GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

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What hurts me the most about once she was back in her room, she was unable to get help and comfort. A scary monster, pain, bleeding, scared...... and alone. I hope she was too dazed to be in fear of the monster returning. I really hope that she passed out. Because the thought of her lying there too scared to cry for help just really really hurts me.

It does make me think that he might have threatened to come back and hurt her or her family. That he threatened her not to tell. And that is something else that will continue hurting her for years to come. Even if he is captured and put into jail, what does a 4 year old know about jail? Will she really believe that in jail he cannot come after her again? This baby will probably live in fear for years to come.
I really wish we could get an update about hersurgery. Thinking about her, and praying for her and her family. I cannot immagine, being a mom. I would be crazed.
i get that people can be hard to raise, even when they are sober and dont mess with drugs or drunk
. ( almost had to throw water on these type of people to wake them up) and yes ive fallen asleep MANY times with the tv on. i just cant wrap my mind around the dog, does any one know what kind of dog this was? a big type dog? even if it was a little toy or terrier type dogs, those dogs can and WILL bark at everything, esp a strange, threatening type person.
That's close to what I am thinking. But I believe that he broke the window and exited her room that way. On the video showing where the glass was, there were large shards of glass outside. I believe the window was broken from the inside out.

I understand what you are saying, but the larger shards that are laying on the ground could have been removed because they were in a nefarious position in the window and after LE had photographed the crime scene. I just don't see how an adult could have gone through that window and not have gotten any cuts. Would he not be smart enough to know that his blood could be found and tested? Most people are nowadays, but in this day and age, anything is definitely possible. So glad the little girl is alive!
What a nauseating story :( :(. Talk about making your heart just ache.

I read in several articles that this baby also suffered multiple lacerations. Was she stabbed? Cut being taken past the window??

This is an awful story.
I am really hoping to see an arrest tomorrow. They know that they NEED to get this monster off of the streets. He is a ticking time bomb and nobody is safe with him walking free. I am sure the detectives were working overtime during their Easter weekend and trying to get the evidence to take this animal down.

I really HOPE they arrest him soon because if it is a neighbor or a family member hten I think the little sweetheart is going to be able to say so.

But if it is some random freak who happened to follow the family home from the park then it may not happen for awhile. :mad:
I even get the feeling the dog may have been killed in that room. It's certainly not unusual for the family pet to sleep in a child's room, perhaps the intruder/sicko came in, killed the dog, attacked the child, then removed the carcass of the animal via the front door, threw it near the neighbor's house so the mom wouldn't discover the dog first.

Makes me wonder if the majority of the blood around the room isn't the furbaby's. Making a bloody mess with the animal may have been an intentional method of hiding his own bodily fluids-- it's almost certain he was cut, either by the window or the use of a knife.

The only thing that fits for me, beside revenge/retaliation against the adults in the home, is a budding serial killer. We know they like to harm animals... I certainly hope this isn't indicative of a first crime wave from a serial offender. :what:

BBM...This is one of the first things that entered my mind...especially with dog being killed. It is more terrorizing psychologically to maim than to erase because it leaves a constant reminder. Since they had only been there for 6 months....where did they live previously and why did they move? Maybe nothing...but....
BBM...This is one of the first things that entered my mind...especially with dog being killed. It is more terrorizing psychologically to maim than to erase because it leaves a constant reminder. Since they had only been there for 6 months....where did they live previously and why did they move? Maybe nothing...but....

hollyblue you do bring a interesting point. surely them living there for 6 mos couldnt have any enemies at their new neighborhod. could someone ( for example a drug dealing gone wrong?) from their past come and tracked them down for "retaliation", to "even the score"?
of course if it is not an "inside job" or some whacko perv neighbor from the trailer park. ( watching the kids play in yard or coming and going from their house and "stalked" and waited for the opportunity to strike, like in ID w/ that dylan/shasta groene/ how joseph edward duncan watched and staked them out for a few days before making his move/ a complete stranger to them)
I know the "child-abduction-to-repay-a-mad-drug-dealer" is tossed around in the abduction cases, but I have never ever come across a drug dealer that picked on kids as retaliation. Can you refer me to a case where this has happened?
Drug Dealers, steal your car, shoot up your house, cut off your fingers, but they don't maim kids for drug money.... do they?

eta: I have heard of a "snitches" family being terrorized because the man told on the drug lord.
I know the "child-abduction-to-repay-a-mad-drug-dealer" is tossed around in the abduction cases, but I have never ever come across a drug dealer that picked on kids as retaliation. Can you refer me to a case where this has happened?
Drug Dealers, steal your car, shoot up your house, cut off your fingers, but they don't maim kids for drug money.... do they?

eta: I have heard of a "snitches" family being terrorized because the man told on the drug lord.

I agree. Plus they may beat or they may kill. But not usually rape. And rape of a child, esp a young child..... it takes a pretty perverted guy to do that. Very few could. And of the bad guys, most look down on baby rapers.
What a nauseating story :( :(. Talk about making your heart just ache.

I read in several articles that this baby also suffered multiple lacerations. Was she stabbed? Cut being taken past the window??

This is an awful story.

I've seen where they talked about abrasions and lacerations. But they haven't said what caused them.
Something just stuck out at me:

“Reports from family members state that someone had broke into the home during the middle of the night and sexually assaulted the victim.”

next article: The Creek County Sheriff's Department has confirmed a 4-year-old Sapulpa girl was assaulted police did NOT say sexual

article three: Attacked By Intruder

anyone other than family say she was sexually assaulted??????????
Don't get your hopes up BB. LE often doesn't like to say a child has been sexually assaulted. I have even seen them say a child "wasn't harmed" when arresting their attacker for sex abuse/rape charges.

I don't know who said it, but it was reported that she was found with no clothing from the waist down, that she was bloody from the waist down. I believe she was sexually assaulted.

But even if she wasn't sexually assaulted. For a 4 year old, to be woke at night, kidnapped, somehow cut, somehow given abraisions, in pain.... it would be almost as bad. Terror, pain, aloneness, confusion...... all would have been there whether there was rape or not. She still would not have known what was happening to her or why.
oh, I think I didn't imply hard

I was thinking someone told on themselves. Kinda like when that wife told 911 that she thought her husband had been shot in the chest and when the police got there he was face down in the bed....
The claims to be taken as rumors from those claiming to know the family or be family in this comment section:

The little girl is doing better
and they are still looking for suspect(s).

The boyfriend/stepfather gave law enforcement whatever they wanted without a lawyer.
The boyfriend/stepfather is not a drinker/smoker/drug user.
The boyfriend/stepfather has the support of his family, his girlfriend's family and the child's biological father's family.
I was really hoping for an update. All I could find was a reader comment saying ''she is doing better'' and they are still looking ''for suspects''. I wonder if they really are looking for more than one person or if it was just the way the commenter worded it.

Edit: just realized I said the same thing MsFacetious just said.
There was no mention of this on yesterday or today's local news. No alert to the community about a sex predator? Hmmm....:what:
I know the "child-abduction-to-repay-a-mad-drug-dealer" is tossed around in the abduction cases, but I have never ever come across a drug dealer that picked on kids as retaliation. Can you refer me to a case where this has happened?
Drug Dealers, steal your car, shoot up your house, cut off your fingers, but they don't maim kids for drug money.... do they?

eta: I have heard of a "snitches" family being terrorized because the man told on the drug lord.

Jesse James Hollywood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy abducted and killed the younger half-brother (aged 15) of a man who owed him a drug debt.
Does anyone know if the dog specifically belonged to the mother or the boyfriend? If a revenge act, and the dog was especially beloved by a particular family member, then someone wanting to cause as much damage to the individual would kill the pet.

If someone wanted to get back at me for something, they would KNOW which one of our family dogs to go after (we have four). If the dog was more the boyfriends dog than the mothers, then knowing that could help paint a clearer picture.

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