Identified! OK - Jones, WhtFem 255UFOK, 18-25, by river, dime embedded in body, Apr'80 Tamara Tigard

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
If Tamara actually disappeared from Nevada and her body ended up in Oklahoma, then it would appear that perhaps her killer wanted her to NOT be found and identified - certainly not in Nevada where authorities might connect the two cases of a Jane Doe and a Missing Tamara. The fact that lime was put on her body would also tend to support this theory.

The stolen identity is likely connected directly to Tamara's murder - especially if it involves the use of her Social Security Number. Two theories come to mind:

First Tamara was murdered specifically by this woman or someone else for the express purpose of stealing her identity.

Second, would be that her identity was stolen so that it would appear that Tamara was still alive and well and simply moved to another state on her own.

Possibly a combination of the two.
I don’t think the woman would’ve killed Tamara.. I know I sound crazy here, but it’s just my personal theory on the woman was stealing the identity to start over
The photo of Tamara in her Army uniform shows her wearing the insignia of a Specialist Four, or E4. This rank would indicate that she had shown herself to be a reliable and intelligent soldier in her short time served. She likely joined the Army in 1977 after turning 18 and graduating from High School, and made her E4 rank within 2 years.

She is NOT listed in the Army Deserter Listing, so it would seem that she must have been discharged prior to her 1980 disappearance. Her service record, however, could very well yield valuable information to investigators - such as where and when she served, her Military Occupation Specialty (MOS), other persons she served with, and specifics regarding her marriage - if married while on active duty.

She may have moved to Las Vegas AFTER leaving the Army.

If it were to be learned that she held clearances for classified information, her identity being stolen and used by someone else could make this an FBI case.
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The photo of Tamara in her Army uniform shows her wearing the insignia of a Specialist Four, or E4. This rank would indicate that she had shown herself to be a reliable and intelligent soldier in her short time served. She likely joined the Army in 1977 after turning 18 and graduating from High School, and made her E4 rank within 2 years.

She is NOT listed in the Army Deserter Listing, so it would seem that she must have been discharged prior to her 1980 disappearance. Her service record, however, could very well yield valuable information to investigators - such as where and when she served, her Military Occupation Specialty (MOS), other persons she served with, and specifics regarding her marriage - if married while on active duty.

She may have moved to Las Vegas AFTER leaving the Army.

If it were to be learned that she held clearances for classified information, her identity being stolen and used by someone else could make this an FBI case.
She did actually move to LV after her marriage, as the record lists them as residents of California. So, that’s probably how she got to LV
The photo of Tamara in her Army uniform shows her wearing the insignia of a Specialist Four, or E4. This rank would indicate that she had shown herself to be a reliable and intelligent soldier in her short time served. She likely joined the Army in 1977 after turning 18 and graduating from High School, and made her E4 rank within 2 years.

She is NOT listed in the Army Deserter Listing, so it would seem that she must have been discharged prior to her 1980 disappearance. Her service record, however, could very well yield valuable information to investigators - such as where and when she served, her Military Occupation Specialty (MOS), other persons she served with, and specifics regarding her marriage - if married while on active duty.

She may have moved to Las Vegas AFTER leaving the Army.

If it were to be learned that she held clearances for classified information, her identity being stolen and used by someone else could make this an FBI case.

Excellent information!
I recently profiled the cases of WCJD and Sandy Morden, so I’m going to do a simple profile on this particular case. Based on crime scene photos and other information on her death, here’s my profile of whom I believe killed Ms. Tigard:
  • The killer in this case was most likely what is known as a visionary killer, which is one whom kills because of things such as visions, voices in their head, etc.
  • This indicates her killer was likely psychotic.
  • The killer was likely of low intelligence, sexually incompetent, VERY disorganized, and probably of low birth order status.
  • The killer likely worked and/or lived near where Tamara died (possibly in Oklahoma if she died there)
  • The killer was likely an unskilled worker, possibly growing up in poverty.
  • The killer also may have been an introvert, as these types of homicides have killers whom are most likely socially inadequate.
  • Tamara was likely murdered far away from Jones, OK.
  • The killer was likely below 49, as we see most Visionary killers are young adults.
  • The gender of the killer may have been male, but female cannot be ruled out.
@Richard, that's a good point about her being on active duty.

Does anybody know if there Army bases near Las Vegas that she could have been stationed at?

There isn't necessarily an Army post/Fort in Las Vegas ;However, that doesn't really mean anything. The Army as well as all military branches have offices, detachments e.g. on almost every military installation to represent and have a presence for their individual services.
I don’t think the woman would’ve killed Tamara.. I know I sound crazy here, but it’s just my personal theory on the woman was stealing the identity to start over

Whether or not this woman actually killed Tamara, she did assume her identity by obtaining it after her death/disappearance. She is a starting point for this investigation. Locating her and charging her either with first degree murder or at least obstruction of justice would probably get her to talk to investigators.

IF she has been using Tamara's SSN all these years, it would be too bad for her because she cannot now get any Social Security Benefits based on that SSN. It will be retired and unusable.

On the other hand - IF she has already been receiving any kind of social security benefits, investigators could also charge her with defrauding the US government.

What ever the depth of her involvement, she IS connected with this case to a large extent.
Here is the Doe Network's last posting about "Lime Lady" prior to her identification as Tamara Lee Tigard.

255UFOK - Unidentified Female


Reconstructions of the victim by Harvey Pratt and Betty Pat. Gatliff.

Date of Discovery: April 18, 1980
Location of Discovery: Jones, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
Estimated Date of Death: 10 days to months prior
State of Remains: Decomposed
Cause of Death: Homicide by gunshot

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 18-25 years old
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6" to 5'7"
Weight: 115 to 120 lbs.
Hair: Light brown to blond, shoulder length
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Professional appearing tattoo on the left breast of a red heart outlined in blue with a scroll-like line going through the heart. The heart measures to 1 cm. Fair complexion with freckles on face and upper torso. Horizontal appendectomy scar on the lower abdomen measuring 4 cm by 1 cm. No fractures.

Dentals: Available. Extensive dental work. Some teeth out of alignment.
Fingerprints: Available.
DNA: Available.

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: None.
Jewelry: None.
Additional Personal Items: None.

Circumstances of Discovery
Fishermen found the victim's nude body on the bank of the North Canadian river, east of Jones. The body had been completely covered with lime to expedite decomposition, however the wrong lime was used and it actually helped preserve the body. She was later nicknamed "Lime Lady."

The victim is believed to have been dressed at the time of the murder as a dime was hit by a bullet and driven into her body. Evidence indicates that whoever shot her was walking or running towards her when the shots were fired. It does not appear that she was sexually assaulted.

It is possible she was killed by a local biker gang.

The DNA Doe Project was asked to perform genetic genealogy research in the victim's case. Initial sequencing techniques are required for the victim's DNA profile to be usable in the system.

Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office
Agency Contact Person: Captain Bob Green
Agency Phone Number: 405-713-1000
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: S80-283

Agency Name: Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Central Division
Agency Contact Person: Carlos Zambrano or Angela Berg
Agency Phone Number: 405-239-7141 (Zambrano) or 918-295-3400 (Berg)
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 801364

Agency Name: Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations
Agency Contact Person: Agent Jim Ely
Agency Phone Number: 405-848-6724 OR 405-427-5421
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: CR80-137

NCIC Case Number: U172838970
NamUs Case Number: 4897

Information Source(s)
DNA Doe Project
Channel 9 News Archive
The Oklahoman News Archive

Admin Notes
Added: Prior to 2005; Last Updated: 6/21/19
I strongly agree, Richard. We were still relying on paper records in 1980, although that would start to change in the not too distant future. Identity thieves looking for a new identity would rely on word of mouth to find who had recently died, or failing that they'd scan newspaper obituaries, church announcements and the like to find a "safe" identity to step into.

But if the Jane/John Doe is never reported as in this case to have died, as in Tamara's case, it becomes very likely that a person in another state was tipped off that the original owner of the SSN wouldn't be needing it any longer.

She divorced the biker husband. Guys like that often travel far and wide, as would his friends and their ladies. I think that finding a woman using the SSN so soon after Tamara disappeared was an attempt to throw investigators off their trail in the unlikely event someone asked questions.
Adding to the mystery of the ID being used elsewhere - there has always been a thriving industry for fake IDs, it's entirely possible it was purchased on the back market by the woman who used it and that she had no idea of the origins.

LE saying they don't know who was the women using Tamara's ID rings true. It sound to me as though they didn't actually catch the person using it. Just found documents after the fact that showed it had been used, but could never find the perpetrator.
Adding to the mystery of the ID being used elsewhere - there has always been a thriving industry for fake IDs, it's entirely possible it was purchased on the back market by the woman who used it and that she had no idea of the origins.

LE saying they don't know who was the women using Tamara's ID rings true. It sound to me as though they didn't actually catch the person using it. Just found documents after the fact that showed it had been used, but could never find the perpetrator.

Your scenario might be true, but the fact that her ID was being used so close to the time of (what we now know was) her murder, makes this a significant clue to be pursued.

While at the time, an investigator might have seen the use of her ID as evidence that she was still alive and had moved to Ohio on her own, or at most had her ID stolen - it now would appear that the use of that ID (and the person who used it) could have been directly connected to the person or persons who so brutally murdered Tamara AND attempted to keep her body from being identified.

The assumption of Tamara's identity could have been only an attempt at Credit Card fraud, it could have been an attempt to throw investigators off, or it might have been (at least in part) a motive for murder.

It would be interesting to learn more about her ex-husband, his past offenses, and his associates.
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Sorry I'm a bit behind and a bit slow this morning--where does it say the ID that was used was her SSN? If true, that's a lot different and more serious than if the other woman had picked Tamara's driver's license out of the trash where the murderer threw it, for instance.

And did we ever find documentation that she actually divorced the biker dude? Last I heard, @Butterfly_Rises hadn't been able to find a record of any divorce.
Sorry I'm a bit behind and a bit slow this morning--where does it say the ID that was used was her SSN? If true, that's a lot different and more serious than if the other woman had picked Tamara's driver's license out of the trash where the murderer threw it, for instance.

And did we ever find documentation that she actually divorced the biker dude? Last I heard, @Butterfly_Rises hadn't been able to find a record of any divorce.
No I sure haven't and I've searched several credible (pd) websites. The few people who state they were divorced haven't provided a source as I requested. I absolutely don't believe they were divorced.
No I sure haven't and I've searched several credible (pd) websites. The few people who state they were divorced haven't provided a source as I requested. I absolutely don't believe they were divorced.

That's like Michelle Carnall. He claims she left. I've always thought BS... It's just so easy to say

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