GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

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police state the approx time crime occurred was between 2am and 5 am... police state mom wasn't home. you are holding on to gossip as fact. we dont know when mom left. she could work 3rd shift and have left at midnight.
rso's rarely re-offend and the violent ones rarely register.... jmoo
police state the approx time crime occurred was between 2am and 5 am... police state mom wasn't home. you are holding on to gossip as fact. we dont know when mom left. she could work 3rd shift and have left at midnight.

That makes more sense that mom was not home. I have to believe that mom would hear that horror happening. I think moms hear their kids in the night time more often than dads do. I hope that is not sexist. But my DH, God love him, could sleep through the kids throwing up or having nightmares. Lucky for our kids I would hear them.

I don't think mom was home at the time. I still think it is so weird that dad did not hear the dog being stabbed or the perp walking around in the trailer. And he must feel awful that he slept through it.
So Police confirmed there was an intruder. Thank goodness. Didn't want it to be Dad or boyfriend or whoever.
I'd question the John Couey look a like interviewed by the tv station. That was more than strange. Kinda kidding kinda not.
Got to be a neighbor unless its another Joe Duncan type.
there was just a conviction in cincinnati where the murderer spoke to the news crews as a "concerned neighbor"... turned out he was stalking the victim and had killed her the night before---

"Johnson spoke to News 5 pretending to be a concerned neighbor just hours after Marks was discovered dead by her husband."

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I'm leaning towards neighbor. A car would bring too much attention, imo. And a random intruder on foot wouldn't know about the little girl being inside that bedroom.
I am thinking it is someone they kind of know, someone who has been in there before. Maybe the teen son of a neighbor or something like that. He is a sick monster whoever he is. I hope his prints are all over. Or at least his DNA/

My heart goes out to that sweet baby girl. What a horror for her. I am glad it is not dad because she needs him now more than ever. :rose:
I used to think that for someone to know where a child slept that they had to have been in the home. That isn't ture. They just have to be around at bedtime and be observant.

Kids usually go to bed before parents, a home gets quieter when the kids go to bed. They just have to watch to see which lights go on/off just before a home gets quiet. That is the kids room.

And I too believe that a mother is more sensitive to sounds in the home. She is used to listening for the kids, sounds in the home might mean the kids got up or are ill. So she hears.
It is hard to tell. Sometimes media articles don't differentiate between a father and a stepfather if the couple is married. Sometimes they don't get it right if they aren't married. A lot depends on how the man is presented to them by others. If he has been in the child's life for a long time people may talk about him being the father, even if he isn't.

KTUL video says the girl had numerous cuts and abrasions. Ok abraisions I understand. Cuts I don't. They say the dog was stabbed. So he had a knife. But cuts could also indicated that he did take her out that broken window.

Personally I don't like the neighbor that was interviewed in the KTUL video. His words were right, his expressions weren't.

I'll give Mr White the benefit of the doubt at this time, but did notice everyone else was wearing short sleeves, except him; and he did strike a defensive poise with his arms across chest. I tried to get a look at his hands, but they were tucked under. They stated he lived across the street, but all I could see was bushes. ?? They had only lived there for 6 mos, so I'm guessing rental...and were the locks changed from the last occupants? How often does a person sexually assualt a child by breaking in the house in the middle of the night and then not abscond with the child? Just curious..I can't recall any off the top of my head.

Just a note.... but comments posted below an article stated the mother "normally" checked in on her child, but was late for work that day.

I have no children and was an only child, so I can only go back to my own childhood...and I was not a screamer, but I know I would have hit the floor and bolted into my parents room as soon as I heard the window break. Of course, way back then, I was more afraid of wild animals and make believe monsters than to be thinking of a mean man on the loose. I'm thinking he entered thru the (unlocked) door and exited from the window. Afraid he would wake someone or be discovered to chance going thru the door again. Hope the dog bit him!
I'll give Mr White the benefit of the doubt at this time, but did notice everyone else was wearing short sleeves, except him; and he did strike a defensive poise with his arms across chest. I tried to get a look at his hands, but they were tucked under. They stated he lived across the street, but all I could see was bushes. ?? They had only lived there for 6 mos, so I'm guessing rental...and were the locks changed from the last occupants? How often does a person sexually assualt a child by breaking in the house in the middle of the night and then not abscond with the child? Just curious..I can't recall any off the top of my head.

Just a note.... but comments posted below an article stated the mother "normally" checked in on her child, but was late for work that day.

I have no children and was an only child, so I can only go back to my own childhood...and I was not a screamer, but I know I would have hit the floor and bolted into my parents room as soon as I heard the window break. Of course, way back then, I was more afraid of wild animals and make believe monsters than to be thinking of a mean man on the loose. I'm thinking he entered thru the (unlocked) door and exited from the window. Afraid he would wake someone or be discovered to chance going thru the door again. Hope the dog bit him!


That's kinda the theory I am thinking of too. Entering through the door and exiting through the window. Though I haven't figured out why he just wouldn't have raised the window instead of breaking it. Maybe it stuck or made noise? Maybe he just decided to go out the window after he had picked her up so his hands were full?
there was just a conviction in cincinnati where the murderer spoke to the news crews as a "concerned neighbor"... turned out he was stalking the victim and had killed her the night before---

"Johnson spoke to News 5 pretending to be a concerned neighbor just hours after Marks was discovered dead by her husband."

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They just convicted Adam Longoria (36) for Alicia Debolt's (14) brutal killing (sexual assault; burned body) yesterday. He showed up at her parents house wanting to help because he had heard the news of her missing...and also gave extended interviews to local TV stations-- less than 24 hours before he stole a SUV from the company he worked for and booked. Days before his trial he was contacting the media and offering after the trial interviews for $ ....for minutes for the phone calls from jail!!!
Someone asked if its light here at 6:30am...nope. Sunrise has been around 7:15. :)

ETA: Im wrong. I've been up since 5am and it was light enough to see outside at 6:35-6:40am.
I used to think that for someone to know where a child slept that they had to have been in the home. That isn't ture. They just have to be around at bedtime and be observant.

Kids usually go to bed before parents, a home gets quieter when the kids go to bed. They just have to watch to see which lights go on/off just before a home gets quiet. That is the kids room.

And I too believe that a mother is more sensitive to sounds in the home. She is used to listening for the kids, sounds in the home might mean the kids got up or are ill. So she hears.

The barbie curtains etc. are a pretty good tell as well.
I am under the impression at this point that this is someone from the trailer park. I have searched and looked to no avail for RSO's really anywhere near this home.

Doesnt seem to be enough info yet on the BF/ Father (if we ever get that straight) for me to determine him as a suspect but I am on the fence.

The one thing that throws the BF/Dad to the side for me is the dog being stabbed and killed and the fact the little girl is still alive. If he did this I would imagine he would have killed her so she coudn't tell kwim.

My prayers are with her and her family this morning and I hope for her speedy recovery, and the perp being caught asap, tied to a fence post, left in the hot/freezing weather for the rest of his days

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