I felt the the need to step away and disengage for a couple of days, catch up on some IRL things, and let the dust settle, but I see y'all have kept stirring it, lol.
wfgodot, I do feel like some kind of evidence must have turned up, whether it's from the car, the hole, people giving up information, or whatever; if not, the families would still be screaming to the high heavens that nothing is being done. But, from statements made in recent weeks, they do seem to feel progress is being made, so I'm content to believe that is the case.
I posted my theory a page or two ago and have seen nothing since that changes my mind. I can't think of any scenario where the driver intended at the beginning to kill Colt and Molly that night. If he did, why would he let them make phone calls first, and potentially let people know where they were and who they were with? And pulling a donut in front of a cop? I think that was less of a taunting thing and more of a tweaking thing. Very likely he did have something significant in the car and/or was under the influence of one or more chemical substances, and the sight of LE gave him a flash of panic and he reacted without thinking.
I do feel like Colt died, rather than being killed, and that his death was the catalyst for Molly's death. She was the weak link, a witness who might spill everything she knew if LE began investigating Colt's death. She was the one who could most easily cut a deal to keep herself out of legal trouble.
I do think the driver ran straight home to the safety of family connections after the wreck, but ventured back out later that morning, found Colt dead, panicked, and tracked Molly down before she could catch a ride out of there. Things had gotten much more serious than he intended and I think he just wanted to make it all go away. Silence her, hide the bodies, let everyone think Colt and Molly just ran off, and go back to life as usual, acting like nothing ever happened.
It's possible others were involved in Molly's death or disposal of the bodies, but not in any way that lets the driver off the hook. He's in this up to his eyeballs. Whatever happened to Molly, it wasn't some random stranger who did it.