OK OK - Rev. Carol Daniels, 61, Anadarko, 23 Aug 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
2281 days and the case unsolved -- six years, two months, and twenty-nine days.
I have been greatly disturbed by this murder.
I have studied it and below are my ideas.
I would appreciate anyone else's thoughts.

The Perp will be ~
Male, who knew the Pastor.
He was incredibly angry at her and probably angry at "her God".
He deliberately staged her body.
He staged it to humiliate her.
(I do not think he cared one iota about staging the body to shock whomever discovered her).
It was about humiliation.

Taking her clothing and spraying cleaning solvent was for trying to rid the scene of evidence.
It use to be said that anyone who did things like spraying disolvant, taking the victims clothing etc... was someone who knew LE tactics. However in today's world, there are so many crime shows on t.v. that the average citizen knows a lot more about the world of crime and how to obstruct LE tactics.

I do not think this creep is a serial killer. A serial killer takes one or 2 things from a victim. They do this so they can relive the sick act they committed. This perp took all the clothes, not as a trophy but as a necessity to get rid of evidence.

I would like to know what sermons the pastor most recently preached. I would be looking for sermons that taught on anything to do with sexual relations. ie: homosexuality, fornication, infidelity, etc........

I would also look at anyone the Pastor may have counseled. Especially anyone she may have counseled involving sexual relationships. Were there any young girls that she had befriended and counseled to leave an abusive boyfriend, an abusive family member?

I would also not assume this perp lives in Anadarko. This Pastor lived in OKC. During the week, while living in the city, where did she work? This perp could very well have driven from the city to commit this crime.

The hair is also an usual twist in this crime. Not many victims take the time to burn someones hair. I would like to know if this were a deliberate act or an accident. Meaning if there were candles burning and there was a scuffle could the victims hair have caught on fire? Did the perp bring the needed supplies to set ignite Ms. Daniels hair?

The cleaning solvent - did the perp use solvent that was already in the church or did he bring his own? If he brought his own, this tells us he planned out this crime. He was methodical in his thinking etc........

Someone was really angry at this victim. Beyond angry ~ they were full of rage and wanted nothing but to act out their hatred during the murder and after the murder.(staging the body).

Having the FBI involved, can only help this case. I wish them the best of luck.
Bumping this for perusal and comment.
Bumping this for perusal and comment.

The poster made reasonable deductions of the unsub's motivations and mental state. I hesitate to disagree as a few of them are verbatim to profiler Brent Turvey's profile comments, and I respect his experience and approach.

(Turvey's comments:

I became interested Carol's case a few years ago when someone mentioned it on the Jamison family thread (not suggesting a connection). I just read through all past posts and have some comments that challenge the original profile predictions and offer alternative theories. I am going to break this up into separate posts, as it is a bit lengthy.
Anadarko had a population of 6,600. There cannot have been much going on in that town on a regular basis. Yet a fire completely burns down the newspaper office and a bar, one block away from the murder (fire dept. received call about 5:00 am) on the same night?

WS posters have speculated on a connection between the two incidents, but media has mostly reported them as separate events.

I think they are related, the fire was the intended crime, and Carol's murder was unplanned (will discuss unplanned aspect in separate post).

You can see in this map how close the church and newspaper office were.


In Google Earth, if you stand on Market Street, and face south (so the church and the thrift store are directly behind you), you have a clear view of the old Anadarko Daily News office (it has a white slanting roof in 2015 pics). It isn't that close of a view, I'm not sure what you could see two blocks away.

What kind of view would a person have standing on the church roof?

(Anadarko Daily News old address:
121 E. Broadway St.,
Anadarko, OK)
Will post remaining ideas later.

Anadarko has a serial arsonist. There have been many fires throughout the city. Idk much about arson, but I read previous comments by poster Firefox and I believe he or she is knowledgeable in this area.
The reports we have about Carol's attack include these details:

• Carol was nude, and the unsub took her clothes
• Carol was stabbed many times across the abdomen, chest, upper back, forearms, hands, front and back of the neck and the skull
• The wounds on the forearms and hands were defensive
• The wounds are described as incisions and a few reports indicate her left breast was stabbed repeatedly (possible tissue incision)
• Sexual assault has not been confirmed
• A chemical solvent was found on her body
• Carol's hair was set on fire
• Carol's briefcase and purse were missing from the scene (1)
• Carol's body was moved after her death may have been staged in a crucifix position behind the alter of the church (2)

I know this has been widely provoked as a personal assault by someone who Carol knew. And you always hear that 'overkill' is usually evidence of a victim offender relationship. But I don't think this was a personal assault. I just don't see someone doing this to someone they know, regardless of their rage or level of psychopathy.

Also the fact that Carol was set on fire seems more than coincidental.

Maybe the solvent (speculated to remove DNA) was actually used as an accelerant?

(1) http://m.examiner-enterprise.com/news/state/case-slain-pastor-remains-unsolved-after-4-years
(2) http://m.news9.com/story.aspx?story=11015439&catId=112032
I don't want to fall down a rabbit hole, so will just summarize the fire info:

2006-First Assembly of God completely burned down (1)

Dec. 2006-Peanut factory set on fire (very close to First Assembly) (2)

Aug. 2009-Anadarko Daily News and Tornado Alley Bar burned down

April 2015-Arson fire, unknown location
(group of arsonists) (3)

June 2015-Nonprofit organization fire
(group of arsonists) (3)

Sept 2015-Anadarko Petroleum factory fire (still under investigation) (4)

There have been more fires, but I don't know what's related and what isn't. Also, many of the Google hits are for frack site or well fires, so it makes searching difficult.

The group arrested for the 2015 fires are all quite young, so I don't see how they could be involved in Carol's murder. (5)

I do think her case is related to the 2009 fire that was on the same night, but idk about the others, so I will not bring those up again (unless I find connecting evidence, etc.).

(1) http://m.topix.com/forum/city/anadarko-ok/THLVQL36DA1RTEBQ5
(Poor source)

(2) http://m.newsok.com/peanut-fire-still-burning/article/2981150

(3) http://www.kswo.com/story/29248173/anadarko-nonprofit-destroyed-fire-deemed-suspicious

(4) http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_28806721/fire-at-anadarko-plant-southern-weld-county-sunday

(5) http://www.swoknews.com/area/alleged-leader-caddo-county-crime-spree-appears-court
Has always struck me as being a racial crime imminently solvable save for a perverted, protected perp.

Clues?: the seemingly paraphilic nature of the many stabbings and the setting on fire of Daniels's hair.

The crucifom positioning of the corpse may indeed have been accidental -- or deliberately misleading?

Flamboyant staging? As showy as a C-grade setting in a Hollywood studio; a drama-queenish wannabe?
Maybe a jealous woman, wanting to divert attention making it look like a sexual/satanic crime. Rev. Daniels was a nice looking woman.
I have never thought it was a so-called serial killer. I think she was the target of a slightly mentally deranged person with a high enough IQ to not to get caught. The perp functions but at a lower level due to the derangement, like a Jeffrey Dahmer. Smart enough, articulate, but working a low level job in a bakery.
Also, religion is in his/her twisted delusions.
2304 days now, and no arrests -- 6 years, 3 months, 21 days.
As more time passes without a repeat type of crime, it seems more likely it was Personal IMO

Someone in Pastor Daniels direct world
I cannot recall now. At the pastor's death crime scene was there anything found like fingerprints or anything like hair or blood to get DNA?
It is a crying shame Pastor Daniels' case has not been solved. I cannot imagine how the residents of Anadarko must feel with no resolution.
Yes, especially her family! They must be feeling pretty hopeless. I wonder if they are contacting OBI? I'd be the squeaky wheel with them and call them on a regular basis to ask what's new in the investigation.

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