OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #2

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Can anyone find any court documents supporting the take over of Bobby land and stuff since his disappearance? I cant seem to find anything. Not calling her out, just looking for proof.

Not yet! Still looking.
Wow. I didn't see cause of death mentioned. Or I may have just missed it. Do you know how/why he died June?? Thanks.

I am Sherilyn Jamison's ex sister in law. She is my son's Aunt, his father's sister. Bobby's dad died of a heart attack. He had a heart attack and was put in the nursing home, then later died there. I have read a lot of posts on here about this case. I just want to add something about Sherilyn. She was severly Bi Polar. She is (was) medically crazy. So, her shopping sprees were more from her Bi Polar High. I know that for a fact. Her sister, my son's other Aunt died 2 or 3 years ago. Sherilyn was just at my house in September, then a month, month and a half later her and her family came up missing. She told me that her and Bobby were fighting a lot. They were about to get a divorce. They had money and the money was being split between her and her husband. My son's Grandma, Sherilyn's mother, believes that where the truck was found, was NOT where whatever happened took place. We think something happened somewhere else in Oklahoma, but NOT in that field the truck was found. Plus, the truck was found with the doors locked and shut with no keys. Which tells me, that Sherilyn is not in that field and the truck was put there as a cover up. I want closure for my son. I don't want this to be a cold case. So, lets keep trying to find them. The dog is alive. They ended up saving the dog. If the dog would have been left for one more day, the dog would have died, he was that dehydrated. Sherilyn would never leave her dog. I hope they find them and I hope justice is served soon. They only called of the search due to hunters in the area and the rain at the time, with where the truck was found. I personally, don't believe she is in that field. IMO.

I wonder if there had been an actual PAYOUT of the settlement funds, or simply that Bobby Dale been awarded a JUDGEMENT in that amount. Sometimes takes a while after the judgement is awarded for the actual payment of funds to take place. If the payout hadn't happened yet, maybe somebody wanted to ensure that it would never happen (am thinking possibly hired hitman/men involved). If the payout had in fact taken place, would like to know when it was. Maybe the full payout was in the vehicle, and (as seems possible in the Joe Neff case as well), only some was taken with some left behind to confuse the issue.

Thanks for your hard work mtrooper !!

Well, that explains why Sherilyn had almost $50,000 in her purse in the truck. Her and her husband, Bobby, split the money as a settlement for a there divorce. I think Sherilyn had the money to get a house for her and her daughter. Which would explain why they were buying land. I will know more tomorrow when I ask Sherilyn's brother (my son's father). Whoever was after them, must not have realized that Sherilyn had the other half. Bobby's father was involved with the mob, and owed a lot of money to someone. That was what I was told by the family. Something to look into, IMO.

I am Sherilyn Jamison's ex sister in law. She is my son's Aunt, his father's sister. Bobby's dad died of a heart attack. He had a heart attack and was put in the nursing home, then later died there. I have read a lot of posts on here about this case. I just want to add something about Sherilyn. She was severly Bi Polar. She is (was) medically crazy. So, her shopping sprees were more from her Bi Polar High. I know that for a fact. Her sister, my son's other Aunt died 2 or 3 years ago. Sherilyn was just at my house in September, then a month, month and a half later her and her family came up missing. She told me that her and Bobby were fighting a lot. They were about to get a divorce. They had money and the money was being split between her and her husband. My son's Grandma, Sherilyn's mother, believes that where the truck was found, was NOT where whatever happened took place. We think something happened somewhere else in Oklahoma, but NOT in that field the truck was found. Plus, the truck was found with the doors locked and shut with no keys. Which tells me, that Sherilyn is not in that field and the truck was put there as a cover up. I want closure for my son. I don't want this to be a cold case. So, lets keep trying to find them. The dog is alive. They ended up saving the dog. If the dog would have been left for one more day, the dog would have died, he was that dehydrated. Sherilyn would never leave her dog. I hope they find them and I hope justice is served soon. They only called of the search due to hunters in the area and the rain at the time, with where the truck was found. I personally, don't believe she is in that field. IMO.

Welcome to WS, jamisonssister.

Thank you so much for joining us to help find the family. I hope it's ok to come back and ask you a few questions.
I am on it....Hey I found 2 phone numbers for Connie on Anywho. Not sure if they are good, I am going to try her as well.

I can get a hold of Connie. I have her phone number in my cell phone. I can call her tomorrow. It is pretty late here, but don't know how late it is there. Any help is great, no matter what. It may lead to there whereabouts. We were hopeful that they were alive, but it has been so long and she would have called my son's dad by now. So, things are not looking good. I'm still hopeful and praying.

I can't believe they stopped the search. I have been out of the internet for awhile during Christmas due to finances. But now am here trying to do what I can. We want closure. Thanks everyone for your help with this search. I told Sherilyn's brother about me posting on another site. He was supposed to talk to Connie tonight. I will get a hold of him and Connie tomorrow. I don't think Connie realizes that so many people are searching. My son's dad was suprised to hear when I told him that this case has drawn a great deal of attention by many everywhere. I'm glad. Let's NOT let this case go to be a cold case like Connie said in that article. I'll keep everyone informed when I get the information tomorrow. Thanks everyone.
mtrooper, you are incredible! Super information thank you. I read a lot just haven't post on this case much.
There was an actual payout. 3 total 70,000 and two smaller payouts. There is only 30,000 + left to show for it. Well atleast that the LE has been able to track down.
I guess now, we need to see if we can find out who all knew Bobby Dale had a very large sum of money on his person.
So glad you have joined us jamisonssister. Wish it was not under such sad and trying circumstances for you and your family.
Welcome to WS, jamisonssister.

Thank you so much for joining us to help find the family. I hope it's ok to come back and ask you a few questions.

You can ask me anything. I will try to respond as quickly as possible. I'm more of a night person, so I may not have the answers until the next day when Sherilyn's brother is awake. He will know everything, him and Connie. Thanks for being so concerned. We will find them. One way or another. I will also ask about Bobby's mother. I don't know much about Bobby, except when he was on drugs (which my son's dad confirmed that to be true that he was the one on drugs), but Bobby would get violent with Sherilyn. He thought murder suicide at first. That could still be the case. We need to find Sherilyn first, then we will get more answers. It is possible, that Bobby murdered Sherilyn and his daughter and killed himself. Expecially since I read that article stating, that LE thinks that they walked in that field from that truck (the field that the truck was found at). But, my son's dad is not convinced, as I am not convinced, that they are in that field if someone else murdered them. IMO.
There was an actual payout. 3 total 70,000 and two smaller payouts. There is only 30,000 + left to show for it. Well atleast that the LE has been able to track down.

Math-challenged sillybilly here thinks that $70,000 less $30,000 equals $40,000 ... the amount of the land in question.
So glad you have joined us jamisonssister. Wish it was not under such sad and trying circumstances for you and your family.

Thanks so much. I couldn't stop crying last night. Like I said, I was out of internet for awhile and was hoping for good news or some kind of lead. But, that wasn't the case. I'm hoping with me on here, we can get answers. I'm still shocked to see how many people are so in to this case still. I thought once they stopped the search, it would go away. Like a lot of cases. Thanks a bunch everyone.

Thanks so much. I couldn't stop crying last night. Like I said, I was out of internet for awhile and was hoping for good news or some kind of lead. But, that wasn't the case. I'm hoping with me on here, we can get answers. I'm still shocked to see how many people are so in to this case still. I thought once they stopped the search, it would go away. Like a lot of cases. Thanks a bunch everyone.

No, with all of us here, it won't go away. We won't let it!
Jamisonssister, do you think Bobby Dale's family could have caused them harm?
Jamisonssister, do you think Bobby Dale's family could have caused them harm?

We are not sure. Since his father was in the mob, and Bobby sued his dad over a resturante (I think he sued to take it over but not too sure how long ago). His father did get mad at him which could be the reason why his dad ran him over. I will ask my son's dad about that. I remember my son's dad telling me about Bobby suing his father in the beginning when Sherilyn went missing. But, Bobby was into drugs and having a father involved with the mob, it could be possible family may be involved. HIS family. But like I said, if someone killed them, then I just don't believe they are in the field where I truck was found. The mob doesn't leave traces. I hope that makes sense. If it is murder suicide, then they could be in that field. I don't know what to think really. I am just adding what I have heard about the case and about Bobby and Sherilyn's relationship. Oh, and Connie is a bit weird, but she would never hurt her daughter and granddaughter.

I do want to add, that if they were murdered, we all think they knew the person. Sherilyn would never leave her purse or ID, or anything valuable to her. When she visited me, she carried her purse everywhere she sat. That is why I think she was comfortable with getting out of the truck with whoever it was, and leaving her purse. I don't know. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws, but we do need to know more about Bobby. Like I said I will start asking more questions to my son's dad and maybe we can figure something out.

We are not sure. Since his father was in the mob, and Bobby sued his dad over a resturante (I think he sued to take it over but not too sure how long ago). His father did get mad at him which could be the reason why his dad ran him over. I will ask my son's dad about that. I remember my son's dad telling me about Bobby suing his father in the beginning when Sherilyn went missing. But, Bobby was into drugs and having a father involved with the mob, it could be possible family may be involved. HIS family. But like I said, if someone killed them, then I just don't believe they are in the field where I truck was found. The mob doesn't leave traces. I hope that makes sense. If it is murder suicide, then they could be in that field. I don't know what to think really. I am just adding what I have heard about the case and about Bobby and Sherilyn's relationship. Oh, and Connie is a bit weird, but she would never hurt her daughter and granddaughter.

One media reported they found their shoes in the truck. If it was murder suicide, they sure couldn't have walked very far without their shoes!
I don't know much about Bobby, except when he was on drugs (which my son's dad confirmed that to be true that he was the one on drugs), but Bobby would get violent with Sherilyn. He thought murder suicide at first. That could still be the case. We need to find Sherilyn first, then we will get more answers. It is possible, that Bobby murdered Sherilyn and his daughter and killed himself. Expecially since I read that article stating, that LE thinks that they walked in that field from that truck (the field that the truck was found at). But, my son's dad is not convinced, as I am not convinced, that they are in that field if someone else murdered them. IMO.

If you could, would you please find out what drugs Bobby was on.

Even if Bobby murdered Sherilyn (or vice versa) and Madyson and placed their bodies somewhere else, you would think at least one body would be found in close proximity to the truck and cadaver dogs should have been able to find them.

Mish-mash of thoughts here ..

I'm still curious about the "hunters" who say they spoke with the family. A relative of mine was killed in an organized crime, contracted hit. Two hitmen (never found, and believed to be from the US) posed as "hunters" looking for directions. They spent 2 days in the area prior to the hit (I suppose waiting for the perfect moment). Men with guns in hunting season gives peeps reasons to be stomping around in remote areas.

There is something bugging me that I can't quite zero in on ... about the fact that they DID look at the first property the day before. Somehow it seems to me that knowledge should include/exclude certain peeps and motives, but i can't seem to wrap my head around it. Has to do with who knew what, when about the specific location of the properties and precisely when the family would be arriving to view them.
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