Found Deceased OR - Allyson Joy Watterson, 20, North Plains, 22 Dec 2019

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Thanks for posting that timeline...very helpful and clarifies some things.

This, how would LE know if someone may have knocked on a resident's door at midnight?
  • Dec. 27, 2 p.m.: Deputies reveal they are seeking a resident in the search area who may have heard a door knock at around midnight on Dec. 22. They say the homeowner may not have answered the door. If that situation sounded familiar to any resident, they ask that person call the sheriff’s office.
maybe the boyfriend told LE that he knocked on several doors while searching and LE wants to see if any residents remember hearing a knock.??
Allyson's missing person flyers were happily received at the Blazers game last night. Everyone I spoke too has heard about Allyson missing. I get the feeling Allyson had no knowledge of Garland's plans the day she went missing. Perhaps a drug dealing meet up went bad. He has shady friends... JMO
I second the fact that I would be utterly and absolutely SHOCKED beyond belief if she were trafficked. I don’t think BG has those sort of connections, she doesn’t fit the general demographic etc of those who do get trafficked, there are a number of reasons why that narrative doesn’t fit.

I continue to waver between misadventure and foul play on the part of BG.

Really hoping that she is found soon, whether live or deceased, so her mother and family don’t have to live in limbo.
Looks like this case will slow down at this point. It will be up to family and volunteers to continue any searching.

Watterson Search Suspended | News Radio 1190 KEX

The Sheriff's Office says the decision to suspend that phase of the investigation was made after the search and rescue teams spent thousands of search hours covering an area of about 1,600 acres.

Detectives continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding Allyson’s disappearance. If new information comes to light or new areas to search are identified, the search and rescue teams may be recalled to continue their efforts.​
If he killed her, this may be a blssing in disguise as it would mean she is not unnaturally concealed and should be easier to find, weather willing.
I was thinking if her boyfriend owed money to someone for drugs and couldn’t pay his debt, he may have trafficked her in exchange for the amount he owed. This has happened in the past around the Country. I think the last time was in North Carolina.

This is referencing a different kind of tattoo usually gotten in prison or limited to certain subcultures. Her tattoo just looks like a pretty boho-style design. According to her FB, Allyson has struggled with mental illness or depression, so it may be a tribute to that. She also has a fairy on a spider web on her arm.
Ben is not an OG. He seems more like an incel mysanthrope that likes rap, drugs and video games. JMO
The traffcking angle is very unlikely. I know that is where some minds go as soon as there is a pretty young woman missing and drugs are implied. The majority of her friends are actually quite normal young people her own age with a smattering of relatives and coworkers. Trading people for drugs is also more common in areas with high trafficking and gang crime, involves children or undocumented vulnerables, and by those already entrenched in that underworld. Meth is also not a drug, like heroin for example, that makes you sell everything you own in order to maintain the addiction. This isn't to say he didn't do something nefarious like that with an accomplice, or that he doesn't have questionable connections. Its just to clarify that trafficking tends to involve other factors that are't present here and afaik the FBI is not involved in this case presently. You can find more info at the links in my signature.
I've never been allowed to smile for my driver's license photo. I assume it's the same in other states as well. Though I find it difficult to believe they would allow someone to smile for a mug shot.
I work in a prison, and we had an offender who took his ID card picture with a huge smile and holding 2 thumbs up.... Granted they made him retake it a couple of days later, but it was hands down the funniest ID pic we had seen. Nothing ever surprises me anymore. o_O
I'm starting to think she was. With 900 friends on her profile, many of them tweaker gangster ( good people too) but she's totally got herself out there to some sketchy people. Boyfriend is obviously a total .... Identity theft, stolen vehicle, and doesn't interact with her on FB publicly if at all. Got separated on a hike? This is total BS and we all know it.

All this mis information and rumor has got my head spinning. Its quite possible there is warrant for her arrest as an accomplice to the stolen vehicle and she has plenty of ties to make a run for it. She really does seem to be a nice person and just fell recently. Totally capable of turning her life around.

At this point I hope she is hiding. But with so many sharks in the water....I'm gonna have to rest on this one. I will continue to share her flyer but she could be anywhere.

I want to put a shout out to all parents that have daughters that put themselves out there on the platform. Educate them on how this story ends. Get them off social media and it's ok being alone if your divorced. Not saying that's the case here. I know Its hard with working all the time so you get them a job with you...

Let them know what "single" and "interested in men" means to a pimp. Don't ya love that one when it's being displayed by 15 year old kids obviously lying about their age? Facebook should be class actioned! Hands down..

Spend time with your kid or the sharks will get to them if you dont. Oh but the sharks are sooooo cool during the grooming period. They circle their prey then move in for the kill!

Sorry I just see this every day. Then it's up to the community to step in, worry like hell, search, flyers, gofunme and take action because someone thought it was cool to bait the sharks.

Meth culture is death. With a lot of people getting hurt in between. It's never too late to change on both sides. Peace!

His face looks like he’s been in a fight with a girl with fingernails. Maybe the fight is what caused the car wreak and she ran away from him after the wreak so he didn’t bother looking for her.
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His face looks like he’s been in a fight with a girl with fingernails. Maybe the fight is what caused the car wreak and she ran away from him after the wreak so he didn’t bother looking for her.
I agree on the scratches. However if she did run off why not just say so. Certainly more believable than the hiking story.
i guess the bf's dad is letting the fellow get used to jail rather than bail him out which is a good thing but to be honest i've been thinking about what the public might learn about the bf and possibly allyson if he was out and had some microphones/cameras to deal with. i wonder if the resident who found the bf sleeping in his truck and gave him a ride home was surprised to learn later that day the fellow had been arrested for stealing a vehicle and maybe thought about it might be time to start locking his truck at night. he certainly was lucky he had not left his keys in the truck that night. there's no doubt in my mind that probably the only person i've seen/heard/read in this whole story that didn't give a damn about allysons well being is the creep she decided to go with that night. seems that is a wonderful community with top notch LE. i'm hoping allyson returns. in the meantime i hope LE interviews the bf's dad and has him explain exactly what they did when they searched for allyson that afternoon. MOO.
Looks like this case will slow down at this point. It will be up to family and volunteers to continue any searching.

Watterson Search Suspended | News Radio 1190 KEX

The Sheriff's Office says the decision to suspend that phase of the investigation was made after the search and rescue teams spent thousands of search hours covering an area of about 1,600 acres.

Detectives continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding Allyson’s disappearance. If new information comes to light or new areas to search are identified, the search and rescue teams may be recalled to continue their efforts.​
However, all of that land is private property, and during the last PC they made a point of mentioning two different times that people were not allowed to go search without permission from the landowners.

I think they’re very much discouraging people from searching in the Old Pumpkin Ridge area.
I don't know about y'all, but if I find some dude sleeping in one of my vehicles, or anywhere else on my property, I mean dang, don't you think YOU would call the police?

Or did the guy that found this guy sleepin' in his truck, did he call police or not?

Either way, in this day and age, I can't see me just goin' ahead and givin' the guy a ride home....seriously? Would you?

Plus, I don't believe this missing girl to be anywhere near the area any more. I think SAR k9's tracked her scent to an obvious point of departure, meaning, to a spot where she entered a vehicle and left the area, by choice of force.
Where was the credit card used, I wonder... And, whose was it?

DEC 29, 2019
Search suspended for missing 20-year-old woman; 5 days reveals no sign of Allyson Watterson

After being seen with Watterson on Sunday, Benjamin Garland, 21, was next spotted by another homeowner, who found him asleep in the homeowner’s vehicle early Monday morning. After Don Garland called deputies at around 5:30 p.m., police responded and found the son near a vehicle that turned out to be stolen. Benjamin Garland was arrested on multiple charges, none related to Watterson’s disappearance, and is in Washington County jail. Jail records show that he’s been charged with four counts of probation violation and five counts of failure to appear, along with new counts of possession of a stolen vehicle, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, theft, and fraudulent use of a credit card. He pleaded not guilty to the new charges in court this week, according to jail records.


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