OK - Donald 'Joe' Neff, 61, Poteau, 14 May 2009 - #1

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There are a lot of Craigslist robberies in CA. People pretend like they have something to sell then meet the potential buyer (who they know will be carrying cash)and rob them for the money that was going to be used to purchase the bogus item.

Good point, alot of crime happens thru craigslist. :sick:
We’re starting to think now that the murder and robbery of the safe might be two seperate events,” Curnett said.

The safe might not even be involved in this crime, with what we know of the condition of the house.
The safe might not even be involved in this crime, with what we know of the condition of the house.

I think you're right about this. The safe was open because Mr. Neff usually left it open, and the money was gone because he removed it. No thief is going to only take some of the money.
One of the things MMD mentioned is that her father was getting ready to retire. This reminds me of the Denny case. A husband and wife killed around Christmas if I remember correctly, but the husband had just retired as a dam worker. I don't think he even got to collect his first check. Do the unions out there have a bad reputation or something?
HI missingmydad, I was wondering, after your dad was discovered, and reports of a red truck circulated, do you know if they tried to see if any evidence (blood specifically) was washed out in a car wash? if any evidence may have been in the car wash? I'm just thinking...if someone transported and the vehicle that is a personal vehicle was messy, would they take the chances of washing it off at home and leaving evidence? even if they took it to the car wash, would it be possible to get evidence that way? anyone know?

i have not heard if they checked the car washes but that is a very good point. they had to have cleaned up a vehicle somewhere since there was a large amount of blood at the bar it would be naive to think it was a clean transport. i will do some asking around and see what i can find out.
I am trying to figure out why he was dumped in Pocola. Why 20 miles away? Wondering if the killer/s where on their way to Fort Smith and it just happened to be a spot they where familiar with. Why take him that far away? There is plenty of desolate places between Poteau and Pocola. I dont think they were trying very hard to conceal him. They were either really stupid or didnt care if he was found. It is like they were just buying a bit of time before he would be found.

i cannot understand why they dumped him in pocola either. 1. they are taking a chance of being pulled over for speeding, or not signaling oor whatever. 2. what would they have said had they been pulled over!!!! 3. there are lots of secluded areas right whr the bar sits. we searhed all around the bar and with all of us it still took all day. 4. why not just leave him there? it makes no sense unless they thought he wold not be found and they thought no body-no crime..i just don't know.
The fact that thousands more were still present points toward Mr. Neff being in that safe before this incident happened and he just didn't close the door or someone close tried to make it look like robbery. I feel strongly about "it was Mr. Neff" just left the door open. Robbery was definately not the motive here. The person who did this horrific crime whether they pulled the trigger or not has gone out of their way to keep the attention (suspicion) off of themselves.


Is there a time of death on the death certificate?

no it just says ....date of death- (found) 5-17-2009 and time of death is unknown. we were told that he was in the water for days so, if he was dumped thursday, the same day he went missing, he was found sunday, 3 days. i have heard that a body floats after 3 days. but they did not specify on the time on the death certificate
MMD, did you know about the thousands more in the safe? Sorry if you have already said and I missed it.

no, i knew he had a safe but it never occurred to me to care what was in it, i mean it isn't mine so...i just assumed he had guns in there. i would also assume, maybe important papers. i mean if i had a safe i would keep birth certificates, shot records, car titles. i never one time discussed with my dad about what he kept in there, that was his business. i wish i had been a nosier daughter now. but who knew i would need this information, right?
I noticed a few mistakes.
1. Dad did not normally leave the safe open. Anytime the door was open, the safe was always closed and locked.
2. He was not at the store at 9 am. The paper is mistaken. It was 10:30.
3. Yes my dad only wore button-up shirts. If they did not have 2 pockets, one on each side he would not buy them. Not all of his pockets buttoned closed, I am not sure about the shirt he had on, I know which one it was, but not if the pocket buttoned. We were not allowed toget them back, for obvoius reasons.
4. No he was not buying a red truck. He had a duelly, a Tahoe, a jeep, and trans am. I think the next vehicle he wanted was a black Hummer.
5. The thousands that the paper was alking about I think meant the moneyleft at the bar. He had went to get the bar ready to be opened, and check the jukebox and pool tables. That money remained there at the bar and was "overlooked" by the killers. So they either rushed in and missed it or they were not interested in taking it.

I do not really believe that someone killed him for nothing. Maybe I am in denial. If they robbed him, even though that is not okay, it is still "a reason". If they did not rob him then why kill him? I have heard that some people think it was 2 different crimes. I sure hope not. If we knew that it may be easier to find the killer. If it was 2 different crimes, then the killer would not even need to know where dad lived. So strange though, money was left in his shirt pocket and at the bar. So that was not robbery. But did they do that to throw people off that they were going after the larger amount of money, and to not look like a robbery they left the money on him and at the bar? Also I have never read anywhere where they found his cigarettes. They found his lighter and hat on the bar floor. He had money in his shirt pocket. But no cell phone, and no cigarettes. He always kept his cigarettes and lighter, phone and sometimes money or notes in his shirt pocket.
I hope they get the death penalty- quickly. I will be there.
My dad was murdered May 14, 2009. After 3 days of us hunting for him, he was found shot and dumped into a strip pit.No known enemies, local business owner his entire life. Very well like & respected in this community. Would anyone please take a look at any of the articles regarding his murder and see if anyone has any ideas? Joe Neff, Poteau, Oklahoma. Channel 40/29 Hometown News & Poteau Daily News & Sun has covered this story from day 1. His murder was a week and a half after the other unsolved murder of Jody Rilee Wilson in Heavener. As of yesterday the LE brought in 2 FBI 2 US Marshalls 2 more OSBI They formed a new task force to solve these 2 unsolved murders. Lets hope we get some answers.

Oh my gosh! We live close to Poteau - well, not NOW (my husband is in the army and we're stationed in Texas) but my family lives around there. My sister took her drivers test in Poteau!!! Oh my gosh. That is SO crazy!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It freaks me out when I hear about murders close to my hometown!
I asked my sister if we had gotten DNA tested...I just could not remember and was not in the best state of mind. She said no we were not. So they verified dads DNA some other way. I have not asked my uncle yet. Maybe they tested him. Maybe even old military records.
Please keep this case in your prayers. Along with Jody Rilee Wilson. Pray that the new task force will be blessed and that God guide them in the right direction.
Thank you so much to each and everyone of you that take time out of your world to care about someone elses tragedy.
Monday will be 7 months since the day my dad was brutally murdered and dumped. It feels like 7 years.
thank you, i still do not have any new news to tell anyone. even the rumors have stopped, this cannot be good

This must be the hardest time for you. The leads seem to be fading, the holidays are coming, and still we don't know who took your father from you. Please know that we are hoping and praying for answers for you and your family. :praying:

Those who read this, please let Missing know our thoughts and prayers are with her right now! :grouphug:
Bless your heart honey.

we will continue to hold you up in prayer!!
Dear MissingMyDad,

My heart breaks for you and your family. What you are all going through is cruel and unfair.

Please know we are here for you. If things get slow on this thread we'll post something to get more people involved.

Take care and I pray you find the answers you need.

I'am a little surprised that there is absolutly nothing on the OSBI website about either Joe's or Jodies murder/reward.
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