OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #5

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I'm reading A Beautiful Child.

I object to his being sentenced to death. He is clearly deranged. In his trial for the kidnapping of Michael, he asks the prosecutors incomprehensible questions that are flawed from the get-go. He is insane. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

As Matt Birkbeck puts it, "For every question Floyd asked, Fitzpatrick returned either pointed answers or incredulous reactions, not understanding Floyd's incoherent line of questioning. Floyd looked and sounded foolish, and with each response from Fitzpatrick, he was becoming increasingly frustrated."

His examination is described as "rambling".

In my opinion, he should have been declared not guilty by reason of insanity, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Death is not only too good for him (he deserves to suffer), it's also cruel and unusual punishment considering that he is clearly not capable of understanding how to make a coherent defense. He just asked weird questions the whole time he was doing the cross-examination.

Unfortunately he isn’t suffering. We often think that but in reality ppl such as this don’t feel bad for what they’ve done. They have no conscience. They don’t care..,they aren’t like regular people who would be in agony if they caused the death of someone. He’s gotten along just fine all these years while claiming he’d never give Suzanne’s true identity or what happened to Michael. He was quite happy to hang that over LE’s head. He’s not miserable in the least.
And just because he may have a mental illness (I’m not totally convinced there is something there chemically either) does not mean he’s insane. You don’t get away with what he has for so long by being insane. He knows right from wrong-which alone shows he isn’t insane-and he is wily, crafty, and has about every personality disorder in the book quite possibly to probably. As he’s gotten older he’s gotten loopier yes, but he still knows right from wrong. Death is ideal for him from what I can see.
Unfortunately he isn’t suffering. We often think that but in reality ppl such as this don’t feel bad for what they’ve done. They have no conscience. They don’t care..,they aren’t like regular people who would be in agony if they caused the death of someone. He’s gotten along just fine all these years while claiming he’d never give Suzanne’s true identity or what happened to Michael. He was quite happy to hang that over LE’s head. He’s not miserable in the least.
And just because he may have a mental illness (I’m not totally convinced there is something there chemically either) does not mean he’s insane. You don’t get away with what he has for so long by being insane. He knows right from wrong-which alone shows he isn’t insane-and he is wily, crafty, and has about every personality disorder in the book quite possibly to probably. As he’s gotten older he’s gotten loopier yes, but he still knows right from wrong. Death is ideal for him from what I can see.
Which is more suffering:

1. A quick death by lethal injection,


2. Life in prison, where everyone knows he molested children and killed one. You know what prisoners do to those who hurt children.

Option #2 is far more suffering over a prolonged period of time, and he deserves every bit of hell he can get.
I did read it in a timeline and left me wondering:
'September 11, 1990, Billy Floyd dies a suspicious death in Barnesville, Georgia.'
Billy is the brother of FDF and he did live (?) with him before FDF showed up with Sharon
►1974/ Floyd was seen in Fairfax, Virginia. His sister believes he was living with his brother Billy and wife Betty.'
►1974/ Floyd has said in this time, he helped to paint a large intricate mural on the ceiling of the Salt Lake City Utah Mormon Tabernacle.

►1974/ Franklin shows up at Dorothy's residence in Sumpter, SC. Brother Billy is with him.

►1974/ Sister has said that a friend of Franklin's told her that he seen Franklin, with Sharon in Texas in late 1974.
WHOOOOA! Was Floyd a free man when Billy died?

Methinks he either personally killed his brother or had someone else do it. He had friends in law enforcement.
I have my dad and childhood dog with me, haven't really known anyone buried until recently. My ex-SIL passed in 05, while we used to be close when I was married to her brother, we hadn't spoken for years when she passed. My daughter keeps in contact with her nana, we've been trying to make the 2 1/2 hours drive up at least once a year if she doesn't go to her fathers.

In recent years I've lost a neighbor who was like a grandpa plus my hubs gram who was the only grandmother I've ever had. I've been visiting their (I run my ex-SIL's) find a grave pages and working on a family tree. Yesterday I linked hubs gram to one of her relatives born in the 1500's.

If my child passed, that would be a different story, I would be visiting their graves

Suzanne Maree Sevakis Find a grave page

Does anyone know the correct spelling of Susanna's middle name? Is it Marie or Maree? Googled as much as I can on my tablet, I'm seeing it both ways. I ask because Maree IS on her find a grave, the gal that runs it had it as Marie, someone changed it on her.

Someone has been sending me changes for the Does I run saying they should be listed as unknown and not John Doe, one is Lyle Stevik, he's been changed to John Doe by find a grave.
I did not know Lyle Stevic passed! and Matt Birbeck said the correct spelling is Marie but since her Mom is so Quiet I'm not sure if Its correct
yes he was and I have always thought so too - hes a serial killer , I"m sure there are many more , I often wonder about the 4 year old child at the bowling alley , I bet her life has been pure hell :(
the 4 year old that he raped at a bowling alley , it was one the crime he was released from prison from , he had only been out a little while before he married Suzanne's Mom he only did a few years :( but that's how it was back then
Does anyone know if the book " Finding Sharon" can be ordered without creditcard?
Just finished reading "Finding Sharon Marshall" and it answers a lot of questions and filled in some blanks for me. Matt did a great job introducing new people that had been involved in Suzanne's life but were not mentioned in "A Beautiful Child". Suzanne's biological father is a good man, who is keeping in touch with her biological daughter. There are other friends and family members interviewed for the book. I won't list any spoilers, I'll just say that Suzanne's bio mother never deserved to have a bright beautiful child like Suzanne, never filed a police report, never put forth any effort at all to find her. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but after reading the book it became apparent that she put forth zero effort into finding Suzanne.

I went to her gravesite today and took a pic of her new headstone. It is beautiful! I will post the picture when I get a chance.
Now I'm confused...are Phillip Steven Brandenburg and Jonathan Edward Brandenburg the same person?

USPR and other residential records give Jonathan a middle name of Edward.

Starting to think that Phillip Steven Brandenburg IS a missing person...
They aren't the same person. According to info in Matt Birkbeck's new book, Finding Sharon, Suzanne's sister said around the time FDF was around she remembers a baby that they called Philip or Stevie but she doesn't know what happened to him. Suzanne was the only child born to her mother and Cliff Sevakis. The sister was another man's child but since she was still married to Mr. Sevakis, his name went on the birth certificate. Suzanne's sister said her mother told her that her bio father's last name was Brandenberg but she knew that was a lie because her half-brother Jonathan (Brandenberg) is black.
I wonder about the police officers who came at the funeral and protected fdf all these years
Were they ever prosecuted or fired for helping floyd?
Did read the new book too Finding Sharon and hopefully more leads /answers will follow for other family's as well...
No wonder she felt trapped and terrified..I do think she knew too much and was about to try to break away for Michael sake

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