OK OK - Girl Scout Murders, Lori Farmer, 8, Michelle Guse, 9, Doris Milner, 10, 1977

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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They have announced that they are doing new DNA testing this week in Oklahoma City. The results should be known by the end of this week!

I can't hardly wait to hear the results.

Stay tuned!

There is a book about this case called Someone Cry for the Children. I read it years ago. This happened very near to where I lived at the time. I hope that the DNA yields useful results.
It'd be wonderful if this case were solved.
Here is the link to the story in the Tulsa media.


I have always felt that Gene Leroy Hart was guilty. I lived in Tulsa then and had two kids around the same age.

My husband's aunt and uncle had a cabin near the camp ground and it had been broken into and stuff stolen. They traced it back to Hart.

We seem to have 2 threads beside each other for this topic!

My fault! I guess I posted it in the wrong forum. They moved it here is all. Sorry!

I live in Oklahoma and recall the case very well. I think the jury was correct in their decision. There simply wasn't any hard evidence placing him at the murder scene. Even then I thought Gene L. H. was being railroaded for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I will be interested to see what they find. Could have answers very soon!
There is a book about this case called Someone Cry for the Children. I read it years ago. This happened very near to where I lived at the time. I hope that the DNA yields useful results.

I read the book many years ago. I remember how uneasy this case made me at the time having children who went to a summer camp in Oklahoma. I am glad someone posted this, since I had not heard anything on it in such a long time. Hope they find out who did it, whether it was Hart or someone else. I will never understand how someone could be so cruel to little children.
This case has always haunted me. A very gruesome crime. I'm sure Hart did this, but dna proof will end any controversy.
Oh my goodness, I have never heard of that before, so sad and tragic!! Why did the councelers say they didn't check out the noise/man? Was that ever said?
I haven't heard of these murders but I found another website with more information. I cant believe the counselors ignored the girls! My mom kept me from camping with the girl scout's at the same time these murders happened. I didnt understand it when I was little but now as a parent I do. They do not care enough about your child to be trusted with them.


I was a girl scout in OK when this happened. I was in a different part of the state, so didn't go to this particular camp. I remember being really shaken up when it happened. Here's the thing... I started camping at 8 & went until 8th grade. Always, there were 4 girls in a tent & the counselors had their own tent. It was great fun to be on our own in the tents. I remember thinking the counselors were soooo old... Well, they were freshman and sophomores in college. To an 8 year old, that seems old. But, they were just kids, too. They were too young to even know how bad someone lurking in the woods could be & back then, we were all still innocent in our beliefs that this kind of stuff could ever happen anyway. On a different note, I was raped when I was 10. Even with that experience, I found it extremely hard to fathom, at 12, what had happened to my fellow Girl Scouts on the other side of the state. As a parent of an 8 year old now, I can't imagine sending him to any overnight event without me. Especially to an outdoor camping experience with college age kids on the far end of 7 or so tents in a row, who are supposed to be the adults in charge.............
I was a girl scout in OK when this happened. I was in a different part of the state, so didn't go to this particular camp. I remember being really shaken up when it happened. Here's the thing... I started camping at 8 & went until 8th grade. Always, there were 4 girls in a tent & the counselors had their own tent. It was great fun to be on our own in the tents. I remember thinking the counselors were soooo old... Well, they were freshman and sophomores in college. To an 8 year old, that seems old. But, they were just kids, too. They were too young to even know how bad someone lurking in the woods could be & back then, we were all still innocent in our beliefs that this kind of stuff could ever happen anyway. On a different note, I was raped when I was 10. Even with that experience, I found it extremely hard to fathom, at 12, what had happened to my fellow Girl Scouts on the other side of the state. As a parent of an 8 year old now, I can't imagine sending him to any overnight event without me. Especially to an outdoor camping experience with college age kids on the far end of 7 or so tents in a row, who are supposed to be the adults in charge.............

((((MostlyL))) I am so sorry that happened to you! It is difficult I know. I was raised thru the scouting system before then. My mother was our Leader. She was as naive as the college students there with the little girls. I often thought of this afterward. I want to just say I remember and I lived this in Oklahoma with you (might have even gone to your camp!).

I have met one of the girl's father many times and he is one of the most kind people I have ever met. My heart will always go out to them.

I want to tell you how brave you are to admit something like that here and how I feel it can help other women who have experienced similar. I applaud you! How absolutely horrid to have such an experience! I know it took a lot for you to discuss it. Thank you!

I also want to let you know that I understand your pain and your reluctance to allow yourself to put your children in harm's way. I felt the same way. I have 3 children and I did everything short of attaching a baby monitor to them as I walked them to school. LOL Altho, I got counseling to finally realize I WAS overboard about my protection level.

Everytime my children chastised me about their 'freedoms' I would fall back on..."Well..you won't see your face on a milk carton!" I was going to make absolutely certain about that! It was my worst fear.

Thru counseling, I had to realize they were people. People go their own ways and we have to develop them to do so. They can't do it in a bubble. I have raised 3 well adjusted, educated, fabulous adults now! We have to let them grow, but protect them in the same vein. It is difficult. I just urge you to ask for help while you raise your kids since you experienced such tragedy in your own childhood. We want the best for our kids and don't want to hold them back due to our fears for them.

Did I mention my son was an Eagle Scout?
I was a girl scout in OK when this happened. I was in a different part of the state, so didn't go to this particular camp. I remember being really shaken up when it happened. Here's the thing... I started camping at 8 & went until 8th grade. Always, there were 4 girls in a tent & the counselors had their own tent. It was great fun to be on our own in the tents. I remember thinking the counselors were soooo old... Well, they were freshman and sophomores in college. To an 8 year old, that seems old. But, they were just kids, too. They were too young to even know how bad someone lurking in the woods could be & back then, we were all still innocent in our beliefs that this kind of stuff could ever happen anyway. On a different note, I was raped when I was 10. Even with that experience, I found it extremely hard to fathom, at 12, what had happened to my fellow Girl Scouts on the other side of the state. As a parent of an 8 year old now, I can't imagine sending him to any overnight event without me. Especially to an outdoor camping experience with college age kids on the far end of 7 or so tents in a row, who are supposed to be the adults in charge.............

I don't know how Boy Scouts operate in all states, but in my town, the parent has to attend meetings with the child and attend camp. I don't blame you for not wanting a child to attend some camp with strangers watching him or where possible predators could join just to get at kids.
mostlylurking- Im so sorry that happened to you. We have church camps around here too that are overnight and hundreds of kids go to them every year. My husband went to them when he was little. I know I am going to be an overprotective parent but I cant help it too many incidents have made me the way that I am and I want to protect her from it.

txvicki- Im not sure anymore about girl scout camps locally but I know back then there were no parents who went with you. Our local church camps today dont have parents stay overnight.
seriously searching --
my camp was RedRock & best I can remember, I went there from the summer of 72 to the summer of 77. That would have been the summer before 8th grade & I'm pretty sure that was the last year I went -- probably stopped because of this other camp horror....

As far as my personal experience goes, I came to terms with it years ago. 12 step programs and therapy do wonders! I only share about it now in times where I believe it may help bring perspective to someone who may be coping with the emotions (triggered or current) surrounding similar experience. I do believe it makes me a cautious mom with my 3 (they're 4,6,8), but I don't think I'm too overbearing about it. I'm sure when they end up in therapy for something in their 20's, they'll let me know.

I ended up being a counselor at another camp when I was in high school. At 16 going on 17, I thought I owned the world. Kept a few kids from being bitten by a copperhead on a trail hike one time.... knew what to do then. But, man, if anything like this other had happened, I would not have been equipped to deal with it. And I look at today's teenagers, compare how I felt about life at the same age, look at my babies & there is NO WAY I will ever send them on over night camping experiences with nothing more than teenage babies as their supervisors. NO WAY.
I remember this case. It was frightening. No girlscouts and no overnight camp for my daughter after I had heard about this. Me, I went to camp every year until I was 17. Some of the greatest memories I have.
And the possibility of a match, even 30 years later, brings with it the possibility of closure. The OSBI is conducting the new DNA test. They say the results could be back as early as this week.

The Mayes County District Attorney will announce the results.


i remember this case also:(

hopefully the results WILL be released this coming week....
I haven't heard of these murders but I found another website with more information. I cant believe the counselors ignored the girls! My mom kept me from camping with the girl scout's at the same time these murders happened. I didnt understand it when I was little but now as a parent I do. They do not care enough about your child to be trusted with them.


same here....& to top it off....
Camp director Barbara Day said she knew that the camp had received several threatening notes. The notes claimed that four little girls would be killed. Also, she said the camp had been burglarized several weeks before the camp opened, but she never considered the notes or the burglaries to be serious.
So she just thought she'd take the risk and hope they werent serious?

My son is off on a residentail school trip next Monday. He will be staying in a hotel but this has just terrified me! the thought of a predator out there waiting to choose his poor victim.
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