OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs and Dog Found Abandoned, 8 Oct 2009 - #11

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Dec of 2008- Jamison home burned to the ground.
July of 2009- Starlet Jamison lived with Bobby and Sherilyn
August of 2009- Handyman lived with the Jamison's
September of 2012- Starlet bought Bobby Jamison's truck back from NS

--per conversations with NS

Oh, thank you! I knew about the fire, but couldn't find anything anywhere about the date it happened. And I had thought the handyman was July and August, but it's surprisingly difficult to find anything more specific than "during the summer," and I wasn't sure if it was before or after Star stayed with them.

I'm guessing Madyson's playground accident happened sometime in September? We have the August 29 photo with her teeth intact, so it would have to have been between the very end of August and the beginning of October, because her mouth doesn't look like it's been freshly injured in the photo on the mountain.

ETA: And of course it's too late to edit the timeline post, grrr. Will have to collect more info and post an update. One thing I haven't seriously checked into yet is all the phone and e-mail contacts the Jamisons had re: land for sale on the mountain.
"Haven't we solved the case overnight?"

(lol sorry)

Amazing job on timeline OG. Thank you.
Why did this hunter decide to go in that portion of woods at this time. It is obviously not his regular hunting area since they haven't been discovered before. What set him on the course to "scout" deer over there? Scouting is indicative of him not being in that general area for some time, so why now?

Sounds like the so-called "butterfly effect."
The name of the effect, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the theoretical example of a hurricane's formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks earlier.

Sorry for quote-self but: anyone who knows "chaos theory" - would be interested in your take on the matter at hand.

also.....again....and 'ahem'....vote or lose detective card!
So....if it's them, how long do you think the remains were at the place where they were found? They were last seen the ninth but the truck went unreported till the 17th.

1. Since very shortly after they disappeared. They died at the site.
2. Since within a week. They died at the site.
3. Since within a week; killed elsewhere then bodies left at site.
4. Since within a month; killed elsewhere, left at site after primary search ended.
5. Their remains were taken to the site during the interim years of their disappearance.
and - SchoolgirlShamus, in re:
Dear Schoolgirl Shamus: Is this your first orchid?
(Trixie Belden #7, The Mysterious Code)

Very nice synchronicity here as one of the most famous spies who ever mirrored a hall - James Jesus Angleton, a CIA spook - was known as The Orchid Man.

There! have managed to be both redundant and off-topic in same lengthy post!


Nothing new in MSM. Tulsa World printed AP version of recent Oklahoman article over the weekend. Ho-hum.
I voted,

Did you check out the pic with the truck and tire marks? What's your take?
Thanks so much for the timeline, OkieGranny! This helps tremendously. We appreciate you taking the time to do it.

So, Starlet was living with them in June 2009, the same month that there was an emergency custody hearing and her ex husband gained custody of their son? IIRC, it was based on safety issues. Interesting.
Quick question when you make a call on a cell phone your phone pings off a tower (likely the one closest). When someone calls your cell phone does your cell phone ping off a tower closest to where you are???
In the earliest days of mobile phones you had to pick up the receiver and dial a code to have the phone check in with the towers it could hear. In those days the towers covered broad areas called cells. That ended in the mid 90s. I think they called it "follow-me" roaming. The cell size has gotten smaller, so that they can re-use the frequencies have more calls at the same time in a city. That means your phone is constantly checking in with towers that could be used if someone calls you. Rural areas may still have one huge cell, i.e. one high elevation tower that covers an entire region. The higher the population density, though, the smaller the cell size.

To handle the coming tidal wave of demand for mobile data, there is talk of having femtocells the size of a single large room. One issue is to avoid wasting power needlessly checking in with all these little cells as someone moves around.
Thanks all for the kind words on the timeline work. It just needed to be done, so I took one for the team.

Doesn't it just blow you away though? To see laid out like that the incredible amount of turmoil, tension, and trauma that filled the entire year before the Jamisons went missing? Not that I think it led to murder/suicide, but now I can better understand why they might have wanted to put even more distance between themselves and their families, and hit the restart button on life in general.

Shouldn't we be rolling over to Thread #12 by now? Have the mods forgotten about us? I'm still wishing we had a Jamison thread in the timeline/media forum to keep some of this stuff handy for quick reference, but no one offered a yay or a nay the last time I mentioned the idea so it's hard to tell if any of you feel any enthusiasm about it.
Thanks all for the kind words on the timeline work. It just needed to be done, so I took one for the team.

Doesn't it just blow you away though? To see laid out like that the incredible amount of turmoil, tension, and trauma that filled the entire year before the Jamisons went missing? Not that I think it led to murder/suicide, but now I can better understand why they might have wanted to put even more distance between themselves and their families, and hit the restart button on life in general.

Shouldn't we be rolling over to Thread #12 by now? Have the mods forgotten about us? I'm still wishing we had a Jamison thread in the timeline/media forum to keep some of this stuff handy for quick reference, but no one offered a yay or a nay the last time I mentioned the idea so it's hard to tell if any of you feel any enthusiasm about it.

I'm fairly new at maneuvering around WS, so I don't have too much knowledge as far as timeline/media forum, and therefore don't have much of an opinion. Ha! But again, thank you for all your hard work!

And yes, you are absolutely right. A LOT was going on during the time leading up to their disappearance, which makes our murder speculations seem even more possible. After reading through, it sure looks like Star was all set up after the disappearance and death of her ex husband. Some of those dates I had forgotten about.
Thanks all for the kind words on the timeline work. It just needed to be done, so I took one for the team.

Doesn't it just blow you away though? To see laid out like that the incredible amount of turmoil, tension, and trauma that filled the entire year before the Jamisons went missing? Not that I think it led to murder/suicide, but now I can better understand why they might have wanted to put even more distance between themselves and their families, and hit the restart button on life in general.

Shouldn't we be rolling over to Thread #12 by now? Have the mods forgotten about us? I'm still wishing we had a Jamison thread in the timeline/media forum to keep some of this stuff handy for quick reference, but no one offered a yay or a nay the last time I mentioned the idea so it's hard to tell if any of you feel any enthusiasm about it.
Aye, new thread time. To start with your timeline, methinks.
Sorry for quote-self but: anyone who knows "chaos theory" - would be interested in your take on the matter at hand.

also.....again....and 'ahem'....vote or lose detective card!

and - SchoolgirlShamus, in re:
Dear Schoolgirl Shamus: Is this your first orchid?
(Trixie Belden #7, The Mysterious Code)

Very nice synchronicity here as one of the most famous spies who ever mirrored a hall - James Jesus Angleton, a CIA spook - was known as The Orchid Man.

There! have managed to be both redundant and off-topic in same lengthy post!


Nothing new in MSM. Tulsa World printed AP version of recent Oklahoman article over the weekend. Ho-hum.

I didn't vote because of the way I read the choices.
I don't agree with 1 and 2 if you mean died at the scene of exposure.
If you had meant killed at the scene, I would agree 100%.

I am still waiting to find out if they died in close proximity to one of the two 40 acre tracts of land they were looking into buying.

I think at this time I believe that they were up there the 7th, came back on the 8th, spent the night in the truck because of the bad weather and ventured out the next day leaving footprints in the mud.

I think the picture was made about the time the weather was changing and Madyson was getting cold at the time.

I think the phone was used on the 12th by another innocent person upon finding an unlocked empty truck, maybe trying to check where the Jamisons had gone by redialing, and then locked up the truck.

Since Maisie was still a puppy, I wonder if she didn't hide under the seat instead of barking which could be why that person didn't know she was in the truck.

Can I keep my detective card now?
Can I keep my detective card now?
It's before committee - believe C Span-II will carry live coverage later today.

Yes, couldn't quite make the choices perfect so went with rough draft there. Had to word certain choices rather amiguously for brevity's sake.
I'm doing a #12 thread - mods can close this one. Be up soon.
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