OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

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Mr. Kelley was interviewed by the media about Kyron missing. He lives approximately a half mile from the Horman house. He was interviewed by the media, and he said that he saw a white truck come down his dead-end road at about 3PM the day Kyron went missing, and then later that night, at 2AM, he saw the truck again. But a woman on the road let her dog loose, and the truck left.

That's the sum total of Mr. Kelley's involvement in this case.

About the white truck, there was a white truck taken from the Horman residence today on a roll-back truck. However, there is nothing to suggest that the Horman truck was the same that Mr. Kelley saw.


The video of the truck was released yesterday, and the reporter said taken YESTERDAY then, so that would put it on Monday as someone here posted earlier today. The truck was taken to a dealership for repairs, not by LE personnel. The media has had two days to follow up on this and to report any contradiction to the story. So, unless they are doing bad job of being reporters, they must have confirmed it is at the dealership by now.

Does anyone know if the neighbors were interviewed & said their house was searched or did the press assume it? Just wondering if investigators went into their house to talk to them vs. searched. Interesting either way.
I am wondering about the mum-ness of LE in this case. I admit I don't know what percentage of cases are conducted this way. I'm trying to think of possible reasons LE feels more media coverage would be detrimental in this case. GrainneDhu made some good comments earlier about a perp messing up time frames, and possible weak defense testimony. Are there other reasons and/or scenarios in which less public info is better? For instance, If there was someone else seen with Kyron at the school by *anyone*, what would it hurt to release a sketch or description? If someone saw suspicious activity at Sauvie Island, what could it hurt to alert visitors to Sauvie Island to be on the lookout for any strange vehicles or behavior? Why not release descriptions of 3 or 4 makes/models of vehicles that may have been tipped on? Even if LE knows maybe only one of them is suspected? Let's say they have nothing: why not say so? If there is a possible RSO or Un-RSO at large, why tell the public that the case is isolated? As a parent, I think that's where public safety trumps investigative privacy. *sigh* It is very frustrating, and I believe most everyone really wants to help. We just need some tools.
Debs, I agree with you and and understand where all the posters are coming from as far as what to do when a child doesn't return home on the bus. Those close to me, including my many children, have told me I panic too much, and too quickly. They remind me of this even as they are reaching adulthood and beyond. So, it is just my first thought to call 911 and then start doing all I can. Not saying I am correct, just panic-y.

I realize I must come across a judgmental regarding what we know of the Horman's actions, or lack of action. It is hard to separate emotionally.

Not judgmental at all; I was once locked down in a broom closet near the gift store at the Seattle Zoo when my son, who had been reading books in the aisle next to me suddenly was gone. After an hour of zoo-lockdown and me screaming at these people to let me (a claustrophobic) out of the damn closet and call the police, my son was found happily in the giraffe area. The word panicky doesn't even cut it. I was nearly in need of a tranquilizer gun to get me to calm down. I hear there are people who can funnel their anxiety ....... I am not one of them.
Adding to the databank of "what innocent parents do if their child does not arrive home from school".

When I was in first grade, the teacher was a two faced bully. She acted sweet as pie if there were adults around but when it was only her pupils, she was truly awful. And no, not one of us complained.

One afternoon she had a fit just before school ended for the day and tipped over my desk and the desk of the other kid who was her particular target, a boy with a cleft palate. The bell rang, the other kids fled the room and she told us "you can go home when you have picked up your desks." Then she left.

Fifty years ago, most kids walked or were bussed. I was a walker and it was about a half mile to school.

When I failed to arrive at the expected time, my mother verified with the little girl next door who was paid to walk home with me that I hadn't been around after school. Then she flung on her coat and charged off to the school.

Now, my mother was eight months' pregnant at the time and she didn't even bother to change out of her slippers. In the winter. She got to that school so fast that she was the person to discover us in the classroom, comforting each other and trying to pick up our desks (too heavy for both of us to lift together).

It didn't even occur to her to call 911 (which our town had; not all towns did 50 years ago). It didn't occur to her to ask her neighbour for a ride or to call my father at work for a ride. It didn't occur to her to call the school. Her little girl was missing and her first instinct was to get to my last known location.

And she must have run to get there so fast. Eight months' pregnant and in the winter.

So to me, it makes total sense that the Hormans immediately drove to the school. That's was the last place anyone saw Kyron, that's where to start looking. Sure, maybe there are more logical ways to solve the problem but at a time like that, people don't always run on logic.
So, at this point there is no confirmation that this person even lives in the area that he claims to live from the media interview, correct? Or, for that matter that his name is even JK, since he was not asked for any ID at all.

BTW, I went out to run errands for a bit. Since I kept getting stopped at all the lights, I started counting white trucks. There were 18 in a five mile drive! That would be 29 if I added the 11 white Suburbans I saw, and then there were about 8 white trucks that I did not count at all because they had clearly marked business logos on the sides. So, we can pretty well say that since LE has never indicated they are interested in the driver of a white truck, any association with this case AT ALL is speculation and rumor.

Where has it been reported that the witness was not asked for his ID, raeann? Why do we doubt he lives where he says he lives?

LE has indicated next to nothing in this case. Not to us, the public, anyway.

Did I miss something?
We shouldn't be. I think people just wanted his address at first so they could place the suspicious truck siting on the map. I don't think the man has any bearing on this case whatsoever except that he volunteered at the beginning that he saw a white truck on his street twice and it was suspicious to him.

This brings a point up that I want to make.

When an arrest is made in this case, I would not want to be that person. The community has done so much to help find Kyron and to care for the children who have been affected by his loss--to report suspicious sightings, to allow LE agents to search their property without a warrant, to comfort children who have lost their buddy.

This case has caused awful emotional damage to those children. In a news report I just saw yesterday, one mother talked about how her son could not sleep, and when he does, he has nightmares.

The damage that has been done to this community, and every member in it--especially the youngsters--will be difficult for many to heal from. Right now, school is out, but with no arrest and no more info that has been released, kids can't go outside and be carefree to play, and parents have to make plans on where to take their kids for outings based on whether they feel secure there.

When the suspect is finally known and the truth begins to come out, I hope that this community can begin to heal, can begin to trust again, and that the children will remember their friend as a cool little guy, instead of as a child who was taken causing paranoia, nightmares, and distrust in the Skyline community.

Maybe the only good thing to come from all of this is that Skyline school has new security measures, though those measures cannot protect a child who most likely was not taken by a stranger, but left willingly with someone he trusted, and quite possibly loved. If that is the case, even if Skyline had been a fortified bunker that day, no amount of security would have saved his life.

My opinion, based on my views.
Adding to the databank of "what innocent parents do if their child does not arrive home from school".

When I was in first grade, the teacher was a two faced bully. She acted sweet as pie if there were adults around but when it was only her pupils, she was truly awful. And no, not one of us complained.

One afternoon she had a fit just before school ended for the day and tipped over my desk and the desk of the other kid who was her particular target, a boy with a cleft palate. The bell rang, the other kids fled the room and she told us "you can go home when you have picked up your desks." Then she left.

Fifty years ago, most kids walked or were bussed. I was a walker and it was about a half mile to school.

When I failed to arrive at the expected time, my mother verified with the little girl next door who was paid to walk home with me that I hadn't been around after school. Then she flung on her coat and charged off to the school.

Now, my mother was eight months' pregnant at the time and she didn't even bother to change out of her slippers. In the winter. She got to that school so fast that she was the person to discover us in the classroom, comforting each other and trying to pick up our desks (too heavy for both of us to lift together).

It didn't even occur to her to call 911 (which our town had; not all towns did 50 years ago). It didn't occur to her to ask her neighbour for a ride or to call my father at work for a ride. It didn't occur to her to call the school. Her little girl was missing and her first instinct was to get to my last known location.

And she must have run to get there so fast. Eight months' pregnant and in the winter.

So to me, it makes total sense that the Hormans immediately drove to the school. That's was the last place anyone saw Kyron, that's where to start looking. Sure, maybe there are more logical ways to solve the problem but at a time like that, people don't always run on logic.

Please tell us that b**ch was fired!!! It makes me sick to think of the bullies that masquerade as teachers!!!

Oh, and God Bless your mother!!!!
oops, now i'm confused. i thought it was his house and area that was searched because of the tip. sorry. and i've been reading everything. another person's house was searched?

Lots of other houses have been searched, media spoke to a number of them in the first few days. LE reported early on and since then that private property owners were allowing them to search and no one had refused them access. Within the last 4 days or so, there have been media interviews with several people whose homes on SI have been searched. If the house that posters feel is the one searched Monday is a rental property, I would assume that the renter felt he needed to contact the actual owner to get permission. Or, perhaps the renter was out of town and there was no one home to give permission at an earlier time.

Where has it been reported that the witness was not asked for his ID, raeann? Why do we doubt he lives where he says he lives?

LE has indicated next to nothing in this case. Not to us, the public, anyway.

Did I miss something?

I did not say I doubted it, just that it has not been confirmed. Many times since that very first day, numerous posters have tried to verify his address information and have been unable to do so as someone else is listed where he said he lives. The not being asked for an ID is my OPINION because I have coordinated media interviews for others dozens of times, and none of those people have been asked for any kind of ID.
He has no position at the school, he was a random person interviewed by media who volunteered to be interviewed. He did not even remotely allude to knowing the family at all.
RANDOM? I don't see how this witness, along with his neighbor, could have just been stumbled upon. He (Mr. Kelley) or the neighbor, or both, must have contacted the media and or LE about the suspicious truck that came on their dead end road two times; during a time while Kyron was thought to be at school and at 2:00 am the next morning, once Kyron had been reported missing.

my very strong opinion
Lots of other houses have been searched, media spoke to a number of them in the first few days. LE reported early on and since then that private property owners were allowing them to search and no one had refused them access. Within the last 4 days or so, there have been media interviews with several people whose homes on SI have been searched. If the house that posters feel is the one searched Monday is a rental property, I would assume that the renter felt he needed to contact the actual owner to get permission. Or, perhaps the renter was out of town and there was no one home to give permission at an earlier time.


that is what is confusing. i have been thinking the whole time it was areas around houses, not inside the houses themselves. my bad!! thanks for clarification. also, i live so far away and cannot wrap my mind around the maps correctly. (my family always say i couldn't find my way out of a paperbag, lol) I shouldn't be posting on here, cuz i goof up alot, lol!

wishing and praying for kyron. he is such a cute lil guy. good luck to all you sleuthers on this case.
I've posted a few times asking about the teacher/sub situation and have not seen a reply from anyone. This leads me to believe either 1 of 2 things.. either that has not been clearly documented by the media (what transpired) or it's such a stupid question no one is bothering with it. :blushing:

It would be very suspicious to me, and a road I would hope LE would go down quickly after Kyron went missing, if the main and usual teacher was there in the morning and left and a sub was called/came in. Where did she go and why (if this is the case)? What about polygraphs on her or checking her alibi and vehicle?

I don't know why it's bothering me so much.. i think that I can't find any information on it and in previous articles I think I remember reading that the main teacher left and it was a sub that noticed he was missing and something about the main teacher saying not to worry he's likely in the bathroom or something?

Total speculation and trying to recall exact details.. I'm just hoping someone can clear this up for me so I can move on from it.

As far as the white truck thing goes.. Personally I am not concerned really with the fact if it was the Hormans truck or not persay.. I am more interested in the times.. that the dead end backs up to water and this truck was extremely out of place both times - shortly after a boy has gone missing. That, to me does not seem like a coincidence.. it seems like something fairly relevant.. regardless. As far as WHO was driving it, i'd reckon it's hard to see at 2am for one.. but hair color should not come into play.. plenty of wigs in the world. I would have hoped that forensics were done on possible tire tracks this truck would have left etc. It does sound like they've searched the area. Even if he was not left there.. this very well could have been someone looking for a place to leave a body. (god it turns my stomach to even type that)..

I really hope he's out there and alive. It really is possible. Maybe there is a whole other aspect none of us know anything about.

I just keep praying for his safe return. If anyone can help me out on my questions about the teacher/sub I'd really appreciate it. Sorry for rambling. I too have a little boy (almost 6) and I just can't focus on anything right now.. i'm filled with worry for this sweet little boy.

Edit to add - Thread going so fast I see Raeann replied on the Sub situation - thank you. Must have been posting at the same time.
This leads me to believe either 1 of 2 things.. either that has not been clearly documented by the media (what transpired) or it's such a stupid question no one is bothering with it.

If the info hasn't been released by LE or no witness has publicly provided detailed info about the substitute teacher/situation that day, then it's a safe bet to assume that no one here knows the answer to your question.
Not judgmental at all; I was once locked down in a broom closet near the gift store at the Seattle Zoo when my son, who had been reading books in the aisle next to me suddenly was gone. After an hour of zoo-lockdown and me screaming at these people to let me (a claustrophobic) out of the damn closet and call the police, my son was found happily in the giraffe area. The word panicky doesn't even cut it. I was nearly in need of a tranquilizer gun to get me to calm down. I hear there are people who can funnel their anxiety ....... I am not one of them.

Oh my god, debs, I would have exploded!

My son was stung by a wasp when he was five. I rushed him to the hospital because he was turning blue around his mouth, and I was scared that his airways might become constricted. I telephoned the hospital to tell them I was on the way, to have someone ready for my car when we got there. When we arrived, a nurse was ready to take my son from me, which he did...I left the car, but the doors to go directly into the ER had already closed, so I went in through the main ER lobby entrance... I told the lady to open the door so I could get back to my son. She said, No, you have to fill out insurance pprwork first. I threw a fit, banged on the doors, and told her to open the doors or I was going to break then down. Which she did immediately. And I knew my son was with health professionals! But he was MY SON and I wanted to be with him when decisions were being made.

Debs, I cannot imagine how crazy you were during that period. It is a feeling that grabs your spine, sucks the saliva out of your mouth, and takes your breath away. I have been there before--if only for a few seconds.

Even my almost 10 year old Honda has sensors that give warnings that something is going wrong with my car.

Over the 40 years of owning cars and we were poor and young, I never had a car die in the driveway. On the road, yes. Somewhere else, yes.

But it was no surprise, even before the days of sensors. I was just praying the car would keep going before it died .

Most mechanical things in a car give warning before they go. Your starter doesn't usually just quit one day. It does erratic stuff. Same with the water pump.

Nope most don't die in the driveway but if you hear noises you might prefer to have them come and get it rather than drive it again and take the chance.

ot but we did have our motorhome tranny go out as we pulled in the drive after a trip over to Rainier, Wa last summer. Very unusual and we were thankful. No noises or any warning. The tranny cable broke and we would have had to have a tow if it had happened at any other point in the trip.
Nothing weird about it. They DID attend the vigil, but remained seperate because they don't know these strangers, but they know the people at the gym. They are friends with the owners and feel safe there. I wouldn't feel safe at a vigil that could be filled with all the people posting they think SM did it.


I personally think it is normal to be in a seperate room ... I don't even think I would go to a vigil (if my child was missing), as I am a person, who, when in pain, likes to be alone. I do not want anyone to talk to me OR look at me... who knows, there may be others out there like me.
If thats the case Desiree deserves a Oscar because to me she looks totally heart broken :(

I know.. I thought about that too. Just trying to think of different aspects and how he might be found alive and well.
This is my first post here. I have been lurking for a few days and have joined just today.

I am an elementary school principal and I have been drawn to this case because of the involvement of the school. I am here just out of my need to make sure we do everything we can to protect our students from harm when we are in charge of them.

We have 350 students at our small, rural school. At least weekly we have a student that doesn't get on the bus, fails to show up on time while walking, etc. We investigate these by calling the bus drivers on radios, calling teachers to the office or phone, calling friends of the students. Most times the child is found in a matter of minutes. Sometimes they are missing for 30 minutes or more but we usually have reports of who saw them last and are just waiting to get a hold of someone.

Our buses are equipped with radios. The radios did not come with the buses we had them installed after purchase. The radios cannot contact the police- they can only contact other radios in the district. All bus drivers, school secretaries, custodians, and administration have radios.

Often when we call the police we call on the non-emergency number so that it is not recorded and we ask they send a car to the school and we don't say why so that it does not go across the scanners and spread panic. Of course LE can reach us in a couple of minutes.

If we had a true emergency we would of course call 911 right away.

If the info hasn't been released by LE or no witness has publicly provided detailed info about the substitute teacher/situation that day, then it's a safe bet to assume that no one here knows the answer to your question.

That's the thing.. I know I remember reading something about it. Raeann replied that the school confirmed there were no subs in that day so it could have been a quote from a confused child.
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