GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

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DNA Solves
I am wondering about the behavior of the victim child when investigators arrived. She has been raised by the stepfather for 3 years. Did she lean towards him for comfort when she was scared and in shock or cling to him or try to get him to hold her? Did she avoid him and move away from him and act like she was afraid to get close to him? Did he try to comfort her? Did the little girl move towards or away from the police? Did she try to back in a corner away from everyone? Did she stay quiet and act in shock or did she cry? Was she taken to the hospital by ambulance? Was the younger sibling awake at this time, when the police were investigating? It not only disturbs me the horrible things done to this child but also that the dog was stabbed and killed. How do they know that the dog was "thrown" behind a neighbor's trailer. Was it due to the position it was in when found? I noticed in the video that there was still a small white dog on the back porch. It wasn't barking at the police and acted friendly. This doesn't seem like a random crime by a complete stranger. I would think the others living in the trailer park would be scared. The neighbor interviewed on the news gave me a funny feeling. Maybe he was nervous or is just a bit "different" from some people, I don't know. I just had an uneasy feeling about him. I hope this crime will be solved soon and that the little girl will be kept safe. I wouldn't like to see her taken back to that trailer until the crime is solved (or her sibling either). I wish the news would tell where the mom and dad work and who usually watches the kids while they work. Also, I wish they would tell how the girl is doing and if she has given them any information.
lets catch the intruder

i sent the story to nancy grace cnn
maybe if more send it
they will feature it :rocker:
When my grandfather raped me, he also cut my face and legs and put some of my clothing 40 miles away to make it look like an intruder...who knows what people high or drunk will do? :what:

:heartbeat: :rose: :heartbeat:

Oh, Pinki ... I am very sorry to learn what happened to you!! :angel:

Were you a child or teen and has he been appropriately punished? :angel:

Southernnana :heartluv:
When my grandfather raped me, he also cut my face and legs and put some of my clothing 40 miles away to make it look like an intruder...who knows what people high or drunk will do? :what:

OMG Pinki, I am so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for being here. Breaks my heart that this stuff happens.
No mention of this on the morning news :(

Thanks y'all! :) My grandfather was never even arrested. My grandmother convinced my mom to cover it up since he was their source of income and a bigshot at the local AFB. I don't really speak to my family anymore.

Anyhoo....I wish there was some update on her. I'd also like to know if there's any investigation going on!
Very confused - some comments to the articles are stating the boyfriend was arrested, but the articles themselves make it sound like that isn't so.
Why aren't these reporters asking about this?
Her mother must be just sick. I would want to kill him. Seriously.
What a .
Killing the puppy too? What a depraved . Argggggh. :rocker:
I couldn't figure it being anyone else. So I stopped posting and was just waiting for an arrest. I wish he could get death for this.
I bet it wasn't the first time he assaulted that poor little girl, either :( at least she is safe now.
Don't expect much in-depth reporting from the Tulsa area. Unless its a fluff piece about Mayfest or a new restaurant, there's never much detail. JMO
Well that blindsided me. I really had convinced myself it wasn't the boyfriend.

Early on the family started commenting about the story, defending the boyfriend and making threats. I notice they aren't commenting now, yet. It will be interesting when they do comment.

This was his girlfriend's child. The child his family said he treated as his own. She was raped. She was cut. She was injured so severely she had to have surgery. She was terrorized. The time he will have to serve when convicted won't be anywhere near enough. I hope he sees his son's eyes every night when he goes to bed. And I hope he never gets a chance to see his son again.

They said she was raped and she was cut. She was injured enough to require surgery. But he wasn't charged with attempted murder. I am guessing that to mean that the surgery wasn't for the cuts. The surgery was probably for internal damage. I hope the SOB rots.
I was so hoping that it wasn't the mother's boyfriend who had lived with them for 3 years and that she had a child with. It would seem you would know someone pretty well after 3 years of living with him. Now I wonder if this was the first time he had molested the girl or if he'd done it before and the violence of the attack escalated over time. Now his own child will also be left without a father when he goes to prison. He should never be allowed to be around a child again if he is ever let out of prison. He has damaged many lives including his own. I can't help but wonder WHY?

At the very start I was accusing the boyfriend because it seemed so obvious. But as time went on I convinced myself he could not be so stupid. Surely he knew the child would tell on him, and there would be DNA evidence left on her. But, I was wrong. He is an evil, pathetic moron after all.

At the very start I was accusing the boyfriend because it seemed so obvious. But as time went on I convinced myself he could not be so stupid. Surely he knew the child would tell on him, and there would be DNA evidence left on her. But, I was wrong. He is an evil, pathetic moron after all.

That's what I thought. If it was him, surely he wouldn't have been so dumb to go about it in that way. Why kill the dog? Why act so violently to leave DNA when he had the opportunity to groom. It didn't make sense.

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