OLD THREAD Possible Caylee dress found near airport

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I got the very definite impression when watching NG for the second time last night that Tim does not believe this dress has anything to do with Caylee at all. He said that many items have been found and tested - this is just one more. The only reason we know about this dress is because someone has a big mouth.

I also wondered who the heck shops for Nancy's twins if she thinks there's any way possible a 14 month old would wear a size 6.
I still think that the location and condition of this dress makes it suspect. I believe it was planted there to hope to delay the Grand Jury proceedings. Did not work.

Look how long it would have had to lay there. What were the winds and rain associated with Fay? The dress would have been rained on, dried out, sun probably faded it, then the sun, wind, and rain process happened again and again. If the dress was stuck in the bushes, then the wind would have even been more rough on it. Yet it was in good condition?

I doubt LE can find out who planted the dress there, but I believe it was definately planted. Just IMO.
I still think that the location and condition of this dress makes it suspect. I believe it was planted there to hope to delay the Grand Jury proceedings. Did not work.

Look how long it would have had to lay there. What were the winds and rain associated with Fay? The dress would have been rained on, dried out, sun probably faded it, then the sun, wind, and rain process happened again and again. If the dress was stuck in the bushes, then the wind would have even been more rough on it. Yet it was in good condition?

I doubt LE can find out who planted the dress there, but I believe it was definately planted. Just IMO.

Makes very little sense to me that the defense would plant a dress belonging to Caylee in the very place that LE feels Casey may have hid Caylee's body. IF this is Caylee's dress it will be used to help prove the case for murder.

Additionally, I don't see any reason why this dress would delay GJ proceedings. It might be one more piece of evidence to use at trial, but the prosecution had enough to go to the GJ without it.
I don't know how it can prove anything. Why would it be there and so much was left in Casey's car ? Doesn't make sense to me.
I don't know how it can prove anything. Why would it be there and so much was left in Casey's car ? Doesn't make sense to me.

The theory is if this dress does belong to Caylee then her remains might not be far from the discovery of the dress.

That is only the theory. Not saying that I personally believe this is her dress...just to clarify.
My first post! Woohoo!

My daughter, who is two and a half and a little smaller than "average", wears a 5/6 in Disney Brand [from the Disney Store] clothes, but just moved into a 2T in other brand clothing. They run really small. When she was 6 months old, she was wearing their 24 month sleepers. Just thought I would put my two cents in.
I don't believe it's Caylee's. It's a size 6 which would be way too big for a normal 3 year old.

I agree. No way this size 6 belongs to Caylee. My granddaughter never wore a 6 (from Disney world) when she was six and she is an average girl.
The voice of reason has my head spinning about this find. If the dress was in "good" condition it obviously wasn't the clothing that Caylee had on at the time of death. But, on the other hand, maybe Casey thought that she was going to be able to put the dress on her before disposal and had a rude awakening. It just doesn't make sense to me. :waitasec:
I don't think the dress is Caylee's. No way she wore a size 6 in that photo.

My daughter is 18 months old and wears 18 months in Disney as well as other brands. All brands seem to pretty much run the same from my experience.
During Cindy's interview about this dress, did anyone notice the dress that she was holding up?

Here's a question for mom's of little girls. Is it standard practice to keep and reuse those plastic hangers? I noticed it looked to be the hanger the dress was purchased with.

It's been a while since my 19 y/o was that small.. lol.. but I threw those away.
During Cindy's interview about this dress, did anyone notice the dress that she was holding up the dress that is the supposed one found?

Here's a question for mom's of little girls. Is it standard practice to keep and reuse those plastic hangers? I noticed it looked to be the hanger the dress was purchased with.

It's been a while since my 19 y/o was that small.. lol.. but I threw those away.

Hey -Liltigress. FWIW, IIRC, Cindy stated that the dress she was holding she brought from Caylee's closet. It matched the pic we've been seeing and IMHO appeared to be an appropriate size. Maybe I misunderstood your point.
Hey -Liltigress. FWIW, IIRC, Cindy stated that the dress she was holding she brought from Caylee's closet. It matched the pic we've been seeing and IMHO appeared to be an appropriate size. Maybe I misunderstood your point.

Yeah, I botched that post.. but edited it.

Cindy was holding up the dress in the interview saying it was the dress in question. She was basically trying to disprove that the dress found was Caylee's.

I noticed the dress that Cindy had was still on a plastic hanger.

I'm not so sure I believe the dress found in the woods is Caylee's but I'm wondering if the one Cindy had in the interview is a new purchase?
IMO the dress she held up was likely Caylee's. TM said that the dress discovered by the searcher was SENT AWAY for testing sooooooooo some sicko musta planted it there. Waste. Huge waste.
I hadn't really given much thought to the dress found until I started pulling out halloween costumes for my daughters to dig through for this year and i came across a Cinderella dress my youngest wore for her 2nd halloween. Much to my surprise when I looked it was a size 6! The dress was purchased at the Disney store back in 2006 and she wore it for halloween when she was 2 1/2. After looking at all of the princess dresses we own (and that is quite a few!) I noticed that they are all larger than normal sizes for my girls so I would have to agree that the Disney princess-type dresses do run smaller than average.
Cindy was holding up the dress in the interview saying it was the dress in question. She was basically trying to disprove that the dress found was Caylee's.

I noticed the dress that Cindy had was still on a plastic hanger.

I'm not so sure I believe the dress found in the woods is Caylee's but I'm wondering if the one Cindy had in the interview is a new purchase?

1. I kept most of my daughters "nice" baby dresses on the original hanger - don't know why but I did. I don't find it unusual - especially for a Grandma. They are much better at keeping things pristeen.

2. If you recall the night they mentioned the dress on NG was also the same night a poster on the webcam thread commented that they saw the light come on in Caylee's room that night and there was speculation as to why CA might be in there. She was probably in there searching for this dress.

3. I know that several people have said it's plausible Caylee would be wearing a size 6 dress. I say no way. First of all, she wasn't almost three in the photo where she was wearing the dress. She looks to be more like 24 mos. My daughter is almost 5 and she barely fits into size five clothing. Also, she has a size 6 official disneyland dress she wore for halloween last year - (keep in mind, almost 4 then) it fit "okay" but was way too long, we ended up having to jury rig the skirt so she wouldn't trip and/or drag it through the dust when we went out trick-or-treating.

4. I really don't think the Anthony's would buy too-big clothing for Caylee. My daughter was wearing 2T clothing up until about a month or two after her third birthday - and she looks like she was probably about the same stature as Caylee - keep in mind her mom is pretty petite, I think around 5'2? Caylee probably wasn't a very big girl.
There is no way that a 2-3 year old would wear a size 6 dress.
My duaghter is 7 and she still wears a size 6. I don't think the dress is hers either.
Unfortunately, disney clothing, I am not sure about dresses, especially pj's are notorious for shrinking 2 or 3 sizes, and this is NO exaggeration. Evert time I buy my boys disney pj's in their size, as soon as I wash and dry them they are WAY too small. I regularly buy their disney pj's 2 to even 3 sizes too big to account for this shrink factor, as each time they are dried, they shrink even more...perhaps it is the same with the costumes.

Also we had a poster on the NG thread who posted a picture of here 3 year old princess WEARING a size 6 disney princess dress, and pictures don't lie do they? It IS entirely possible...:)

I never had this problem because I NEVER put clothing in the dryer on a heat setting. Once dry, I do fluff them with no heat, though.

It's not Disney that's responsible for shrinkage. It's the material. Anything made of cotton WILL shrink a lot. The more cotton in an item, the more it will shrink. Polyester doesn't shrink at all. For this reason, I tend to try to buy blends with a good bit of polyester to them. I realize cotton breaths and all, but all cotton doesn't hold its shape very well. Even T-Shirts will tend to get out of shape at the collar when made of a high % of cotton.

I remember when I was little you could buy a lot of items that were preshrunk. I never see this anymore. I understand it would take more material, thus raising costs, but it would also ensure a better quality item. Think about it, your stitching isn't the same material. What about clothing that's got a mixture of material blends? A lot of shirts are made like this. Well, if they're not made of the identical blends, part of a shirt will shrink more than another part.

For this reason, I NEVER toss items into a dryer with heat. The last time I did, I bought my son a pair of Tommy Hilfiger sweat pants when he was around 5 and he's not 17 (100 cotton I'd imagine but wouldn't swear to it). I paid $27.00 for them and after 1 washing, he could never wear them again as they did indeed shrink about 3 sizes.

I don't think this is the same dress that belonged to Caylee. It's most definitely not the Minnie dress that shows Caylee at about a year and a half. That's a no brainer, IMO. If however, it was another Disney dress found, I'm not of the belief that it would be impossible for Caylee to wear a size 6. She was closer to 3 than 2. I can also quarantee you, official Disney clothing runs MUCH smaller than Disney clothing you might buy at Walmart/Target, etc. I do think a 6 is pushing it, though, but not impossible.

Now, I don't buy clothing at Walmart/Kmart/Target, etc... I just don't like their clothing and for the most part, feel I get better deals at the mall (though I have paid dearly for many items thru the years).

My son was in the 3% percentile range (meaning, 97% of the kids his age were larger than he was). I think even to the age of 10, he stayed well within those charts. Of course, quality clothing runs smaller, so had I been buying at Walmart, etc... maybe he would have worn clothing under the recommended sizing. I'm telling you, he was TINY, so tiny that they tested him to make sure he had a growth hormone.

My daughter was in the 50% percentile range. Her size never fell within those recommended charts. Again, maybe they would have if I shopped at Walmart, but at the Disney Store (where I literally spent thousands thru the years) we had to up the sizes. I am a Disney freak and everyone in my family knows better than to suggest vacationing anywhere else.

So, IMO, when you're all saying what size your child wears/wore, it's imperative to be comparing apples to apples. If it's Disney that you're shopping at and are comparing your child's sizing to, that's one thing, but if it's Target (and that's where Casey loves to shop), it's another, IF this dress was indeed from the park or The Disney Store itself, IMO.
There is no way that a 2-3 year old would wear a size 6 dress.

I agree. My daughter turned three in June and is finally in a 3T lol. NO WAY would any three year old that I have ever seen be even close to a size six!
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