OK OK - Girl Scout Murders, Lori Farmer, 8, Michelle Guse, 9, Doris Milner, 10, 1977

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I know they collected DNA from the crime scene because they used it to test against Hart's DNA(came back inconclusive). I don't know if it has been put into CODIS or not.
Camp director Barbara Day said she knew that the camp had received several threatening notes. The notes claimed that four little girls would be killed. Also, she said the camp had been burglarized several weeks before the camp opened, but she never considered the notes or the burglaries to be serious.

This is terrible.There were threats and they still let little girls go to camp?Did they check or can they check now for clues from the threats?Fingerprints ect...on the notes?Were the notes handwritten?was the hand writtig similar to any ones back then?Can some one check to see if they put this DNA into the DNA data base.If he killed like this before.He probably did it many times again?Were there any other similar killings through out the years?What more do they know of Jack Shroff's and his farm?

I am reading alot on this story.I find it very interesting.I saw something in The Oklahoma Hero's:The Oklahoma Peace Officer's when I googled this. Was Doris Milner's father a police officer then?I wonder if that had to do with anything.I think they need to check the fingerprint found in the databases everywhere too.

I was reading there were two types of knots?Does anyone know Were two of the girls tied up with the same type of knot and the other girl different knots and which girls.I feel they should run the DNA and fingerprints through the Databases.If this person killed before.He probably did again.


Article with the little girls' photos. Just heartbreaking. One was my age.
The DNA was too degraded to be conclusively resulted by the Texas lab. The hold up came because the specimens were were sent to a lab in SLC, Utah. Inconclusive results are given in a rather odd way in the offical press release linked below.
I think the sheriff's first comment about not wanting the new testing to be public was to hopefully prevent what happened- people getting their hopes up for a solution.

Here is the official press release from 6/08 ( PDF format)- I don't know how to copy and paste PDF text, so you will have to read it.

Anyway, it says that what was recovered was only Female DNA. No male DNA recovered, much less able to be tested. Rather strange, considering the description of the multiple sexual assaults with semen recovered. Maybe all they saved were items with known semen on them, and they didn't separate the items, allowing secondary transfer of one of the girl's DNA?

The presser states that the female DNA cannot be excluded as coming from one of the female victims. The source of the DNA is said to be epithelial cells.
This case is so utterly horrible and sad. I know so many of us wanted the DNA to give answers, just something to go on..Now all the DNA is used up and no answers were gained.

Very sad... I wish their families had answers....
Yes it is pretty unbelievable with everything that went on that night the counselors were not starting to get suspicious. Numerous girls reported seeing a strange man lurking about, peeking in their tents, etc. How he raped and murdered three little girls with so many people around is bizarre.

I posted the link a few posts up in Feb to the Cold Case Files forum. There are family members who post there who really think on of their family members is responsible. He was a child molester, he lived near the sight, he was very interested in the case, he still lives by the sight and likes to take people there, etc, etc. It is pretty interesting. LE has DNA but won't listen to these people and just try to test this guy's DNA to see if there is a match.
You would think, if someone was looking in the girls in their tents before this happened, he was someone the children trusted and knew. I would start there, with someone who the children knew and were fond of. How he could rape and murder three small girls with no one realizing it until morning is fairly simple, sadly. One, if they knew him and trusted him they wouldn't start screaming until he hurt them. Secondly, and this is even sadder, all he would have to do to shut them all up, would be to tell them if you scream I kill these two. If you scream I kill these two. And if you scream, I kill these two. So they stay quiet, until he kills the first and than he quickly kills the other two before they have much screaming time. Than he leaves. And probably the counselors believed some of the children just stayed up and were telling scary stories or something, and most children were with counselors in their tents so, they probably believe it's being handled by one of them.
Just started reading about this case. I have heard about it when I was younger...even attended a girl scout camp in WI in 1986. (not sure how my mother could allow that!) Does anyone know where I can find some pics of the camp?
If you go to Google and type in girl scout murders camp scott and then set it to images you will see some pics.

There used to be a whole website devoted to the murders but it has been closed recently :(
This story haunts me. Doris, Michelle, and Lori are still remembered and hopefully one day there will be justice for these three girls.

M ~
This sounds promising:
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation forms new cold case unit to find DNA evidence

Especially with the progress of DNA testing bringing improvements which possibly could pinpoint the perpetrator, where the earlier (2007) tests failed to do so as the samples, at least then, were too old to yield results.

Thank you for bumping this fascinating case. But didn't they arrest and jail some guy for this?
Thank you for bumping this fascinating case. But didn't they arrest and jail some guy for this?

Gene Leroy Hart was found not guilty of the crime. It was thought by many at the time (including me) that, because of his Native American ancestry, he was being railroaded; the jury agreed. Then again, he had a violent past. To me, the decider is the note left in the empty doughnut box after someone had plundered the campsite not long before the killings (someone wrote that he [?] would return, and that three campers would die). It just didn't seem to be something Mr. Hart would have done, to leave a note telegraphing his intent.

This link might be posted somewhere above; it's a fairly good case synopsis:
I don't know if it would be easy to control three little girls, unless you knew them or they were bludgeoned first, hence the scream(s). Seeing one struck would be enough to keep them quiet but would it make them stay still to be attacked? I think he had help or hit them into unconsiousness first...JMO. I think about this story periodically-I would think that the family member referenced by gaia would be easy to check-if there is any evidence from the crime they will put into the FBI database and run it-if the guy is a match, he will come up because he is likely in an offender database already right?
I don't know if it would be easy to control three little girls, unless you knew them or they were bludgeoned first, hence the scream(s). Seeing one struck would be enough to keep them quiet but would it make them stay still to be attacked? I think he had help or hit them into unconsiousness first...JMO. I think about this story periodically-I would think that the family member referenced by gaia would be easy to check-if there is any evidence from the crime they will put into the FBI database and run it-if the guy is a match, he will come up because he is likely in an offender database already right?

Good point; I've always thought that at least two people were involved; therefore, the doughnut box note might have been left earlier by one of Hart's associates in the crime.
Maybe I just don't get why you would put that in writing. What would your motive be and why kill 3 people? Random number. Was it publicized that the girl scouts would be at that camp? Do they still use that camp ground?
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