OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #2

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I just wish they could get in there and get this info out of him.....Like on TV LOL.....or get someone on the inside with him try to get it out of him....
I haven't really followed this case so I'm not too familiar with it, but I was thinking maybe Sharon might have been the daughter to some gf he had at the time. He may have killed her. Also, I hear of Floyd's relatives being mentioned, aren't they of any help as far as knowing how he might have come to have Sharon? I really should read Matt's book sometime.
Reading the cold case threads re:Sharon Marshall will answer all your questions...much research by WS members as to facts they were able to establish refranceing to Floyd and a female conection.....Sisters and Brothers......takes some time to read all that is written and posted by WS detailed to the point with tons of information that is not in Matts Book.....
I heard something about Floyd's sister being attacked by a woman who came to her apartment and knocked on the door saying Floyd had sent her? Does anyone know what is going on with that?
That was a story of Speculation NO news paper accounts of this happening !
in any news papers in Florida as is where Floyds sister is said to reside......
I wouldn't put it past FDF to do that....he's truely one of the sickest igidts to walk this earth. I personally hadn't heard of that happening but there's a lot about this case I'm sure I have missed, as I haven't been on it nearly as long as some others have on here.
Have you heard about the DSL truck that was stolen that contained the 96 photos ....Florida Courts had trasfered 2 boxes of evidennce used in Floyds case......Courts sending them to storage .where stolen and only one box recovered...."96" photos gone just as they had appered ..that was a news paper account from Florida and happened about the same time of this supposed break in.......Hummmmmmm!
"Oklahoma where the tips trinkle in"
Yeah I remember that....I tihnk that happened not too long ago too. How convenient, the same place where her blood was supposedly misplaced.
I received A Beautiful Child in the mail on Wednesday afternoon and finished yesterday. I am speechless.
If you don't mind I would like to just share some of my thoughts on the book. Nobody in my life is really into this kind of thing and although they are appropriately shocked and disturbed by the whole story they haven't read it and studied it like so many of you.

I came out of reading the book with great admiration and great frustration for Sharon Marshall. Admiration of her spirit which Floyd may have muffled at times but it always shone through in the end. For her to be as successful a student as she was says so much about her spirit and her will.
But of course, the question everyone asks themselves over and over is why? Why did she not tell someone. Why did she not take the opportunity the Fisher's gave her when the repeatedly asked her to tell them? Of course, we all the same answers, the same theories as to why she remained mum. She knew that anyone who was close to her would inevietably be in danger whether it was the Fisher family, who Floyd probably would have killed if they would have taken Sharon in for good, or whether it was Michael, Sharon tried to protect those she loved and I think partly that is why she never told. Her secret bore a great burden and great danger and she didn't want others to suffer Floyd's wrath on her behalf. As frustrating as that is I admire her for that. Another testament to what a strong and loyal person she was.
Personally I cannot understand why she did not kill him. She certainly had access to guns. She cooked his meals for him, she could of easily have poisoned him. I could spend all day speculate on the why's and the if's and I know many people have.
I also felt very angry towards the principal who went to readily with Floyd's plan that day he came to kidnap Michael. The principal was a big man and I think he should have tried to overpower Floyd when he got the chance. I know he wanted to protect the students but when he was alone with Floyd and Michael he should have fought for Michael instead of just letting Floyd tie him up and take off. Am I wrong to feel that way? Did others feel this way too?

Overall, I am left with the feeling that Floyd 'won' in the end. He got away with so much. It is a shame that a man can abduct and rape a 4 year old girl and in a matter of 5-10 years is allowed back out into society to live pretty much unchecked. He was a federal fugitive in posession of a kidnapped child who he undoubtedly raped and molested routinely and was able to live that way for years and years. He will most likely never be charged with Sharon's kidnapping and death and the same for Michael.

It is so surreal for me to think that Floyd is still alive. There is a finality in a lot of people's thinking that we will never know Sharon's identity or Michael's final resting place that I tend to forget Floyd is still alive. He is a phone call away, a plane ride away and he has all the answers to which so many are seeking. It is so maddening and unfair. I just hope that when the end comes for him and he realizes that he has truly lost all the power and he is going to die he will tell. He will relinquish that little bit of power he has through his knowledge of who Sharon was and where Michael is and tell the truth. I really don't think that will happen. He is a very stubborn man and I am sure at the end he will cling onto what is mystery to us and fact to him.

I am also struck at the lack of media interest in Sharon's case. I would think this would the perfect story for Dateline, 48 Hours, Nancy Grace, Larry King, etc to profile. Maybe it is too much for them?

Sorry for the length. I know most of this is old news to most of you. Now that I am up to speed I look forward to following along in the continued quest to find mother and son.
Hello Gaia :) Glad to have you here. I'm by no means an expert on this case...just from what I've read here and from Matt Birkbeck's book....in fact his book was how I even heard of this forum. I've had my eye on this case for a few years now.

I agree with your thoughts..I had similar ones after reading the book. My guess is that she didn't kill him because she had Stockholm Syndrome...or was truely just so broken by him that couldn't fathom doing anything to him.

With the school principal, you echo my thoughts exactly. I really do try to reign in my irritation, if not anger, at him, because I wasn't there that day, I wasn't in his shoes. I didn't go through what he did. At the same time though.....honestly.....I do want to slap him upside the head. I work with children...if something like that happened, I already know what I would do...we've had training on what we would do due to the types of situations that the kids who come to us are coming from. I would rather myself die then anyone take any child in my care, and I truly mean that with all my heart. I'm sure the principal now probably feels like beyond crap, and I'm sure this will be with him for the rest of his life.

If I remember correctly from the book, no one at the school knew that Michael wasn't his son at this point. If he had known that, maybe things would have been different. Michael's own foster family had no clue of what FDF was capable of and what was in the past. I don't know how none of that information filtered down to them, but it didn't. He was such a beautiful child himself, Michael. He resembles my 2 year old son in his younger pictures and as an attachment parent, my heart just bleeds for what this little boy suffered...for what both him and his mama suffered. I can't ever read the book again, I just take it too personal.

FDF has won and gotten away with so much, it is unbelievable that he still walks upright among us. I too don't know why the media outlets aren't all over this...it's the type of sensational story that you find only in movies or books. You'd think Oprah, with her background in surviving abuse, would be interested...or Dateline with their love of lurid stories, or 48 Hours or SOMEONE!!!!!!!! It's an election year...so I doubt she'd get any press this year at all anyway.

I want FDF knocked off his pedestal so badly....Sharon's real identity found and Michael found....maybe even relatives of Sharon if she has any. I do NOT want him going to his grave and taking all his secrets with him! I am just one small person though...with no investigative background or anything...so there's no way I myself can make it happen, but if ones who knew people in the media outlets could make things happen....maybe all this can finally come to an end.
the only known relative so far is one of the children she gave up for adoption. she saw the book and with her mother read it and contacted Matt Birkbeck and they went ahead and did a dna sample. there was speculation that sharons blood on file in ok was not hers but with the dna test done it proved that it was her blood
She could have aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, heck maybe even a parent or a grandparent around...though probably not likely. I can think of all sorts of scenarios where she could have living family somewhere. If her identity could just be known, then research into the family could be known to see if there are any living relatives besides the 3 children she had placed for adoption.
Regarding the question of why TV isn't interested in this story: It is too complex to sum up in a neat box in the 45 minutes or so available in a one-hour show. I am always frustrated by TV versions of cases that I know pretty well--they tend to miss a lot.
Please if you can snswer what is this (NCIC)and what do they have to do with (NCMEC) ?

FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC). If I am not mistaken, cases must be in the NCIC before they can be entered in the NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children).
Regarding the question of why TV isn't interested in this story: It is too complex to sum up in a neat box in the 45 minutes or so available in a one-hour show. I am always frustrated by TV versions of cases that I know pretty well--they tend to miss a lot.
Then it's simple...do a two-parter...or even a 3 parter...they've done this with other "special interest" shows.
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