OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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This doesn't speak specifically of that LE agency, but it's an example of new technology solving a well known cold case.

DNA finally nails the notorious Boston Strangler

50 Years Later, a Break in a Boston Strangler Case

There's some discussion of it here.

MA MA - The Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, 1960's - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I also wanted to add that DNA testing in many labs is backlogged, and I think that would be the case of any lab employing the latest technology.

Thanks, Bessie. These are great. I a SO hopeful that the DNA in Bill's case will tell the Cs and LE something useful, even though it's probably not a sure thing. IIRC, the DNA is from the scarf, which is pretty near Bill's mouth ... I suppose it could turn out to be his, right?
I'd love to take the credit, but that terrific timeline was created by GoingByMyGut. ;)

Thanks, Bessie, But I'm pretty sure she was using the term loosely to refer the glorious way you strung my small chunk of it together with other people's contributions, like pdxmama's articles and highlights, and Bob's and Kat's posts. I know I've been gushing, but you took it to whole new heights. I now keep that thread open in a second window so I can access it more easily. When I do, I feel like I should say, "Excuse me while I step into my library." :)
I agree that she is seriously disturbed but there are many stories of people harassing families of victims, inserting themselves into cases for attention and even falsely confessing to crimes. I fully believe that she was unstable and attention-seeking but had nothing more to do with this crime. All IMO, of course.

All of that being said, absolutely anything is possible with this case.

Interesting, pdxmama. Is there any one thing that throws you to that side of the fence? I ask because I'm still straddling it. The other piece that sticks with me is her wiliness -- the way she held back information that would incriminate her and refused to say why she undertook the hoax. Any thoughts? I agree that what you say about such people can be the case, I'm just wondering why you feel so sure in this one. You don't need a reason, of course. I'm just thinking through possibilities and wondering what you think.
First, has this been submitted to Cold Justice for consideration? in the last episode I saw they mentioned having to interview 90 witnesses and I think this case could benefit from someone willing to speak to all Billy's neighbors, classmates, etc. Does the request need to come from LE?

While I wouldn't rule out a cover up by LE, I am not sure that is what happened here. I think that LE got an idea in their head and that clouded their judgment and how they moved ahead in the case. Billy's story was suspect and pieces didn't add up. I agree with others who believe that this was probably because Billy knew his attackers and/or was victimized in a way he didn't want known. Sadly, LE didn't see it that way and this knowledge clouded their judgment from that point on.

I also think that this was done by older teens/ young adults. Many of the things that made Billy the wonderful person that he was could also make him the target of bullies -- did well in school, in choir, dressed up as Santa for neighborhood kids. They need not be someone directly known to Billy. As a kid, I was the target of bullies and one day walking home from school I became a target of boys I never knew before. To this day, I don't know who they were or how they knew me. They lived in my neighborhood but didn't go to my school but since I never " hung out" in my neighborhood or hung with any boys, I have no idea why they targeted me. I can only assume they knew someone at my school. (I went to an all girls school)

It was very frightening, much more so then the bullies at school, precisely because I had no idea what made me target them. (They harassed me several times until the main antagonizer got so close to me and I felt physically threatened some hit him, something I had never done before. I guess being hit by a nerdy girl was not something that he wanted to experience again so they never bothered me again)

Anyway, my point is, if these bullies were someone with no known connection ( maybe a younger sibling knew him or they saw him do his paper route) to him, that would be terrifying enough, add on the violent strangling and you have enough fear to make Billy susceptible to any threats against himself or family. I think they are young adults due to the fact that he was strangled three times. Either they didn't want to kill him the first two times, just really terrorize him. Or they did want him dead but because they were young did nt think to do it another way ( e.g. knife) that would be bloody. Alternate theory is the budding psychopath who wants to experience a death this way.

Hi, ellemo. Welcome to the thread and thanks for your great post.

BBM1: Have you been to the family's Twitter or FB pages? (Links are in "the library.") I remember this kind of thing coming up a lot there. IIRC, various people were trying various strategies with various shows, but I do not remember hearing of any successes.

BBM2: FWIW, I think there's a pretty good chance of that too.

BBM3: Thanks for sharing your bullying story. How awful for you! (But forgive me for laughing at the point where you throw the punch.) I also believe this can happen with "strangers." Bullies target the weak and have lots of ways to ID them. In your case, it could have been as simple as being a girl and being alone. In Bill's, being spotted in the music/theater room a little too frequently. Bullies are about stereotypes and labels -- and their own anger agendas. I love that you took that away from them :)

BBM4: Lots of credible angles for three attacks that look at first glance like attempted but unsuccessful murder are on the table, but you've definitely honed in on one of the most perplexing aspects of the case.
Apparently the evidence items have been sent to the lab for DNA. The author and commenter are referencing M-Vac which is a recent collection/sampling process.

Case of the Month: Bill Comeans
"The scarf should be examined with the M-Vac. There is a good chance that touch DNA can be found on the scarf’s ends".

The Microbial-Vac System:
Advancing Human Identification by Improved Sampling
When I click on a Tab (any tab) it takes me to the general thread and not to the specified post; timeline, media. What am I missing?
Apparently the evidence items have been sent to the lab for DNA. They are talking about M-Vac which is a collection/sampling process.

Case of the Month: Bill Comeans
"The scarf should be examined with the M-Vac. There is a good chance that touch DNA can be found on the scarf’s ends".

The Microbial-Vac System:
Advancing Human Identification by Improved Sampling

BBM: I'm confused about this bit, Rose. Who is saying this? It comes after the detective's quotes but is not itself in quotes. It looks to me like it could be the opinion of the blogger. Is that how you see it?
When I click on a Tab (any tab) it takes me to the general thread and not to the specified post; timeline, media. What am I missing?

Click the "Bill Comeans" TAG (bottom of thread page ) and you will get a table, similar to "Subscribed Threads," that lists the main thread as the first entry and "the library" as the second.
I'm confused about this bit, Rose. Who is saying this? It comes after the detective's quotes but is not itself in quotes. It looks to me like it could be the opinion of the blogger. Is that how you see it?

The quote is right under the video, separate from the blogger.
Thanks, Bessie. These are great. I a SO hopeful that the DNA in Bill's case will tell the Cs and LE something useful, even though it's probably not a sure thing. IIRC, the DNA is from the scarf, which is pretty near Bill's mouth ... I suppose it could turn out to be his, right?

True. It might be his own, but until we know for sure, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and remaining optimistic.
The quote is right under the video, separate from the blogger.

I see it. But what do you mean by "separate from the blogger"? It's not in quotes. I read it as a continuation of the blogger's article. How do you read it? As who saying it I mean? Sorry if I am being dense.
I see it. But what do you mean by "separate from the blogger"? It's not in quotes. I read it as a continuation of the blogger's article. How do you read it? As who saying it I mean? Sorry if I am being dense.

Oh I see, Ok, author (blogger) and commenter are separate in the article.

I said they are "talking about M-vac" (author and commenter). Sorry for confusion.

When I read a little about M-vac, it is a recent method of collecting/sampling DNA particularly from clothing.

ETA: Clarified my original post #785. Tx!
Apparently the evidence items have been sent to the lab for DNA. They are talking about M-Vac which is a collection/sampling process.

Case of the Month: Bill Comeans
"The scarf should be examined with the M-Vac. There is a good chance that touch DNA can be found on the scarf’s ends".

The Microbial-Vac System:
Advancing Human Identification by Improved Sampling

Good catch. I read that article the other night, but I was pretty sleepy at the time so I didn't retain much. I agree with the blogger. Touch DNA can hang around a long time. We discussed it to some length in the Kathy Jones case. (Others, too, but that's the most recent one that comes to mind.) So I wonder, was the M-vac used or not?
Oh I see, Ok, author (blogger) and commenter are separate in the article.

I said they are "talking about M-vac" (author and commenter).

When I read a little about M-vac, it is a recent method of collecting/sampling DNA particularly from clothing.

Yes, it's a bit cagey, don't you think? But it's an opinion statement ("they should") which I read as the blogger giving her opinion that the det/Cs should consider using M-Vac to maximize the DNA extraction (she's responding to the DNA discussion in the c10 video -- the "commenter's" quotes come from the 2012 video [the former CCD]) -- not that the det/Cs actually are talking about it or have done so.

Based on the blogger's story of the case in Utah (the Krystal Lynn Beslanowitch case), I'm inclined to agree with her! I wonder if it's possible?

ETA: An interesting bit of that statement, IMO, is the BBM: "The scarf should be examined with the M-Vac. There is a good chance that touch DNA can be found on the scarf’s ends." They appear to be distinguishing the oral DNA I mentioned above that might be Bill's, from that of the attackers when tightening/knotting the scarf. Amazing.
Good catch. I read that article the other night, but I was pretty sleepy at the time so I didn't retain much. I agree with the blogger. Touch DNA can hang around a long time. We discussed it to some length in the Kathy Jones case. (Others, too, but that's the most recent one that comes to mind.) So I wonder, was the M-vac used or not?

BBM: On the Crime Reports FB page, the M-Vac company posted a message to the Cs on 2/2 suggesting its use, so I am guessing not.
Thanks for sharing your bullying story. How awful for you! (But forgive me for laughing at the point where you throw the punch.) I also believe this can happen with "strangers." Bullies target the weak and have lots of ways to ID them. In your case, it could have been as simple as being a girl and being alone. In Bill's, being spotted in the music/theater room a little too frequently. Bullies are about stereotypes and labels -- and their own anger agendas. I love that you took that away from them :)

It wasn't at all funny at the time, but in retrospect it was really funny, especially since by coming so close to me he was really trying to put fear into me. Instead he stepped over the line that I didn't realize I had until that moment. There were about four boys and little old me and one smack in the face was all it took to get them off my back. I hope his friends mocked him for it for years afterwards. I only wish I had smacked around a few girls in my school as well. ;-)

But my experience was with a bully/coward who backs down when the bullied kid stands her ground. Billy was up against --?? I don't know if there is a word to describe this type of bully. Psychopaths is all I can think of. I would love to get the criminal records of everyone who was living in town at the time. I am sure some leads will pop up based on arrest records since 1980.
It wasn't at all funny at the time, but in retrospect it was really funny, especially since by coming so close to me he was really trying to put fear into me. Instead he stepped over the line that I didn't realize I had until that moment. There were about four boys and little old me and one smack in the face was all it took to get them off my back. I hope his friends mocked him for it for years afterwards. I only wish I had smacked around a few girls in my school as well. ;-)

But my experience was with a bully/coward who backs down when the bullied kid stands her ground. Billy was up against --?? I don't know if there is a word to describe this type of bully. Psychopaths is all I can think of. I would love to get the criminal records of everyone who was living in town at the time. I am sure some leads will pop up based on arrest records since 1980.

BBM1: I'll bet not! Out of curiosity, did you tell anyone about it? Parents, sibs, friends, teacher? Not really comparable (I'm thinking this is easier for girls to own up to than boys), but I'm curious. I think a lot of teenagers keep their parents at a distance to prevent too much "governance" in their lives.

BBM: I agree. If this was bullying (and I'm not sure it was), it was at the hands of someone who had something else going on internally as well. It does seem pathological ... but I am not sure what to call it either. A lot depends on whether Bill was victimized any other ways that he did not share. JMO
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