GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Typically in a forensic crime lab DNA will take at least a week to 10 days. But they can also do blood typing. But this sounds more like family who don't want to believe, who want to find some way, some reason it couldn't be him. I would want to caution family, he could easily be telling them he is innocent and confessing to LE. It has happened before.

Yes they have to have something other than him failing the lie detector test. Most likely the girl has talked. But they would probably have even more than that. Because a 4 year old can't usually testify. So bloody clothing, blood in the drains, blood evidence that doesn't match his story. Something along that line is probably there.
I'm pretty sure DNA could not come back this quickly. Even if it was expedited and passed by the backlog at the lab, I think a sample takes a few days. I know that there are technological advances where they can extract in a few hours, but I think those are limited to research labs right now.

I agree. As well, this is not even a murder case. Not in the least bit making light of this horrible assault, but I just don't believe that this would have been done.
If they arrested people over failed polygraphs then Shawn Adkins, Billie Dunn and Deborah Bradley would be in jail already.

I think the family is probably in denial. I cannot blame them for that. It must be impossible to accept.
IF the blood didnt match up it could be because it's a combo of the dogs, hers and his.... What a $%^#@* *! %^it !
So, probably, she identified her attacker.
*I also think that the way the window was broken-was a big clue. Police said that they identified him as the , rather quickly. And no, I did not mean POI.

Why have they only arrested him for rape? IF, as the news reporters stated that she was covered in blood and cuts-wouldn't they arrest him for more then that?

What was her surgery for? She went into the hospital on April 6th, back out on April 9th. So, three days in the hospital.

*I am SO happy that she is alive. I am so happy that she is home with loved ones.

I absolutely do not get the dog killing end of this. Was it a puppy? Did it sleep on the porch? Did it sleep with her? Was it full grown? WHY kill the dog and toss it behind another trailer?

These reporters really stink.

Did they arrest him on the 4 year old's statements, or was there more then that, to make them arrest him?

Hopefully, some reporter will raise the bar of reporting in this neck of the woods-so other families can stop worrying about their children being attacked by some maniac on the loose.

From what I've read, I would still be in major protective mode for my children, if I lived anywhere near there.

This article states most dna results can come back in 24 to 72 hrs. The backlog is what takes so long. This case could have been pushed forward.
You bring up a good point Kali, he was arrested for one count of sexual abuse. What about aggravated assault or child abuse charges for the cutting? I just think in a case this severe there has to be other applicible charges.

And they are seeming to be cagey about the death of the dog. They aren't admitting to the dog death being related. So does that indicate that it is but they just haven't come up with the evidence to prove it yet? Or does it mean something else?

It seems that the inital report said two men arrested per an earlier report. Was there another arrest?

Do we really know what is going on here?
I hope they have more evidence than just the girl's testimony. It might not stand up in court because she is so young. And she must have been so traumatized that a defense attorney will be able to poke holes in it. I really hope they have cuts on him and DNA left on her.
I hope they have more evidence than just the girl's testimony. It might not stand up in court because she is so young. And she must have been so traumatized that a defense attorney will be able to poke holes in it. I really hope they have cuts on him and DNA left on her.

I completely agree. It's interesting that the family of this boyfriend is still so adamant that he isn't guilty. I hope they have real blood evidence, and clear semen dna evidence.
I completely agree. It's interesting that the family of this boyfriend is still so adamant that he isn't guilty. I hope they have real blood evidence, and clear semen dna evidence.

There have been cases of child rape where very young victims point to the people they KNOW in the home because their little innocent minds cannot distinguish between two men who may look at all similar. While the assault is happening they may just assume it is the adult male in the home, not imagining it could be a stranger at all. I have heard of 2 cases like this where the men were eventually ruled out, in spite of sincere but wrong testimony by young girls.
There have been cases of child rape where very young victims point to the people they KNOW in the home because their little innocent minds cannot distinguish between two men who may look at all similar. While the assault is happening they may just assume it is the adult male in the home, not imagining it could be a stranger at all. I have heard of 2 cases like this where the men were eventually ruled out, in spite of sincere but wrong testimony by young girls.

One guy was actually convicted in OH and spend years in prison based on testimony of a young child that was wrong. He finally got exonerated by DNA evidence.
One guy was actually convicted in OH and spend years in prison based on testimony of a young child that was wrong. He finally got exonerated by DNA evidence.

I wonder if that is one of the ones I am thinking of. This guy was her uncle I believe, and everyone took her word for it, of course. Except his wife. She knew he was innocent. But she was estranged from her family for years. But finally at one point she was able to talk to the victim after she was a teenager. And it came out that the poor girl was no longer certain it was really her uncle. She realized that it just LOOKED like her uncle, so being very young she said it was him. And it snowballed from there.
:steamed: ... :dunno:

Yeah well that is a bit odd. A couple of the articles I have read have made a point of saying that both kids are staying with family members. Not sure what that means.

Note rumor from Comments: On April 8, commentor states that mom was home during 2 to 5 a.m., did not leave until 6 a.m.

Typically in a forensic crime lab DNA will take at least a week to 10 days. But they can also do blood typing. But this sounds more like family who don't want to believe, who want to find some way, some reason it couldn't be him.

Note rumor from Comments: Today, Commentor "Someone" states there was a disagreement between LE and suspect which led to his arrest, that LE has no proof.

:websleuther: At least, now we have a suspect's name that can be sleuthed.
I wonder if that is one of the ones I am thinking of. This guy was her uncle I believe, and everyone took her word for it, of course. Except his wife. She knew he was innocent. But she was estranged from her family for years. But finally at one point she was able to talk to the victim after she was a teenager. And it came out that the poor girl was no longer certain it was really her uncle. She realized that it just LOOKED like her uncle, so being very young she said it was him. And it snowballed from there.

Yes, that's the case, but when I looked at the photos, the guy whose DNA matched doesn't even look much like the wrongly convicted uncle to me. He was also much younger than the uncle. I think the poor kid was just completely confused about her attacker. Still took uncle years to prove his innocence. So I also hope that in the case we are discussing, they have physical evidence, because I am not sure how reliable testimony of such young child is going to be.
:steamed: ... :dunno:

Note rumor from Comments: On April 8, commentor states that mom was home during 2 to 5 a.m., did not leave until 6 a.m.

Note rumor from Comments: Today, Commentor "Someone" states there was a disagreement between LE and suspect which led to his arrest, that LE has no proof.

:websleuther: At least, now we have a suspect's name that can be sleuthed.


Yeah yeah yeah, we've heard that before. In other words they accused him during the interview, he denied it and they arrested him. My belief is that they wouldn't arrest him unless they felt they had enough evidence to hold up in court. But whatever family says, they will be having a preliminary hearing before long. And at that hearing they will detail some of the evidence. I suggest the family bring Kleenex and barf bags. Sounds like they are going to need them.
I'm surprised, but I was also concerned that the police weren't warning neighbors that someone like that was out there and to be careful.
The papers say he is the boyfriend, but their facebooks indicate that they were married.
I don't know how his aunt could say the DNA was not his-if that was true why would he be charged?

Yeah yeah yeah, we've heard that before. In other words they accused him during the interview, he denied it and they arrested him. My belief is that they wouldn't arrest him unless they felt they had enough evidence to hold up in court. But whatever family says, they will be having a preliminary hearing before long. And at that hearing they will detail some of the evidence. I suggest the family bring Kleenex and barf bags. Sounds like they are going to need them.


Oh, I believe he is a guilty filthy and have since the crime was reported. I am just sick about the little girl and the dog. I feel that he has probably been molesting this child for some time ... I have a precious 4-yr old granddaughter, and ... I am a dog lover. Four yr old girls can talk and give details ... was this mother ever listening
and giving this child any attention?

LE had to suspect this immediately! And, mom ... what is her role?

Rumors taken from Comments of the link below:

Commentor TruthorFiction identifies herself as his aunt and states the DNA results have already been received and did not match his. Obviously, he must have told her that.

A comment identified by Nichole states she is the boss and good friend of the mom and that mom was at work that a.m. Is this boss attempting to provide an alibi for the mom?

So, what motive would the commentor have who said, in my earlier post, that mom was at home during the 2 to 5 a.m. timeframe, and left for work at 6 a.m., which sounds like a neighbor in the trailer park watching that trailer. What's going on with this? A girlfriend, possible accomplice or a witness?

Sorry about my rant. I have been holding this in waiting on the DNA results!

:angel: Prayers for the little girl.
DNA results?
The only "DNA results" I have seen are the family in comments saying that the DNA doesn't match him.
Did I miss LE releasing DNA results themselves? :waitasec:

I wonder if that is one of the ones I am thinking of. This guy was her uncle I believe, and everyone took her word for it, of course. Except his wife. She knew he was innocent. But she was estranged from her family for years. But finally at one point she was able to talk to the victim after she was a teenager. And it came out that the poor girl was no longer certain it was really her uncle. She realized that it just LOOKED like her uncle, so being very young she said it was him. And it snowballed from there.

It wasn't just her attack, the grandmother was raped and murdered there as well.
The perp was actually the man who's house she went to for help... who had been charged with raping children under 10.
His wife made her sit outside on the porch bleeding for 45 minutes to wait for her to take her HOME. Not call 911.

6 year old Brooke said "it looked like Uncle..." Then it snowballed at that point. His wife said he was home. DNA didn't match.

He was convicted and spent years in prison... until his wife matched the crime scene DNA to the child rapist neighbor.
That's what worries me in cases like this.

An innocent person being convicted is horrible, but that guilty person still walking around is dangerous.
I hope they DO have strong physical evidence... not a statement. Adult victims have a hard time, I can't imagine a 4 year old.

I would like to see how Mom feels about the situation...

When investigators first questioned the girl, they say she was too traumatized to tell them what happened.
After she had surgery and the initial shock wore off, deputies say the 4-year-old was
able to tell them things that led to suspect Braden.
I see someone has been on his fbook and removed his "wife's" name. You'd think they'd be smart enough to just shut it down :banghead:

DNA my butt!! I guess they can't help but deny...reality is gonna be harsh. JMO

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