OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #1

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flower1969 said:
First I will tell all of you I have followed much of your postings for a couple years but as I had nothing to give to the research that you did not already have. I have never posted, just read. I found something maybe you all will be interested in and maybe help me investigate. I found this site by a girl named ki*mm*ie that was done by a girl raised by a bunch of pedophiles as their property. They took many pics of her and put them on the internet. She never new who her mother was. Reading this website in her own words made me cry, but that is not why I am posting here. I can't seem to find anywhere it gives her age so I need you to know that right away. But she was there for at least 16 years. She has a pic of herself posted on her website that she found on the web. She cut out the nudity and used it on her sight. Anyway, I was thinking from the time she made the site and going back enough years that she could maybe be Sharon Marshalls daughter. Maybe Floyd sold her to them? This struck me as the photo reminds me so much of Sharon. (link removed) This where you can see her site. As I said I cant efind much out yet. The email doesn't work to her. Take a look a her site. Tell me what you think.
Thank you for adding that information this site is Heart rendering to say the Least....A little Fact I found is Sharon Marshall had and knew how to use a computer....1987....to1990 is my quess....I try different input to searches...however I wonder how much was going on for general Public PC at that time.....can someone answer that....?????:behindbar

LOL not Happy at all...

Detainers: (Further information may be obtained by contacting the detaining agency)Detainer DateAgencyTypeDate Canceled03/12/2003OKLAHOMA CO SODETAIN 03/12/2003OKLAHOMA, CITY, OKDETAIN 04/17/2003USM - JACKSONVILLEDETAIN
FLMom said:
I took a look at the website too. At first I got the "fake" vibe, but then I wondered if it was maybe someone's translation---English as a second language. Like you said, the big words are there, but some of the grammar is atrocious.

Whether it's fake or a person with mental issues, it just screams "sad".
That's the same vibe I got. Either English is not their primary language or they are some sicko trying to talk like a little kid--if that makes sense.
christine2448 said:
The next picture shows the "tree" in relation to the memorial. There were lots of trees at this park, however, they were mostly very tall and all 'trunk'...no hiding places...but as you can see from the pictures, there was one tree, very close to the memorial and it was the only tree in the whole park that had hiding places.

Christine did you take into account how much the tree would have grown between the time he placed something there and now?
I believe I know who the idiot is that made that phony web page. I believe the person who allegedly "found" that pic of herself is a male member that uses several different hats. I am going to contact the mods and have it looked into.

Personal message to the person that created that site.

...we gave you kudos the first time around. I guess the first site didn't get you enough attention. You need to seeks professionals helps. Child molestation is devastating. It has life-long effects. It should never be used to gain attention. People that are leaving you messages on there are doing so with the belief that they share a bond with you as molestation victims.

How odd for such a pic to have been an an anime site. If that is true, please PM me the site info regardless if the pics are still on there or not, so I can forward it to the proper authorities. Website Archives are accessible so the pics can be accessed. I have contacts in LE that will take swift and severe action against the poster.

This site is for serious sleuthers. Don't think for a second we can't sleuth and find out who you are. If you are posting pics of naked children you WILL be arrested no matter what your intended purpose is.

I am going to PM the mods here and ask them to check the IP addresses of the different hats i believe this member is using. What a weirdo.
I was thinking it was a hoax by a disgruntled former websleuther who may have been kicked out and wanted to stir up trouble.

itsreenw said:
I believe I know who the idiot is that made that phony web page. I believe the person who allegedly "found" that pic of herself is a male member that uses several different hats. I am going to contact the mods and have it looked into.

Personal message to the person that created that site.

...we gave you kudos the first time around. I guess the first site didn't get you enough attention. You need to seeks professionals helps. Child molestation is devastating. It has life-long effects. It should never be used to gain attention. People that are leaving you messages on there are doing so with the belief that they share a bond with you as molestation victims.

How odd for such a pic to have been an an anime site. If that is true, please PM me the site info regardless if the pics are still on there or not, so I can forward it to the proper authorities. Website Archives are accessible so the pics can be accessed. I have contacts in LE that will take swift and severe action against the poster.

This site is for serious sleuthers. Don't think for a second we can't sleuth and find out who you are. If you are posting pics of naked children you WILL be arrested no matter what your intended purpose is.

I am going to PM the mods here and ask them to check the IP addresses of the different hats i believe this member is using. What a weirdo.
I am sorry to ear that I brought in something that is probably some sicko trying to get attention. I would never have mentioned that site at all had I been a bit more experienced I guess.
was this the same guy who pretended to be a missing person?
itsreenw said:
I believe I know who the idiot is that made that phony web page. I believe the person who allegedly "found" that pic of herself is a male member that uses several different hats. I am going to contact the mods and have it looked into.

Personal message to the person that created that site.

...we gave you kudos the first time around. I guess the first site didn't get you enough attention. You need to seeks professionals helps. Child molestation is devastating. It has life-long effects. It should never be used to gain attention. People that are leaving you messages on there are doing so with the belief that they share a bond with you as molestation victims.

How odd for such a pic to have been an an anime site. If that is true, please PM me the site info regardless if the pics are still on there or not, so I can forward it to the proper authorities. Website Archives are accessible so the pics can be accessed. I have contacts in LE that will take swift and severe action against the poster.

This site is for serious sleuthers. Don't think for a second we can't sleuth and find out who you are. If you are posting pics of naked children you WILL be arrested no matter what your intended purpose is.

I am going to PM the mods here and ask them to check the IP addresses of the different hats i believe this member is using. What a weirdo.
I don't post very often on this site. I read almost everyday, the posts here. You guys have worked so hard on this (and other cases), I hope that you can find the sicko that is doing this and force him out. Thank you for taking a stand against him/her....
kwatson696 said:
Cubby said:
for anyone interested. Sharons grave is listed at findagrave.com No picture of the stone, just a picture of the cemetery entrance.


I found this picture.......

Thier are dates on that Headstone and there was not any dates in the photo that appered in the book A beautiful child...? can you make this photo larger ? Where did you get this photo from?
SouthernBell said:
I don't post very often on this site. I read almost everyday, the posts here. You guys have worked so hard on this (and other cases), I hope that you can find the sicko that is doing this and force him out. Thank you for taking a stand against him/her....
SB, I appreciate your support. I find it disheartening that people get pleasure out of other people's pain. There is nothing entertaining about child abuse. I have no idea why someone would make up something like that. I don't know if you actually viewed the site but the alleged victim states "she" cropped the picture to make it acceptable. Cropping is cutting portions of the picture out. The pic appears to be altered, not cropped but I don't think the pic originally exposed any private areas to begin with. I think the sicko wanted to get as close to a pornographic pic as possible so he used that one.

Note: I did not receive a PM from this person listing the anime site that hosted the alleged pictures as requested.
Poppy, I agree. I just looked at the pic again and see the pic WAS cropped to cut out the genitals. I don't know how I overlooked that the 1st time. I guess because unlike the perv that posted the site, I dont look in that area when viewing kids pics. It looks like the head has been cut and pasted from another photo.

Now I think it is more important than ever to find out who created that page. Anybody with me??
After blowing up the pic to 400%, it appears that the pic has been put together byphoto editing software. The eyes and mouth seem to have faint circles where they have been pasted on. The couch cover was brushed into the girls arms in an attempt to make the background and the girl to appear like they were one photo. Try it yourself. However, this pic came from somewhere and appears to have exposed the child's genitals in the original pic. I think we should look for who had the pic instead of who is in the pic.

Another thing to note...the fake victim uses perfectly good English save for a couple misspellings. After the word "molested" appears in red, the vocab changes to add an "s" to every word. I don't know if that was supposed to add drama or what.
What is that at the bottom of the photo it says @ki*mm*ie's

As if it's a website or something ??
And what does this part mean ?

this page was featured on December 07 as a"Starting Point Site"...thank you every ones...

Please click the grafic and help me win "Starting Point" HOT SITE...thank you...
I found this post on a blog.
Here is the latest post on the blog:
OnlineApr 26, '06 11:05 AM
for everyone
I am sorry for not being online like I used to be. I had to chill on viewing my site and others as well. Some idiot went by my computer and said I was looking at *advertiser censored* on this computer. Now I understand that is you see two people who are into each other and was posted on the computer that is *advertiser censored* then but when someone just post one person who is nude what is that suppose to be? (*advertiser censored*) Now I know there is more closed mind people around but they should just keep their damn mouth shut and keep their eyes to themselves. :)

I will say this I will stop in once a day for very short time and then go from there.

Prev: Losing Friends

Here is one of the replies:
angelsbreath wrote on Apr 26, '06
Huggers Ma'am. I'm sorry someone is meanatcha


NOTE-explicit links. View at your discretion.
(one link is to a site called spankanastyteen)

Anyone know how to send a virus? Just Kidding. Kinda.
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