OK - Tommy Wolf, 9, murdered, mom injured, Nichols Hills, 16 Nov 2009 *Insanity*

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I'm wondering if it really was a happy family. Accounts of SW's anger issues, drug and alcohol issues, mental health issues all spell unhappiness in the home. That he was having problems at work, where people normally try to hold it in, tells me he was over the edge. He was just able to put on a good face in front of neighbors, friends, perhaps other relatives. But I would bet poor Mary suffered. So sad, just awful and heartbreaking.

The post you quoted...


According to the video in this link, MW was released from the hospital the same day.

While my thoughts and prayers are with MW, first and foremost, I can't help but think about the pain and sorrow SW's parents and family must be feeling, as well. By all accounts, so far, the Wolf's were a happy and close family and this is completely out of the realm of anything they could have expected to happen, ever. I can't imagine the devastation that must be felt by this family and their community as a result of this catastrophe. I'm devastated and heartbroken and I live nowhere near there. Utter confusion, all around.
Bold added by me.

My post was in reference to those around them. Often, when couples are having marital problems, it is unknown to those around them. I just want to clarify that I wasn't claiming that they were a happy family. I was making it a point that, apparently, that is what those around them perceived. I was expressing my thoughts and grief for those not only in the Wolf's core family; MW, SW and TW, and what their perception was. It has been said that she wasn't afraid of her husband before this. But, I'm with you that there were probably warning signs and that they probably weren't the perfect family, as was perceived. However, I don't think anyone, including Mary and maybe even SW, could have predicted this outcome.
I don't know how many on this thread have read the one I started over a year ago entitled "Omaha Double Murder' but it is strangely similar, except my case is as yet unsolved. Same thing, in my case an 11 year old son of a prominent physician in an affluent neighborhood whose father comes home and finds him dead from knife wounds along with the family housekeeper. Many of us sleuthing that case question the father's account as there seems to have been utterly no motive; nothing stolen etc.
In this case I think things will be wrapped up pretty quick. What is it with doctors these days?
I don't know how many on this thread have read the one I started over a year ago entitled "Omaha Double Murder' but it is strangely similar, except my case is as yet unsolved. Same thing, in my case an 11 year old son of a prominent physician in an affluent neighborhood whose father comes home and finds him dead from knife wounds along with the family housekeeper. Many of us sleuthing that case question the father's account as there seems to have been utterly no motive; nothing stolen etc.
In this case I think things will be wrapped up pretty quick. What is it with doctors these days?

bold is mine

What is it with the human race these days? Thanks for mentioning the other thread, I'll check it out!
I've read this thread and I've read other threads about this case on several other sites. All this talk about "snapping" and having a "psychotic break" and "schizo" and "prescription drugs" is really starting to bother me.

If this had been an auto mechanic living in a $50,000 home I doubt most of you would be giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. He murdered that sweet little boy and he needs to be executed post haste.
It doesn't take "hours" to have premeditation. When someone picks up a knife so that they can stab a small child in the head, it's premeditated murder. The intent is to kill. It just takes a second to form that intent.
It doesn't take "hours" to have premeditation. When someone picks up a knife so that they can stab a small child in the head, it's premeditated murder. The intent is to kill. It just takes a second to form that intent.

I just post case updates, of which the above is the most recent one.

I don't judge.
Very brief KFOR article, video:
Friend says Nichols Hills murder was not premeditated

"A friend of Dr. Wolf says there is no way that the crime was premeditated because Wolf was making plans for Thanksgiving weekend just hours before the murder .

"Instead of going on vacation with his friend Chris Bernardy is now cleaning up Wolf's house."


What does his friend expect him to have said? "Sorry, can't make the Thanksgiving trip. I'm planning to be in jail for killing my son?"

If the Dr. wasn't living at the home, his plan may have been to break in and kill both son and wife and hope it would be blamed on home invasion. We just don't know at this point. I don't think proclaiming plans for the next weekend means anything one way or another.

ETA Wfgodot, I'm not addressing this to you. I know you're just the messenger. (And Thanks for keeping the updates coming!)
Sorry if I offended you wfgodot, but I do judge. When I read about a situation like this, I make a judgement of the players. I can't read something like this and just shrug my shoulders and say "oh well, I'm not going to judge him." Just can't do it.
Sorry if I offended you wfgodot, but I do judge. When I read about a situation like this, I make a judgement of the players. I can't read something like this and just shrug my shoulders and say "oh well, I'm not going to judge him." Just can't do it.

That's okay, Garnan, no offense taken. Truly, I just came across the KFOR item and posted it immediately upon finding it, and not as a rejoinder to your opinion.

STEADFAST, same thing! I didn't think you were.
I've read this thread and I've read other threads about this case on several other sites. All this talk about "snapping" and having a "psychotic break" and "schizo" and "prescription drugs" is really starting to bother me.

If this had been an auto mechanic living in a $50,000 home I doubt most of you would be giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. He murdered that sweet little boy and he needs to be executed post haste.

I respectfully disagree and am also not entirely sure what you are getting at. A few months ago a very poor mother snapped and killed and maimed her baby. What she did or didn't do for a job had no bearing that I could see on people who felt like she was mentally ill and snapped.

I personally give every accused person the benefit of the doubt and I know that an auto mechanic can have mental illness just as easily as a doctor can. I also don't believe in executing people, regardless of what they do for work and I certainly hope no one gets executed in this case.
I respectfully disagree and am also not entirely sure what you are getting at. A few months ago a very poor mother snapped and killed and maimed her baby. What she did or didn't do for a job had no bearing that I could see on people who felt like she was mentally ill and snapped.

I personally give every accused person the benefit of the doubt and I know that an auto mechanic can have mental illness just as easily as a doctor can. I also don't believe in executing people, regardless of what they do for work and I certainly hope no one gets executed in this case.

I do agree with you on this, however, I see the point that Garnan was trying to make. On the E. Olten thread some very vicious things are being said about a 15 yr. old girl who is obviously VERY mentally ill. She did not just "snap" as people are implying here, but mental illness is an ILLNESS and that young girl should be getting every bit as much leeway for her very severe sickness, just as this Dr. is being given. Personally, I would think she deserves more sympathy. This man was a trained physician. He should have had the knowledge and connections to seek all the help he needed. A fifteen year old child must rely on those around her to see what is happening and step in to intervene.

God bless Officer Puckett. Luckily for the good doctor I am not a cop, because if I had been in that kitchen seeing that poor child convulsing with knives sticking out of his head and chest and the dad trying to keep stabbing him, I strongly suspect the doctor would have been shot and I'd be spinning a story to my superiors about self defense.

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the drug and alcohol abuse on top of the separation just starts to smell a little Chris Coleman-ish to me.

Who also thinks we're going to start hearing that he has a mistress? Is this another case of a narcissistic jerk who doesn't want to have to pay alimony or child support as he moves on the family 2.0?
I do agree with you on this, however, I see the point that Garnan was trying to make. On the E. Olten thread some very vicious things are being said about a 15 yr. old girl who is obviously VERY mentally ill. She did not just "snap" as people are implying here, but mental illness is an ILLNESS and that young girl should be getting every bit as much leeway for her very severe sickness, just as this Dr. is being given. Personally, I would think she deserves more sympathy. This man was a trained physician. He should have had the knowledge and connections to seek all the help he needed. A fifteen year old child must rely on those around her to see what is happening and step in to intervene.


As long as we're bringing up other, similar, cases in reference to whether we might think the dr had a psychotic break or not (and I'm on the fence on that point) -- Does anyone remember that father, I think in Illinois, who suddenly drowned his daughter in the toilet and everybody thought he must have suddenly become psychotic because he supposedly been such a loving father? Turns out he was molesting her. I'll try to find that thread, but it's hard since I can't remember his name.

ETA: Here's the case. Turns out he was mentally ill but also found guilty (100 yr sentence). The girl's name was Lauren Lofquist.
I've read this thread and I've read other threads about this case on several other sites. All this talk about "snapping" and having a "psychotic break" and "schizo" and "prescription drugs" is really starting to bother me.

If this had been an auto mechanic living in a $50,000 home I doubt most of you would be giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. He murdered that sweet little boy and he needs to be executed post haste.

I bolded to respond.

It wouldn't make a difference to me because I know that mental illness doesn't discriminate. It affects all races, genders, ages, and economic classes.

Speaking for myself, the mental health history and behavior of the perp, coupled with the atrocious details of this killing is what lead *me to think psychotic break. That has nothing to do with status or whatever.
I do agree with you on this, however, I see the point that Garnan was trying to make. On the E. Olten thread some very vicious things are being said about a 15 yr. old girl who is obviously VERY mentally ill. She did not just "snap" as people are implying here, but mental illness is an ILLNESS and that young girl should be getting every bit as much leeway for her very severe sickness, just as this Dr. is being given. Personally, I would think she deserves more sympathy. This man was a trained physician. He should have had the knowledge and connections to seek all the help he needed. A fifteen year old child must rely on those around her to see what is happening and step in to intervene.


Thanks, raeann - I see what you are saying now. I'm unfamiliar with the . Olten thread. I feel tremendous sympathy for people who suffer from severe mental illness.
As long as we're bringing up other, similar, cases in reference to whether we might think the dr had a psychotic break or not (and I'm on the fence on that point) -- Does anyone remember that father, I think in Illinois, who suddenly drowned his daughter in the toilet and everybody thought he must have suddenly become psychotic because he supposedly been such a loving father? Turns out he was molesting her. I'll try to find that thread, but it's hard since I can't remember his name.

ETA: Here's the case. Turns out he was mentally ill but also found guilty (100 yr sentence). The girl's name was Lauren Lofquist.

Yes, I do remember that Steadfast.

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