and found that night, can the ME pinpoint exactly when? And are there allowances on either side of TOD?

First, in relation to my following paragraph, I realize this is all very time consuming and can be difficult due to items being "not readily accessible", so keep in mind that we are very flexible and there is absolutely no rush to this request. Address it only when time permits and it is convenient for you.

In the Channel 10 YouTube video, Kat stated and showed a large notebook/folder of info and news articles on Bill's case. Kat also said on the video that your mom kept daily journals of "everything" related to the case and that she had probably 14 notebooks/folders filled with all this info.
My question is, do you or Kat still have these? It seems like an excellent source of the info we need, especially your Mom's own notes. It would also be a huge asset to recall things and details that may have been forgotten over the past 34 years.

Please let us know. Thanks.

These notebooks are with the detective.
I noticed a few things that need to be corrected, too. Just send me what you have, and I can go in and make the changes. It's no problem at all. Believe me, I want the information to be accurate as much as the rest of you.

ETA: I wanted to make sure everyone knows about the tags at the bottom of the threads. If you click on the tag that reads, "william comeans", you'll be linked to the media thread. When we move to thread #2 once this one reaches 1,000 posts, I'll add the tag to that thread also. It's a great way to navigate between threads.

I've labelled some tags with the post numbers where information is compiled in this thread. For instance, one tags reads, "#154 timeline". The tag won't link you to post #154, but it's a quick reference to find a specific post. I've only listed a few so far, but I'll add more. And you guys can add tags, too.

Bessie, thanks for making all those changes. It's so be-yoo-tiful. I just looked more closely. I love the way you included quotes of posters "highlights" right alongside the articles they were taken from. And it was such a good idea to collect Bob and Kat's quotes the way you did. You are the best.

:loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou:
After reading the terrific timeline Bessie put together I am *very* interested in the family where the notes came from (all of them), as well as the teacher that has made claims that Bill was asking certain questions. (I'm skeptical about that).
AND, I would be interested in knowing the connection this teacher had with any members of the note writing family.
VERY interested. Look there LE, look there.
Hi all! So can we sleuth the note writing lady??? That connection is just too weird.

(I know we can't sleuth her kids). TIA!
Methodical, I am wondering about the time of death... It was such a short window of time between missing and found that night, can the ME pinpoint exactly when? And are there allowances on either side of TOD?

In this case it appears Bill was only missing a fairly short duration, as family statements seem to indicate approx 30 to 45 minutes (at maximum) before he was found dead.
I'm not positive on the coroner's accuracy window on exact TOD, but I would estimate it to be no more accurate in this particular case than +/- 30 minutes at best. So therefore I believe we are about as "accurate" as we can determine, coroner's determination or no coroner's determination.
Do I have it right that the "note writing neighbor" lived across the street or within eyeshot of Bill's house? There is no way he would have voluntarily disappeared (IMO) when he knew he had to go get his little sister at the birthday party. He was watched, stalked, and hunted. These psycho's had a strange power over him that caused him to comply in these situations (IMO). I'm telling you people, we are getting closer on this....these little attempts to deflect by various parties are just drawing my attention back like a magnet.
I want to know everything there is to know about this "note writing family" and he teacher that was offering up these controversial statements. I'm not calling them POI, I'm calling them PWI....persons with information. And lots of it I would say

My opinion only

And btw, I'd use fainting as a deflection if I were busted for writing such heinous notes too. Total attempt at deflection in my opinion. That, and "acting crazy" apparently got LE to back off. Bad decision in my opinion and speculation only....
I just Googled how long it takes to strangle someone to death. If my computer is ever searched I expect you all to vouch for me. :innocent: It can take just a couple of minutes,

This is really remarkable when you think about how tight the window was. All within the span of 45 mins. max. Bill was discovered outside alone, somehow manipulated into leaving his yard, strangled to death, left in a location not far from his own home and the assailant drives away (I'm assuming) without leaving any trace.

And all of this happening to a kid whose family was on heightened alert after two previous attacks. It's just really unbelievable the way that this was pulled off.
I want to know everything there is to know about this "note writing family" and he teacher that was offering up these controversial statements. I'm not calling them POI, I'm calling them PWI....persons with information. And lots of it I would say

My opinion only

And btw, I'd use fainting as a deflection if I were busted for writing such heinous notes too. Total attempt at deflection in my opinion. That, and "acting crazy" apparently got LE to back off. Bad decision in my opinion and speculation only....

The home of AJT lies directly across the street, in fact, centered between Comeans home and the home "2 doors down" where Kat was attending the birthday party. A perfect vantage point to view both residences.

I have also maintained a very "uneasy feeling" throughout this case about that "AJT family" across the street. I also strongly feel that LE did a far insufficient job of investigating them, and many other areas of this crime, but especially "them".
Okay, guys. You've got a "media" thread. Rarely do we have enough information to require a media thread for a cold case, so we don't have a designated sub-forum like you'll find in the Missing forum, for instance. Instead, I made it a sticky thread so it will stay on top. All of the case-related news links, maps, photos, and GBMG's timeline are there. I also copied most of Bob's and Kat's posts so we'll have their information isolated in one location for easy reference. Check it out.

William Comeans: Media, Facts, Timeline and Maps **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thank you SOOO much for doing this!!! As a newbie without a lot of time on my hands all the info/threads on this site is a tad overwhelming. Then I find out it annoys the non-newbs when we repeat things "already discussed in length". I can understand how annoying that could get if I was the non-newb, but I'm one of the newbs and would hate to annoy anyone. :( This helps a LOT. :loveyou:

I tried to use the search feature but found out I was unable to access (don't have the permissions I guess) which sure doesn't help, and almost 800 posts is a LOT to read back thru searching for stuff. :(

Really, REALLY appreciate you doing this AND correcting stuff!! It's AWESOME!!! :yourock:
I just Googled how long it takes to strangle someone to death. If my computer is ever searched I expect you all to vouch for me. :innocent: It can take just a couple of minutes,

This is really remarkable when you think about how tight the window was. All within the span of 45 mins. max. Bill was discovered outside alone, somehow manipulated into leaving his yard, strangled to death, left in a location not far from his own home and the assailant drives away (I'm assuming) without leaving any trace.

And all of this happening to a kid whose family was on heightened alert after two previous attacks. It's just really unbelievable the way that this was pulled off.

pdxmama, please be warned that I go to the highest $$ bidder (defense vs prosecution) if your PC is ever searched and comes up with those particular incriminating search terms.:biglaugh::floorlaugh:

Extremely unbelievable when you consider the short time frame. You said it!
That is the main thing that is so baffling about this case.

It only takes a matter of a few seconds for one to pass out or lose consciousness, however it does take several minutes of maintaining a effective choking restriction for it to then result in death.
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